Update! 7/6- 8 am ADRS?! a 2013 TR, Fueled by Pixie Dust and Coffee..

thetorit said:
You two are adorable! Loving this update!


Ugh. I need to get on the computer again, post kitten pictures.

He's got Matt in love with him . It's precious.
t_daniels said:

Ugh. I need to get on the computer again, post kitten pictures.

He's got Matt in love with him . It's precious.

So does that mean he's staying?
thetorit said:
How many years til you're going back now?! Is there a cap? Haha!

I'll be celebrating my oh, hundredth birthday there, I'm sure...
Haha so I leave in 4 weeks and am hoping to do a trip report when we come back. I'm curious which of us would finish first? :-)
Haha so I leave in 4 weeks and am hoping to do a trip report when we come back. I'm curious which of us would finish first? :-)

You, hands down.

Typing up an update now....

(You leave so soon?! Awesome!)
Just 4 more days!

Can't wait to see how the rest of your trip went!

So.... typing up 'right now' turned into 'oh no where did my menu go' which turned into the 3 day search..

But, it's done. Finally.
I'm really, really sorry about the delay on this. I just... I haven't felt like writing. Anything, to be quite honest. I don't know why.

Regardless, I really need to hurry and finish this. Or at least, chip away at it..... :\

So, where were we?

Ah yes.

We went back to the hotel, and almost immediately, started getting ready for dinner.

We had reservations for Victoria and Albert's at 6, in the main dining room.

I was beyond excited. We made the decision to eat there late in the game.... at least as far some as some of the commando folks on here would be concerned.

I'd heard about the place years ago, and was drawn to it for the coffee alone, but when we heard the price, laughed it off as a pipe dream. And now, we were going!

I'd expressed a bit of concern to Matt before, about possibly taking a taxi to V&A. I didn't want to be late, as I didn't think that they'd hold ADR's, like other restaurants would be able to do. He didn't like the idea, saying he thought we'd be just fine, and that he thought it would be cool to take the monorail.

So, we were getting ready, and things were going pretty well. I was all excited, and to my great relief, was walking pretty well in my heels. (Which, I'd been practicing for a month. I don't do heels, at all. Even little ones like this. But i did it!)


Getting ready...


I did sneak some pictures. I used the mirror, because I could hear Matt getting agitated with the eyeliner. So, I stayed out of the line of fire. Little did I know...

So, first off, I think it's a little dumb he did eyeliner AFTER getting dressed. But. Ah well. I always, if I can, do my makeup before getting dressed. I can't count how many times I've gotten makeup on my clothes before, and it's just easier to put them on later.... )

But, he does it how he wants to, and he's getting increasingly agitated with the makeup not cooperating. Then, here comes this clacky sound. Like, something falling to the sink....

Followed by lots, and lots of colorful words coming from my husband's mouth.

He'd dropped his eyeliner.... and it had bounced off the sink , and landed tip down, on the crotch of his pants.

Might not sound like much...

But he'd bought a brand new, snow white suit for the occasion.

And let me tell you, I love my husband, but he didn't take this well.

He tried wiping at it with a wet washcloth. It didn't work. He was freaking out .

For all intents and purposes, he was being the 'me' of the trip. He was getting slghtly hysterical. He kept telling me that he couldn't go like this. There was no way that he was going to go to this upscale, nice place with a big, black eyeliner mark on his crotch.

I tried to explain that we couldn't just cancel. They'd charge the card anyway. And that it was likely going to be dark in the place, and the mark was about where his jacket buttoned. No one was going to be staring.

He wasn't listening.

Which, I wouldn't have been either, if it were me, I'm sure.

I decided to call the gift shop and see if they had a tide pen. Meanwhile, he was still trying to wipe it out, I think. Not sure. He wasn't happy.

Thankfully, they had one. So I told Matt, who told me that that was fantastic, and I should go get it. Because he wasn't leaving the room like this.

Now, I was starting to get irritated.

