Turn Around and See What Happens -- It's Whoopi Time and that's a wrap 3/31; F&G add

Glad you went to Coral Reef before the tank broke!!!

The dessert did look amazing! YUMMMMMMMMMMM

the pictures from the wedding are BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Do you think at some point YOU will have another wedding in YOUR family???:rolleyes1
Chicago Mo said:
Glad you went to Coral Reef before the tank broke!!!

The dessert did look amazing! YUMMMMMMMMMMM

the pictures from the wedding are BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Do you think at some point YOU will have another wedding in YOUR family???:rolleyes1

When did the tank at Coral Reef break?

I heard about the one at T Rex in DTD not long ago........
Sorry I’m a little late to the party. :guilty: It’s been a very busy couple of weeks. Hopefully things will settle down and get a little closer to normal……. for a while at least. :rolleyes:

I'm glad you got thing settled...that's what is important.

Congrats on the big Jackpot win, and to Tony for his NCAA Championship! Great job to both of you. :banana:

Thanks; I was so happy on both counts.

:woohoo: on dinner at Captain’s Grille. The food looks great, and one of those steaks would be wonderful about now. :love:

I was pleasantly surprised on the food.

Nice tour of WS and yes, those trains in Germany are a favorite! :thumbsup2 Cool that you got to see the VoL Christmas show. I’m sure it was spectacular. :goodvibes So glad Mark started feeling better, and was able to provide us some “hat” pictures! You got some really wonderful PP pictures.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

So sorry you had a bad experience with your waitress at Coral Reef. :headache: At least you got a great table. One day I guess I will finally break down and give it a try. :rolleyes1

I know it happens from time to time. We didn't let it spoil our day, but it take away from a few things we ended up not doing.

Enjoy your weekend and the wedding! ::yes::

Thank you...it was great!

Sorry Mark was strolling with a upset tummy.

Yes, it wasn't the best of mornings, but it definitely got better.

You had a nice walk and looks like maybe a drink on the way?

It was the perfect weather for a nice walk. I don't recall if I had a drink at this point or not?

AA can be a good nap time. You can get pretty comfortable in there. :lmao:

Yes, those seats are rather comfy.

Have not been to CR in years. Had a seat by the aquarium and I remember I enjoyed my meal even if I didn't enjoy the company.... :rolleyes1

Hmmm...would that have been with your son?

Sorry you had a longer than anticipated meal due to your waitress. Lucky you weren't by the loud table that would have made it seem even longer or shorter if you had to cut your meal short.

Thank heaven we were no where near that group!

Hi Kathy! I’m new to your TR’s! Although, I’ve seen you around the DIS plenty I’m not sure why I never made it over!

:welcome::welcome: thank you for joining. I am delighted to have you. I know I've seen you around as well.

Anyways… maybe I can find the question to this elsewhere but was Mary and the girls relatives or friends? I didn’t see an introduction for them so I was just curious!

Like my best friend, Nicki (who showed up on our Studios day), I met Mary through the DIS. Mark and I met Mary and the girls in person when we all stayed at the Coronado in 2010. We hung with them a couple days. The next year (2011), we booked our trips at the same time and met up with her, the girls and her hubby and her hubby's parents (our oldest son also made an appearance that trip). After that, our "girls" trips started, and the one this coming May/June will be our third one. Cayley, Mary's youngest, kind of invited herself to this Christmas trip and we were delighted they could join us.

I’m sorry your meal at The Plaza was disappointing. We are going there next month and looking forward to the simple food (and the fries!!)

I was just really upset at how horrible the service and the long wait for a table when there were plenty of tables to be had!

That was an Amazing DISMeet! So nice you were able to meet so many all at once!

It was really fun to get so many of us together. I wish we'd had more time, but everyone had things they wanted to do at the party.

I would have never thought to watch the Fireworks from the Bridge over there. What a great idea!

It's an ideal place and the kids can sit by the rail until it's time to start.

Winnie the Pooh and Friends was one of the M&G’s I really wanted to do as well! Thankfully Brenda was on board to do it with me!!

They are my favorite characters, and I'm glad you and Brenda got to do it too. :)

Looks like you had a fun time at the Christmas Party!

It was a great party; to me it's all about the parade and the fireworks, with a few characters thrown in.

We love the Safari! You saw a lot of animals. So Sorry your driver wasn’t better! Some of them are really good!

