Traveling with a big group...


Aug 1, 2001
Hi everyone,

I have a question for those who've done Disney "en masse". I've never been there with more than my immediate family (4 of us), but next year my husband and I are planning a trip for HIS family and my family together...which would be about 10-12 people. I can't imagine all of us traveling in a pack for the entire trip. Does anyone have suggestions on how they've handled large group vacations to WDW???

Oh--we're also a variety of ages--ranging from 2 to 52--and a variety of Disney experience. My family are WDW veterans, while his family has never been!

Is there hope for us to actually enjoy ourselves and not kill each other???? :)
I think that you all can have a good time. Pick a resort that is central and have some fun
Originally posted by grad_dis_nut
Is there hope for us to actually enjoy ourselves and not kill each other???? :)

LOL! Yes :).

I have done WDW with big groups and am going to meet my family there on Sunday. There will be 12 of us :). My parents, my sister and her family (husband & kids, 8, 3 & 2), her friend and my family (husband & kid 2).

I would recommend making a couple of PSs during your trip. No more than 1 per day, though. Make sure at least one is a character meal since everyone will enjoy that! Don't worry about traveling en-masse everywhere. It won't work. Just plan on meeting at specific places at specific times. FRS radios are really nice and will help you keep in touch. Since you are the experts it might be nice to take the newbies under your wing for the first couple of days. Just make sure that they know that you are not joined at the hip! People have different schedules. I once went with my in-laws who liked to sleep late when I was a "park commando". We once got to the MK at 11:00 am after much nagging and we were all grumpy. I was at the MK late and they were up early!

You'll have a great time as long as you remember that traveling with a group can take a lot of time!
My best suggestion is to break up into interest groups a couple of times a day. That way each person has a better chance of getting to do the things on their "must do" lists. One group might want to see the live animal things at AK, another group wants to concentrate on shopping and yet another is into the shows. A reshuffling of groups at least once a day keeps mixing people by interest and/or age. A regrouping at lunch or dinner brings everyone together to share details and perhaps change groups again. A plan but lots of flexibility in the plan may keep everyone smiling. And consider making sure each core family has some time "alone together" just to relax and vent if necessary. Someone has to "be in charge" some of the time, pass the honor around if you can. It's tiring to be the keeper of that many folks. And if everyone gets a chance to manage they're less likely to gripe at others suggestions.

Good luck with the blended families trip. ;)
Crazyforgoofy, that's an excellent point!! It's probably wise to let each family regroup alone at various times. I can see it all now...DH's family is going to think MY family is just plain crazy with our years of knowledge about the parks! ("Geez, they sound like they're speaking in code half the time with this 'Spectro' and 'priority seating' and 'plus features' stuff"!!)

I'm enjoying everyone's thoughts and comments! I'm so glad it seems like everyone has had a good experience splitting the groups. With everyone having cell phones, we should be able to reconvene with minimal problem. I like the idea of meeting for a meal or two.

I took 18 months to plan a trip for my family.

During the months previous to the trip I sent out little newsletters to each family and usually had a specific topic (i.e. saving money on food, one for each park with hints, tips, one on making PS's and other info, one of the first ones was on great information sitse like the DIS and each family was responsible for securing their own lodging) The closer we got the more specific the newsletter--i.e. the park ones I waited until last. Be sure to fully explain fastpass in one of them.

I also created a page at to enter copies of the newsletters and update information.

I booked the Illuminations cruises (you can book more than one boat at a time if available--if you can't get everyone on the same night it's still worth it to book them for separate nights--they will LOVE you!!!!)

I made PS's for each family, at the same restaurant as close to the same time as possible so that if one group didn't show the others weren't left waiting--also--you can save that automatic gratuity for large groups. We did have ONE meal that had one PS (Thanksgiving dinner)

I worked out an itinerary based on what my family would do if we were alone (which park which day, etc.) and sent it to everyone and told them--this is OUR plan--if you want to follow it that's fine--if not that's fine too. Most people bowed to my vast superior knowledge of WDW and at least followed the plan as far as which park on which day.

