Two Geeks and A 9/16 At-Home Disney-ish Wedding - We're married!


DIS Veteran
Aug 25, 2009
So, uh... Hi! :teeth:

Yes, I'm starting this PJ two years in advance. The main reason being that at least some of the planning will be happening within the next six months. It feels strange starting this already, but it makes sense to me, so here goes.

I've been on the Dis for five years now and lurking on this board almost as long, ever since I discovered this section of the Dis while I was still dating an ex (long story). I remember reading some PJs of the "old timers", like lurkyloo, while they were still fairly new. I'm hoping to keep this thing updated, but we'll see if I manage to do that. I have a pretty wonky schedule, which will probably be just as crazy once I'm done with school. I do, however, plan to keep this indexed, because I have a bit of OCD and would have issues if I didn't have it.

EDIT: As of 1/11/16, the new wedding stuff starts after the link called The New Plans. I just couldn't bring myself to delete the other links.

About Us/How We Met/Proposal
Why Disney?
The Plan So Far...
Ermagerd, the Bridal Party!
Superficial Blathering
Home Sick Rambling
PJ Title Change
Bridal Shows and OMG Moments
A Foray Into Dress Shopping
OMG I Got Into The DCP Again!
Holidays, DCP, and Wedding Nonsense
Holidays and Parental Units
Phone Calls, Sisters, and OMG YAY
Dreeeeeeess! (and an update on my sister)
School's Out
Hello from Disney!
Quick Update
Cue Squeeing
Whirlwind Trip
Picture Time!
More Pictures!
Moving to Florida, Part 1
Moving to Florida, Part 2, and a Wedding Update!
Stuff! And Things!
Moving to Florida, Part 3
Moving to Florida, Part 4: The Reckoning
Moving to Florida, Part 5: The Beast, and Wedding Business
Dresses! Of The Non-Bridal Variety!
Moving to Florida, Part 6: The Return
Moving to Florida, Part 7: Invaders From Mars
Photographers, Site Visits, and Bridesmaids
Moving to Florida, Part 8: The Conclusion (Or Is It?)
Site Visits Aplenty!
Circumstances Being What They Are...


The New Plans
The New Details
Decorations, Caterer, and Other Stuff
Honeymoon and Vendors!
Invitations! Jewelry! Family Drama!
Joint Bachelor/Bachelorette and Honeymoon Stuff
Deliveries! Pictures! Parents! Car Accidents! JOY!
Engagement Pics!
And A Few More!
Movement and Headaches
We're Married!
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Just a little about us.


DF: 30, a good natured, nerdy, southern gentleman with a goofy side to him
Occupation: Full time retail
Favorite Disney movies: The Lion King, Hercules, The Parent Trap (1998 - yes, the LiLo one), Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time, Kim Possible: So the Drama, Star Wars (technically), Muppets From Space (technically), the whole of Marvel Cinematic Universe, White Fang 2: The Myth of the White Wolf, Nightmare Before Christmas, Geri's Game (Pixar short), TRON, TRON: Legacy, Beauty and the Beast, Flubber, and many more.
Favorite Disney character: Maximillian "Max" Goof or Kovu or Rufus the Naked Mole Rat

Me: also 30, a quiet, geeky, city girl with a sarcastic streak a million miles wide and more yards long (according to him)
Occupation: Part time pastry chef and full time student
Favorite Disney movies: Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Lilo & Stitch, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Wall-E, Hocus Pocus, Nightmare Before Christmas, TRON, TRON: Legacy, the whole of Marvel Cinematic Universe, and many others.
Favorite Disney character: Eeyore and Stitch

How We Met

We are actually an online dating success story! I was probably within days of deleting my profile on a certain site when I randomly got an email from someone who spoke to me like a person. I responded and we started talking. It was DF. He was in the process of moving from Arkansas up to Chicago and had been looking at profiles of women in the area. He came across mine and liked it, so he emailed me. It took us a couple of months, but we met up at a party a friend of mine was throwing at a public place and it was just... immediate. We went on our first date the next day, August 26, 2013, and have been together ever since.


I knew very quickly that he was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. He did as well. We had this running gag after a few months that wedding stuff was "following us". At one point, this happened (and yes, that is us). I used to have a wedding binder, from when I was with this one ex, and when I mentioned it to him (because I still had the binder itself and a few things I really liked), he suggested I start working on it again. I was honestly ready to make it official by about nine or ten months together, which I know is fast, but it just felt right. He wasn't ready, though.