We've had really good drivers in the past, so I was really disappointed with this one.

Y&Y is a sound place for a meal at AK. We have eaten there several times!

I really like it a lot.

The Trails are the part of AK we keep missing and I am hopeful we can rectify that soon!

You really should; so much to see on the trails.

I love Lisa’s purse!! What another wonderful DISmeet!! I believe Marie is a member of one of my FB groups!

It was fun to see all the girls. I'm a member of a few FB groups and I'm not sure if Marie is on one of them or not (so hard to keep track).

I won’t do Expedition Everest or Primevil Hurl!!

I cannot believe I told Mary this past Friday as we were chatting on FB that I would do EE with Avery in May. I don't know what I was thinking. :scared1: But I decided it was better than doing Rock & Roll Roller Coaster; I just won't eat BEFORE we go on EE.

Rafiki’s Planet Watch! Another favorite we haven’t made it to in awhile… I’m thinking we need to get some more AK time in our trip!

I love AK; we actually have two days there in May/June because Avery is a huge animal lover.

Ohhh… Why do you not like WL?!? We haven’t had the best meals at AP but we love staying there!!

Let's just say it looks like several places in our neighboring Wisconsin and we've had some issues with a very snotty CM who lied to our faces. Plus you can't tear me away from AKL and OKW. I've never even considered AP, but I do like the breakfast at WCC.

We’ve missed Spaceship Earth our last 2 times. Why I have no idea why especially since we were in Epcot for 90% of our trip in October!

I know it isn't all that exciting, but it was my dad's favorite ride so it holds a special place in my heart.

Ahhh… I can’t do Star Tours either. I tried it again on our last trip with my DH and he and I both agreed no more! We do however both love Rock n Roller Coater. In fact it is probably his favorite ride!!

I can do Star Tours once if I have to, but after that the stomach starts acting up. I can't do Rock n Roll at all...major headache once I'm off.

So Cool you got to meet up with Nicki!! I haven’t seen her on the boards much anymore?? I always used to read her live dining reviews!

Nicki got a puppy a year ago and it takes up to her life (it is her baby now). She is going to Disney in May (not with us) and in October, but she is no longer doing dining reviews. Work has been really hectic for her and she just doesn't have the time to do them anymore (I can't remember the last time she popped in here). But she and I talk almost every day. I love that girl...she truly is my long lost sister.

I’ve always thought it would be neat to have a meal at Coral Reef but with my husbands seafood allergy I’ve just always felt it would be better to dine elsewhere.

That's too bad about your DH's seafood allergy. Seafood is one of my favorite foods. They do have other things on the menu, but you never know if something touches the other person's food.

Sorry I had so many comments! Just made them as I read along! Can’t wait to read more about your trip.

No worries...I'm truly thrilled to have you here.

I just don't like the menu at Coral Reef other than the steak nothing appeals and the desserts don't really stand out !!I am not a chocolate cake or pudding fan . I didlove the Aquarium when I went. Even though we were not near it !!

Rosie, they really could expand the menu a bit...there isn't a whole lot to choose from.

Glad you enjoyed your meal at Coral Reef! I have eaten there a couple of times now and always had a good meal. I know it gets mixed reviews here on the Boards. I LOVE the Lobster soup!!! :thumbsup2

It's funny; I will eat almost any fish, but I dislike lobster immensely.

Who can resist a last spin on Nemo?!

Certainly not my husband!

Congrats to your son's friend on his marriage!

Thanks; it was a great wedding.

Hope Mark doesn't freeze tomorrow umping the game. It is supposed to be warmer out. :cheer2: But I will believe it when I feel it!!! ;)

Mark did okay at the game; it was a tad chilly in the morning. He started at 9 a.m. and was done by 1 p.m. (he had 2 games).
Poor Mark, what a time to feel ill - while on vacation. Come on gallbladder behave! In the end everything worked out well... ;)

It did work out fine in the end; but I was so disappointed that we didn't get to have breakfast with you and the others; and it's even more painful now that we won't be seeing you in September. :(

I've enjoyed meals at Captain's Grille for the most part other than service on the slow side as well. Not sure why it's that way since they usually have at least two hostesses/hosts at the podium all the time. Makes it look like they have plenty of people. :confused3

I noticed that when we went for breakfast the next morning (spoiler alert)...a lot of host/hostesses and the podium. :confused3

I don't recall seeing Photopass photographers in Norway before. I like those photos since they had the festive décor there. Speaking of Norway, a 60 min. stand-by for Malestrom. No Way!

