Triathlon Thread 2009

Gotta say I am not looking forward this. It was considerably warmer (air & water) for my last two. I'm actually more concerned about being cold once I get out of the water. Little sun and temps in the 50's (Sat) does not exactly go well with being wet then getting on a bike.

Sandy - anything DS wants/needs has to be in transition. I'll actually be taking a towel to dry off and change shirts (will just pull off wet tank and pull on dry shirt - know the bra will still be wet but at least it's not the entire shirt).
Liz is right...anything needed has to be in transition. "Outside Aid" (i.e., people/spectators handing you stuff or taking your gear from you) is against the rules.

And she also has a good idea...putting on a dry top, even over a wet jogbra, will feel warmer if the air temp is cold. Sounds like the water might feel almost good if it's going to be cold outside! But getting on the bike will feel cold, so a dry top, or a jacket, or dry armwarmers will be a good idea.

The run won't feel as cold as the bike, since you generate more heat, and don't have the same wind effect as when riding.

Try to make the best of it and have fun! One of the good things is that you'll have good stories to tell about how you overcame the conditions!:goodvibes
Liz - That's exactly how I felt before the last one. It was 52 at the start, high was to be mid ot low 60s. I could not believe how warm I felt getting out of the water, though. I was originally going to put on a sweatshirt for the bike, but was so warm getting out that I didn't need to put on anything dry (and I don't have a wet suit). Prepare for the worst, as it will be windy, but know that it may not be as bad as it looks.
OMG, got our wave assignments. I start at 8:36 and dh at 9:04 am. We have to be OUT of tranition at 5:15 am!:scared1:
Alright, Chicago area did it go? Been thinking about y'all!!

Also,'s the IM countdown going?
Liz - So good to see you! Wish we coudl have talked longer. Missed Patrick. Hope he did ok!

Mike - Hope Madison was good!

Here's my report. Pix to follow. Not likely tonight. Thansk fro thinking of us Betsy!

My first Olympic distance. Wow, what a day. We had to be out of transition by 5:45 am, but I didn’t start until 8:36 and Scott did not start until 9:04. OMG, that’s a long time to think and wait. Usually, we get to transition pretty early to give us time. However, with the long wait, we only planned to give ourselves 45 min. Of course we were late getting out of the room and nothing seemed to be going right. However, I told myself that a half hour was plenty of time. Got to the line for transition about then. Would have been ok, but there were tons of people in line. Ugh. Should have learned from the kids races the day before that tit would not be that organized to get into transition. Still, I thought for the big races….. This caused me to freak out a bit. Then, they announced that there was an entrance with smaller line up the hill. Went there. Then, they said it was fro the sprint distance. Ooops. Oh well, not going down to the big line once I was almost at the front of the other one.

They had to check for our chip and that we had our number on our bike. I got the OK and headed in. The volunteer on other side of me (who was on wrong side to see my bike number (which was required ot be on the right grabbed me. I said that the man said I was ok and she gave me a nasty look and checked me again. As Scott pointed out, everyone could say that the said it was ok. However, being grabbed when I am frazzled and made to feel like I was doing something wrong, especially when she was on the wrong side to see my stuff almost sent me over the edge. Not that I was rude to her, but I about lost it with tears. I have never been this nervous for a race. I did not feel this nauseous fro my first full. Not the way I wanted the day to start. Plus, they just kept announcing how we would all be kicked out at 5:45 and should have set our alarms earlier, Still, they should have had more people checking and should have known people who start at 9 am will not be there at 4:15, especially as this race advertises being for beginners.

So, from there it seemed to get better. People In my rack were very friendly and that was nice. I could not believe it, though. I had issues finding my bike in my last tri, so Scott got me a Minnie balloon. Wouldn’t you know, there was the exact same on already in my row. Oh well, can’t go wrong in a double Minnie row, right?

