Turn Around and See What Happens -- It's Whoopi Time and that's a wrap 3/31; F&G add

I have to make cookies right now so I'll be back later with responses. I was tired (and sick) when I typed my update last night. I should have said we told Mary we'd be there in about 45 minutes or so and made it in 30 minutes, not 20. As our kids would say, my husband drives like an "old" woman. Trust me...he does not have a lead foot.
Yay on the upcoming Tim & fam meet.

The airport looks beautiful! I don't even know if Logan decorates, or how. If I am in there at Christmas I am usually too excited to notice anything.

tired & (sick), or.... just sick & tired. :confused3 I have to say 30 mins. isn't bad. We usually plan a little over an hour landing (airport) to landing (hotel lobby). Of course we usually have too many people trying to decide on exactly which mini van is perfect for our family. :rolleyes1

Love your Tink luggage. I debated on that one myself.

Looking forward to more of the TR
That's awesome that you'll be able to meet Tim and Mel! It's great to finally be able to meet your first DIS friend. :goodvibes

I love the suitcase! How do you feel the hard suitcases hold up? I'm always nervous about them.

Absolutely adore Mark's Tis the Season to be Grumpy shirt!
I love traveling day! Why is it always better waking up early in the morning for Disney than for work?!
You made great time to DTD, glad all worked out with AP's and MB's!!
I totally need to learn how to make cookies, I am not a baker!!!
Thanks Kathy, I"m here! Subbed & reading up as soon as I fill up that coffee mug :)
Great shot Kathy, and with my favorite Epcot beverage!

(in the picture with Alisha is our new grandpuppy, Rolo; Rolo is currently in the dog house for eating a second set of Alisha's shoes :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:)
sorry but I am :rotfl: about poor Alisha's shoes. been there!! Though my puppy used to eat only one shoe.

Fabulous intros Kathy!

Thank you ALL for being here. I am overwhelmed by all of you being here to read about our trip.

It turns out Tim and Mel and the kids will be in Disney for part of our September 2014 trip and I am just so excited that I am going to finally meet my first real DIS friend. Okay, back to what you are here for.

WOOT WOOT I know you've been trying to meet up with Tim for a long time. How cool you get to meet everyone!

Nope, you don't look happy to be heading back to Disney at all. :rolleyes:

:scared1: Oh NO that you lost all your cell phone pics!
Oh to be in Disney instead of this bitter cold & snow. We usually take the 7:30am flights, I do hate getting up at 4:am, but getting to Orlando around 10:30 is hard to beat.

I almost bought the Pink Tink suitcase, but wound up with the blue Mickey outlines.

It's great you are going to have the Dis meet with your first Dis friend.
Great arrival day pictures, Kathy!

The O'Hare Airport is one I have not made my way through yet, but I have to say, those are some beautiful decorations (especially for an airport)! I'm trying to remember how (or if) St. Louis decorates, but I can't recall! Guess I'll see in three days!

It's definitely a love-hate relationship with those early flights, though, isn't it? But, I'll take the super early wake up any day if it means I'll be in Disney before noon!! :-)

Loved seeing the picture of your first palm tree view! Just makes ya sigh with contentment knowing you're finally there when you see those!

That is just SO exciting you will finally get to meet your very first Dis friend in person! How awesome!!

Glad it was a smooth trip down! :-)
I have to make cookies right now so I'll be back later with responses. I was tired (and sick) when I typed my update last night. I should have said we told Mary we'd be there in about 45 minutes or so and made it in 30 minutes, not 20. As our kids would say, my husband drives like an "old" woman. Trust me...he does not have a lead foot.

Baking cookies is the same plan in our household... Carolyn (DW) and Alyssa (DD) have been making cookies all day once we got home from church. Don't feel too sorry for them though, I'm the one with the tough job... I have been given the difficult task of sampling the finished product. :rotfl2:

Sorry to hear your not feeling well. Last week when I got home from WDW I woke up the next morning feeling a little hoarse. By Saturday I had a fever of 100.2, Sunday up to 100.8 and peaked on Monday at 101.3; I guess the bright side of it was that it happened when I got home and not during my time in Disney. Either way it was the sickest I had been in years. :sick:

Oh and congrats to your Bears... Your team was one of the many who continue to make my Browns look like a pathetic joke week in and week out. Gosh it is so tough being a Browns fan. :furious:
Here I am on page 6.....Almost to the part where we meet up!!! it was a fun trip though the girls (girl-different one than usual) was a bit tooo crazy at times. Best part hands down was meeting Nicki and Todd!!
There is nothing better than the excitement of departure day for Disney!