Actually I remember him now telling me he was on break waiting for Anna and Elsa to come back; but he said he'd be more than willing to take background photos for us. He was very nice.

Wait, what?? No line at Character spot? That's awesome! Your interaction and photos with Minnie are adorable.

I couldn't believe it (and again this past March). It was great just walking right in, and I had a blast with Minnie.

Love your pink print Vera bag! I may have said that before but it's worth saying again.

You have, but it is worth saying again...I love it too!

Nice seat at Coral Reef - front and center for the fishies. Em and I ordered the same entrees as you guys before - mahi mahi for Em, steak for me.... yum! It was good.

I thought our meals looked familiar...must have been from your review.

And finally, ENJOY that massage! :)

Thank you; I did...Edward was fabulous as always.

Loved all the photopass pix in this update and the next one!

Thank you, Linda.

So is it still snowing in Chicago? :rotfl: Just kidding!

I could not believe it Friday morning when that snow started coming down. Seriously, it's April tomorrow...enough of this nonsense.

I had the same entree as Mark at Coral Reef and I loved it. SOOOOO good. I have no trouble watching and eating fishing simultaneously. :rotfl: I just love to sit by the tank and be entertained. I think if I ever do the CP I will pick Coral Reef. It's a cool spot. Sorry your waitress was a mess!

We would definitely go back to Coral Reef if we ever go back at Christmas and do the CP again.

Super pics! :thumbsup2 Glad you had a great time at the wedding! :woohoo:

Thanks; they are such a cute couple and we had a blast with them at the wedding.

Enjoy that massage........I could use one about now myself. :goodvibes

It was wonderful!

Catching up on your TR, Kathy. Love all of the updates. Great pictures from the wedding last night, you all look wonderful.

Hi, my dear, dear friend. I think about you every day and hope you are doing a bit better. Thank you for coming back to read.
Really nice pictures from the wedding!

Thank you.

Sounds like a really nice afternoon. Not too many rides/attractions, but you got some FANTASTIC photopass pictures. I have never seen one over at Norway which is a shame. I think that closeup photo in front of the waterfall is so sweet!

Epcot doesn't have a lot of rides to begin with (and we are NOT fans of the new Test Track) and we had gotten most of those done earlier in the week. We hit it good with the PP photographers again.

Nice break at American Adventure.

Yes it was. I wanted to be sure Mark got one every now and then so he wouldn't need to go back to the room.

It has been a few years since we have been to Coral Reef. We love fish and love aquariums, and although the food has always been decent, the view of the tank is the main attraction here!

I agree; that view is the main attraction.

Your pictures from the Nemo ride and of the manatees are really, really good!

Thanks; I was very happy that I got the manatees moving for a change.

Great pictures! :thumbsup2

Thank you, Ann.

No, but I've also never seen anyone have a single good thing to say about that place. :rotfl::lmao:

Okay then; I guess I'm glad we never tried it.

Did you at least say hi to our family? Sheesh. :rotfl:

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Remember, I've met part of your family and they aren't as bad as you make them out to be. ;)


It was an awesome spot!

I thought that was the appeal! You can taunt all the fish swimming by.:thumbsup2

Hmmm...never looked at it that way before.

Can't say I'm surprised.

I could have said I wanted to go see Figment one more time. :)

Looking forward to it!

I'm going to try and get it done this afternoon.

Looks like you guys had a great weekend at the wedding.

We did...lots of fun and saw a lot of Andy's friends from grammar school and high school that we've not seen in a long time.

Glad you went to Coral Reef before the tank broke!!!

I think you are confused with T-Rex.

The dessert did look amazing! YUMMMMMMMMMMM

Best dessert at Disney (I used to say it was the Chocolate Whiskey Cake at LeCellier but since I will no longer go there, this one has taken the top spot.

the pictures from the wedding are BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Thank you!

Do you think at some point YOU will have another wedding in YOUR family???:rolleyes1

As I said to someone who asked me that on Facebook, I keep telling my son to sh** or get off the pot! Seriously, June 1 they will be dating for three years. Some of the girls that were there asked me what he was waiting for. My best guess is that he is waiting until he has a full time teaching job (hopefully he gets that news this summer). A lot of people think he will pop the question in Ireland this summer if that happens.