Got transition set and headed to find Scott. We actually got out slightly after 5:45. Actually, people got setup and out very quickly once we got in. Got about ¼ of the way to the swim start, which was a good 1.5 miles away and Scott realized he still had his race shirt on. Ooops. He was able to get back in thank goodness. Of course, we were at the swim start when he looked at me and asked if I had meant to leave my skirt on. Grrr… I double-checked myself when Scott discovered his shirt and still hadn’t noticed that.

Now, there was a ¼ mile run from the swim finish to T1, so people were leaving shoes along a fence just after the swim out. I hadn’t wanted to leave my crocs, but as long as I had to leave my skirt there now, I might as well. They could not get mistaken for someone else’s then. (Yes, I’m sure there were hundred of pink Minnie Jane Crocs with Pooh Jibbitz.) Anyway, that seemed a good thing.

Surprisingly, time passed fairly quickly. We watched the spun heats. I was very surprised how many people used the rope on the wall during the swim. Made me feel a bit better if I did have to go to side stroke that at least I was still swimming. (Nothing against those people, I cheered for every one, as it can be so intimidating, jus felt a little more confident in myself) However, watching the others swim made me feel more and more nervous. Plus, it was an in water start and we had to tread water fro a bit before starting. Didn’t like the sound of that or the fact that the water was only 63. On the bright side, it was in a very protected harbor, so there was chop, but not really anything more than I get at the small lake at home.

Before I knew it, it was time to line up. Checked my stuff, said goodbye to Scott and got in line. Shortly thereafter, I saw Pat and Jim. I was so thrilled. I was so worried they wouldn’t recognize me in the swim, that I wrote my name on my cap like I has seen a few others do. :P. So thrilled to see them and so glad they were there.

My wave moved on. There were several very nice people in there that I chatted with and I got to see Scott again. Somehow, though, I moved up to the front without realizing. Not a good thing. All too quickly, it was time to jump in. I had such a hard time doing this. I almost asked someone to push me, but just sucked it up and did it. Although I was further front than I got more to the back when I go tin. Except, I forgot I was not going the same direction as the sprinters, so really moved myself more to the front. Ugh.

That mile swim was so darn intimidating. However, I was thrilled that I’d actually have scream teamers on the course. Plus, except for 0.25 miles, you swim along a wall that is filled with people. However, the water temp kind of sucked those happy thought-out of me. Luckily, we started right away. The first few strokes felt awful, but I was so worried about getting swim over and into and trying to get my rhythm, that before I knew it, it wasn’t so bad. Saw Scott on the way down. Yay!!!

I did about 4 stokes of side stroke at one point to catch my breath. Is till go at bit too caught up in starting fast. I also sighted a bit longer than necessary to catch my breath, but not too bad.

The way down went really quickly. I was getting my rhythm, siting well and not doing too badly. Didn’t realize that there was a bit of a current that way. Figured that out when I turned around. However, I had my rhythm and the artificial confidence that I was going pretty fast because I didn’t realize it was current pushing me. Oh well, I’ll take it however I can get it.

So, slow and steady I went. I think it helped that I had seen so many start out to fast and go to the wall, that I really drilled into myself how important it was to go easy. Before I knew it, I was half way. Woo hoo!

Pat and Jim were around that spot. I have never, ever had any desire to smile or extend any effort when I swam. I was so excited to see them, though, that I waved and smiled every time I spotted (which is fairly frequently) for quite some time. I was jealous, though, that they seemed to be having a leisurely stroll, while I was working my tail off to keep matching their pace. Then, I got a bit cocky, as I was so happy. Started doubling my distance between strokes. Before I knew it, I was in the safety boat area and about to swim off course. Bummer, I was one of those people that the boat people yelled at to get on course. Ugh. Lesson learned Back to my style. Form here, I was thrilled to se so much of Pat and Jim. However, you could see the finish for ¾ of a mile. So, it took forever. With the current going against me, I was losing steam. I turned to side stroke a couple times, but then people would catch me and really stir up the water and I found it was easier to return to crawl. OMG, I never thought I’d EVER say that!!!! Getting a bit more tired, though, so only looked for Pat & Jim about every other time sighting and I’m afraid I lost my smile. However, they will never know how incredible it was to have that support when I had never raced more than half that distance and had really only gone close in practice once. (I had done drill of a lot of short intervals that got me close, so I had a good base, but not doing it without stopping on too many occasions scared me a bit.