Those decorations at O'Hare are beautiful!

Got to love that first sight of palm trees.

Glad everything went smoothly with your Magic Bands. I know how worried you were about them.
You definitely made good time from the airport to DTD! :thumbsup2 I know you were a bit stressed about the MB's. Glad you got a good start with them, hope this good luck remains for the rest of your trip! :goodvibes
Before I move on with this TR, I want to share some exciting news with you. The first "real" friend I met here on the DIS was "that's nice" (Tim in real life). Tim and I hit it off right away and I fell in love with his only child at the time, Juliana. Juliana had some serious health issues when she turned a year old. Thankfully, she is now a healthy girl, and has two siblings, Christopher and Gabriella. Anyway, although I've been in touch with Tim and his family for years, I have never had the opportunity to meet them in person. Well, this is finally happening. It turns out Tim and Mel and the kids will be in Disney for part of our September 2014 trip and I am just so excited that I am going to finally meet my first real DIS friend. Okay, back to what you are here for.


Hooray! Having met Juliana, you're in for a treat! And having met Tim...well, you'll get to meet Juliana! :banana:

Now, I just had to get Mark moving...he seemed to be in a bit of slow motion (he told me no more 7:30 a.m. flights; yeah, whatever!).

More time in Disney! You can sleep when you're dead!

Of course, on the way, those who know me, know that I had to stop for my Starbucks coffee.

I think even people who don't know you at least know this.:rotfl2:

Our plane ride down had a little bumpiness (I didn't notice as I was asleep)

I guess you missed the engine that was on fire, too? :confused3

And just as a side note: I have LOST all of my cell phone pictures except for the last two days. So as I get to spots where we had DIS meets, please feel free to post your pictures if you have any.

Ok, I'll be sure to post all of them! :thumbsup2
Did you seriously just have two pieces of luggage? I can't even fit all of our weekend road trip stuff into so few bags. I take everything and then a backup for everything. Where the heck did you pack the kitchen sink? :rotfl:

You two look so happy to be on the plane and on your way!

Oh and I almost forgot.....how cool that you're going to finally meet Tim in person after being Dis friends for so long.:banana:
:welcome::welcome: and thank you for commenting. Please don't be shy. 99% of us are really friendly. ;) Seriously, delighted to have you here.

Thanks for the welcome. It's not really that I'm shy, more that I don't save my login stuff to work comp. As that's about the only time I have to check these boards... most days I'm too lazy to actually sign-in :). I'm working on getting better at it though! Have enjoyed all your reports thoroughly.
Woo hoo for meeting Timmy and family!:thumbsup2 What a treat!

You're crazy to be getting up THAT early for a flight! I'm with Mark on this one, it's nuts. Then again, I am not a fan of the morning at all so there you go.

Those lights are so pretty at your airport! Are those supposed to be birds flying?

Wow, Starbucks. Shocking.:rolleyes:

Glad your flight went well, I can never sleep on a plane though. The fear of plummeting to my death kind of keeps me awake and alert.:laughing:

Don't you just love that moment when you drive up to the Disneyworld sign? I do!

Looking forward to more and seeing the Dismeets!:goodvibes
Woooo whoooo!! Off to a great start. Gotta love that first spotting of a palm tree. That is when you know, you have arrived! :rotfl:

It most certainly does, Tammy.

So happy you finally get to meet Tim, Mel and the kids!!!

I am so excited about this.

Wow only 20 minutes you made great time to DTD!
Bummer about losing your photos do you have anything from our day in AK? can get you copies of the ones I have

As I corrected, it took 30 minutes. We went out the right way this time (there are actually two ways to exit the airport and we got the shorter exit this time). I do have some of the photos, just not my cell phone ones.