It was about 5:25. Our reservation was at 6. We had to take a bus to the Magic Kingdom, and then a monorail to the hotel the restaurant was in. No way where we going to make it.

I (probably a touch meaner than I should have) told him that we didn't have time, and he was going to have to come with me, and either do it on the bus, or at the stop. He agreed, still not happy.

We power walked down the hallway, and headed to the gift shop. As we walked, Matt made a comment about how well I was doing in my heels. IT was nice, in the midst of all the chaos!

At the gift shop, I asked the lady for the tide pen someone had set aside for me. The lady thought that I said "tie pin" and proceeded to tell me they didn't have any.

Matt, meanwhile, was standing there giving me the side eye. I could see his "I told you so" face starting up. Thankfully, the lady went and talked to the lady I talked to, and it all got straightened out.

Now, we're at the bus stop, trying not to look too strange, taking a tide pen to his pants. In retrospect, not the best idea.

However, it didn't last long. It was starting to get obvious that we weren't going to make it on time. Matt had calmed down a bit, but I was starting to panic. And my feet were starting to protest. They didn't like the power walking/running. I hadn't practiced that --- only walking!

Sadly, we hurried inside to try and figure out how to call a taxi. We didn't know there was always one out front!

The concierge was very nice - and seemingly oblivious to my panicking -- and told us where to go to find the taxi.

It was only my second time in a taxi, so it felt a little awkward. I tried to make small talk a few times, but gave up. It did make me giggle though, because I got my way in the end, and we took a taxi to V&A!

We got to the Grand Floridian with 2 minutes to spare, but had no idea how to find the restaurant. So we followed signs the best we could, taking the stairs (my poor feet!) and finally found it!

Or, not.

We tried to check in at a desk -- that wasn't for the place at all. The lady very nicely pointed me to a door that had been opened behind me (Think like that scene in Titanic!) and we headed in.

It was very dimly lit, and a hostess and the maitre'd greeted us and wished us a happy anniversary. I was excited, but had a sinking feeling. The place seemed like it'd be stuffy. :\ I was already a nervous wreck. As much as I like fancy places, and the atmosphere and all..... I'm not cut out for stuffy. I drop things. I laugh at inopportune times... you know. I was sure it'd be an awkward dinner.

Our server was nice, his helper had a pretty thick accent, he was a bit hard to understand, but he was equally nice.

Things started off with a bang. After getting the purse hook to hang from the table (I was a bit let down I didn't get the little purse chair I'd read about, but this was neat too. I was allowed to choose my design. Kid you not.) We were asked what kind of water we wanted. I assumed he meant still, or sparkling. At least, that was the case at the last fancy restaurant we went to. So, I figured it was a safe bet that it'd apply here.

Which, it did. Just, not in the way we thought. He excused himself, came back and handed our first menu of the night - our water menu.

An entire menu. Of water.

I know some of you reading this have been before. You're probably not impressed. :) But. .really? An entire menu devoted to water?! It seems a little nuts to me. They did however, have (along with the country the water came from, and some other information) the PH balance information. Which, if you actually know that stuff, and have a preference, I can see it being beneficial. Otherwise, I'm not sure that you could be able to pick a winner from the get-go.

And some of these waters? $$$$$$. You'd think they were wine! Then again, they're from another country. So, I suppose it's not surprising. :)

After deciding on the house still water, he brought it out, and started to explain the menu. (The water tasted just fine!) Which, we'd looked it over, but didn't quite grasp what some of the flavors/terms meant. It was nice to have it explained. Helped tremendously on our choices.

I had the wine pairing, which, I think there was only 2 glasses I didn't finish. Seeing as how I'm not really a wine person, I'm fairly proud of that. The stronger wine that they served in a tiny glass with the cheese, and one of the reds. Otherwise, I kept up fairly decently. I really wanted to try and only drink said glass of wine with it's coordinated dish. But I didn't drink quite quick enough. :) (Even more impressive, I didn't get 'drunk', and was able to still walk and function in heels. :) Go Tina!)