Now during the pre-race talk, they told you when you smelled diesel, you were getting close. SO, I was actually happy as a clam when I started tasting diesel (the harbor was a yacht club). Yeah, they lied. Oh well, I got a beautiful view every time I sighted. Finally, I was near the steps out. Now, there were people to give you a hand, but they were not supposed to pull/. I know I pulled, but the woman who grabbed me was hanging so far into the water that there is no way she didn’t pull some. All I can say is that she must have been dead at the end of the day. What a wonderful volunteer1!!! I lapped my watch and was not thrilled with the time, but still thrilled with the performance.

I got out and just wanted to cry I was so happy I was done. I’m really afraid to see what Jim’s pix look like because holding back the tears of joy were hard, I just kept saying “I did it!!!!!!!” to myself. Coming out and going up the step is hard, plus I was just so emotionally overwhelmed that I had to pause and catch my breath. A volunteer stopped to ask if I was ok. I told him I was fine. I tried to smile but the tears wanted to flow. I’m not sure what came out, but it must have been ok, because he said, “Now that’s what I like to see.” Cool. Big warm fuzzies.

After my little pause I started to jog. That’s normally tough for me, but I was doing pretty well. I got my crocs and shoes and started again. (Remember this is my ¼ mile jog to transition and transition is uphill). My shins started to cramp up, I think from keeping my crocs on. However, I am such a softie and never go bare foot and it seemed meant to be that I put my crocs there, that I decided just to deal with it.

Got into T1. Went the wrong way, but it was so well marked that I lost no time. Got my stuff together fairly quickly and was off . Grrr….Forgot to start my Garmin, although I did not think it would take long, as it had found itself when I set up. Famous last words, lots of trees in transition and they don’t like to find themselves while moving.

Started out of T1 and went immediately uphill. So glad they warned us of this in the course talk. Heading north on Lakeshore Drive. Beautiful! However, the wind was predominately from the north and it seemed like there were only uphill’s and not down. Ugh. What happened to gently rolling bridges? Now, the bike was north, n turn around and go south then turn around again part way, come back north and n south again. So, while I was not anywhere near the speed I wanted to be, I knew I start slow and I kept counting on the wind bind me to help make it up. At the turnaround, I was way tired and 0.5 mph bind goal.

OMG, the course rocked downhill!!!!!!!! I was going 5 mph faster and not working nearly as hard!! I was so thrilled that I finally remembered prayers of thanks for getting me through the swim and for letting the bike feel so good and for the friends thinking of me and the beautiful route and I don‘t know what else. I was flying high!!!!! I started looking for Scott and I wanted to tell him that it got way better on the downhill, but no time of course. Still, just seeing him on the course helped. Brought my average up 5 mph above goal and was thrilled to death.

I just kept telling myself that I just had one more shorter time to the north and I would more than make up for it again with the longer southbound finish. Woo hoo. I rocked the north. It wasn’t fun, but I only dropped under my goal pace once!!!! I was so thrilled. Changed my goal to 1 mph above original goal. I‘d see strugglers and tell them that northbound sucked but south was awesome so hang in there. Did I mention I was flying high!

Of course, I took a bump to hard and lost a Gu bottle that Scott had worked hard making a holder for. L Felt bad about that , but I knew he’d forgive me. I was going fast. :-D Rocked the bike. I should have been 1.5 mph over my original goal!!!!!

Approaching the 3 mile mark, I saw the front of the man. Ding! He ran the Super Sprint yesterday and n helped at my water station. How cool. Wish I had realized that when I could have said something. Oh, and he had done the sprint before the Olympic distance.. Wow.