We moved in together in August, just before our first anniversary. A few weeks after that, we went to look at rings together. He'd told me that it wasn't happening any time soon, which I was fine with. I'm currently preparing to interview for an externship with Disney, so he said that one of his ideas was to come visit me in Orlando and bring the ring with (I'd told him months ago that my "dream proposal" was at Disney). Apparently the main thing holding him back was that he thought he had to buy some fabulous ring that he just couldn't afford right now, which I didn't really even want. He could have proposed with a Ring Pop and I would've been thrilled. One night about three weeks ago, we had a long discussion about that and I told him that I didn't care about the ring. I just wanted to marry him.

I'm a full time student at Le Cordon Bleu in their pastry program, so I'm in class five days a week, same time every day (except this block because for some reason, they changed my class to the 6am time slot instead of the 10am like we've been in for the last nine months). Well, I mention this because one day, I came home from class. He was sitting on his computer, looking at rings. He had to have known I was on my way home, though he swears he lost track of time and didn't realize I'd be home when I was. I was like "Okay, whatever," and sat down on the couch (which is maybe five feet from his computer desk) to make a grocery list. I was on my laptop when he decided to get up and come over to me. He asked if I was sure that I didn't need "the" ring to be engaged. I said yes.

Then he started doing that guy thing where they take several deep breaths to try and calm themselves down when they're about to do something. I asked what he was doing. And then he got down on one knee and took my hand and asked. I had to put my computer aside before I practically tackled him. I was crying and he was grinning. He did have a ring, but it wasn't the ring he wanted to get me. I honestly don't care. I like my ring and am so glad that we're getting married.

It turned out that he'd talked to his dad earlier that day, who pointed out to him that he didn't have to have a fancy ring to ask me to marry him. His dad suggested that he just get a cheap ring from a pawn shop or Walmart or something, since DF felt the need to have something to ask me with. He originally wasn't going to ask me that day, but when I got home from class, he just couldn't help it.

So, that's how we got engaged :)
Your story is so adorable! Congratulations! I'm so excited to hear about all your plans :)
Cool story! I'll follow you on your journey

Yay :yay: I'm glad you're here :) I do hope you and Fran can make it.

What a great proposal!

Here for the journey as well.

:yay: It wasn't "perfect", but it was definitely us. The thing I keep remembering that makes me laugh was that he was fully dressed except that he only had one sock on and the other foot was bare :)

I really hope you guys can make it out! It'd be great to see you and your DH again :)

Your story is so adorable! Congratulations! I'm so excited to hear about all your plans :)

Thank you! :) A coworker of mine at an old job said that we have a fairy tale, which I just found funny. I'm glad someone else is excited to hear! :)
Why Disney?

It's kind of funny, but we both wanted a Disney wedding before we even knew the other existed.

Unlike so many other Dis brides that I've seen on here, I was not one of those girls who saw the Wedding Pavilion at age 6 or 7 and immediately knew I wanted to get married there. In fact, until I was about 19 or 20, I didn't even want to have a wedding. I just wanted to do the justice of the peace thing and be done with it.

I never went to any of the Disney parks when I was a kid. My family just couldn't afford it. So my first time seeing the Castle? I was 19 and had been working at the Boardwalk for two weeks on the Disney College Program. I didn't even know that you could get married there until one day I was on the monorail and didn't have my headphones on, so I heard the spiel about the Wedding Pavilion. I decided to look into it if I eventually had someone who wanted to marry me, so I did, with an ex. That ended badly, but I still wanted to get married at Disney someday.

Disney has been a major part of my life for a long time, but doing the program literally changed my life. I've done it twice at this point. I went from being so shy that I wouldn't even look at you to being comfortable talking to people, thanks to my first one, and then the type who's comfortable giving presentations and starting interactions with new people thanks to my second one. As I mentioned in our engagement post, I'm currently prepping for an interview for the program again, this time on the culinary side. This will be my third time, if I get it, and I'd be going down at the end of March or early April. There's a strong chance that I could get hired on permanent after it ends. Matthew is completely okay with me going down there for four months (he actually is my biggest support in doing this) and has said that if I get it and get hired on after, he's going to move down there with me. He's said that ever since we realized how serious we were about each other.

