Traceys Atkins attempt!

I have also burned more dinners than I would like to admit so at least you are in good company! Have a good day.:D
Hi all,
Glad to report no dinners have been burnt!!!;)
Weighed in today, not lost AGAIN not gained either though.
I feel i should have lost loads as i've stuck to this for so long!
Feeling a bit disheartened, which is not good as its my dads 60th birthday today & were going out for italian:eek: i was going to try & share a thin crust pizza with DD, but how i feel i may binge.
HELP, oh well i'll have to wait till next weeks weigh in now.

I've got a job interview in 2 weeks for a sessional creche worker, i would work at different creche's & nurserys in my area as and when they need me, a friend of mine works there and she works all the time she has to even turn some down, but they are not garenteed hours & i'm having a dilema as to leave my other job (with contracted hours) or try to do both!!! - thats if i get the job! I really wanted to leave my other job as i dont enjoy it & it has nothing to do with childcare (thats what i'm at college for) ultimately i want to work in schools but at least this job is a step in the right direction! sorry for going on any advice would be great!!!
I will try to get to posts later, its 11am & i'm not dressed yet!!
Take care everyone
Hello Chef Tracey,

My weight can vary dramatically. It depends on TOM and my sodium intake. Keep pushing the water, and you'll see results,

As for the job interview. Don't worry about it ntil you get the offer. I work contingent, no gaurantee of hours. I am able to work full time when i want. If it is something you will enjoy and will look great on your resume, consider it.

Take care,
HI all, Beth thanks for the advice. I need to have an idea of what hours i will be available to work when i go for the interview, i will write out a list of hours with my other job & without it.
Didnt do so well with my eating this weekend, we went to the Italian restaurant for dads 60th, i had a ham, pepperoni & mushroom thin crust pizza (to myself) followed by cheesecake, which is my all time favourite dessert, but not after this one!
It tasted sickly sweet and had raisens in it - i hate raisens, but being the typically polite English person that i am i ate it anyway & picked out the raisens!!! then sat back & moaned how much i had been looking forward to it & how much i had not enjoyed it.
On top of this was a load of guilt for eating something i shouldnt have:( oh yeh i had 2 bottles of red wine too:eek:
Then last night i ate a piece of dads chocolate birthday cake!!
I am trying to get back on to plan but i have to admit i'm feeling a little disheartened right now what with not losing on the scale too. I pray i will have lost this week - not likely after this weekend though, perhaps i'll just pray not to gain!
Breakfast, Atkins bar
Lunch, cheese, ham, tomato & mushroom omlette
Dinner, chicken & veg
Good morning Tracey!

I love cheesecake too and a bad piece of cheesecake makes me mad!:mad: ;) Seriously though, I don't think that you did too badly this weekend. Remember, birthday cake has no calories in it!;) :crazy:

This is a brand new week! Try your best to get back OP and that scale will cooperate with you.::yes:: By the way, have you been taking measurements? I know that sometimes when the scale doesn't go down for me and my measurements do, I feel better. Just a thought.

Have a great day Tracey!:sunny:

OK, Tracey, chin up!! You've had a bit of a bump in the road but now it's time to get back to business. ::yes:: You CAN do this and you WANT to do this.

Make today a good one, OK?? :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Hi Tracey,

Ok, so you went off program, and feel guilty about it. Now absolve yourself of the guilt. Say a hail Mary, do a good deed, whatever. Now, you are guilt free. You can and will get back OP because you want to be healthy. Weekends are really hard because you aren't in your routine. Think about things that you can do to make the weekends easier. Thursday evening cut up veggies and cheeses so you have easy snacks. Plan your meals ahead of time. When special occasions pop up, give yourself some leeway. No one is 100% perfect. Just do your best.
I agree with the others. Move on and regroup. You will be ok. I just love cheesecake and cake so I wouldn't have been able to resist! I need to regroup too so maybe we can do it together! This halloween candy is killing me and my new way of life! Oh well, tomorrow is another day!
:teeth: Thanks guys,
Well i'm glad to report that i have finally lost some pounds this week, after not losing (or gaining though) for 3 weeks, today i have lost 3 lbs :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
and i have gone done a size YIPEEEEEE i managed to get in a pair of trousers that havent fit me for 3 years!!!
And i,ve finaly gone under the 12 stone (168lb) mark, which has been a kinda of a milestone for me, i now weigh in at 165lb :teeth:

Well i took my daughter back to the doctor with a water sample for a check up on her water infection, i sat there telling the doc how she has been fine & no pain, & he took one look at the water sample and said without even testing it that it was too cloudy and when he tested it he said she still has an infection, so now she has 3 bottles of antibiotics to take, and the water sample has been sent off & we have to take another one in next week, it was such a shock as DD says she feels fine, just hope its nothing to worry about - i'm a worrrier!