So, I finally reached the 3 mile mark and was thrilled. OK, not thrilled but at least I was half way. Plus, at thins point, the more steps I put in in this direction, the less I put going back. Unfortunately, I remembered that back was all into the wind. Got to the water station just before the turn around and the volunteers said “You’re almost half way!” Um, no. We passed it, but they tried.

There were girls at the turn around who were great and said how great I was and that even better I was a woman and even better I had a skirt on. Lol. Funny, but I’ll take it! I was so happy that I should be able to see Scott now. I really wanted him to finish with me, as I was mentally gone. Miles were just not passing by for me. However, I told him that if he was doing well, not to hang with me. Tri’s are the only time he goes on his own and can do his best, instead of mine, so I told him not to stay with me. Not long after the turn at all, he was there, Yay!!!!! Then, I had to wait for him o catch up. I was moving so slow, though, it should not take long. Long enough, but finally he was there. I was so excited to tell him how I’d been doing and ask how he was. Yeah, he didn’t have to stay, but he had to stop and chat a bit. :P Bad me. I was so desperate , though. He said he was not having a great day. I was really bummed for him. I do have to admit, though, that I had a glimmer of hope that he would stay. Wouldn’t wish him a bad race in a million years, but mentally, I really needed him to stay. Finally, I told him he could go. He said, “If it’s ok with you, I’d like to stay.” Hallelujah!!!!!!!! The next miles were slow and torturous, but they went by a bit faster. About 1.5 to go, though, the outside of my knee started to hurt. L Pretty sure it was just because I was running on the wrong side of the path for me, but didn’t make me happy. Got to Soldier field and the aquarium, though and at least I knew we were getting close. Only 3 tenths or so to go. Picked up the pace from snail to turtle, Could see the finish. Yay! Could see my scream teamin’ angels. Yay!!! Made it!!!!!!!!! While it was a bummer to end on my worst part of the race. I did it!!! Plus, I know I gave it my all. Maybe too much in the bike, but it’s so fun to go fast on the bike. Wish I could have been closer to my ultimate goal time. Wish I could have been anywhere near my goal fro the run. It was too hot for me by run time, though, I know I gave it my all. Can’t be dissatisfied at all. Nope, I’m still thrilled. I DID IT!
I was sooo excited tos ee I was 4th in my division per teh website. ASdly, I clicked my results adn tehre were only 4 of us. :( Here are teh results. May not look great to the rest of the world, but I am still proud.

Clock Time 03:59:16
Overall Place 4038 / 4243
Gender Place 1182 / 1292
Division Place 4 / 4
Swim 00:57:06
Trans1 00:05:18
Bike 01:34:19
Trans2 00:04:03
Run 01:18:28
Swimrank 4173
Bikerank 3594
Mph 16.1
Runrank 4024
Pace 00:12:39

I just keep seeing that I beat a decent amount of people. :upsidedow
Great RR Carrie, and congrats!!

IM is two weeks from yesterday :scared1:. I did a mile in Lake Monona on Saturday, and am glad I got some experience going through the weeds...not fun, but as long as I stayed calm, it was fine.

Did the "sticks" out, one "loop" and the "sticks" back. I don't know WHY I thought the out and back portions were flat...they aren't! But I'm sure glad I know what to expect now!

I'm trying to rest and take good nutrition; I even stopped drinking alcohol 10 days ago (in an effort to drop another 5 lbs) but my weight is going UP...:confused3 so I'm a bit concerned about that, but it is what it is.

Again, thank you for the write up Besty...very helpful!
Carrie Well done!!!!! I was looking for your result yesterday online, but couldn't seem to find it. So glad that you had so many highs during the race. I'm really impressed.

that is awesome! Just reading it I could feel the emotion. I'm glad you are proud of your results, you should be. Look at the bike portion, you did rock.

