TV/VCR Combo for the car ~ where to get?

Thanks Mike! Much appreciate all your info! I'd like to get one before July Ohio trip. It's only 10 hours in a car, but it's the longest car trip my kids have been on. THX S
Hi Sandra. My kids are 2 and 5 and even though they travel incredibly well, we bought a tv/vcr combo that plugs into the cigarette lighter before our trip to wdw last Sept. It was truly a god-send. Now we have a van, and it was very easy to place it on a little stool between the driver and passenger front seats. My dh ratchet-strapped it in and hooked it to the metal on the seats underneath so it was not about to go anywhere if we had been in an accident (I was very worried about this). It did take away our drink holders in the front seat, but a small price to pay for quiet, contented kids ! (lol). Actually the passenger could recline their seat a bit and actually watch the movie too. We looked at the models made for the car/van, but they were so pricey, and very tiny screens. The 13" tv/vcr combo is now in our livingroom as an extra tv. Ideally I think the laptop with a dvd player would be the best but neither of us is in a job where our employer would be so kind to pick up the tab for it ! It was a great investment for us (only about $300) and we will be sure to take it with us whenever we go to Disney.

Mary Liz
Thanks Mary Liz. I should get me butt in gear and go buy one soon! Picking the video's might be a tough one! THANKS S
Check out Costco as well, we are also looking for one before our June trip and so far have found Costco to have the cheapest prices.


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