Tracey's wedding weight loss attempt (comments welcome & needed!!)

Tracey, how awful about Gary's mom. I am so glad she's okay but I bet that scared her and must have been awful for his brother to watch her fall like that. Women are tough!

Ice is the worst, I'd take 20" of snow anyday over ice. I am glad you didn't go to spinning, its not worth venturing out in that sort of mess! Do you have DVD's at home you can work out to as a back up?

Hope your weather starts to improve, I bet those kids miss you and after awhile, snow days are not that much fun.:sad2:
Sending more healing :wizard::wizard: for Gary's mum.

Please don't worry about not spinning yesterday. :hug: It sounds like the roads were super icy. It's better to stay home and be safe. ::yes:: How is your instructor by the way?

Glad the temps are warming up for you this weekend! :sunny:

Have a nice weekend, Tracey!:hug:
Hey Tracey...Sending speedy recovery wishes to DMIL. She sure sounds like a tough lady!

You're doing great, despite the crappy weather lately! Keep on rockin' it out girl. :woohoo:
I think missing one spinning class will be OK. You need to keep yourself alive to continue working out! :laughing:

How terrifying for Gary's mother, I am glad she is OK. :hug:

I bet you are so excited to have those tickets in hand!!! :woohoo:
OMG, Gary's mum is in my prayers.

I'm sure it feels good to have those tickets in hand.
Thanks for all the well wishes for DMIL :grouphug: - had to have ambulance out to her again today, she was complaining of chest pains - thought it was proberbly bruising from the fall, but better to get her checked out - luckily we were right, so they just gave her stronger pain killers!

Amy - i have wii fit - just didnt use it - thought about it after missing spinning but that was as far as i got!!
WI on friday - 2lb gain :scared1:
i cant blame one spinning class - the snow has stopped me walking/cycling to work for the last 2 weeks, & i havnt been running out doors for nearly 6 weeks, & food hasnt been great, so all in all 2 lb wasnt that bad -either way it gave me the kick up the rear end i need! after friday dinner.....

b/fast - cereal - 250 cals
snack - banana/choc -200cals
lunch - sandwich, lf yogurt, pineapple -550 cals
dinner - ordered in chinese - duck in plum sauce with rice, 2 prawn toast, 1 smll chk leg!!! 2 red wines! - 7 chocolates, no idea on cals!!

cals - 1000 before dinner proberbly double that with the chinese!!

no exercise :(

b/fast - cereal
lunch - soup, 1 slice bread, lf yogurt - 350 cals
dinner - 2 lf sausages with veg, baked potato with lf cheese - 500 cals

exercise - 900 cals at gym :banana:

b/fast - cereal - 250 cals
lunch - spagetti bolognase - made with wholewheat pasta & quorn mince, lf tomato sauce, 2 pieces of crusty bread with lf cheese on , lf yogurt - 700 cals
dinner - homemade pizza - wholewheat thin base, topping 1 tbl sppon lf tomato sauce, mushrooms, spring onion, tomato, tuna, lf cheese, lf choc mousse -400 cals

The snow has finally gone :woohoo: i'm actually looking forward to being able to walk to work tomorrow :)

total cals - 1400
exercise - 25 min walk
I'm glad everything is OK with DMIL! :hug:

It's nice to hear you are finally snow-free and able to walk to work. I know those 2 lbs will be gone in a hurry once you get back to your workout routine.
I'm glad that your DMIL is doing okay. Sending more prayers and :wizard: for a quick healing. I hope she's feeling better soon!:goodvibes

Great job on your workouts!:cheer2:

We're getting a break from the snow too!:banana:

Hope you have a great week!:hug:
just a quickie to log food!

b/fast - cereal - 250 cals
snack - banana, piece of choc cake - 250 cals
lunch - prawn salad, lf yogurt, strawberries - 400 cals
snack - 4 crispbreads, fruit juice - 250 cals
dinner - salmon, salad & boiled potatos, lf choc mousse - 500 cals

total cals - 1700
exercise - walked to work (25 mins), JOGGED home (15 mins), 15 mins incline run on TM & 45 min spinning class :banana:

Its the 1st time i've jogged outdoors in almost 6 weeks!! & its the 1st time i've jogged home from work, took a change of clothes to change into at home time & had my backback on - loved it :)
might go on the bike tomorrow :)

gotta dash DH needs computer!
Forgot to add - i pre-booked my seats for the flights for WDW :) another job done :)
Tracey, I am so glad it was just bruising with your dmil, but that must have been scary. So much better to be safe than sorry!