I won't type up the entire menu, but I'll type out what we chose.

Our appetizer, I'm not sure exactly what it was. I know one of the tiny little things was something (cheese? fish? I don't even know. It tasted killer.) in an avocado puree. There was a piece of raw salmon as well, and then something else. This was brought to us by the server with the thick accent. And, I felt like it'd be rude to ask him to repeat himself. But, if he was anything like our main server, he probably wouldn't have minded a bit...

The appetizer/amuse bouche, though it looked suspect, ended up tasting amazing. Even not being 100% sure what it was, it was still great. And I'm normally UBER picky about wanting to know what I'm eating.

We had three breads total. A white bread, (which had a crust around it. Think like a baguette) that was good- but we stressed over the 'proper' way to eat it. Later, our server reassured us that however was fine. Even joked a bit, saying however we felt most comfortable eating it, that they'd watch us and not complain. :) The second bread, I am a horrible blogger and forget what they called it. Brioche? Not sure. But it had egg and spices and oh my good lord I loved it. The complementary butter was amazing. The third bread was a wheat bread.... but I could have ate that second bread literally all day. Phenomenal. Oh my goodness. :) <3<3

As far as our courses went... everything was amazing. Even foods I normally am not fond of because of taste, texture, whatever. But I didn't have a bad dish. There was one dish that had a sweeter sauce on part of it that I could have done without - but even still, I ate it happily.

One course, sadly, my fork ended up on the floor. I stalled on telling the server. It was embarrassing. But, he was nice about it. I swear, I'd go back just for everyone NOT making me feel like an uncultured tourist. :)

OH. And more in that aspect... Matt and I both had been off and on sickly this trip... so I had a stash of coughdrops in my purse. Thankfully. In between courses, I got hit with a coughing fit. I had a tickle in my throat , couldn't pop a drop in time. It was horrible. I tried to stifle it. I was getting ready to go outside, and it finally quit. And then... the maitre'd shows up.

Now, I'm thinking, I've really done it. Here we are, and we're going to get chided. Eek. Should I just stand up and apologize to all the tables? Buy a round of coffee for everyone? Do 68 Hail Marys? (Even though I'm not Catholic, it's the same God, it'll work, yes?!)

Really, back in reality, he was just checking on me to make sure I was okay. (Again, referring to me by name, without being prompted.)

For the first course, I had the masago crusted shrimp, with a ponzu vinagarette. Masago I like. Cold, grilled shrimp, usually not. It's a texture thing. But this, was fabulous. I think this dish had a bit of a sweeter sauce I wasn't nuts about, but it was still really good.

Matt had the other choice , and it was "Octopus 'A La Plancha' with Black Garlic Aioli . He said it was really good - I didn't try any.

It's worth noting before I go on... that we'd initially discussed splitting these courses. We'd each order a different meal, and then we'd try both of them.

Yup. Nope. It didn't happen. There was one dish of his that I tried I bite of. That's it. ha. But, I can't complain. My food was fabulous.

The seafood course, we had 3 choices to choose from. The one we DIDN"T have was Diver Scallop with corn ragout. It looked good, just not as good as the other two.

Matt's dish was one I ALMOST chose. It was the Wild Turbot with Toasted Capers and Preserved Lemon. It had an upcharge of $30. (Made me feel better about the wine pairing I did... and another dish I had with an upcharge. ) He said it was phenomenal.

My dish was the Alaskan Halibut with Yellow Tomato Bouillon and Almonds. Oh, my lord. This was so good! The almonds weren't too obvious a flavor, and it was like the fish was served over this light yellow tomato soup. I think there were a couple grape pieces as well. Odd, but good. I'll admit to eating this one as slow as I could, since I knew that seconds weren't an option. :)

The next course, we had two choices. Neither of us opted for the Oxtail, so we got the Long Island Duck Breast and Sausage with Roasted Cauliflower. Now, the cauliflower was barely there. It was roasted, and then pureed, and used as an accent on the plate. The dish was SO GOOD. The sausage was a little odd, but I think it's just because we'd never had duck before. It was super tender, and even my red meat hating husband liked it!

