Trip of a lifetime.....Disney Christmas, Birthday, Food * BIG & final update!

My kids really want to visit Build-a-Bear when we are at DLR and I was wondering if they have any "exclusive" Disney type outfits available there? We have taken the girls to the one in Melbourne before and they had lots of fun. I am really enjoying your trip report and it is helping fill in the time until we leave! Just can't wait! :banana:
My kids really want to visit Build-a-Bear when we are at DLR and I was wondering if they have any "exclusive" Disney type outfits available there? We have taken the girls to the one in Melbourne before and they had lots of fun. I am really enjoying your trip report and it is helping fill in the time until we leave! Just can't wait! :banana:


Oh, boy.................they sure do have exclusive Disney merchandise. I was going to save these until later, but thought you might like to see them now as I may not get to these pics before you go as they will be at the end of the report!

This is Belle Bunny in just one of her many oufits. She ended with Silvermist the fairy, Snow White, Pirate mickey ears ( which are different from the hat she is wearing in the pic! ) and some Christmas outfits. I am more than happy to do some more pics for you if you would like to see them all!!! Just let me know and we can have a beary fun fashion show!!!

And there was this complete pirate outfit which was also exclusive to DTD!


And I didn't want to miss, may I introduce you to.................Elias. He is my bear that I made and he is wearing his exclusive Disneyland outfit! The top and ears came as a set and I bought him the pants ('cause a bear really needs pants! ). He is actually an exclusive Disney Build a Bear bear and has a special stamp on his foot to say so!


I am sure your kids will have a ball looking through all the stuff as it is 2 stories of wall to wall merchandise! Also, have a look in the foyer of the hotel you are staying in as they have discount vouchers you can take and redeem for a really cool back pack to put your bear in. It even comes with a minature one so your bear doesn't miss out on having it's own bag!!!

Hope you like the pics!



Oh, boy.................they sure do have exclusive Disney merchandise. I was going to save these until later, but thought you might like to see them now as I may not get to these pics before you go as they will be at the end of the report!

Thanks so much for posting the pics, I would love to see a fashion parade if you are happy to post it! My kids will love to see it too, they have big plans for Build-a-Bear!:dance3: And thanks for the tip about the coupons, we are staying at Grand Californian and will look out for them.

Cheers! :goodvibes
We just got back today and I caught up on your last few posts. I love all the great pics! Can't wait to make a start on mine :)
As far as I know, it was an inspection station on the border which allowed you to leave behind any agricultural products so there won't be any unwanted pests brought into the state!!

That is exactly what it is...they just ask if you have fruits or vegatables in the car and if you do they confiscate it. The reason is a fruit fly invasion a while back that devastated calif agriculture and was traced to fruit that was brought in.
Disneyland Day 1 - Part 1

Hold on to your hats folks because here come the Disneyland pics in all their glory!!!!

Now to say I was excited this day was an understatement. I remember not getting much sleep at all.......................I kept reminding myself that I really was in Anaheim and I really was going to Disneyland.

So, the big day arrives and we were up and out early to be down at the park before official opening time.

DH and DD at the Ho Jo lifts ready for the big day!


So we headed off ( I think I was actually floating !!! ) and took in all the sights on the walk there. We found the famous Mimi's cafe, but did not stop as we wanted to get to DL as soon as possible.


We got through the bag check and I snuck up to the front gates to get some pics with no one around.

One of the signs in the bag check area


The front of the train station


Mickey in flowers


Lamp in the front entrance area


Some of the World of Colour signs around the entrance area


And I think everyone who walks under this takes it's photo..................sort of sums it up really!!!


So, we had purchased annual passes as we were going to be in Anaheim for 3 weeks and wanted to spend as much time in the parks as possible. We needed to go to the AP centre and have our picture taken and pick up our passes so made our way to the AP building.

One of the first buildings inside is the fire station.


And it was Christmas time of course and the decorations are like none I have ever seen before....................simply amazing!!


