Trying to keep up with the weight loss wagon......yet again (new title, same journal)

Aww - I'm honored that you're making my recipe! I hope you like it. And if you don't, I hope you find a way to make it more to your liking. :goodvibes

Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't just put "Beet Salad" every night. I thought that was a solid g/f vegetarian staple!!!

I was thinking about your unfortunate experience with the c/s restaurants especially compared with the table service restaurants. I think the chefs must welcome the challenge - they are all trained chefs and they make the same exact things day in and day out in many of those restaurants with not much creative outlet. A Gluten-Free Vegetarian request is like the Iron Chef of Disney!!

Compared with the Counter service where they are all about ordering by number, you know? It's speed, efficiency and putting the square pegs in the square holes. You have a vegetarian meal. You have a gluten-free meal. BOTH is probably beyond their comprehension. But I'm sorry. People do not order a gluten-free meal to be difficult. Sheesh. Have some compassion, counter-service person.

I am impressed by how well you managed over the weekend with these challenges. I am going to do a Gluten-free Vegetarian week in solidarity and support. :hug: (I guess this means I'd better plan my menu. Oh wait - I can just copy YOURS. :))
Thanks Corinna! "Man cannot live on beet salad alone.":rotfl: The counter service experience was a little tiresome. Some of them really tried, some looked exasperated--I think cause they had no idea what to do, and a couple were just rude. I really was completely ok with being told no, but the eye rolling got to me after a while. And really while I was ok with being told no, it was tiring. Like ice cream. Goodness, you should be able to get a scoop of vanilla or chocolate ice cream. All it would take is not using the scoop for other flavors. I realize that requires a little extra effort, but it doesn't seem like an excessive request to me at a place that boasts that they work with people with allergies. But maybe it is. I don't know. I can get the soft serve though, so that's good. :goodvibes

I just still get disappointed, which is really the issue. And overwhelmed a little.

I'm reading along and loving your TR of the Princess weekend. and hey, I now someone in your WISH picture. :goodvibes
Thanks for reading along.:goodvibes Who do you know in the picture?

wow these sound delicious! would you mind sharing the recipes if you have time? i'm giving up processed foods for lent and i have a feeling your meals would be really yummy!
That's impressive. I still like my processed foods--Lara bars and nut crisps, especially.:goodvibes A lot of the recipes I found online, so I will look for the links. And Corinna's chili has a link on the first page of this thread.

So, we went to Whole Foods and Kroger today--and spent a fortune. But we probably won't eat out at all this week. Grocery shopping is still exhausting cause we have to read every label. And I'm still finding things that I thought were ok that aren't. I can't remember what it was today, but I got a little stressed and wanted to leave the cart, but Mike was the voice of sanity. They did have the Snyder's pretzels at Whole Foods now! Very exciting! And I bought a loaf of Udi's bread that is pretty tasty--horribly expensive, so I froze it. I wanted to get the vegetarian parmesan cheese--but it's preshredded in a factory that does something with wheat, so I didn't chance it. So I'm eating non-veggie parm. cheese for now. Oh well.

For lunch I had hummus, salsa, grapes, a piece of toast (in the oven, since we haven't gotten a new toaster yet) and a few scoops. My stomach has been feeling a little funky, but that could be hormonal, or left over from traveling or from the large quanities of beans I've been eating! Last night we ended up skipping the pizza and I made some rice pasta with broccoli and tomato sauce and cheddar cheese. It was pretty tasty.
Dear Rose,
You have had quite the journey with your diet. We have a dear friend who was experiencing many of the symptoms you describe. He does not have Celiac's, but he is gluten intolerant. I always struggle when he comes over for dinner to make sure he has something tasty to eat that won't make him sick. I would love to know where you find your gluten free recipes. The beet salad sounds yummy DS - 16 is a vegetarian as my father-in-law - 87 who are often at the table with our gluten free friend. So...any insight you have on where to look for recipes...especially those casseroles and beet salad would be terrific.
Hope you are experiencing fewer aches and must be so frustrating!
It's race day!! We went to bed at 9:00 but those silly illuminations fireworks kept us up until 9:30.;) I woke up at 12:20 and didn't see the 1, so I started to get up and get going, but realized I could still sleep for 2 more hours so I went back to bed. I finally got up around 2:30 when I couldn't sleep anymore. Everything was laid out and ready to go, so I had time for a cup of warm water before we left. We walked out through the lobby of BW and there were tons on team in training folks in the lobby. We fully expected to have to get a cab, because when we went to bed, the manager said no bus. Well, there were no cabs out front, but there were buses!!:banana: So we were on the first bus from BW.