As for Matthew, he is of the opinion that if a woman was ever going to be able to feel like a princess, it should be on her wedding day. And what better place to feel like a princess on your wedding day than at Disney. He's also a lifelong Disney nerd, so the company is important to him as well. He's hoping to eventually go back to school for a degree in animation, so we've been researching schools to find him a good one, since he wants to work for Disney Animation. A friend of mine from school suggested one that's down in Sarasota, but it's expensive and also four hours away from Orlando, so it's not really feasible if I'm working for Disney. But we'll figure that out.
The Plan So Far...

I've always liked the idea of a fall wedding, and I love WDW in the fall. There's F&W, MNSSHP, usually decent weather, and usually lower crowds. So that's why October. We're looking at 2016 because next year is just going to be ridiculous. I've got to do my externship and graduate from school, and we're planning to move to Orlando in August. Everything else is banking on the fact that I get my externship with Disney. We're planning to move to Orlando once it's done, since I'm planning to try and get a full time job with them after the externship. But even if I don't, cake decorators and pastry people are pretty much always in demand and there are plenty of resorts and hotels in the area that I could apply for. I'm very good at what I do.

So here are the details we want so far.

Venue: Yacht Club Gazebo
Time: Morning, for a brunch or lunch reception.
Reception: We'd like Atlantic Dance Hall, but will do a YC ballroom if our numbers change or something else pops up.
Colors: Black and dark purple, touches of gray and white.
Guests: We have about 130 people on the list right now, but will be going over it again before we send any invitations out. I'm hoping to get it under 100 and have around 80 come. Our families are scattered, but there's also drama on both sides that we'd like to avoid.
Other fun stuff: We're kicking around the idea of characters, but we haven't decided yet. We need to talk to DFTW about one option, but if it is what I think it is, then we're not going to do it. I also would like to have a Wishes dessert party at the GF at the end of the night. I know more people do Illuminations, but I love Wishes so much. Illuminations is nice, but it just doesn't speak to me the way Wishes does. If we're living there, we'll probably do the rehearsal dinner at our apartment or something.

All this being said, we do have a couple of backup plans.

If we don't move and can't afford Disney, we have a couple of local venues that I have bookmarked. I'm also going to a local bridal show in a few weeks with two of my bridesmaids. We've also discussed the idea of just doing the JOP thing and having a Disney VR in ten years or so.
If we move and can't afford Disney, I've been poking around at other Orlando venues just to see what's around. I know S&D is an option, but I'm not sure we'd be happy with that.

We've discussed the idea of doing an Escape or Memories, but the fact is just that we have too many guests, even with just immediate family and our closest friends, so those are already out. Neither of us are fond of the idea of an elopement with just the two of us.
Ermagerd, the Bridal Party!

Officiant: We opted not to hire some random to marry us. He was raised Methodist, but is having a crisis of faith. I'm an atheist, and I flat out refuse to be married by a religious officiant. So we asked my best friend, Mike, who I've known since I was 14 (and I believe is also an atheist, but is quite gay), to marry us. He got ordained online by the Universal Life Church and will be writing and performing the ceremony for us. When we asked him, he asked if we were serious and said that he'd be honored. I told him that if Florida requires any documentation from the ULC, I'd be happy to pay for it, since he's doing this for us.

Maid of Honor: My younger sister, Becky. She lives in Idaho, so she's not participating in going to look at dresses or bridal shows and all that wedding industry nonsense. She also lives in a very rural area. I won't be surprised if she doesn't go to a bridal shop to get a dress.
Matron of Honor: My best friend, Jacquie, who's practically another sister. We were roommates our freshman year of college and hit it off immediately. The first time we spoke on the phone, we were talking for probably two and a half hours. I was in her wedding seven years ago and would probably be godmother to her child if it weren't for my views on that.
Bridesmaid: Kim, a close friend and my ex-boyfriend's girlfriend. We met just a few weeks before Matthew and I did and hit it off right off the bat as well.
Junior Bridesmaid (probably): Jade, Becky's daughter and my niece, who will be 10 when we get married. I asked her if she'd want to be a flower girl or bridesmaid and she said flower girl, until I told her the age of the other girl. I told her that it's up to her, so she might change her mind or decide not to stand up at all. Maybe I'll ask her to be the ring bearer... :scratchin:
Flower Girl: Rosie, Jacquie's daughter and my sort-of-niece. She'll be 4 when we get married, so Jacquie's not getting her dress until a few months or so prior to the wedding.
Dresses for the ladies: I've planned on doing this since long before it was a "trend", but I asked them all to get a knee length black dress of their choosing. As long as they're comfortable and happy in it and with the price, I'm good. I'm also giving them the freedom to accessorize how they want. Becky asked if she could wear her spiked heels (not spike heels, SPIKED heels; she's into punk rock) and I said that was fine with me if it was all right with Matthew. I just don't want them to pay a lot for a dress and shoes and jewelry they hate. I have reserved veto power, though. If it's absolutely ridiculous to me, then they can't get it :lmao: I'm also not requiring that anyone have a certain hairstyle or cover tattoos or anything like that. I want them to look like themselves. I love them the way they are, not some photoshopped magazine layout. And besides, I'm a tattooed bride. I'm not about to ask them to cover up when I refuse to do so. That being said, I think the only one with visible ink besides me is Becky.

