Turning 40, Gotta lose 40~A New Chapter in my weight loss journey

Was a little noshy last night so had a cereal snack. Shouldn't have, but I had to eat something.

Walked 2 miles in 34 minutes, 2 exercise points earned.

weight: 165.2 :thumbsup2

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 23
flex points used: 3
flex points remaining: 20

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
granola 4 pts
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 9 pts
ww bread 1 pt
ham 1 pt
cheese 2 pts
margarine 2 pts
carrots and peppers 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
ww soup 2 pts

snack: 3 pts
teddy grahams 3 pts

I am only working a half day today :cool1: and have some errands to run, mostly getting DD's birthday gift. I may stop at the market and get something to cook for dinner, since I never have time to cook during the week.
Looks like you are doing great this week. :thumbsup2 Glad to hear you are feeling better. Isn't it so much easier once the Halloween candy is gone... I couldn't wait to get ours off to my DH's office.
Yesterday afternoon I got out of work early. I went to pick up DD's birthday gift then went to the market. I needed milk, but wanted to find something to cook for dinner that wasn't plain grilled chicken. I had some ideas, but could not seem to find ingredients that would result in a low fat, lower calorie TASTY meal. I have reserved the WW cookbook from the library, hoping that I can get some good ideas from there.

Walked on the treadmill, 2 miles in 34 minutes and earned 2 exercise points.

weight: 164:banana::banana:

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 20
flex points used: 2
flex points remaining: 18

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
ww bread 1 pt
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
chips 2 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 11 pts
rice and quinoa 8 pts
carrots and peppers 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
granola thin 2 pts
Slept in today (8am, which is almost 3 extra hours of sleep :laughing:) then went out for a 3 mile run. It was cold, but clear. Ran it in 30:30, so 10:10 pace, which is pretty good.

Earned 4 exercise points.

weight: 163.8, still going down:thumbsup2

points for today: 22 + 4 = 26

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 9 pts
italian bread 2 pts
roast beef 2 pts
russian 1 pt
chips 4 pts

dinner: 9 pts
fresco style grilled steak soft tacos from taco bell x3 9 pts
Good job Veronica heading in the right direction.What a pace, that is great.Running in the 40s is so much easier than in the 80s isn't it? Sunny and 40s are good for me.

Keep it up!

This weekends project is to clean the kitchen. I mean, really, really clean it. Take everything out of the cupboards, throw away stuff we don't use and reorganize. DH is letting me buy new dishes for everyday, since we have had the same ones for 13 years. And new silverware too!! But we are trying to be economical about it, so we spent yesterday afternoon driving around town looking at things. Then looking at stuff on the internet. We *think* we have a decision, but have to go back to one store today to look at the silverware again before we pull the trigger.

We went to the Y this morning, spent 20 minutes walking and DD and I did 20 minutes on the recumbent bikes. Earned 2 pts.

weight: 164.2, slightly up, but seeing as I did not drink enough yesterday and had more salty food, its understood. Tomorrow is WI though.

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8 pts
italian bread 2 pts
roast beef 2 pts
russian 2 pts
chips 2 pts

dinner: 9 pts
english muffins 4 pts
cheese 4 pts
carrots 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
Sounds like a good weekend project. 13 years is a long time. Sounds like you got your money's worth out of those plates/silverwear. It must be fun to look for all new kitchen stuff. Hope you love the stuff you deceided on.
I was wiped out last night from cleaning all day. But I got a good nights sleep and was ready to get going today.
Walked on the treadmill for 2 miles, 34 minutes, earned 2 exercise points.

weight: 163.8, 3.2 lbs lost for the week:thumbsup2

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 35
flex points used: 4
flex points remaining: 31

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 12 pts
western egg sandwich on english muffin 7 pts
home fries 5 pts

dinner: 8 pts
pregresso soup veggie and noodle 0 pts
italian bread 2 pts
turkey 1 pt
lf mayo 1 pt
chips 2 pts
dole fruit bites pineapple 2 pts
Overslept this morning, but still had enough time to do my 2 miles on the treadmill. Earned my 2 pts.

weight: up to 164.6, yesterdays indulgences come back to bite me in the butt.

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 31
flex points used: 14
flex points remaining: 17

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8 pts
ww bread 1 pt
turkey 1 pt
lf mayo 1 pt
chips 2 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 22 pts
toast with peanut butter 10 pts
cereal with skim milk 12
Ok so last night was not good. I got home from work to find my new dishes were here (YAY!). But I was absolutely starving. And all I wanted was cereal and toast. No I have noticed that every time I eat cereal for dinner, I gain the next day. But yet it doesn't stop me. I WAY overate last night. I have flex points, but I am probably going to have to use the remainder of them today, as we are going out for office lunch for my birthday (can't go next week, schedule will not allow it). So, I have to stay on plan for the rest of the week. And I am doing my walking, which does help. Tonight dinner for me will have to be quick, since I am taking DD to TKD. We have to go every night this week in order for her to get in the required number of classes before the next test.

walked 2 miles, earned 2 pts

weight: 165
points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 17
flex points used:
flex points remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 20 pts
the lunch buffet at the italian restaurant, I had salad, garlic bread, meatloaf, a meatball, a piece of chicken, and some roasted potatoes. I got no clue on how many points it actually was, but I will guess 20

dinner: as of right now, I am skipping dinner, not hungry.
Ah Veterans Day. Many thanks to those who have served and sacrificed and those who continue to fight for our freedoms. Here at home that means a day off school for DH and DD. So since I did not have to get up to get everyone ready for school, I got to sleep in a bit AND go out for a run. How awesome is that???