The weather was pretty comfy, so I didn't even put my throwaway shirt on. I got cold in the corrals, though and wished I had it. We walked to the tents and hung out with some Wishers for a while and a really nice girl who lives in Texas. Her husband is stationed at Fort Hood, though he is currently deployed. She was there by herself, so we talked to her for a while--I think her name was Natalie. I made two or three porta potty visits and then we checked our bag and started walking to the corrals. We were in corral B. I did not like the walk to the corrals. I get a little claustrophobic sometimes and it was CRAZY crowded. We made one more stop at a porta potty and then got in our corral. I loved having "my fairy godmother" start the race.;)

The race went really well. I think that the w&d course is more interesting, since this is essentially an out and back, but it was lots of fun to run through the Magic Kingdom and there were lots of distractions along the way. I made one porta potty visit around mile 4--I've never done this during a race before, but I was listening to my stomach, and it was definitely the right thing to do. From mile 4 on we were along side this one middle aged guy who was running by himself and I decided around mile 8 that he was NOT going to finish in front of me. I am very stubborn.;) We took walk breaks every mile until mile 10 and then just ran the last 5k. I did really well with water, but did not take as many endurolytes as I probably should have or enough gu. But once I got hot I just didn't want it. Luckily it worked out ok.

Right when we hit Epcot I was really starting to feel it. I was hot and pooped and my legs were starting to get rubbery. But I kept plugging away. I didn't think I had any push at the end in me, but that guy started to pass me with about a 100 yards left and I poured it on! It was just the push I needed to finish strong and I was really happy! I finished in 2:12:36 which is about 12 minutes faster than my fastest 1/2!:goodvibes

I got my medal, an orange, pixied dusted and had my picture taken with Mike and our medals. We then went to hang out at the Wish tent and Mike went off in search of ice. I iced my foot and calf on and off for the next hour or so while we congratulated the other Wishers as they finished. The best part was, my stomach cooperated--no nausea and no emergencies. I was able to hang out without feeling crappy! It was such a relief!

Around 9:30 or 10:00 we went back to the hotel and got showers. Had some of the food in out room and got out some more ice. Then we headed off to Epcot! I had a Kir Royal to celebrate and Mike had Moroccan beer. We really enjoyed walking around and looking at the flowers. Later Mike got fish and chips and because they had a dedicated fryer, I was able to have fries with tartar sauce to dip them in! They were fabulous! We then went back to the room for more ice. Mike threw in a load of laundry and I fell asleep for about 10 minutes. We hung out on the BW porch (?) and I iced my foot some more while the laundry dried. I love BW! I really can relax there--and I am not a very good relaxer!

We then headed off to AKL to have dinner at Boma with Maria and Corinna. I was so glad they came with us! We really had a great time. The chef came out and took me and Corinna (who is a vegetarian, too) on a tour of the buffet. She helped me remember what was g-f. It was so good! And the chef was so nice! I wish I would have gotten his name. He checked on us to make sure I was getting enough to eat and even made me a special dessert plate with all g-f treats including g-f zebra domes--which were fabulous! We have always liked Boma, but it is a must-do now. I know I will have lots to choose from and that the chefs are very kind and happy to make sure there are enough choices. And I had a grown-up drink--cherry bourbon. Yum!