Nice write up. Thanks,
Duane - Thanks. It was a wild ride. While I would have loved if my run was as great as the bike, I'm still thrilled. I had nothing left for the run because i gave my all earlier. So, while it would have been nice for the run not to have stunk, I am happy adn hope I didn't come across as down about anything. Just owuld have been awesome if the bike was last. ;)

Mike - Glad you got a good feel fro teh course. Don't worry abotu the weight. Eat healthy and you will be ok. Perhaps you're adding muscle? You will do awesome! I know you probably have some goals that you want to meet, but remember that finishing is a huge PR and you will be an Ironman. You know, I was really tempted to do teh half at Steelhead next year. After yesterday, though, there's just no way I could make the time to get ot a point where I could. It gave me adn even better appreciation fro your half iron. Full is somethign I cannot imagine adn just getting to that start is something that very, very few people will ever do. I know you will do grat. If something happens, though, you still rock in my mind!!!!
:woohoo: Carrie!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

:worship: Great Race Report - and yes, I bow down to you!! You are incredible!! I truly admire you!!

Tim and I enjoyed meeting up with you on Sat - what a crazy volunteer day - at least I felt needed! I was kind of upset that they didnt give us a ticket to the picnic they/Nate promised us! That was a bummer, but not that big of a deal!

I was surprised we bumped into you while wandering over for Ryan to start his swim - he was so nervous I couldnt keep up with him - When we got over to the area for the line up for waves DS said he had to go to the bathroom - that was the last we saw of him - and while dh and I were trying to "figure it out' Pat and Jim :goodvibes I meant to take a picture - but I'll admit to a bit of anxiety not being able to find my son - I kept thinking - is he stuck in a portapotty with "issues"? Is he just too nervous to just do it? (It was his first race ever, let alone a tri - he had been hospitalized for 10 days in Jan - he had a goal to rehab by doing a Tri!! :faint:)

Finally I told Pat and Jim we were going to walk and try to find him - then there was a big open space on the wall to watch the hundreds of thousands of swimmers go by - I knew ds had a short sleeve, short pant wet suit - and a white cap (each wave had a different colored cap - ds was wave 30 8:12 start time)

Like Carrie described - this was a 9 feet drop into portion of the lake - with the sun glare off the water - you could see some swimmers working so hard going nowhere - you had to cheer them on - the ones hanging on the rope I told them - you are doing it - not sitting on the sidelines thinking about doing - YOU are there!!

Then - there, that looks like my guy!! :yay: (at this point ds girlfriend, my dd and dh truly thought I was crazy) so I jumped up started taking pictures - and cheering him - he looked like a real swimmer (he was on the HS swim team - and made the UIC water polo team Friday!! :goodvibes) And when he got out of the water (He totally agrees with Carrie, he said a big burly dude yanked him out of the water "one minute I was swimming the next I was flying out and onto the path!!) took off his cap - that was my boy!! :goodvibes

He later said he couldnt believe how I found him, and it meant a lot that I was cheering him on - I now know from Carrie's report how hard he was working - and again from Carrie how important a Scream Team can be! - Sorry Carrie we didnt make it back for you - but we followed Ryan...

Like Carrie, going to the pre-race talk was helpful for DS - he again couldnt believe when he rounded the last bend before transition - there we were - dh held back to the start of the run from transition - another treat for DS -

Then we went to the finish line - it was crazy!! He came across as strong - and after getting his medal - he again loved knowing he could easily spot our YELLOW shirts, and dh yellow hat! he stayed there for a moment and hugged us - he finished in just under 3 HOURS!