I also addressed non-aprk things to do in one newsletter (for that 'rest" day we built into theitinerary)--mini golf, dd, wtc.

We kept in touch through cell phones--which we always had OFF inside shows and attractions. We usually had a HIGH NOON call to everyone (I'd call my briother, who'd call my cousin, etc.) and a HIGH NOON meeting place--those who showed did those who didn't didn't.

IMHO--each family still need time to be their own family. If you don't hang with these people 24/7 at home you probably won't be able to for a week (and survivie). It's great to let everyone be able to do their own thing but have the capability to hook up if needed.

also--remember one of the main theme park rules: SMALLER GROUPS MOVE FASTER!!!!!! They can accomplish (see and do) moer than one big group travelling together.
Oh yeah--suggest that everyone give/receive/ask for Disney Dollars for birthdays, Christmas, etc. This can help build excitment and a fund for the kids to have their own spending money. I also only sent Disney themed cards (birthdays, anniversary, Christmas) during the entire pre-trip period.
Something else to keep in mind - will everyone be coming from the same time zone? A few years ago we traveled with friends to WDW. They came fro ma different time zone. They are used to taking the first day off to adjust to the time difference. On our last trip we were with different friends from the West Coast. Understandably they liked to sleep in every morning & we were ready to go. So we would usually agree on a meeting place between 11 a.m. & 1 p.m. & go on with the rest of our day together.

As for dining reservations all together ... don't be disaapointed if you do not all sit together. With a large group, it is sometimes hard to be together. From my experience the CMs will make an effort to sit you near each other.

I agree that you all need breaks from each other :).
At one part of our vacation, we will have 20 in our party!!! So, we had a big "Disney Meeting" at my house (I guess I am the unofficial coordinator of this trip) to go over a specific itinerary. For instance, my DS-in-L wanted to go to BB, yet everyone who will be accompanying her for the 2nd part of our vacation (some of us will be driving-they will be coming by plane) don't want to do that. I would have thought that she would have wanted to come with us to IOA, but she doesn't really want to do that, so we had to switch our "BB" day with our "IOA" day. Then, those who don't go to BB, will be staying at the resort by the pool for the day. When our "set" itinerary was completed, PS's and all, everyone got a copy. Now, we have a "game plan". Of course, there is always a chance that unforseen occurances may happen (ie: weather, etc.) so we have backup things that we can do. Finally, remember 3 important things:
1) you are NOT going to get to do EVERYTHING (always a great reason to return to WDW!)
2) sometimes you may have to compromise all little bit
3) you are on vacation ~ so, don't stress out!!
Just came back from a trip of 12 family members. One of the keys to our success was that all the adults had one of those two-way radios. This made it extremely easy when we split up. We could check in with each other later on and see if anyone wanted to meet up somewhere.

Of course, we also made it perfectly okay for each sub-family to split off and do their own thing. We did plan a few special meals ahead of time and decided generally which park and attractions to hit each day.
We're going with a large group too! 14 of us for six nights in October! We have 7 radios and PS for buffet-type dining (Chef Mickey's, Boma, etc)- the first night, the middle and last night along with one breakfast together. With that many people I thought it would be the best way to accomodate differing tastes and to split up the bills. The rest of the time we figure we would break down into smaller groups. Where we couldn't book all together (eg. WCC at WL) we made separate bookings for approximately the same time. We figure the first day we would go as a group just to get the first timers comfortable with the layout and transportation system. Then we are coordinating radio frequencies and meeting up for parades, fireworks and the scheduled dining. It has really helped to read through the posts to plan this trip - calmed my nerves too.
Hi There!

When we went to DW with a group we all wore the same colored Polo shirts one day. Believe me, it made a big difference spotting ones in your group. I had read about people doing this in several publications and snickered at it, but then one of my co-travelers said she has done this in the past with other groups. So we tried it and it worked out well for spotting each other (especially when my hubby wondered off).

Well thats my little suggestion.


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