After dinner Mike managed to find us a special bus;) to take us back to BW with only a stop at Pop in between. We then went to Jelly Rolls where Jen from Team O'hana met up with us. It was lots of fun, but by the time we left I was beyond pooped. We were up for about 21 hours (except my 10 minute nap.)

All in all I'd say it was a pretty perfect day. Great weather, great race, great food, and great friends.:goodvibes

Here's some pics:

At Boardwalk before getting on the bus

Before the race

My Fairy Godmother:goodvibes

Getting pixie dusted

Lots of Princesses and Lots of Bling!

Celebrating at Epcot

Epcot Flowers

Me and Mike at AKL

Boma dessert:
Dear Rose,
You have had quite the journey with your diet. We have a dear friend who was experiencing many of the symptoms you describe. He does not have Celiac's, but he is gluten intolerant. I always struggle when he comes over for dinner to make sure he has something tasty to eat that won't make him sick. I would love to know where you find your gluten free recipes. The beet salad sounds yummy DS - 16 is a vegetarian as my father-in-law - 87 who are often at the table with our gluten free friend. So...any insight you have on where to look for recipes...especially those casseroles and beet salad would be terrific.
Hope you are experiencing fewer aches and must be so frustrating!
Thanks for your kind words.:goodvibes

You would not think that g-f and vegetarian would be that difficult, but for some reason it's a little challenging. That's so wonderful that you want to make sure your friend has good things to eat.

I don't know how much you have read about g-f cooking, but here's a couple of things I have learned:

Do not use a collander that strained regular pasta. That silly gluten can be hiding anywhere.:goodvibes

Do not use old wooden spoons (including rolling pins).

There is a lot of debate about non-stick pans. The consensus seems to be if it is scratched, don't use it. I only use my old cookie sheets now if I have parchment paper on top of them.

Pay attention to things that could easily be cross-contaminated:
peanut butter and jelly
any condiment that does not squirt out

And no toast in a regular toaster

As for recipes, I just started googling. has a really good search. As I make things, I will try to post the links. There are also a lot of folks with g-f blogs. Which I find to be very comforting. For instance I read something this weekend about french fries. And there were a ton of replies about how much people missed french fries with suggestions about which chain restaurants have dedicated fryer. I love french fries. They were my treat food when I was losing weight. So I felt much better to know I wasn't the only one, and to know that I might be able to find some in town. (I really don't want to buy a deep fryer!:goodvibes)

Last night I made Corinna's lentil chili and it was REALLY tasty! And smelled so good while it was cooking. There's a link to it on the first page of this thread. I chopped the onions and carrots and celery in my food processor.

Here's a link to the salad I'm making tonight:

Tracy G
I am loving your TR. I am with you on the walk to the corrals. I wish there was a bit more light along the way.
Oh, I met Tracy this weekend for the first time! Thanks for following.:goodvibes
Hi rose. Just read your report. You guys seemed to have such a great weekend. I wish I could have joined you more.:guilty: Im amazed by how much effort you have to put into eating gluten-free. I must say you are doing an amazing job of keeping positive about it all. I bet the reward of feeling good is enough to keep you going.
Hi rose. Just read your report. You guys seemed to have such a great weekend. I wish I could have joined you more.:guilty: Im amazed by how much effort you have to put into eating gluten-free. I must say you are doing an amazing job of keeping positive about it all. I bet the reward of feeling good is enough to keep you going.
Hi Lindsay! Hopefully we will be down there again for a race and can visit some more! Thanks for the comments. Somedays I am positive, somedays not so positive. Somedays the two year old in me comes out, and Mike spends a lot of time reassuring me. But it's mostly good. And I do feel better.:goodvibes

So this morning I got a reminder in reading labels. We spent forever at Whole Foods yesterday, and I still managed to buy walnuts (plain, raw walnuts) that were processed in a "facility that processes wheat." Uggh. I was already eating them on my cereal when I discovered this. It will probably be fine. But I try to avoid buying anything that is questionable. Even when you are eating something that is tested and labeled g-f it could have up to 20ppm. Which doesn't sound like much, but if you eat a lot of stuff with a little bit of gluten it adds up. Does that make sense? I think I read that there is some threshold number that you are supposed to stay under, but I can't remember where I read it or even what it was. And interestingly, when I was taking fiber which met the under 20 ppm I was feeling horrendous. Might have been a coincidence, but I really am trying to avoid hidden gluten.