We were treated almost right away to a parade with Mickey, the band and friends. It was at this point I was just so overwhelmed by it all and I was very teary!!!





This was just outside the castle and the Mad Hatter had everyone in stitches!!!

Now we needed to make sure that the first ride we went on was a special one as it would be one we will all remember as being the first. So, DH and DD decided to let me make the choice and neither of them needed to ask where we were we made a dash for New Orleans Square and my mansion!!!

Ok, so the Haunted Mansion is my absloute favourite and I must admit I was a little bit worried about riding this time around as I had read some of the other stories about people who love it but just don't like the Christmas overlay.
We walked straight up the front steps and were in within a matter of minutes.
After me driving my 2 dearly beloveds mad with "la la la la la la la la la" ( the song playing in the mansion!!! ) we boarded our doom buggy and were off. Now I have to tell you, I absolutely loved it!!! The way this has been done is just amazing and I think Mr Skellington and Zero are just wonderful!!!

Next up was Indiana Jones. This is parrt of the waiting area.


And then.......................the start of DD and an obsession of the pirating kind!!! Yo ho, yo ho!!!! This is Captain Jack painted on the wall just inside the entrance to Pirates of the Caribbean.


It was then off to the Jungle Cruise which was lots of fun as our driver was getting right into telling all the bad puns!!!


More Jungle Cruise............



It was then off across the park to It's A Small World which was also done up for Christmas! It is quite fun especially Ariel and friends singing "Jingle Shells"!!!



Part 2 to follow....................
Looks like you were running around and having a wonderful time! Did you really do all that and you still have not eaten a thing! All that running around would have made me hungry LOL
Disneyland Day 1........continued!

So, where were we!!! Oh, I know, the happiest place on earth!

Grabbed one of these!!!


Now, so not to disappoint loyal followers, we did eventually stop for something to eat! We just happened to be near the Princess Fantasy Fair and they have a little eatery there called the Troubadour Tavern. They have bratwurst sausages, corn on the cob and what went on to be DD's favourite food of the whole trip................the humble baked potato!!!


DD and DH enjoying lunch!


So, after lunch we headed off over to Pixie Hollow to have some pics taken with a certain fairy and her friends!
We had to wait in line for around 15 minutes, but it is a very pretty area with lots to look at. This was the first of our character experiences and the autograph book got it's first signatures of the trip!!!

Around Pixie Hollow




DD just before turning the corner to enter Pixie Hollow


With Iradessa


With Fawn



With the little lady herself!


One of the things that Disney does so well, is allow their guests to get a Photopass which gives you access to all the pics taken by the park photographers. It is just great to have so many pics taken in the parks with the whole family as usually someone has to miss out being in the pic to take the actual photo!! I was super impressed with this idea and made lots of special pics with borders and black and white ones too!!! You willsee lots of them coming up and it turned into a charcter photo op obsession!!! We got soooooo many great photos and with some rare characters too!!!

So, we wandered off to ride something new! Alice was next on the list!!!


DD just loved this one! ( and it had nothing to do with the fact that a certain pirate also appears in Alice in Wonderland too LOL!!! )

On our way over to the other side of the park, DD made a new friend by the name of Charlotte!!!


So, on the Matterhorn bobsleds for DD and I. DH sat this one out!


Next we set off to see about wait times for Space Mountan and snapped this pic of the top of Astro Orbitors.


So, by this satge it was getting to be dark and we were thinking what to do for dinner. I had wanted to try out the BBQ at Big Thunder Ranch, so we headed off it that direction!

Met this guy on the way in!!


We had no trouble in getting a table and we were entertained while we waited!


They were quite good and were singing Christmas tunes! There was another guy who came out a bit later with a banjo and when he found out we were from Australia, he did a great rendition of Skippy the Bush Kangaroo!!!

I loved the sheet music on the piano!!

And finally...................the food!!!!


The food was just divine and did not disappoint! My favourite was was the sausage, DD just adored the chicken, and DH went mad on the ribs! How good was it to hav a favourite for all of us! It also came with little corn wheels, beans, coleslaw and yummy buttery, crumbly corn bread which I just loved! So, all round it was a wonderful meal.

