Trick-or-Treaters Over Age 12 Can Face Arrest

Yeah, that is ridiculous. Sometimes older kids come around with younger siblings (or sometimes with friends.) Who cares how old they are? Teens like candy too; let them have fun. As others have said, it’s better than other activities they could be doing, like doing drugs or vandalizing property.

No rules or laws about trick-or-treating here. Everyone just uses common sense.
I'll give candy to whoever I please.
However I do have 2 buckets of Candy.
Bucket 1: is the good stuff, younger kids, a trust costume and the kids that are polite and don't walk across my yard. Please and thank you usually gets extra candy.
Bucket 2: cheap stuff, smarties the 2 Starbust pack kind of stuff. Teens not in costume, rude kids or those that walk across the lawn get this.

When we are tired or out of candy we pull in our decorations and close the blinds, I don't need the City to have stupid laws. The police have better things to do.

I love trick-or-treaters.
In an old neighborhood of ours adults would dress up and go trick-or-treating with their wine fun

That sounds like my kind of ToTing!! That would be so much fun.
Way to punish the responsible teens who are taking their younger siblings trick or treating, & who wanted to enjoy it for themselves at the same time...

This idiotic law was created by the same type of busybodies who banned hand sanitizer from all classrooms in our school district because "alcohol is bad for children". Yeah, so is strep throat...

Basically, this law reads, "We fear and dislike teens."
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My HS kids TOT, they wear costumes and are polite, and dont go past 8. They go with friends, and in our neighborhood. I have no problem giving candy to teens.
Our 2 older kids take our youngest trick-or-treating, so all 3 are dressed up in costumes & have trick-or-treat bags. (We've always done some kind of family-theme costumes, so their costumes coordinate.)

This year, however, while our older DS is still in high school, our DD is in college, so I don't know if she'll carry a bag or not this year.

I don't mind teen trick-or-treaters at all, but I will admit I am a bit disappointed if they're not in costumes - just because that's part of the fun, & everyone needs to be in costumes! LOL!
I don't care if the police don't enforce it. You shouldn't have to worry about breaking a law to trick or treat at 13.

I had to edit my link with the history of the law.

Every state has dumb old laws still on the books.
I had to edit my link with the history of the law.

Every state has dumb old laws still on the books.

Yeah, sounds like the link in the original post too some old laws and ran with it to create some sort drama that really doesn't exist.
The city of Chesapeake, Virginia has an ordinance stating any kid over the age of 12 who is caught trick-or-treating can face fines and up to six months in jail. Moreover, even kids 12 and under face the same penalties if caught ToT after 8 pm.

I'd raise the age limit to 14. But by the time kids are in high school, there's no reason to go trick-or-treating. Whatever happened to the good old days when you went over to some friend's house and sneaked cigarettes and booze from their parents' liquor cabinet? ;)

My 19 year old daughter made a costume and went trick or treating until she was 16. Sometimes she'd take some little kids with her and sometimes she'd go with friends. She wasn't pushy or rude. Much better than underage drinking and smoking.
I actually like seeing teens trick or treating, there are so many worse things they could be doing. Kids grow up too fast, let them hang on to their youth if they want to. If my teenage son wants to trick or treat this year I am taking him. He did get some looks last year so I told him he needed to shave his beard if he goes this year.


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