Groomsman: Mike, my ex-boyfriend and our very good friend. It sounds really weird to say that my ex is in our bridal party, but we actually work far better as friends than we ever did as a couple. We broke up because I wanted to get married and have kids and he didn't (until he met Kim). But we're still really good friends.

I don't think Matthew's asked anyone else yet. He's still figuring out his side and feels weird that he doesn't know who's standing with him, but I keep reminding him that he has time. There are a couple of guys that I'm sure would stand with him, but he's waffling. But like I said, we have time. I just wanted to give my ladies enough time to start saving and everything.
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You're plans are coming along nicely and it will be blast following your journey.
Sounds like you have your plans figured out. Now....if only the Disney CP would play ball and we're all set.

Are you looking at early October or late October?
Haha, I think I started my journal about as far out as you are, and let me say, it goes fast! When I noticed this was for 2016, at first I was caught off gaurd...and then I remembered that I contacted them around this time last year to be penciled in for our event! :scared1: Catches you off guard when it first happens (wait till you get to that point - it's so wierd!).

I love Yacht Club Gazebo, by the way. It's where we originally wanted...but Y&BC was already fully booked up by a convention the week we're getting married, so no go. :sad: It's such a gorgeous area!
You're plans are coming along nicely and it will be blast following your journey.

Thanks, Angela! :) I hope it's not boring :lmao:

Sounds like you have your plans figured out. Now....if only the Disney CP would play ball and we're all set.

Are you looking at early October or late October?

Yeah, no kidding. I'll find out soon enough. The tattoo is coming off slowly but surely, and I have another four appointments I can do before I'd be getting there. I honestly think that's the biggest issue right now. My grades are fine, I'm good at what I do, and two of my chefs have offered letters of recommendation. So the tattoo is probably my biggest hurdle.

We're looking at late October. I'd like a weekday, since people would be traveling anyway, and if we can work it out, I'd love for my bachelorette to be at MNSSHP.

Haha, I think I started my journal about as far out as you are, and let me say, it goes fast! When I noticed this was for 2016, at first I was caught off gaurd...and then I remembered that I contacted them around this time last year to be penciled in for our event! :scared1: Catches you off guard when it first happens (wait till you get to that point - it's so wierd!).

I love Yacht Club Gazebo, by the way. It's where we originally wanted...but Y&BC was already fully booked up by a convention the week we're getting married, so no go. :sad: It's such a gorgeous area!

Oh, I know it will :) I think we can initiate contact with them in late June, since that would be 16 months prior and that's what it is now, right? I actually came home to the information packet I'd requested a couple of days after we got engaged, so that was nice, but it wasn't anything I didn't already know. Honestly, it was weird enough starting this PJ :lmao:

Isn't it gorgeous? I love that whole area. I used to work at Boardwalk and would walk around the lake after work. I hope it doesn't get booked up, but we'll figure it out :) We've got time :rotfl2:

Thanks for commenting! :teeth:
. I'll find out soon enough. The tattoo is coming off slowly but surely, and I have another four appointments I can do before I'd be getting there. I honestly think that's the biggest issue right now. My grades are fine, I'm good at what I do, and two of my chefs have offered letters of recommendation. So the tattoo is probably my biggest hurdle.

Have you said anything about your tattoo before? Where is it? What is it of? You're obviously getting it removed. Does that work?
Have you said anything about your tattoo before? Where is it? What is it of? You're obviously getting it removed. Does that work?

To Disney, or on this PJ? It's a Celtic knot on my right wrist. It's actually the logo for a band I love called Crossfade. I've had it for probably nine years or so. I actually had it the last time I worked for Disney, but I was able to cover it with a watch because of the role I had at the time. This time, since I'd be working in a kitchen, I can't have any sort of coverings from mid-forearm down. No watch, no makeup, nothing. And Disney's tattoo policy is very strict. Nothing can be showing when you're in costume on property. If I want any shot at working for them as a pastry cook, it's gotta go.