Just enjoying life!!!


Thanks for coming along and stay tuned for part 3!!!

Stay safe

That BBQ looks wonderful! That place is a mission for our next trip, we cancelled or PS last trip as it was on a rainy day. Now see I look food obsessed if you just look at my comments on your TR! Great pics in Pixie Hollow! Don't usually get to go in there as my boy doesn't have any interest in Pixies.
Just found your TR today and have loved getting to read all of it

I'm joining in and can't wait to hear all about your trip:goodvibes
Minnie Sue Oz, I love your trip report! It looks like you and your family had a Great vacation! I've got a question if you don't mind me asking? Do you remember how much that cute Mickey Bear with the Mouse Ears cost? That was so CUTE!! My Family and I are going to Disneyland in 2 weeks and I'm really getting excited and have been enjoying your report. Also those Baked Potatoes look Delish! Thanks! :goodvibes
Minnie Sue Oz, I love your trip report! It looks like you and your family had a Great vacation! I've got a question if you don't mind me asking? Do you remember how much that cute Mickey Bear with the Mouse Ears cost? That was so CUTE!! My Family and I are going to Disneyland in 2 weeks and I'm really getting excited and have been enjoying your report. Also those Baked Potatoes look Delish! Thanks! :goodvibes

Hi CandyMouse and thanks for stopping by!!!

In response to your question, I think you are referreing to the bear I made in Build A Bear in Dowtown Disney. I am happy to tell you he was not very expensive at all!!!
The bear himself was $20.00 and the clothes were bought seperately. The shirt and ears came together as a set and were around $11.00 and the little black pants he was wearing were just $6.00. You can buy as much or as little as you like to dress your bear in and they have the cutest accessories.

It is just so much fun to make one and then give it your own personal touches. I will be posting some pics later on today with my daughters bunny and her clothes that she got!!! Sort of a fashion parade for bears and bunnies!!!

Oh, the baked potatoes were just yummmmmoooooo!!!!! My daughter is sitting here drooling just at the thought of them!!!

Take care

What a fun-filled first day you're having! Looks like you managed to get heaps done - what date did you first arrive?
And now for a fashion parade of the bunny let's hop to it!!!!!:rotfl:

All the outfits Belle is wearing were purchased at the Build A Bear store in the Downtown Disney area. See previous posts for her exclusive Silver Mist fairy and Pirates of the Caribbean outfits!!!

Ball gown and tiara.......bought seperately.


Christmas outfit complete with reindeer ears


Mrs Claus outfit


Cheerleading outfit


Pirate Mickey ears


Snow White


And now for my close up............


Not long to go now AussieDisneyNut so hope the kids like the pictures!!!

Take care

Just joined in a bit late! I don't get as much Dis time as I used to so I am not sure how much I will get to post but I will try to follow along!

Love, Love, Love the pics so far! :lovestruc We are hoping to head back to California next year and plan to stop in San Francisco! Your pics have just about cemented that plan for me! I don't think we'll get to Vegas but I enjoyed seeing it thru your eyes!

Ah, and Disneyland! :cloud9: Can't wait for more!
Just joined in a bit late! I don't get as much Dis time as I used to so I am not sure how much I will get to post but I will try to follow along!

Love, Love, Love the pics so far! :lovestruc We are hoping to head back to California next year and plan to stop in San Francisco! Your pics have just about cemented that plan for me! I don't think we'll get to Vegas but I enjoyed seeing it thru your eyes!

Ah, and Disneyland! :cloud9: Can't wait for more!


So glad you found me................after all, it was your wonderful TR that inspired me to do mine!!!:thumbsup2
You will just love San Francisco. I could just live there!!! As for Vegas, that was our second visit and I would not hurry back whilst the DD is at this age. She was not too keen on it, but did have some special moments. That's not to say when I am old and grey I won't go back to take on the slot machines and retire nicely!!!;)

More DL pics to come and my very favourite photo of all time is coming in the next post!