When did the tank at Coral Reef break?

I heard about the one at T Rex in DTD not long ago........

I think Mo was confused with the two restaurants.
Catching up in between running reports at work today..

woohoo for your casino win! You have a golden touch Kathy! And congrats to Tony!

I am glad to hear that Mark is feeling better. I didn't know there was a correlation between meat & gallbladder - I'll have to look that up. I am assuming that it was the gallbladder causing him to feel so poorly throughout your December trip, right.

What a bummer that you had to cancel your CP breakfast, but yes, we have to do what's best for our hubbies. Especially cuz yours is such a big teddy bear!

Good to know that you'd pick the Captain's Grille over Le Cellier. I"ll keep that in mind. It looks so yummy there. We haven't eaten there yet but we will one of these trips!

Did Voices of Liberty do special Christmas music? We were so thrilled when we got to see/hear them in February. Can't wait to take Katie, my sisters & nieces in June. I know they will be blown away also.

How cute that the train village is also decorated for Christmas. I always like to take a few minutes to enjoy the trains. My grandfather was a railroader so it always makes me think of him.

60 minutes is a long wait for Maelstrom. I like the ride, the trolls make me laugh. and I am frustrated that when I've looked on the FP+ options for Epcot, I only see FutureWorld options, no world showcase options. What is the point of having a FP line at Maelstrom if you can't get one? or am I missing it somewhere?

Your Epcot photos are great. I can't believe there was no wait at the Character spot!

I am laughing at your wish about the family of 7 at Coral Reef. but i know what you mean. SCORE that you were on the opposite side of the restaurant! I think I could have just had the salad and then skipped right to dessert :)You really did have a great view of the aquarium!

Looks like you all had a great time at the wedding. You all clean up nicely Kathy!

Hope your massage was equally as nice. I am jealous!!! I'm stashing spare change to splurge on a mani pedi for Katie & I before our next trip. :cool1:
When Mark and I planned this trip, I asked him if he wanted to do the Candlelight Processional package so that we could sit and enjoy it rather than stand outside the theater seats and try to watch it that way. He said he would like to which turned out to be a good thing with his stomach issues...I don't think he could have stood that long. With the schedule we had in place, we knew we would miss Gary Sinese whom I understand is marvelous, but we could see Whoopi Goldberg. I've read great reviews about Whoopi doing it and we love a lot of her movies, so we were sold.

We left Nemo and friends and headed towards America for the show. The line was ALL THE WAY PAST MOROCCO. It was a madhouse. Seriously, Disney needs to "assign" seats when you purchase the package so that you don't have all this congestion on the walkway with people coming and going, people cutting in line, etc. It was just insane. We finally got to the entrance of the theater and it looked as if we would be sitting in one of the very last rows as I feared. But once we entered the theater, a CM directed us to the second row on the right hand side. I'd say we were about half way down the row so we were basically smack in the middle of the row on the right. It wasn't close to get a very good picture of Whoopi, but the seats were good for seeing the chorus, etc.

I don't think a lot of words are needed, so I'll give you a brief recap and then post my pictures (and they aren't the best of pictures...I'm not sure why so many of them are blurry). We LOVED the show. It was spectacular. Whoopi was wonderful, the chorus was wonderful, and loved hearing the Christmas story. It was a little unsettling to see numerous young performers and older performers escorted OFF the stage as they were about to pass out from the heat; in fact, one girl fell to her feet overcome by heat. I understand they need the lights for effect, but I don't recall seeing a fan or anything and these people were going down left and right. I want to say we saw at least nine people escorted off the stage.

Now some pictures:

There's Whoopi:

My husband loved this guy...he was really into it:

Again, we thoroughly enjoyed the performance and would do it again in a heartbeat.

We had tickets for special seating for Illuminations, but Mark wasn't up to the crowds, so we decided to head back to the Boardwalk.

We stopped for one last picture on the way out to the International Gateway.

Once back at the Boardwalk, we hit the gift shop on the Boardwalk (not the one in the resort) and I purchased a Christmas decoration I had been eyeing the whole week. I got a cup of coffee at the Bakery and it was such a gorgeous night that Mark suggested we sit there and enjoy the nice evening and see if we could see any of Illuminations from there.