I'm having it removed via laser removal. So far, I've had three sessions. It's gone from a dark red, almost like henna (which is actually what most people thought it was), to a pink.


This was three days after the first treatment.


This is it tonight, ten days after the third treatment.

The laser breaks up the ink particles into pieces small enough for the immune system to process, but it takes time. I have a laser session every six weeks, and the next one is the Saturday before they come to my school to recruit. I started the process in June, since I knew it would take a while for it to go away completely. I have five other tattoos and they're all able to be covered with jeans and a t-shirt, so they're not going anywhere.

ETA: I just realized I didn't address why I mentioned it to PrincessInOz. I know her, franandaj, and ACDSNY from a couple of threads over on the community board, so she's well aware of what's going on with it :)
Not boring at all and educational to boot. I was wondering how your tattoo removal was going too. Not bad after 3 sessions.
The treatments are going well. I hope it all works the way it's meant to by the time the interviews come round.

Late October. Hmmm. I've always wanted to see WDW all Christmas'sed up. I wonder if I can talk DH into staying. :lmao:
Not boring at all and educational to boot. I was wondering how your tattoo removal was going too. Not bad after 3 sessions.

It's going pretty well. It's just been itching like crazy lately because my body's rejecting the dead skin. But yeah :) Not bad for three sessions.

The treatments are going well. I hope it all works the way it's meant to by the time the interviews come round.

Late October. Hmmm. I've always wanted to see WDW all Christmas'sed up. I wonder if I can talk DH into staying. :lmao:

Honestly, from what I understand, even if it's still there for the interview (which it probably will be), as long as it's gone by my arrival date, I'd be fine. I'm going to confirm that with the chef when he comes to recruit, but that's what they said last time.

That would be awesome :) If I remember right, they redo the decorating within a couple of days after Halloween.
Given that we can't really even talk to DFTW about anything for another eight months or so, we've just been talking about the superficial stuff, like music, my dress, and things like that. There's not a whole lot we can do just now, so the superficial stuff tends to be the things we talk about. Still, I'm home by myself and have no one to talk to, so blathering on here about superficial things it shall be.

Dresses and the like

Two of my bridesmaids and I went to David's Bridal to look at dresses for them, since we're all on a budget and I'd like them to have an idea of what their dresses are going to cost them before they set out to buy anything. They each found something they liked, and I have pictures, but I don't have permission to post them, so I won't. We're probably going to go look again on a day where the four of us who are local can go (my sister's just never going to be able to, since she lives across the country). We're trying to set something up for after the holidays, since we've all got a lot going on.

The first weekend of November, I'm going to Indianapolis with my mom, two best friends, and probably my godmom (she invited herself). I saw this one Alfred Angelo dress a long time ago and it's been in my head ever since. They have some other dresses I like, so we're going to go there first to look for my wedding dress. The closest AA signature store is in Indianapolis, which is why we're going there. I'd asked my mom if she wanted to just go somewhere closer that carried their lines, but she said no, that we'd just go there. I actually called the store a couple of weeks ago, after I made the appointment, to request the three dresses that I like most in a size I can try on. Two of them are Disney dresses, the original Belle and Cinderella, which I'm mostly just trying on because DF likes the image of me in a "traditional", poofy, princess-type dress. I'm not sure how much I'd like them on me. The third one, which is the one that's been in my head for years, is an A-line.

Anyway, this is the A-line I really like:


I'm not sure how it'll look once I get it on. Ruching tends to flatten out on my body, since I carry most of my weight in my stomach. I'm unapologetically fat and refuse to lose weight for the wedding. He loves me the way I am, so I don't see the point when I'm happy with my body (most of the time, but everyone has bad days).

I've got no clue yet what I want to do with my hair or makeup. I almost never wear makeup and my hair is pretty much always in a ponytail, since I work in a kitchen and it has to be restrained for sanitation purposes. I do plan on wearing a pearl necklace, since I think that's just a classic look. It's also my birth stone. As for shoes, I'm absolutely not wearing heels. I have old knee and ankle injuries and supinate when I walk (this means that when I walk, the pressure is mostly on the outside of my foot), so I physically can't wear heels for very long. I'm most likely going to be wearing purple Converse.


The links here go to YouTube videos of the songs in question.