Ran 3 miles in 29:41, 9:54 avg pace. I'll take it!!! Earned 4 exercise points.

weight: back down to 164.0, I'll take that too!!

points for today: 22 + 4 = 26

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

snack: doughnut 6 pts

lunch: 4 pts
ww bread 1 pt
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
chips 2 pts

dinner: 8 pts
eggs (3 white, 1 whole egg) 3 pts
ww bread 1 pt
margarine 2 pts
dole fruit bites 2 pts

I am only working half a day again today, so I will probably have a snack during the morning and lunch once I get home. Then DD has TKD tonight, so dinner could be early (before we go) or late (once we get home). We'll see how it plays out.
Friday. Hooray! Though I look forward to the weekends, it is also harder for us to stay on plan on the weekends. But DH and I are really trying to be better about our food choices.

Walked 2 miles this morning, earned 2 exercise points.

weight: 162.4:cool1: that was a surprise! But a good one.

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
ww bread 1 pt
turkey 1 pt
lf mayo 1 pt
chips 2 pts
dole fruit bites 2 pts

dinner: 9 pts
ww bread 1 pt
margarine 2 pts
cheese 2 pts
progresso ww soup 0 pts
carrots 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
chips 3 pts
It is so much harder on the weekend isn't it? Just so much temptation out there when we are off our daily routine.

Did you get your new dishes unpacked and put away. I hope you love them. :)
It is so much harder on the weekend isn't it? Just so much temptation out there when we are off our daily routine.

Did you get your new dishes unpacked and put away. I hope you love them. :)

Yes the weekends are definately much harder, when our access to food is greater as well. I am going shopping later tonight (I don't want to go tomorrow and deal with the crowds) and will try to buy good stuff.

I did get my dishes washed and put away. We are very happy with them, I just need to get some more bowls that complement them.

I meant to respond on your thread about scrubs-I wear them too and no one noticed for a long time that I had lost weight. They hide a multitude of sins, but also hide our progress!
So last night I went grocery shopping at 9pm. Why? Because I cannot take the crowds on Sat. mornings any more. It is a bit more peaceful at night, although some of the items I need or want aren't available. But at least its done. I do have to stop at another market today for a couple things I couldn't get, but a 5 minute in and out is no problem.

Ran 3 miles in 30:24, earned 4 points

weight: 162.8

points for today: 22 + 4 = 26

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8pts
italian bread 2 pts
roast beef 1 pt
russian 2 pts
chips 3 pts

snack: 2 pts
dole fruit bites

dinner: tbd
Last night I was wiped out from another round of super cleaning. This morning we got up and went to the Y. DD and I did intervals on the the treadmill and then spent a little time in the pool.

30 minutes on the treadmill, earned 4 pts.

weight: 161.8:banana:

points for today: 22 + 4 = 26

breakfast: 1 pt
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt

lunch: 15 pts
italian bread 4 pts
roast beef 3 pts
russian 4 pts
chips 4 pts

dinner: 10 pts
ww bread 1 pt
eggs 4 pts
sausage 5 pts
Monday, Monday. Another crazy week, this one heavy on eating out. I am going to check out the Applebee's menu online to see what I may be able to eat without too much guilt.

Walked 2 miles in 34 minutes for 2 pts.

weight: 162.2, two week total loss of 4.8 lbs.

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 35
flex points used: 6 pts
flex points remaining: 29

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 20 pts
hot dogs 12 pts
french fries 8 pts

dinner: 2 pts
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
carrots 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
Only 2 more days til our birthday. Yesterday I started the party with lunch out that was not my best choice. But I did thoroughly enjoy every bite of what I ate. I have already planned out Thursday nights dinner at Applebees and can stay on points there (amazingly). So keeping up with my exercise and making better choices the rest of the time is important.

Walked my regular 2 miles this morning, earned 2 points.

weight: 163.4 :sad2:

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 29
flex points used:
flex points remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8 pts
chicken salad 5 pts
yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 8 pts
ww bread 1 pt
ww cheese 2 pts
margarine 2 pts
soup 1 pt
chips 2 pts
Happy Birthday!! (a little bit early). I'm glad you were able to find a good option at Applebee's> I really like it when I can check out the on-line menus and go it with a plan. It helps me from being impulsive when I have a whole menu of tempting options in front of me. I hope you enjoy your celebration.
One day closer to the celebrations. I was really good yesterday, stayed on plan. Unfortunately, I was not rewarded with a loss on the scale today. :confused3 But I will stay on plan today as well, and hopefully see a drop tomorrow morning.

Walked 2 miles, 2 pts earned.

weight: 163.4, same as yesterday.

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available:
flex points used:
flex points remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 10 pts
latte 3 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: tbd


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