This is what we saw as we sat and enjoyed the beautiful evening:

With that, our evening was over. We walked back into the BWVillas (I did stop in the gift shop there and got a Boardwalk Christmas pin) and went up to our room. I had Mark get out what he needed for the next day and made him go to bed and I packed us up as we were leaving the next day. I did talk to Brenda by text and we said we'd try to hook up in the lobby before we left in the morning so we wouldn't totally miss her on this trip.

I'm going to wrap this up.

Mark and I met up with Brenda in the lobby; she was very sweet and got Mark a t-shirt I had seen from when she was at DL and got me all of this adorable kitchen stuff. I know we took pictures and I am hoping Brenda still has hers because I cannot find mine. :(

I don't have a single picture from our breakfast the next morning. We had breakfast at Captain's Grille. As good as dinner was, breakfast was awful! And probably why I took no pictures.

We drove to the airport, dropped off the car and our flight was on time and we arrived home safe and sound. Andy was waiting at the airport to get us in very cold and snowy Chicago; we were already wishing we were back in Florida where it was 80 degrees.

It was a great trip and I'm so glad that we have now been able to do two Christmas trips with special friends. It doesn't get any better than that.

Thank you fall for reading along.
We left Nemo and friends and headed towards America for the show. The line was ALL THE WAY PAST MOROCCO. It was a madhouse. Seriously, Disney needs to "assign" seats when you purchase the package so that you don't have all this congestion on the walkway with people coming and going, people cutting in line, etc. It was just insane.
It does kind of stink that you're paying a premium to be seated for the show, yet still have to waste time by waiting in line and battling a sea of humanity to get to your seat.

We LOVED the show. It was spectacular. Whoopi was wonderful, the chorus was wonderful, and loved hearing the Christmas story.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really think we're leaning towards doing a CP dining package... at Garden Grill, of course. :rotfl2:

It was a little unsettling to see numerous young performers and older performers escorted OFF the stage as they were about to pass out from the heat; in fact, one girl fell to her feet overcome by heat. I understand they need the lights for effect, but I don't recall seeing a fan or anything and these people were going down left and right. I want to say we saw at least nine people escorted off the stage.
::eek:: WOW!!! That isn't good at all!

Mark suggested we sit there and enjoy the nice evening and see if we could see any of Illuminations from there.
Good idea, Mark! :thumbsup2

We drove to the airport, dropped off the car
I hate that part... :crazy2:

I'm glad that you had a great trip, and were able to enjoy your last evening despite Mark not feeling so great. I think CP is a fitting end to your trip! :thumbsup2
Great end to a great trip! I have read all along just didn't always post. But when you start your ptr I'll read that too. Now that I have met you and Mark, of course I have to read.
I'm definitely going to hit up the Candelight Processional this year, fingers crossed that it is Gary Sinese because I love him. That is so scary that the performers were dropping because of the heat!

Beautiful pictures of Illuminations, that looks like a great spot to watch if you want to beat the crowds. Granted you can't see the globe but even when I'm close I still can't see what's happening on those tiny screens. I usually get bored during the globe part which is probably why I rarely stay to watch Illuminations.

I can't believe the report is over all ready! At least you are going back again soon so we can get a new report. ::yes::
What a perfect last evening together at Disney...enjoying a viewing of Illuminations, just the two of you. That indeed sounds Heavenly!!! ::yes::
What a great way to end a trip to Disney....the Candlelight Processional! I do think that Disney needs to figure out a better way of getting guests into the theater when it's a bought and paid for event. You aren't the first person that I've heard complain about the long line to get in. But, you are the first that I've read about people almost passing out from the heat. That's crazy!

How nice it must have been to sit down and watch Illuminations from a not-so-crazy location.
Catching up in between running reports at work today..

You must have been posting as I was wrapping up the TR.

woohoo for your casino win! You have a golden touch Kathy! And congrats to Tony!

Thank you...that was an exciting weekend.

I am glad to hear that Mark is feeling better. I didn't know there was a correlation between meat & gallbladder - I'll have to look that up. I am assuming that it was the gallbladder causing him to feel so poorly throughout your December trip, right.

The doctor told him that some meats are oily (?) and that he should stay away from them.

What a bummer that you had to cancel your CP breakfast, but yes, we have to do what's best for our hubbies. Especially cuz yours is such a big teddy bear!

Awwww...thanks; I'll be sure to tell Mark you said that.