Wow! If that was ALL your luggage then you travel light. :thumbsup2

That was my suitcase and my bag with all the Christmas gifts for Mary's kids and Tammy's kids in it, along with a couple of DIS meet gifts. Mark had his own suitcase which I didn't take a picture of.

I hear Mark on the early flights. Ours usually leave at 6am and getting up for them is "hard work". :lmao:

It is hard work, but we get almost a full day if we catch that early flight. I promised him next year we will get a more reasonable flight and NOT do anything on arrival day.

Love how nicely the airport in Chicago (is that O'Hare?) is decorated and even better the sight of the first palm tree!

Yes, that was O'Hare Airport. They did a nice job with the decorations. Love Palm Trees.

You were "flying" to WDW in 20 minutes, well done!
Sorry about your cell phone photos.

It was actually 30 minutes as I corrected it. I was having trouble downloading them and then when Andy figured it out for me, I must have deleted some before I put them on Photobucket. :headache:

And congratulations on finally being able to meet Tim! :woohoo:

I can't wait!

Thanks for the background info about Tim and his family. I didn't know that and I'm really glad you guys have plans to meet during an upcoming trip!

They are a wonderful family...and I'm so glad we get to see them.

Annual picture or every trip? I suspect you have more than 1 for each year.

You got me there...but ONLY if he is on every trip. ;)

That is a fantastic tradition.

Thanks; he loves his Dumbo.

That sucks! I hope your friends are able to fill in the gaps.

I know I can pull a few off of Facebook. But I'm sure someone will fill in where need be.

I don't have that many cell phone photos mostly because I try to always have a regular camera with me AND I forget that my phone is a camera too. I swear I can't even count the number of times I have said "I wish I had a camera" and my husband gives me "that look"

Husbands are GREAT at that look. :rotfl2:


But you gotta love them.

Yay! I am so happy for you that you get to meet your frist Dis friend! That is so awesome! I get to meet 1 of my first Dis friends on my next trip... I hope to meet the other "someday". ;)

Thanks...I'm pretty pumped for it.

Fantastic that you made it to DTD in 20 minutes... Mark must have a lead foot?

It was 30 minutes...fat fingers can't type.

Glad you were able to get your APs and MBs - and thankful they worked. I have heard too many horror stories lately.

I've read a lot of horror stories and had several told to me from friends who had been. I hope they work out the kinks soon.

So excited to hear about the rest of your trip! :)


Thanks, D.
O'Hare decorations look beautiful How was Orlando airport decorated? I haven't been in that airport since I had to fly to NY about 4 yrs ago , so I am clueless
I always like the traditional Dumbo DTD picture okay ready for more .....:coffee:

Ruthie, we whizzed right through MCO that I only saw the tree briefly. :santa: Thanks; Mark loves his Dumbo (his room is filled with them).

Awesome start!! We arrived that night and also rented budget LOL. We will meet one of these days..I got to see Janet and Rosie so did you.so it was an almost haha. So sweet about finally getting to meet Tim!! My real life buddies I've found here on the Dis (yourself included) :hug:

I'm glad you got to see Rosie and Janet; I'm just sorry we missed. Budget seems to have the lowest prices lately. As you know, I found my "little sis" here on the DIS. :goodvibes

Yay on the upcoming Tim & fam meet.

So happy for this finally happening.

The airport looks beautiful! I don't even know if Logan decorates, or how. If I am in there at Christmas I am usually too excited to notice anything.

That's how I was when we got to MCO...totally forgot to check out the decorations.

tired & (sick), or.... just sick & tired. :confused3 I have to say 30 mins. isn't bad. We usually plan a little over an hour landing (airport) to landing (hotel lobby). Of course we usually have too many people trying to decide on exactly which mini van is perfect for our family. :rolleyes1

Unfortunately, I am very tired (no sleep) and very sick! I have a nasty head cold and I sneeze all the time and I'm congested, etc.

Love your Tink luggage. I debated on that one myself.

It was between that and the Mickey one, but I hadn't seen many people with the Tink so I went with that; it was my Mother's Day gift from Andy last year.

Looking forward to more of the TR

Thanks; an update tomorrow or Wednesday if I'm feeling better.

