Trick-or-Treaters Over Age 12 Can Face Arrest

We always made costumes with what we had on hand when I was growing up - stuff hay in your shirtsleeves and pants and you are a scarecrow. A cardboard box becomes a robot, a car, etc. You can get boxes at the grocery store for free. So there is a way to make a costume. If the parent doesn't want the kid to wear a costume, that parent probably wouldn't take the kid out trick or treating in the first place?

Lots of kids come around with their friends and no parents. The kids, some who are recent immigrants, don’t have a concept that they must dress up and poverty doesn’t help. That’s how it was for my husband and it’s the same for many kids today.

Some kids are on the spectrum and can’t tolerate any sort of costume.

Some kids come from religious families who are against Halloween so the kids just say they are going out with friends.

My city is a melting pot of people from all walks of life. Tolerance is the key to living in harmony with your neighbors. Very little judgement. Of course there will always be some jerks.
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Lots of kids come around with their friends and no parents. The kids, some who are recent immigrants, don’t have a concept that they must dress up and poverty doesn’t help. That’s how it was for my husband and it’s the same for many kids today.

Some kids are on the spectrum and can’t tolerate any sort of costume.

Some kids come from religious families who are against Halloween so the kids jst say they are going out with friends.

My city is a melting pot of people from all walks of life. Tolerance is the key to living in harmony with your neighbors. Very little judgement. Of course there will always be some jerks.
I figured out after reading these threads on the DIS that some people really just enjoy standing in judgment of the trick or treaters who show up at their doors. I marvel at the oddity of it. At our house, everyone gets candy. We have lived here close to 30 years, don't have a lot of kids living on our street, but get around 300 trick or treaters every year. We love it and look forward to it every year.
We always made costumes with what we had on hand when I was growing up - stuff hay in your shirtsleeves and pants and you are a scarecrow. A cardboard box becomes a robot, a car, etc. You can get boxes at the grocery store for free. So there is a way to make a costume. If the parent doesn't want the kid to wear a costume, that parent probably wouldn't take the kid out trick or treating in the first place?

Many years ago it bothered me when kids showed up with out a costume. But I’ve mellowed, or evolved. IDK. Now I welcome anyone and everyone to my door Halloween night. I figure if you’ve taken the time to ring my bell, you need the candy way more than me. Lol.

Also, most Halloween nights are so cold in my area, and everyone is so bundled up, you can’t even tell if kids are wearing costumes.
Ok, so I got all inquisitive:

And once again, trust me the police have more important things to do..
:thumbsup2 Great effort in stimulating the CB @RedAngie !! But given that this law has apparently NEVER been enforced, I think 13+ y.o Cheseapeakeans can safely keep on doing whatever they're doing and so can the rest of us. It would be an interesting spin-off to post other weird, archaic and just plain goofy ordinances that are in place in various municipalities though! I'm sure practically all of us live under some sort of oppression we're not even aware of. :rotfl:
We always made costumes with what we had on hand when I was growing up - stuff hay in your shirtsleeves and pants and you are a scarecrow. A cardboard box becomes a robot, a car, etc. You can get boxes at the grocery store for free. So there is a way to make a costume. If the parent doesn't want the kid to wear a costume, that parent probably wouldn't take the kid out trick or treating in the first place?

That said, I give treats to whoever comes to the door, costumes or not.
When I was in high school back in the stone age, it wasn't considered cool to go trick or treating anymore.

I'm anxiously awaiting the news footage of kids in jail on November 1. ;) Hopefully they have some decent costumes, not lame ones.

Just want to say I love your avatar photo. :goodvibes
:scratchin I have to wonder if the law exists as a way to have stronger punishments for vandalism, looting, stealing, defacing/egging someone's property. The police probably don't generally don't act on it or check children's ages if they are acting lawfully, but when a kid does break one of the laws above, the courts can give them more than a juvenile slap on the wrists, in which they will just be back doing the same stuff the following year. South Jersey was mentioned as one of the places that has these laws. There is a LOT of violence, crime and I think gang related crime in Trenton, NJ and the nearby vicinities.

You are right, according to snopes:
I'm wondering what the statute of limitations is on something like this...I'm pretty sure that last year my then 13 YO was seen trick or treating as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Last I heard he was planning on going out again this year with some friends, so he may be on the lam on November 1st...
I'm wondering what the statute of limitations is on something like this...I'm pretty sure that last year my then 13 YO was seen trick or treating as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Last I heard he was planning on going out again this year with some friends, so he may be on the lam on November 1st...