You'll have that two pounds off in no time now that you can walk and jog outside again. Winter weather is tough to stay on program in.

Glad you got your seats booked!:cool1:
Your trip will be here before you know it! Now the hard part - waiting for the date to arrive...

I envy you being able to walk/bike to work. I could bike to work if I didn't have to take the kids to school (it's about 5 miles). But in the summer when they are on break, it's so stinking hot that I would be a puddle of sweat by the time I got to work... :confused3

Keep it up with those workouts! :thumbsup2
I'll bet it felt sooooo good to get back outside! Did you get out on the bike today?

Glad to hear all is well with DMIL. That had to be so scary.
i'm afraid i didnt go on the bike today - was too upset after someone got on my back garden, covered the security light with a hanging basket & tried to break into the shed!! - which has my bike in it!
luckily nothing taken - dont know if they got disturbed, they left the light covered & step ladders against the fence, i'm just SOOOOoooo mad & upset - nothing like this has ever happened to us before & we have always felt so secure here, to make things worse DH is working tonight - sleepless night for me :(

b/fast - cereal - 250 cals
snack - banana, choc bar - 200 cals
lunch - tuna/sweetcorn sandwich, lf yogurt, strawberries - 550 cals
snack - cereal bar, lf hot choc drink - 250 cals
dinner - chk fatighas with homemade potato wedges, lf choc mousse - 600 cals
total cals - 1800 cals
exercise - went to gym - 650 cals

stupid weird lump thing in chest/throat is back - along with a fuzzy head :(
off to try & sleep!
Oh my, how scary! :hug: Did you call the police? Maybe they can have someone patrol the area for some peace of mind.

Where on earth are you getting strawberries this time of year? Are they frozen? :confused:
:hug: Tracey,

That is scary!:eek: I'm glad that everyone is okay and that nothing was taken. :hug: Did you call the police? Like Amy said, maybe they can step up patrols in the area for awhile.

I hope you start feeling better soon. :hug: Try and get some sleep, my friend!:hug:
well another sleepless night - DH was working 1am - 4am, so i slept with the light on & was waking up every hour listening for noises, DH comes to bed at 4.30am & at 5am we hear someone clambering over the fence - i shot out of bed & looked out the window - couldnt see anything but then saw a shadow moving, 1 min later my neighbour called, as they had heard the same thing & her DH saw someone on my garden, went into DD's room that looks over front of house & neighbour opposite is up as her car alarm has gone off :scared1:
So i called the police - they came out & checked garden for us to make sure they had gone, couldnt find any signs of trying to break in anywhere so we either scared them off or i just have some sick prowler!!!

on top of having no sleep - my nose & eyes wont stop running & i have blocked synasus (SP??)
& my throat hurts when i swallow - feels ''thick''!!!

Dh has ordered an alarm for the shed (we do have it locked & a security light on it) till that arrives he's nailed the shed shut! & i have left ****y traps on the garden ;) dreading tonight though as i know i wont sleep :(
DD is freaking out too - which upsets me - she has always felt secure in her home & now she doesnt, DH went to pick me up from spinning - she was home, heard a noise & locked herself in the bathroom till we got back :sad2:

b/fast - cereal - 250 cals
snack - banana, choc bar - 250 cals
lunch - prawn salad, lf yogurt, strawberries - 400 cals
snack - 3 crispbreads - 200 cals
dinner - chk/bacon pasta bake, 2 smll slices crusty bread - 700 cals

total cals - 1800 cals
exercise - 15 min incline run on TM, 45 min spinning class

Amy - strawberries from supermarket - they're fresh, but proberbly shipped over from somewhere like spain - expensive too but i love em :)

Tracy - police didnt say they would come back & patrol but kinda hoping they will drive down tonight!! i should have asked really but all i was bothered about was had the person gone or were they still lurking in my garden!! we live in a cul de sac so no through road. luckily doesnt look like DH has to work tonight!
Tracey, that is awful! It seems almost like someone has cased you out and noticed you have a nice bike. I have been broken into and its very unsettling. I hope he takes the hint that you are onto this and leaves your shed alone!

Kinda makes you wish you could borrow someone's rottweiler to hang out there and wait for this jerk!

Hang in there.:hug:
Oh Tracey!:hug:

That is awful! :( I can't believe that they tried to come back and get into the shed again! :mad: I hope they realize that you guys are on to them and never come back!

I hope you were able to get some sleep last night and that you start feeling better soon. :hug:


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