His start was different from Carrie's - since we stayed at the Hyatt we were within 10 min walk of the transition area - so DH went with him to transition, and like Carrie said since we went to the Sat kids race he was prepared and got in early - got set up early - he said he'd set up by someone's balloon to help him!! :rotfl: and :goodvibes for Scott giving Carrie the Minnie Balloon :wizard: I have some generic pics I'll post for y'all! He was back at the hotel by 4:45am and rested, relaxed ate some breakfast and we headed back to the start of the race around 7am -

(we pricelined the hotel - and I feel we really had a lot of :wizard: getting the Hyatt and the price we paid!! But I have to tell you we had a bit of fun with the neighbors talking at 2:30 am and some lost drunken guy trying to knock on our door and fell asleep outside our door! Security was called!!)
Sandy - Of course you had to catch every glimpse of your son that you could! I was just happy to see you that morning adn to hear from Pat and Jim that they saw you too. So thrilled that he did so well!!!!
Duane - Thanks. It was a wild ride. While I would have loved if my run was as great as the bike, I'm still thrilled. I had nothing left for the run because i gave my all earlier. So, while it would have been nice for the run not to have stunk, I am happy adn hope I didn't come across as down about anything. Just owuld have been awesome if the bike was last. ;)

Mike - Glad you got a good feel fro teh course. Don't worry abotu the weight. Eat healthy and you will be ok. Perhaps you're adding muscle? You will do awesome! I know you probably have some goals that you want to meet, but remember that finishing is a huge PR and you will be an Ironman. You know, I was really tempted to do teh half at Steelhead next year. After yesterday, though, there's just no way I could make the time to get ot a point where I could. It gave me adn even better appreciation fro your half iron. Full is somethign I cannot imagine adn just getting to that start is something that very, very few people will ever do. I know you will do grat. If something happens, though, you still rock in my mind!!!!

Carrie: If you do Steelhead, I'll probably sign up for it too...I don't see doing another IM unless I epic fail this one...
I uploaded a few Pics - I dont have any of Pat, and Jim nor of Scott and Carrie!! Carrie, feel free to come in and add to what I was snapping - THIS time photobucket and Disboards have the pics at a decent size so you can really see some detail!!

Here is what I do have!


This is on our walk to the Transition area from our hotel - the overpass is the one the bike race was using! (underpass is where it started and finished) because the pic is so big you can see the cyclists above and below

A small part of the Transition area - notice the Chicago Skyline!! (*duh cant miss that!!)


DS said his area was by the tree and the SpongeBob Balloon - so when he left the swim area - and we headed to the bike racecourse I saw him - and cheered him on!! :woohoo:

THE Swim Area:

Not sure where I took this picture - This is when we realized we'd never find DS - so the end of the pic you see 2 large ORANGE BALLS - that is a turnaround Carrie described the downwind current then they turned around and swam up - notice its not very far from the edge to where the rowboats are - the rowboats had lifeguards on board and helped the swimmers stay on course or the swimmers could hang on to catch their breath


DS out of the water - notice his bare feet - that black rug didnt last long - so you may get a sense of why Carrie put her crocs down to run that 1/4 mile? and that run counted as part of your swim time btw!! On their ankle the orange strap has the chip on it...


I believe this is where the "IN" area was - to the far left the swimmers ran in - ran to their area - dressed/ etc then way out was on the far right for the bike and by the far left to begin the Run... (hope that makes sense! I had to edit - its a visual left and right!)

This is the end of the bike race

we sat on either side trying to get a glimpse of the bikers - we werent allowed up very far - a Chicago Policeman made sure of it!! ;) When a cyclist went by I checked their markings on their calves for the wave numbers to get a feel for when DS went by - it worked!! and that cyclist on the left is DS - going so fast the 2nd pic I have his rear!! roflol but when I zoom in - he's looking fierce!


and the end of the run! It was very crowded at this point so I took my camera out and just shot (the picture here I posted) - until again I thought I saw him - and I was right!! (no pics uploaded - dh had to take his computer back!)

THis is the picnic area:

I thought the weather was great and wasnt wearing my fleece - Ryan was a bit chilled so it came in handy while he enjoyed his free sandwich, burger and BEER!!
Also noteworthy is the weather - at 7am how cloudy, overcast it was! Then the water picture - there was clouds and a very strong glare on the water - keep looking at how the sky gets clearer and clear as the sun got stronger and stronger!