Take care

Thank you thank you thank you for those wonderful build-a-bear fashion parade pics!! :yay: We are getting so excited for our trip and the kids just can't wait! :dance3: This week I will start packing for the kids and getting all those last minute details sorted ... and of course I will also be enjoying your trip report! It is just adding to the anticipation of the experience! :cheer2:
Disneyland Day 1 - Part 3

Now we were all quite full and very content from the wonderful meal we had at Big Thunder Ranch. The food really was something special and was the first of two times we would actually eat there. I also loved the fact that the soda actually came out in what looked like old jam jars. Just another touch that did not go unnoticed.

So, with the crowds heading off to get spots for the fireworks we thought we would take the opportunity to head over to Toontown........................and oh boy, am I sure glad we did.!!!

Stopped to get a few night time pics of Small World on the way.



So, in to Toontown we went and the place was literally deserted. There was just no one about. I thought this was a great opportunity to snap some photos.

Christmas Tree Toontown style!


The pic that you just can't leave Toontown without!!!

The Gag Warehouse


As were were wandering about, we spotted a certain big brown dog lurking about with his cast member. We went over to see if we may be able to get a pic, CM said sure, but Pluto was about to be replaced. No problem we thought and smiled for the camera!!!


Now I didn't even think to ask who was about to replace him as I was chatting to the CM. She happened to notice my hat, and my shirt and my jacket and asked if Minnie happened to be a favourite. "Since I was old enough to know who she was"! I replied. I also mentioned it was my Birthday soon and I would be celebrating by having breakfast with Minnie and had a shirt made especially for the occasion! She then asked me to come with her so we just followed along!

She headed over to a door just past Minnies house and asked us to wait right there and don't go anywhere. In what was just a couple of moments, she reappeared with none other thatn the wonderful Miss Minnie herself. I could have just pinched myself.............. What was to happen next will be moments I will remember for the rest of my life!!!

Minnie took me by the hand and beckoned us all into her house. We stopped for a couple of quick photos out the front.



Her letterbox


She then took us inside and proceeded to show us all of her wonderful little house. Now when I mentioned earlier that it was quiet in Toontown, I meant it was quiet! We literally had Minnie all to ourselves for at least 10 minutes!!!

I was just here is the night of nights with the wonderful Minnie herself.

Ready to sign DD's book


In her kitchen





With her wishing well


Showing us her dressing room


And the photo that I will treasure for the rest of my days................


I cried............tears of just sheer happiness! I was hoping to get at least one great photo with Minnie and I would be happy! So, I am sure you can imagine just how elated I was!!!
I must say, this was THE best charcter interaction anyone could have hoped for. The CM that was with her was just so amazing suggesting all the spots for photo's and Minnie was just so obliging. She is also DD's favourite and she too has a special moment that will feature later on in the report. I loved the pic so much that I did a few versions of it!!!

Here is just one!


After we had said our goodbyes to Minnie and the wonderful CM, we headed out and into Mickey's house. We went through and took some pics on the way before being stopped and we all watched a little cartoon with Mickey and Donald. When it had finished, we were ushered through a door to none other that the main mouse himself!!!

Mickeys house



The mouse himself!




Wow! What a most magical and fun day we had for our first day in Disneyland. We ended up on so many rides and could not have asked for a better start to the trip. In just one day we rode......Haunted Mansion, Indina Jones ( more than once!!! ), Winnie The Pooh, Pinocchio, The Jungle Cruise, Alice In Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Matterhorn Bobsleds, It's A Small World, Buzz Lightyear........................yippee!!!

It was almost surreal. All the lead up to this one big day and it had gone perfectly. DD's reaction to the park was exactly how I had hoped it would be for her and she too has the Disney spirit now...................just like her Mum!!!

So, join me for the next exciting episode................Universal Studios and then we return to Disneyland for a breakfast with someone special.......another real live Aussie Diser!!!

Thanks for reading...................take care!



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