I don't like the idea of walking down the aisle to the Bridal Chorus. I never have. I know it's iconic, but I just don't like it. Instead, I'd like to walk to the theme from Jurassic Park. I just absolutely love this song. It's so beautiful. If it's too long (or too epic), I also really like Groot Spores from Guardians of the Galaxy. DF has a few ideas in mind for what he wants to come in to, varying from Bon Jovi to the Chipmunks theme. I jokingly suggested the theme from Avengers.

I really want the Imperial March from Star Wars to be played at some point, but he might nix that one. Possibly Foreign Contaminant from WALL-E for when the bridal party walks down the aisle. I just think it's fun. I also really really want As The World Falls Down by David Bowie to play at some point. When I was a kid, I wanted that to be my wedding song because I just loved Labyrinth so much (still do).

We're a couple of movie nerds. It happens.

So far, I think we have two contenders for the first dance song. One is Tale as Old as Time from Beauty and the Beast, which is kind of our movie. The other is a song I've loved since the first time I heard it, but then they released an acoustic version that hit me really hard. Then I saw the official video for the acoustic version. I started crying and had to show it to DF when he finally got home from work (I was at his place for the weekend, before we moved in together). It's No Matter What by Papa Roach. He agrees that it's got a really good shot, but even if it's not our first dance, that song is being played at some point.

He has a bunch of songs that he wants played as well, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. We both really love music and when we discussed the idea of having a band or a DJ, I pointed out that we're both attached to the versions of songs that we're used to, so a band playing them could get them wrong or it could just not sound right. So a DJ or iPod it is, depending on the situation.


I'm... not really a flower person? Like, I love sunflowers. And that's about it. I think we'll probably just give Disney Floral a budget and tell them to use purples and white and have them do whatever they think will work. I know we'd be able to reuse ceremony arrangements for the reception, but depending on how the gazebo looks at the time, we may not need much. I do have some random photos saved on my Pinterest (my main problem with Pinterest is that so much of the stuff on there looks exactly the same and very little of it appeals to me) and some pages torn out of bridal magazines, but I don't really know what I want. I just want it to be pretty.

Cake or Death?

Sorry, that's a reference to my favorite comedian (he doesn't actually get to cake or death until about 4:45). A bit of cussing in that video, by the way.

I'm a pastry student and (technically) currently employed as a pastry chef. I'm very good at what I do. So... Yeah. I'm pretty picky when it comes to pastry and desserts. DF says I'm a dessert snob. If I can make an entire batch of the darn thing for $10, I'm not going to spend $8 on one serving of it at a restaurant. As an example, I went out for lunch today with four of my classmates after we got out of school. We shared a fondue for dessert. Immediately, we were all like "...What is wrong with this chocolate, why does it look like it's seizing, it's not even melted, what the heck it's not even WARM." We fixed it, though, and it was edible. Not the best fondue ever, but for $2 a person, it wasn't awful.

That being said, my plan for the cake is for us to pick the flavors and fillings, how many tiers (probably three, since I like the idea of doing the anniversary tier), and tell them "These are our colors, these are the characters we like, the movies we like, and our favorite hobbies, etc. Surprise us. Have fun." Minimal direction. That way, if it isn't what I'm expecting, I won't be upset. And besides, as a decorator, I have more fun with cakes if I have some freedom with it. DF is fine with this plan, as long as we give them some direction. I'm just hoping that if we do go ahead with our plan and have a DFTW and I am working as a pastry cook there, I won't be working on my own cake :lmao:

DF mentioned that he liked the idea of having a groom's cake, so I might do something about that (even if I make it myself). I'll decide that later, but I know it's something he wants. It might be for the rehearsal, since we'd have the wedding cake at the reception and a dessert party that night.
I'm so in, Dana! I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

As a pastry chef, I'm kind of surprised you don't want more control of your cake...that would drive me NUTS! That said, you make a good point. If you have no expectations for what it will look won't get disappointed. For me, if I didn't know what it looked like, I'd probably still "expect phenomenal" and get disappointed if it didn't meet that requirement of being amazing. So, I really admire that you can do that. So awesome!

And your engagement story is adorable. My DF was actually reading a story tonight about how couples who have really expensive engagement/wedding rings are more likely to divorce. That could be for any number of reasons...but I think the article was going for, "If the couple is putting material things above their happiness together, the love is superficial" (i.e., getting themselves in to debt by buying really spendy wedding stuff, as opposed just focusing on loving each other). So, the fact that he just wanted to get married to you (and vice versa!) says so much. So, congratulations to you both for finding such a wonderful love.



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