It was a beautiful day! It started out in the low 60's and probably didnt get much higher than 65 - 67 at best! But that sun made it feel warm, the breeze kept it cool!

and the pic with the swimmers coming into transition - notice you can see at least 3 swimmers running barefoot - 1 taking off their wetsuit! I found the pacing of people really a good pace! Not all bunched up - there were almost 10,000 racers!
Sandy - Great pix! I love the one of the end of the bike. Memories. You aer right, they did a great job of staggering to spread things out. Still some congestion, but not too bad. The sun came out just before 8 when I had to strip down. So grateful then, but I wasstill too hot at the end. Being wet adn after stopping, thoiugh, I coudl see when your ds needed a jacket, That wind was chilly.

Mike!!! No, you don't understand. My race made me realize I just can't commit that time. Please don't tempt me by saying you'll come if we do it. ;)
All the hotel staff wore Chicago Tri shirts for the weekend. Never seen so many bikes in a hotel.

Never seen these in a hotel either.

The expo was huge. 2 halves. This is the hallway in between. Filled with all the posters from previous Chicago Tri's. (For those of you who did CDC, this was more than double the size)

More expo. I got a pink tri hat and a swim-bike-run bead for my bracelet.

Saturday morning, I got more cool jewelry. Hard to take pix of shiny things, but the inner circle says swim, then bike, then run. Yay!!!


Off to volunteer for the Super Sprint and Kids' Tri. Beautiful park and beautiful sunrise.


Our water station. Met some great people!

My favorite balloon in transition

Kids transition these kids were awesome. So fun to watch!


Tim and Sandy working transition

I didn't realize they'd have such a big celebrity there. Scott said he gave a great talk for the kids.

Our turn. My transition and Minnie balloon.

Pix of the swim area, post race. The buildings really helped me to sight. Cool too.



Bike Pix. What an amazing view! (No one near me when I took these pix)


Check out Navy Pier in the background! Ooops, turn-around is just before Navy Pier. Time to think about racing again!

First mile of the run was packed with people cheering. So fun! (OK, not fun, but helped a lot)

The view was awesome. Hard to see, but a tall ship in the background.

Tried to take a finish pic, but my camera strap was stuck in my bottle clip. No energy left to fix it.
Carrie - congrats and great report!! Was great to see you and wish we had more time to talk as well. Sorry we didn't get out there Sunday but we were certainly cheering you on from a distance!

Sandy - great pics and congrats to DS!

Mike - You'll do great at Madison and we'll be there. I'll be wearing WISH shirt/hat but since Patrick will be on motorcycle he can't wear those. He is working on a bright WISH sticker for the back of the cycle so you can spot it. BTW, I'm aiming for Steelhead for my first 70.3 next year. Keep me company? ;)

Patrick did great during the super sprint on Sat. Decent swim time (and yeah the timing mat was way up by transition for that too), came in 172 out of 707 on the bike, and good run as well. I've got pics and will try to get them out here tonight.

AFM, I did not compete. I wrenched my back two weeks ago and aggravated it last week. Had back spasms Wed/Thu nights. Packed up my gear Friday eve anyway however as Patrick was getting the bikes ready my rear tube blew. Then the spare tube had a faulty valve. Decided someone was trying to tell me something so I decided to go and just cheer him on.

Was a bad day for me. Started crying as the first waves went out because I should've been out there instead of standing on the beach (yeah girlie). Angry more than anything. Talked to other folks while waiting/cheering including a runner who told me "We all get sidelined due to injury at some point. Take the anger and let it make you hungrier next time."

Thought alot about that, had a much better Sunday and yesterday signed up for a Duathlon on Oct 25 (hard to find tri's for the fall here). Next year, 70.3. I refuse to stay down!! :thumbsup2


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