So, for dinner tonight I made the beet salad in the previous post. It was really good! I made a couple of changes. I roasted the beets instead of simmering them. I used 1/2 the amount of olive oil and we squeezed a fresh orange for the juice. Goat cheese is so yummy, and the candied walnuts (which I probably should have skipped) were very tasty!

I now have two go to recipes! Woohoo!:goodvibes
I still need to do the last two days of my trip report.

I had a rough day today. They had a fundraiser pancake breakfast at work along with waffles and a lovely casserole. None of which I could eat. That just set my mood for the day. And as usual it's a lovely overcast day here. I took a vit d so hoping that helps. I just want to bag the whole g-f thing. The symptoms weren't that bad, right? I lived like that for years and did ok, sort of. Though things have definitely been much worse over the last couple of months. Ok, so I'm being a 2 year old today. But I want macaroni and cheese and regular pizza and a sandwich with regular bread and to be able to go out to eat without feeling like it's a production.

So I made out a list of what is better since going g-f, and read it to Mike, and I'm feeling a little better. It's a pretty long list, but probably more info than anyone really wants.:goodvibes The plan is to stick it out and go talk to my doctor in a month or so and see what she says. And hopefully to stop being a wally whiner in the meantime.:goodvibes
Tonight I made this casserole from all recipes:

I was a little skeptical while cooking it. Actually at one point I contemplated putting the whole thing in the trash. It just looked funky. But I was tired and we needed to eat something. And let me just say it was FABULOUS! So good.

I used a can of cannellini beans (white beans) in place of the chicken. I did not put any cayenne pepper in, either. We served it with sour cream, salsa, scoops and chopped tomatoes. Oh, and I didn't add the second part of cheese until the last 10 minutes of cooking. I didn't actually measure the cheese, and Mike thinks we used way less than what they called for. I chopped the onions with the food processor and shredded the carrot and sliced the zucchini with it as well.

The rice did not have enough liquid and I added a little bit of water to it while cooking. Brown rice takes forever to cook, so if I make this on a weekday again, I might plan to use rice I cooked over the weekend.

Definitely will make this again.:goodvibes
We woke up around 7:30 and decided to try to make it to MK in time for opening. We grabbed a quick shower and quick breakfast in our room. We forgot that the bus from BW makes lots of stops before going to MK. We got there just in time to see the end of park opening. It was pretty crowded at MK. I was kind of surprised. We did a lot of stuff in Fantasyland including Dumbo. I like to ride Dumbo because you can see the construction in Fantasyland.;)

Here's a pic of me and Mike on Dumbo. I don't know why this picture is so big, hopefully it will resize.

By 10:15 I was starving so we did Haunted Mansion and then went to Columbia Harbor House for lunch. Mike wasn't very hungry yet so he just got a cup of clam chowder. After a big discussion with a cast member I got the Lighthouse sandwich--no bread and ff! Yum!

Basically, it looked like a bowl of hummus, some coleslaw and tomatoes. I cut up the tomatoes and dumped them and the coleslaw in the hummus and ate it like soup. It sounds gross, but it was very tasty. I couldn't eat the whole thing--that was a lot of hummus!

After lunch we did a few more things and then attempted to find a treat that wasn't prepackaged. They had nothing in the bakery, ice cream shop or candy store. Well actually, I think I could have had soft serve. It was a little frustrating. We headed back to the boardwalk and I ended up taking my chance on a scoop of chocolate ice cream. We then spent some time at the pool. It was such a gorgeous day. It was really nice to just do nothing.

