Type 1 diabetes and guest assistance pass?


DIS Veteran
Mar 1, 2008
Last summer before going to Disney a few people from another board said they were able to get a guest assistance pass because someone in their family had type 1. when i had inquired in guest services the person behind the counter told me no, it is only fast pass they they dont give out GAP for that. Is this correct or did i just deal with someone who didnt know any better? It isnt something i would utilize every time but could have come in handy a few times when my 5 year old daughter's sugars were high and she was continually using the restroom. Does anyone have any experience with this so i know better for this summers trip?
I am not entirely certain what a GAC could do for your daughter. Can you explain your needs/what accommodation you would need? Are you saying you need to leave the line a lot? I guess I am just confused...

My understanding is that a GAC is not generally given for diabetes, because it is generally for things like "cannot wait in the sun" or "use stroller as wheelchair."

There is no GAC which is an "automatic fastpass," which is what some people may think it is... I guess I am just confused as to what exactly you need help with. (not saying your DD has no needs, just not sure what the accommodation needed is)
I've heard people say that if you have a problem in line and have to leave, if you talk to a CM on the way out they might be able to give you a fastpass so you don't have to wait twice. Of course that only works for certain attractions and not for many of the rides in MK that your daughter might be interested in. There are several people that frequent this board that have a family member with Type 1, so I'm sure someone else can give you better advice.

Good luck!
As KPeveler said, the GAC is based on needs, not diagnosis. You have to explain what the child's needs are to get a GAC, and it will be coded to assist with those needs.

And note it is a Guest Assistance Card, not a Pass. It is intended to alert Cast Members when a Guest rewquiresd special asistance. And it specifically states on the card that it is not intended to allow for bypassing of lines.

If you click on where it says "disABILTIES" at the top of this page it will take you to the Index. One of the top items is the "disABILTIES FAQ" which will gives lots of useful information, including Post #6 wehich discusses the GAC in detail.

Or, if you want an easier route to the FAQs, click on the link in my signature.
Quite a few people have posted in the past, basically saying what the previous posters have said.
You need to be able explain your needs related to the disability so thst they can see what kind of accommodations might be available.

People gave posted that they were often able to get a kind of handwritten Fastpass or other arrangement if they contacted a CM before leaving the line. If you had Fastpasses and had not reached the point if the line where the Fastpasses are given to a CM, you will not have a problem leaving the line and returning again.
Many people have also posted that they treated low blood sugars right in the line, so you do want to always have what you need with you.

Many people in the last 6-12 months have been reporting good success using TourGuide Mike or Ridemax. Some who previously used GACs have found those services work much better and they were able to see almost everything with a less than 10 minute wait, just by knowing where and when to be.
thanks everyone! I was asking because as i had posted when my daughter has High blood sugars she needs to use the restroom alot and that may mean having to get out of line. This happened on a few rides last year but managed to get through it. The lower blood sugar isnt a problem unless its extremely low and yes can be treated on line most of the time unless its severe. Thanks for the tip about the CM and fast pass at least i know i could do that if i need to.
I have type 1 and get a GAC. Even with a pump my BS are extremely hard to control and always seem to be worse when we are at WDW. The GAC has helped because it gives us an alternative when my diabetes is not cooperating and we are unable to use a fast pass or the regular line. Though we do rarely use it it is nice to have it if needed. Go to guest relations and explain what your daughters needs are not her diagnosis and see what they can do to help you. Telling them she is a diabetic means nothing to them because not all diabetics need the same thing.

As OOP stated, I have seen other boards mention that your child can be and will be given a GAC since they have T1D! I won't post and links but they are even telling people what they need to say in order to get it:eek:.

They have even went as far as to say that the GAC MUST be given on request and can not be denied, since they are not allowed to ask for documentation.:rolleyes1
As OOP stated, I have seen other boards mention that your child can be and will be given a GAC since they have T1D! I won't post and links but they are even telling people what they need to say in order to get it:eek:.

They have even went as far as to say that the GAC MUST be given on request and can not be denied, since they are not allowed to ask for documentation.:rolleyes1

That is not completely correct information.
There is no requirement that says a GAC must be given.
A GAC is just one way that needs related to a disability can be met. It is not the only way. While it is true that they can't require proof of a disability, they can (and usually do) require an explanation of what the needs are. If someone can't (or won't) explain their needs, there is no requirement that accommodations be given.

For any condition, there are people who may have lots of needs and others with few. The ADA makes allowances to make meet the needs related to the disabilities, not the diagnosis.
Many people in the last 6-12 months have been reporting good success using TourGuide Mike or Ridemax. Some who previously used GACs have found those services work much better and they were able to see almost everything with a less than 10 minute wait, just by knowing where and when to be.

thanks everyone! I was asking because as i had posted when my daughter has High blood sugars she needs to use the restroom alot and that may mean having to get out of line. This happened on a few rides last year but managed to get through it. The lower blood sugar isnt a problem unless its extremely low and yes can be treated on line most of the time unless its severe. Thanks for the tip about the CM and fast pass at least i know i could do that if i need to.

We visited WDW 3 years ago, when DS was 6. I was very concerned about the heat (makes his BG drop like a stone). So, we were prepared to get a GAC to allow him to wait in a cool area with one parent while the other parent and DD waited in line. However, we did a touring plan with Tour Guide Mike and I have to tell you, I never wound up getting the card. We had so few waits that it simply was not necessary. Keep in mind we visited in the summer when it was extremely busy. Even when he was high, because we didn't wait more than 10 or 15 minutes for any line, we did not have to the bathroom emergency run either. It was wonderful!