Our Disney holiday & cruise tickets STILL havent come yet, & we travel in less than 2 weeks!! Starting to worry about that too!!!!
I'm harassing the travel agents but they just say 'dont worry we'll ring when they come' well i am worrried & i want them NOW
I'm also impatient!!!
Way to go Tracey!!!:jumping1: Congratulations on the 3 lb. loss!!! That is great!

Did your tickets arrive yet? I bet you are getting so excited for your trip! I know I'm getting pretty excited about mine.:teeth:

Have a great day today! Take care!

Hey congrats on that weight loss. Sorry to hear your daughter still has an infection. My daughter was on antibiotics for a longggggggggggg time because she had constant infections. Ok this is gross but does she get constipated too? The pediatric urologist said there is a correlation between that and constant bladder infections. I don't remember but did your daughter go for any further tests? Good luck with all of that.

Don't worry about the tickets, they will come.
Hi Tracey,

Congrats on losing those pounds.:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc That is awesome. I know that you were getting a bit frustrated. I bet you look fabulouse in those pants.

I'm sorry to hear that DD still has the UTI. At least she doesn't have any symptoms. How long will she be on antibiotics? I know that you are going back next week, but if it hasn't cleared up, you may want to see if the antibiotics can be continued though your trip. There is nothing worse than being ill and needing meds while in a foreign country.

I bet the tickets come tomorrow.

Take care,
Hi all, sorry i've not been around for a while been ill & busy packing & then Sunday i sliped and fell!!! Glad to report no broken bones!!
DD water infection seems to have cleared up, doc has kept her on low dose antibiotics whilst were on holiday & when we return she has to go for a routine scan.
Tickets are all here & everything is crazy at the moment, sorry i havent got to many journals.
Well i'm gonna sign off for now we go to Disney Friday and wont be back till 6th December, take care all,
Tracey XXX

Oh by the way still being pretty good with the diet but not had chance to weigh myself!!! not looking forward to getting on the scales when i return:teeth:
Hey Tracey! It's good to see you! I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well and took a tumble! :(

I am glad to hear that your daughter is doing better though and that you have been staying on plan! :Pinkbounc

You have a fantabulous time on vacation and enjoy that cruise for me. You have to tell me all about it when you get back! :)
Hi Tracey:wave2:

I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. Sorry about the fall too. I hope that you are doing much, much better on both accounts.:hug:

I bet you are so excited!!!! Pretty soon you'll be in WDW! Tracey, I pray that you and your family have a safe and relaxing trip.:grouphug: Enjoy yourselves!!!

Have a great time!::MickeyMo +::MinnieMo +:sunny: =:Pinkbounc

Take good care of you!:hug:

Hi Tracey,

I just wanted to wish you a safe journey and a fabulous trip. I hpe you are feeling much better, and getting lots of rest. You'll need it for your holiday. We'll want details in December.;)

Have a great time,
Hope you are having a great time on your Disney trip, Tracey! We all want to hear about it when you get back next month.:sunny:
Hey Tracey!

I know exactly how that goes... I always try to lose weight by summer time... but there's just no use in me trying... it's so difficult! Well, I hope everything works out for you sweetie! Have fun!

With Love <3,
Tracey, are you home yet? I want to hear about your cruise! <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Cruising' border=0></a>
Hi guys i'm back!
Had a fantastic holiday highlights:
Osbourne lights
Meeting Darci & family (a family my DD & i have been e-mailing for about 8 months prior to the cruise & we finally got to meet)
I'm afraid the diet (i hate that word!) went down the drain, i've not even got on the scales since we got home but i know in my clothes i've gained i think i'm proberbly back to square one! But i'm going to enjoy christmas and get back into things after the new year - like daring to get on those scales!
I will try & catch up on everyones journals as soon as possible, but i have a ton of college work to get done! Back down to earth eh! :guilty:
Hope everyones doing fine & merry christmas to you all :grouphug:


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