After the pool we got ready and headed to the Yacht Club where we had dinner at the Captain's Grill. The chef was really nice. A little gruff at first--the server even pointed this out--but he made me a lovely dinner and came out and we had a really nice conversation with him about what kind of grass grows in Florida and black rice and being gluten free. When we got home Mike emailed him a link to an article that mentioned black rice in runner's world. The chef's name was Allen Shelton. I will definitely go back to Captain's Grill again, if for no other reason than they were really nice to us.

Here's a pic of my dinner. It had squash puree, lots of veggies, and black rice in it. It was really good. I think Mike had fish for dinner.

When dinner was over we started to watch Beauty and Beach outside by the lake, but it was really cold and the bugs were biting, so we called it a night and were in bed by the time the fireworks were going off at Epcot.:goodvibes

Some things were frustrating with food today, but some things were really good. I just have to learn to roll with things a little better I think. I need to have my sweet treats at home where I have control over what I eat, and have other treats on vacation--like delicious dinners and yummy grown-up drinks.
Thanks for journaling your struggles with food along the way. I have had to give up fried foods as I am not able to tolerate the oil. Living in the South makes that very hard and sometimes I give up when we go out and then have to deal with the results later.
Thanks for journaling your struggles with food along the way. I have had to give up fried foods as I am not able to tolerate the oil. Living in the South makes that very hard and sometimes I give up when we go out and then have to deal with the results later.
Thanks for reading along.:goodvibes They do like their fried food in the south. Having to limit any food can make for a challenge.

Well the past couple days have been a little struggle but I have been hanging on. Wednesday we went out for a drink--we used to eat at this restaurant but they have nothing except iceberg lettuce that I can eat. So I had some hard cider and Mike had a beer. They are looking at getting g-f beer for me. We are sort of regulars, so they like us. When we came home we had leftover casserole.

Thursday I started the morning off by breaking a casserole dish and there was glass all over my kitchen. That kind of set the tone for a cruddy day. I tried to run, but my knee was just not having it. So that was very disappointing. We did cook a new dish--spaghetti artichoke casserole. It was not my favorite. But the spaghetti was ok and I will use that brand again. I just have to be careful not to overcook. It gets mushy fast.

I had off today, which was fabulous. I really needed a mental health day. Over the past few days I have just wanted to bag everything. I wanted regular food and bacon and diet coke and just everything that is bad for me. I was basically having an adult temper tantrum. Luckily sanity prevailed.:goodvibes I have decided to have some additional tests run for gluten intolerance. I really think going g-f has helped my health, but mentally it would be good to know one way or the other. If it's negative I can maybe relax a little bit, and if it's positive then I know I've been on the right track.

Tonight I was too lazy to cook the brown rice for the dish I had planned for dinner so we had some new g-f veggie burgers--artichoke burgers on g-f toast. They were FABULOUS! The best veggie burger I have ever had. I also had a salad with leftover dressing, strawberries, black beans, lettuce and goat cheese. It was a really good dinner! I didn't feel like it was anything other than dinner--like it wasn't some preplanned special g-f thing. It was just a veggie burger on toast and salad. Sounds stupid, probably, but I just want to not feel weird today.

So that's where I'm at. Hanging in there. Not looking forward to planning another week of g-f meals, but I fully realize it's what I need to do. I am down a little bit this week, and I'm now less than a pound from my pre-princess weight.:goodvibes I'm hoping to lower my maintain weight in a week or so.
I was basically having an adult temper tantrum.

aw, you poor thing. :hug: i have those way more often than i should!

when are you going in for the gluten allergy tests? i'd like to say that i hope it's negative but at the same time, since you've been feeling better (well, physically at least) while being g-f it's almost like a positive result would confirm why you're working so hard to adjust to this new eating. know what i mean?

i googled a beet salad recipe. i have never even purchased beets before so i'm a little nervous about it!

oh, and just curious, what beers are gluten free?
Hi Nancy! Did you buy some beets? Red Bridge is gluten free--it's made by Anheuser Busch. There are some other brands, but I don't know what they are yet. I kind of hope the results are positive too, because otherwise I am back at square one.