This is not to discourage you from asking for the card, but to reinforce Sue's comments on the positives of a touring plan for our children with T1D.
Not to start trouble but I think what PP meant by saying people were posting how to get the GAC's, someone probably came out and said "Tell them you have Syndrome Q, these are the symptoms, tell them you can't do A B C and you'll get the most things marked on the GAC". Which really...is there anything stopping people from doing this? I mean I could probably troll around a cancer message board and figure out enough of it to go to Guest Services and set myself up with a good GAC. I know they're not head of the line passes and all that but I'd bet someone with enough time could figure out how to do it. Sue, Cheshire Figment, even Robo...do you guys know if there's any way Disney can combat this?
It is unfortunate but really nothing can be done. Under ADA a person cannot be asked for proof of a disability unless it would give them a service not otherwise available to a non-disabled person.

This is why, for example, a doctor has to sign off to get a disabled parking tag or license plate - the state form not only requires the doctor to certify, but all state forms I have seen ask for the doctor's license number and this can be verified. Because with this people can park where they otherwise could not and also in most areas do not have to pay for a meter.

In a way, for a Front Of The Line Pass, Disney does ask for medical proof, although it is indirectly asked for. By giving the special pass only to WISH children there has been outside verification of a medical condition.

But the general renge of accommodations that Disney uses will only give people with disabilities the same level of access that people without disabilities have.

And as far as a doctor's note is concerned. People at Guest Relations are not medically trained and cannot respond to a diagnoses. And also with computers and high quality printers, what is to stop a person from making up a letterhead or even a prescription form; there is no way that any such letter could be verified as to who actually wrote it or even if the person who did write it was an actual medical professional or not.
There are different things put on GAC passes. My DD has Type 1 and we have gotten a GAC that met her needs. Our main problems are 1) heat/sun quickly degrade the insulin in her pump and 2) excessive heat/sun can contribute to dehydration which can quickly escalate to DKA especially if the insulin is degrading as the day goes on.

If your child wears a pump, I would highly recommend daily set changes, or at least changing out the reservoir daily. In my experience, insulin just does not keep in the summer at Disney. We don't seem to have any problems when we go at other times of the year, and don't bother asking for a GAC unless we are there in the summer (we always use Tour Guide Mike and that seems to be enough).

I also recommend using a Frio pack to keep extra insulin cool. Good luck and have fun!
I also recommend using a Frio pack to keep extra insulin cool. Good luck and have fun!

They also make a FRIO pack for your pump so the insulin stays cool in the pump. I bought one for my daughter to use when she gets her pump this summer.
We have been to Disneyland twice since my daughters diagnosis with type 1. Neither time would we have needed a GAC as everything went very smoothing using fast passes. In fact, fast passes were much quicker than when we went with my son who is in a wheelchair and needed to use a GAC and the wheelchair access/accom. There there is often a back up as those needing to use it MAY take longer to transfer/less wheelchair accom. cars on rides etc. Def. use fast passes.
My DD11 is type 1 and we have gone 6 times since she was diagnosed at age 6. All but once it was in the summer. We have never asked for nor really needed a GAC. I think the key to an enjoyable trip for eveyone is looking at the whole trip different.. taking extra steps along the way to prevent problems . I test DD ALOT more than normal to prevent highs and lows. Aside from having to potty more the extreme highs are dangerous and should be taken care of ASAP...I prefer TS to eat so that DD can relax, cool down and recharge. I make sure she stays hydrated and uses the restroom frequently also. I have learned thru the many trips that you cant do a commando type trip with a T1.. They do have special needs but nothing that can't be handled with a little planning and precaution.
The last time we went to DW we asked for a card BECAUSE while waiting for characters in the hot sun , we were told to park our stroller in a different area. Type 1 kids glucose levels can drop quickly in heat with little activity, low energy levels, and you want the kids to have little activity so not to drop glucose . Prior to getting the card, I begged a CM to allow her to remain in stroller and was not allowed. I understand. Rules are rules. I held her along with the insulin bag on my shoulder.

So, we use one for the long character lines and we try to eat at as many character meals as possible to avoid those lines. (You can't see Peter Pan and Wendy, Woody, and Buzz at the meals )
The last time we went to DW we asked for a card BECAUSE while waiting for characters in the hot sun , we were told to park our stroller in a different area. Type 1 kids glucose levels can drop quickly in heat with little activity, low energy levels, and you want the kids to have little activity so not to drop glucose . Prior to getting the card, I begged a CM to allow her to remain in stroller and was not allowed. I understand. Rules are rules. I held her along with the insulin bag on my shoulder.

So, we use one for the long character lines and we try to eat at as many character meals as possible to avoid those lines. (You can't see Peter Pan and Wendy, Woody, and Buzz at the meals )

Being able to use a stroller as a wheelchair is helpful for many small children with special needs. It can either be signified with a special sticker on the stroller or a GAC or both. There ismore information about GACs and stroller as wheelchair in post #6 of the disABILITIES FAQs thread.
Basically, it allows a stroller to be brought into lines and attractions rhe same as a wheelchair. The main difference is there are some wheelchair accessible ride cars a stroller would not fit in, but you can use the stroller until the boarding area.
The last time we went to DW we asked for a card BECAUSE while waiting for characters in the hot sun , we were told to park our stroller in a different area. Type 1 kids glucose levels can drop quickly in heat with little activity, low energy levels, and you want the kids to have little activity so not to drop glucose . Prior to getting the card, I begged a CM to allow her to remain in stroller and was not allowed. I understand. Rules are rules. I held her along with the insulin bag on my shoulder.

So, we use one for the long character lines and we try to eat at as many character meals as possible to avoid those lines. (You can't see Peter Pan and Wendy, Woody, and Buzz at the meals )

Buzz and Woody now have an indoor airconditioned line across from TSM at the Studios.:thumbsup2


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