That's awesome that you'll be able to meet Tim and Mel! It's great to finally be able to meet your first DIS friend. :goodvibes

It will be so much fun to finally meet them after all of our talks, card exchanges, etc.

I love the suitcase! How do you feel the hard suitcases hold up? I'm always nervous about them.

I've used it three times now and it's okay; you can see the scratches on it; but at least it has not ripped anywhere (yet).

Absolutely adore Mark's Tis the Season to be Grumpy shirt!

Isn't it great? I think I got that online about four or five years ago.

I love traveling day! Why is it always better waking up early in the morning for Disney than for work?!
You made great time to DTD, glad all worked out with AP's and MB's!!
I totally need to learn how to make cookies, I am not a baker!!!

I don't know...but it sure is and I never have problems waking up. :) I enjoy making cookies. I used to make them four or five weeks in a row for the wrestling team. I have to admit I miss that sometimes.

Thanks Kathy, I"m here! Subbed & reading up as soon as I fill up that coffee mug :)

MaryEllen, I am delighted you found me.
Great shot Kathy, and with my favorite Epcot beverage!

Mine too!

sorry but I am :rotfl: about poor Alisha's shoes. been there!! Though my puppy used to eat only one shoe.

I must admit, I laughed when she called me the second time he did it. Puppies will be puppies.

Fabulous intros Kathy!

Thank you.

WOOT WOOT I know you've been trying to meet up with Tim for a long time. How cool you get to meet everyone!

It was the best news I could have gotten.

Nope, you don't look happy to be heading back to Disney at all. :rolleyes:

Nope, not at all. :rotfl2:

:scared1: Oh NO that you lost all your cell phone pics!

I have two days, but the rest are gone. :(

Oh to be in Disney instead of this bitter cold & snow. We usually take the 7:30am flights, I do hate getting up at 4:am, but getting to Orlando around 10:30 is hard to beat.

I agree, Doris. We've had an unusually cold winter already and they are predicting even colder as it goes on. I agree...can't beat getting to Orlando at 10:30 or 11:00.

I almost bought the Pink Tink suitcase, but wound up with the blue Mickey outlines.

I liked the Mickey one too.

It's great you are going to have the Dis meet with your first Dis friend.

I am very happy about this.

Great arrival day pictures, Kathy!

Thank you, Toni-Marie.

The O'Hare Airport is one I have not made my way through yet, but I have to say, those are some beautiful decorations (especially for an airport)! I'm trying to remember how (or if) St. Louis decorates, but I can't recall! Guess I'll see in three days!

You are off again?

It's definitely a love-hate relationship with those early flights, though, isn't it? But, I'll take the super early wake up any day if it means I'll be in Disney before noon!! :-)

I'm with you on that.

Loved seeing the picture of your first palm tree view! Just makes ya sigh with contentment knowing you're finally there when you see those!

Yes it truly does.

That is just SO exciting you will finally get to meet your very first Dis friend in person! How awesome!!

It really is awesome, and I'm sure it will be great to finally sit and talk in person.

Glad it was a smooth trip down! :-)

It was very smooth...for me at least. ;)

Joining in! Love the airport decorations, simply beautiful!!

:welcome::welcome: thank you for joining. O'Hare did a very nice job with the decorations.

Baking cookies is the same plan in our household... Carolyn (DW) and Alyssa (DD) have been making cookies all day once we got home from church. Don't feel too sorry for them though, I'm the one with the tough job... I have been given the difficult task of sampling the finished product. :rotfl2:

I have my husband the job of stirring....my arm was going to fall off. Plus he got to sample too. :)

Sorry to hear your not feeling well. Last week when I got home from WDW I woke up the next morning feeling a little hoarse. By Saturday I had a fever of 100.2, Sunday up to 100.8 and peaked on Monday at 101.3; I guess the bright side of it was that it happened when I got home and not during my time in Disney. Either way it was the sickest I had been in years. :sick:

I'm praying I don't get the fever.

Oh and congrats to your Bears... Your team was one of the many who continue to make my Browns look like a pathetic joke week in and week out. Gosh it is so tough being a Browns fan. :furious:

Seriously, I have NO idea how the Bears won that game...especially with Cutler in it! :mad:


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