I think I had some gluten yesterday. I decide to take my chances with some french fries. After three I was pretty sure they were coated in something--which in the case of fries can mean a wheat starch. Uggh. That and I had black beans out Saturday night and I don't know what was in them. Anyhow my stomach was a bubbly mess today. And it is very bloated again. It doesn't hurt so that's good, just doesn't fell well and looks like I swallowed a bowling ball.

I still need to finish my Princess trip report.

My knee is cooperating, and even though I can't run yet, I have been able to get some good workouts in. It's a lot easier to keep the food stuff in perspective when I get in a good stress relieving workout!:goodvibes
So, today I mailed in a sample for some additional testing I am having done. It's being done by an independant lab. Mike and I have both read a lot about it, and I feel like it is a reasonable test. The theory is that antibodies don't show up as fast in blood tests, which yields a lot of false negatives. My blood tests were negative. It will take about 3 weeks to get the results. Mike is convinced they will be positive. I'm not sure. I think that would just make things too simple--I am ever the pessimist. Mentally it would be easier if someone told me there is conclusive proof that I need to keep doing this.

I have not been doing great with the eating this week. Sunday night we had take out g-f pizza. Monday we had leftovers and hummus and fruit--yum! Last night we had take out Moe's. This is what happens when I don't have a plan. I need to come clean with myself. I have been doing a little too much stress eating. I am still solidly a maintain, but I feel out of control. Does that make sense? And my stomach is still out of sorts which is not helping. We are also having some issues with our DS who is away at school--nothing major, but I feel the stress level creeping up. I'm really hoping to be able to run this weekend.:goodvibes

So the goal is to put a plan together for the rest of the week. Baby steps. My dh has been buying lots of g-f snacks--which is so sweet--but we have too much in the house! So, I also need to get a handle on the snacks as well.

Ok, time to figure out what we are eating the rest of the week.:goodvibes
Hi Rose!
I keep saying when I read your siggie that I need to come over and check out your journal, and how exciting to find a princess trip report too.

:hug: Sorry about the all the stress you're under right now and that out of control feeling. It's good you're still maintaining, but that out of control feeling sucks and just adds more stress. Hang in there. Hope DS is ok and you're able to get out and run a little this weekend. :hug:

Loving your princess report. 2:12 is amazing. I think I must have been one of the last Wishers to come in at 3:35. Thank you for waiting for all of us. I feel like the finishline and right after was such a blur and went by so fast.

I absolutely loved Boma when we went last year, and because ds has allergies, the chef took us through the buffet too, and it was so nice to hear what all the dishes were.
And we were at MK the 28th too, and started in fantasy land for philharmagic and pooh, and then went to tomorrowland. Space was closed down briefly that morning. Wonder if we just missed seeing you.

Hang in there, Rose. I hope you get some answers soon.:hug:

Funny, for some reason, I'm craving beets.;)
Hi Rose. I hope your belly is feeling better and that you are able to run this weekend. It is so hard to keep organized and planned through stressful weeks. I think you are doing such a great job and setting such a great example for us all. I hope things with DS are ok and that you were able to straighten things out with your meals.

I am also loving your TR and find it so cute that you and mike still ride dumbo together. So sweet.:goodvibes
Hi Rose. I hope your belly is feeling better and that you are able to run this weekend. It is so hard to keep organized and planned through stressful weeks. I think you are doing such a great job and setting such a great example for us all. I hope things with DS are ok and that you were able to straighten things out with your meals.

I am also loving your TR and find it so cute that you and mike still ride dumbo together. So sweet.:goodvibes
Hi Lindsay! I'm just glad Mike and I can fit in Dumbo together.:lmao: We like riding it now cause you can see the construction in Fantasyland.:thumbsup2

Tom is just have a dramafest again. And I feel like a terrible mom, but I just can't deal with it right now. I listen, but the whole time we are on the phone I'm thinking, ok are we almost done? He just needs someone to vent to, but he ususally only calls when he is upset about something. And I'm a little frustrated because he is doing nothing proactive to figure out what is going on with the housing situation for the summer. We just have very different personalities, I guess. Ok, mommy vent over.:goodvibes

I had a rough day yesterday. I woke up with a headache. They had another lunch at work. They were making spaghetti tacos. So someone pointed out they had vegan beef, which is fine, but I am at the point now, where I just am not eating anything unless I make it or I get it from Moe's or Bjs. I'm sick of having a bloated stomach for days. I just had a crappy day, I wanted every food I can't have. I wanted a regular beer. Yes, another two year old temper tantrum. We went out to watch the Aztecs bb game and then went to the grocery and got some food to cook at home. We found a premade g-f cheese pizza which was pretty good.