On the lam. Lol! He can always make his way across the border to a safe house. :love:
I actually got a little paranoid when I first heard about this! Last year DH and I dressed up along with our then-2-year-old. We did a family theme - DS was Frankenstein's Monster, so I was the Bride and DH was Dr. Frankenstein. Only DS had a candy bucket, though, and we stayed behind him when he went up to doors. We never asked for candy or said "trick-or-treat" but some people insisted on giving extra candy "for Mommy and Daddy."

Now this year, DS is 3 and he's excited that we're all going to dress up again. He's going to be Batman, so DH will wear his Superman t-shirt and I'll wear my Wonder Woman one (I also bought a tiara). We again will not ask for candy - frankly, we don't want it - but now it's in the back of my mind that if someone gets their panties in a twist, we could get in trouble just for dressing up to make our kid happy.
On the lam. Lol! He can always make his way across the border to a safe house. :love:

It will be slow going dragging his big bag of candy! He can buy my silence with Heath Bars!

I actually got a little paranoid when I first heard about this! Last year DH and I dressed up along with our then-2-year-old. We did a family theme - DS was Frankenstein's Monster, so I was the Bride and DH was Dr. Frankenstein. Only DS had a candy bucket, though, and we stayed behind him when he went up to doors. We never asked for candy or said "trick-or-treat" but some people insisted on giving extra candy "for Mommy and Daddy."

Now this year, DS is 3 and he's excited that we're all going to dress up again. He's going to be Batman, so DH will wear his Superman t-shirt and I'll wear my Wonder Woman one (I also bought a tiara). We again will not ask for candy - frankly, we don't want it - but now it's in the back of my mind that if someone gets their panties in a twist, we could get in trouble just for dressing up to make our kid happy.

That's awesome! I love to see family theme costumes! My college roommate always does great family costumes - one year they were the band KISS and it was hilarious! My son was Barry Goldberg a couple of years ago but he would not let me be Beverly, lol!
I actually got a little paranoid when I first heard about this! Last year DH and I dressed up along with our then-2-year-old. We did a family theme - DS was Frankenstein's Monster, so I was the Bride and DH was Dr. Frankenstein. Only DS had a candy bucket, though, and we stayed behind him when he went up to doors. We never asked for candy or said "trick-or-treat" but some people insisted on giving extra candy "for Mommy and Daddy."

Now this year, DS is 3 and he's excited that we're all going to dress up again. He's going to be Batman, so DH will wear his Superman t-shirt and I'll wear my Wonder Woman one (I also bought a tiara). We again will not ask for candy - frankly, we don't want it - but now it's in the back of my mind that if someone gets their panties in a twist, we could get in trouble just for dressing up to make our kid happy.

I never dressed up but I LOVED when the parents coming around did. Please keep being you.
I couldn't imagine turning anyone away that came by, regardless of age.

Our cul-de-sac is know for giving beers and jello shots to the parents who want one as well. But you have to say trick or treat first. So are they technically breaking the law?
Thanks. I take it you recognize the photo and are familiar with the location.

I'm thinking of moving there full time when I retire.

My mother grew up on that beach, I grew up on that beach, my boys first ocean was that beach, I have family who spent summers and now live there. Part of my heart.

I now have a beach home in FL but hanging on the wall is a photo of the beach house there I used to stay in (12th St). I hope you get to move there, such a wonderful place!
My mother grew up on that beach, I grew up on that beach, my boys first ocean was that beach, I have family who spent summers and now live there. Part of my heart.

I now have a beach home in FL but hanging on the wall is a photo of the beach house there I used to stay in (12th St). I hope you get to move there, such a wonderful place!

I only visited Ocean City a handful of times growing up. My family went to Wildwood and Sea Isle City instead for vacations and day trips. I really didn't discover it until I was well into my 30's, then starting in 2000 we started going there for a week practically every summer.

In 2013 I bought a house there, on Asbury near 19th St., but it's rented most weeks for the summer. We go there one or two weekends a month during the off-season. I'll probably retire in another year or two and might move there full time.
Our town has a 9 PM not more ToT
Some towns stop ToT at 8 PM
One local city is TOT till 10 PM


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