Good to know that you'd pick the Captain's Grille over Le Cellier. I"ll keep that in mind. It looks so yummy there. We haven't eaten there yet but we will one of these trips!

I just don't think LeCellier is as good as it used to be since it became a "signature" and I don't like that you can no longer make substitutions if they are "only served" at lunch.

Did Voices of Liberty do special Christmas music? We were so thrilled when we got to see/hear them in February. Can't wait to take Katie, my sisters & nieces in June. I know they will be blown away also.

Yes, they did do Christmas music and it was lovely.

How cute that the train village is also decorated for Christmas. I always like to take a few minutes to enjoy the trains. My grandfather was a railroader so it always makes me think of him.

Mark's grandpa was a railroader too!

60 minutes is a long wait for Maelstrom. I like the ride, the trolls make me laugh. and I am frustrated that when I've looked on the FP+ options for Epcot, I only see FutureWorld options, no world showcase options. What is the point of having a FP line at Maelstrom if you can't get one? or am I missing it somewhere?

Hmmm....I hadn't even thought to look for a FP for Maelstrom. If I see something, I'll let you know.

Your Epcot photos are great. I can't believe there was no wait at the Character spot!

I couldn't either; and I never pass up an opportunity to see the Main guy if there is no wait.

I am laughing at your wish about the family of 7 at Coral Reef. but i know what you mean. SCORE that you were on the opposite side of the restaurant! I think I could have just had the salad and then skipped right to dessert :)You really did have a great view of the aquarium!

I think when Mary, the girls and I go, I'm going to have the salad and crab cakes and THEN my dessert.

Looks like you all had a great time at the wedding. You all clean up nicely Kathy!

Thank you; it was a fun wedding (just wish it had been a tad warmer for the bride).

Hope your massage was equally as nice. I am jealous!!! I'm stashing spare change to splurge on a mani pedi for Katie & I before our next trip. :cool1:

My massage, as usual, was lovely. I've scheduled my next one the week before my May trip and another one right after...I figure I'll need it with those girls running us all over the place.
We left Nemo and friends and headed towards America for the show. The line was ALL THE WAY PAST MOROCCO. It was a madhouse. Seriously, Disney needs to "assign" seats when you purchase the package so that you don't have all this congestion on the walkway with people coming and going, people cutting in line, etc. It was just insane.

I agree!! Ours was that long too. Like you we ended up with ok seats but on my word! And the regular line...wow. Double insanity

It was a little unsettling to see numerous young performers and older performers escorted OFF the stage as they were about to pass out from the heat; in fact, one girl fell to her feet overcome by heat. I understand they need the lights for effect, but I don't recall seeing a fan or anything and these people were going down left and right. I want to say we saw at least nine people escorted off the stage.

:sad2: that is NOT good. We didn't see anything like that but we were at the last show and it wasn't that warm of a night.

I got a cup of coffee at the Bakery and it was such a gorgeous night that Mark suggested we sit there and enjoy the nice evening and see if we could see any of Illuminations from there.

What a lovely way to end the trip!!!

Except for the bad breakfast, so sorry to read that!!!!
Some day I NEED to do the Candlelight Processional! It looks like such an amazing show. Whoopi would be cool to see!

It was a little unsettling to see numerous young performers and older performers escorted OFF the stage as they were about to pass out from the heat; in fact, one girl fell to her feet overcome by heat.
Yikes! Wow, that's unsettling indeed!

What a great ending to your trip, IllumiNations from the quiet boardwalk sounds so wonderful.
Fun to see what you did after we left. Enjoyed the peace and quiet I bet :) Girls and I are very excited to see you soon!!
What a GREAT Epcot night -- CP and the fireworks. :goodvibes

Sorry to hear about all the problems with heat among the performers - that's crazy! :scared:
Aren't the Epcot Christmas fireworks amazing! You got awesome seats and an awesome narrator at the Candlelight Processional as well.

Great trip report :goodvibes
We loved seeing Gary read.during our CP night!
Too bad dome of the singers had issues with the heat, scary !
Illuminations area was just an area no actual seats other than the ground was a good view though and faster getting out of the park afterwards.
Sorry you didn't have a good breakfast, great you were able to meet up with Brenda though !
What a great way to end your trip. Well except Mark not feeling good. He does seem to have good ideas. Glad you were able to enjoy some coffee and a little of Illuminations. Sad this trip is over. but can't wait for your ptr.


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