Well, I looked closer at the ingredients this morning and it had gelatin in it. Uggh. I am just about over food. Just hook me up to an iv once a day. Mike said if you would have gone raw 6 monts ago (we talked about it) you would have felt better and never known why.

Ok, I need to buck up. Life is good. I am healthy. And that's all that matters.:goodvibes
Hi Rose!
I keep saying when I read your siggie that I need to come over and check out your journal, and how exciting to find a princess trip report too.

:hug: Sorry about the all the stress you're under right now and that out of control feeling. It's good you're still maintaining, but that out of control feeling sucks and just adds more stress. Hang in there. Hope DS is ok and you're able to get out and run a little this weekend. :hug:

Loving your princess report. 2:12 is amazing. I think I must have been one of the last Wishers to come in at 3:35. Thank you for waiting for all of us. I feel like the finishline and right after was such a blur and went by so fast.

I absolutely loved Boma when we went last year, and because ds has allergies, the chef took us through the buffet too, and it was so nice to hear what all the dishes were.
And we were at MK the 28th too, and started in fantasy land for philharmagic and pooh, and then went to tomorrowland. Space was closed down briefly that morning. Wonder if we just missed seeing you.

Hang in there, Rose. I hope you get some answers soon.:hug:

Funny, for some reason, I'm craving beets.;)
Hi Kathy! I never responded to you. I have been very distracted this week! I loved it that I was able to sit and wait for you all without being sick! That was such a big victory for me! And Boma was fabulous. We went a couple of years ago and had a not so great time, but we thought we'd try it again, because I heard they were very nice to vegetarians. And the chef was fabulous! He was so kind and checked on me. It was also nice to have Corinna there to remind me what had gluten in it! We must have just missed you all at MK! What foods does Michael have to avoid?

Well, I am hopefully over my 2 year old whiny pity party from yesterday. I got in 6 workouts this week, and even if my running is going poorly, I am feeling much more positive. I am maintaining even without running, and I am really enjoying zumba. I'm so glad I tried it. I am SO HORRENDOUSLY BAD at it, but it's really fun. I find myself smiling even as sweat is running off me!

Today's plan--get a meal plan together for next week. And enjoy some basketball. I already printed off a couple of recipes. I also found a recipe for g-f tortillas that I might try. I'll post my meal plan once I finish it.:goodvibes
Ok, I have planned two weeks worth of meals.:goodvibes I'm also going to make some g-f brownies this week and try a pumpkin bread. The baking thing is hard--I'm just not used to the ingredients yet. I would also, sometime in the next two weeks, like to try to make tortillas. Then when I plan the next two weeks I will know if I can make enchiladas. So here's the next two weeks:

March 19, 2011 Baked potatoes w/roasted veggies
March 20, 2011 Tofu and Artichoke Risotto
March 21, 2011 veggie burgers and french fries
March 22, 2011 pizza w/garlic and onions and tomatoes.
March 23, 2011 white bean cakes
March 24, 2011 leftovers
March 25, 2011 Italian pasta fritatta
March 26, 2011 Healing Curry
March 27, 2011 Roasted Vegetable Magic
March 28, 2011 veggie burgers and french fries
March 29, 2011 brown rice and black bean casserole
March 30, 2011 Chicken Broccoli Cheese Casserole
March 31, 2011 leftovers
April 1, 2011 Roasted acorn squash risotto
April 2, 2011 Baked potatoes w/roasted veggies


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