Turning 40, Gotta lose 40~A New Chapter in my weight loss journey

Still stuck with the weight, but finally got outside to run today.

IT WAS GLORIOUS!!! 37 degrees and a bit breezy (actually a pretty strong headwind on my way back). But I loved every minute of it! 3 miles in 31:51, 10:38 pace, not too shabby for not having run my 3 mile route in MONTHS.

Short lived the weather will be, as it is supposed to rain and possibly SNOW again tomorrow. UGH. Make it stop, I cry uncle, uncle!
:rolleyes1 So, I haven't posted in quite a while. Shame on me.

Life has been busy, I have been working out 4-5 days a week. Still not able to get outside on a regular basis to run, did go out yesterday:)

Food wise, I am at a point where the WW is just not cutting it. I have gone back to fitday and using my BMR/AMR to target calories. Working okay WHEN I STICK TO IT.

Training starts in 2 weeks, can't wait. At that point I should see more results with the weight loss.
Hi Vern,

I've been away from posting on WISH for a while too. I hope spring is starting to find you where you live. Here, in NC, we've had some very beautiful days over the last couple of months. I have never tried Fitday. I hope it is working for you. What are you starting to train for in 2 weeks?
Hey Lola, I just posted on your journal!

I started training yesterday for the Camp Chingachgook Challenge Half Marathon. Its in Lake George, NY at the camp my DD goes to. It is very hilly, so way out of my comfort zone. Then my "A" race is in October.

Two days into training and I am down 3 lbs. Love it!!! I am really trying to be dilligent with the journaling on FitDay, it does seem to help.

DH bought me the Golds Gym Cardio Workout for the Wii with the boxing gloves. Its a blast! I think it will be a nice supplement to my running.

This morning was a speed workout-1 mile @ 10:30, the 0.5 mile @ 8:34, then half mile recovery (walk and jog). Repeat the speed and recovery segments, then 1 mile at 10:30 again. Total time 44:10, 4 miles done.

I am going to try to be better about journaling here, with the structure of the training plan it may be easier to do.
Hey Linda!!

October is the Mohawk Hudson River Half Marathon. I ran it this past October, just 5 weeks after DL. I ended up hurting my foot about half way through, though I still finished in my second best half marathon time. The speed work is supposed to help me get closer to the 2 hour mark for this year. If I can get the 40 lbs I need to lose off, that will help immensely as well.

Pouring rain this morning, so I am opting to run tomorrow instead. Plus then I feel like I "earn" my dinner tomorrow, since we are hosting Easter. Did my baking today and made deviled eggs, which are always a big hit around here.
Sounds like your interval training is going great. I've hear Lake Geroge is beautiful although I've never been there myself. I used to be afraid of the idea of running hills but there is no way to avoid them where I live now so I'm forced to train on them whenever I run outside. I guess it is a good thing. I hope your Easter dinner tomorrow is a success. Deviled Eggs... Yumm!!

Have a Happy Easter.
Lola-Lake George is beautiful. DH proposed to me while we were camping on one of the islands on the lake, and DD goes to the same camp DH went to when he was a kid. I looked at the elevation profile, it looks like an EKG really, with a nice spike at mile 11.5:eek: But I am hoping the hill work and speed work will help me conquer that!

Easter dinner was great-I have tons of left overs, but mainly the grilled chicken, which I plan to use in salads all week. The deviled eggs did not go as one would have hoped (meaning people ate them, but I still have a ton left) but the cake was a huge success.

Ran this morning, 3 miles in 30:07. Which was stunning since every run this week has been slow. And since Wednesday, I really haven't been on the wagon with my eating. So today I expected the slog, closer to 11min miles, but was pleasantly surprised at my split times. Weather was nice for a change, I actually regretted wearing a long sleeve shirt and tights. Should have gone for short sleeves and shorts. This weeks weather is looking warmer, but wet, so we will see how that works. I am going to stick to doing my hills/speed work on Thursday, so I have a recovery day before I have to run again.

Back on track with eating plan tomorrow, no question about it. Also I think I have to eliminate some dairy from my diet, I have had trouble with cheese and milk recently. I think its possibly lactose intolerance. I may have to experiment with a few things and see what happens. That would be a bummer, since I love cereal. Cheese I can live without, but my cereal and yogurt would be tough to give up.
Enjoy the weekend the weather is going to be awesome-quite warm compared to what we have seen lately.Have to ease into those warm runs-LOVE IT!!!!!!!

:rolleyes1:rolleyes1 Sooo, I haven't been over here in a while. Life is just crazy busy right now. Work, all my outdoor projects, training, the kid.

Work-well it is what it is. Have 2 fridays off, but those are filled with house projects.

House projects-put my garden in last weekend. Had to modify my garden enclosure had to bury some chicken wire to keep the voles out. Then planted most everything. We have to construct a new shed, as ours collapsed over the winter. Since the new shed is larger than the old, we have to re-engineer the placement and base construction of the new shed. Plus lawn mowing and getting the pool up and running.

Training-4 weeks done, I have missed 2 runs so far due to weather. I am not sweating it at all. I have done 5 half marathons, I know I can do the distance. Since I am working on hills and speed, getting those workouts in are key. I will miss 10 days while we are away in July, and I am totally okay with that.

The kid-oh the angst and drama of the 11 year old girl. Friends, friends parents, cliques. Its a lot to deal with. Trying to keep everyone on an even keel. A plus-school is almost over for the year, next year is all new.

Weight-well, I am not going anywhere fast there. Its a slow process, and I am not helping it any by not keeping my eating under control. Obviously I am exercising enough, just have to watch better what I eat.
Not much going on here. I missed 2 short runs this week due to a stomach bug, but got out for my 7 mile long run this morning. Its been raining for most of the last week, today was mostly nice with some rainy times. DD was with my dad today, so DH and I had the day to ourselves. We started working on the shed, until the rain came and we were mucho frustrated. Then we went out for lunch and bought new bikes! Hoping to start biking as a family, now that DD has a bike and can ride it (don't ask).

Weight-down a bit this week with the stomach issue, but don't know that it will last. Still have to eat dinner tonight, DH wants to eat out again. We'll see, waiting for the kid to get home.


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