For our main/final meal course, I had to go the typical route. I chose the Australian Kobe-Style Beef Tenderloin with Garlic-Potato Puree. Yum, yum, and more yum. There was an upcharge for this, but it wasn't bad. Only 35. Worth it, imo.

Matt ordered the Onion Ash Crusted Niman Ranch Lamb with sauce Soubine and Ramps. I REALLY wanted to try this. But it was gone in like, .5 seconds. He did however, let me try one of the sides. It was greens, and something else, wrapped around goat cheese. It was so good. Like, amazingly, addictively good. I tried for another. Got shot down.

The next course was either cheese, or white chocolate gelato. Matt got the gelato, and I chose the cheese.

As much of a cheese lover as I am, it makes me sad to say I wasn't crazy about it. I ate a few of them, tried all of them. Didn't like the port wine that accompanied it much , either. WAY strong.

At this point, we ordered our coffee - the coffee I've heard about for years - and I had to pee. That figures. Matt tried to tell me to wait, but it wasn't happening. That many glasses of wine, plus my tiny bladder..... yup. Waiting, not so much an option. Thankfully, I didn't have to wander out to the hotel lobby, V&A had special ones.

Which, were super fancy. The stalls were like, separate rooms, they had hand towels, not paper towels... (I know. Half of you reading this do V&A. You probably aren't impressed. But I was! :) ) Equally impressive, was my walking around in my heels, not injuring myself, or anyone else!

Back at the table, our coffee was brought out, and the candle under it lit. Coolest thing ever. Siphon coffee. It looked like it was in an hour glass- water in the bottom, and coffee in the top. The flame, or the heat source (in our case, a flame) heats the water. When it heats to X point, it expands. (or to get uber technical, the gas might be what expands) and pushes the water through a tube to the top of the hour glass. Then, it brews the coffee, and comes back down to the bottom. Because of the expansion, the water never boils, either. Whole process took about 30 ish minutes.

It was terrific. I want one. I may not google them daily. But I do google them on more than one occasion. There are affordable options out there - though they may not be as pretty as V&A's.

Next comes dessert. My healthy eating husband wasn't excited. Me, I wanted all of them. Our sever recommended the Banana Gateau. Said it was the best, bar none. I wanted one of the Souffles, or maybe the creme brulee.... but in the end we both chose the banana gateau.

And oh my god, I will never, ever, question a V&A server again.

This dish.

THIS DISH. It was superb. It was amazing. You had caramelized bananas. And a banana pudding thing. In this standing tower looking shape. Stretched/spun clear sugar decorated it. I wish I had a picture. I can't do this thing justice. It was like, every banana dessert you've ever had, times 34. So good.

Matt ate it with no complaints. He loved it. The words 'better than sex' were uttered. He's very much a banana person, too. So that helped.

After dinner, we paid them and promised them our first born, and then had to leave. Sadly. I didn't really want to, but ... you know. they gave me my rose, and our bread. (I was hoping for the brioche bread, but it was a fruitcake instead! Amazingly good, I ate it while doing laundry one night... )

We hopped on the monorail, and headed home. We'd thought about trying to catch a fireworks show, but time wasn't on our side. Instead, we headed back to our hotel.


Our server took our picture. We didn't have the flash on, sadly. :(
I'm glad you liked the restaurant! The banana gateau sounds amazing! Everything sounds amazing!
bellanotte10 said:
I'm glad you liked the restaurant! The banana gateau sounds amazing! Everything sounds amazing!

It was so good. I want to find a recipe...but all I find is banana cake, and V&A reviews!
It was so good. I want to find a recipe...but all I find is banana cake, and V&A reviews!

That happened to me with a dessert from jiko. That's the worst! I hope you find it! Have you checked the recipe thread here?
bellanotte10 said:
That happened to me with a dessert from jiko. That's the worst! I hope you find it! Have you checked the recipe thread here?

Oooo . No.


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