Update! 7/6- 8 am ADRS?! a 2013 TR, Fueled by Pixie Dust and Coffee..

What a great first day! The upside of missing Illuminations is missing the cattle run to the exits, right? I am uber-excited to hear about V&A's!
Hi Tina! I didn't know you did a TR, can't wait to read the rest of it:yay::yay: I hope you get it done by your deadline so you don't have to wait too long for your next trip lol
carrie6466 said:
Hi Tina! I didn't know you did a TR, can't wait to read the rest of it:yay::yay: I hope you get it done by your deadline so you don't have to wait too long for your next trip lol

I'm screwed, already overdue! :/

You're the friend who recommended the aqua frescas at Via Napoli, right?
Carable said:
What a great first day! The upside of missing Illuminations is missing the cattle run to the exits, right? I am uber-excited to hear about V&A's!


I've actually never been in a park at closing! Closest was watching Fantasmic last year...

Oh, V & A.....THAT'LL be an entertaining read!!#
Bummer you didn't like the pizza. Both both desserts looked good. Looking forward to more.
Ah no! I hate that when something doesn't live up to your looooong awaited expectations!!! I wonder if maybe they had too many complaints about separating the toppings so decided to Americanize it?

We went to Via Napoli in sept 2010 shortly after it opened & were disappointed but then again weren't really prepared for the type of pizza it is, here in Podunk town it's Pizza Hut, dominos & papa johns to pick from so after reading all the great reviews for the last 3 yrs we decided to go back this Sept but we are paying OOP for it & will get the calamari, split a pizza & dessert & have some sangria...

Looking fwd to reading more!!!

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PrincessInOz said:
Bummer you didn't like the pizza. Both both desserts looked good. Looking forward to more.
It was good...just not near as good as last time... you know?

Desserts were killer.
bluejasmine said:
Ah no! I hate that when something doesn't live up to your looooong awaited expectations!!! I wonder if maybe they had too many complaints about separating the toppings so decided to Americanize it?

We went to Via Napoli in sept 2010 shortly after it opened & were disappointed but then again weren't really prepared for the type of pizza it is, here in Podunk town it's Pizza Hut, dominos & papa johns to pick from so after reading all the great reviews for the last 3 yrs we decided to go back this Sept but we are paying OOP for it & will get the calamari, split a pizza & dessert & have some sangria...

Looking fwd to reading more!!!

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My husband and I think that's it. If they were giving people heads up about it in 2011, maybe they were already complaining, and it'd just gotten worse. Sad, but expected.

Definitely give it another go! It's for sure different than the typical pizza places. But maybe prepared, you'll like it? We saw TONS of negative reviews before we went...so it's really all subjective anyway. !
K. Asked hubby about his pizza. Turns out the toppings I listed were right. Yay, memory!

I did forget to add in something though. Before heading to Epcot... we approached a CM at the DVC booth to ask how to get to Mara, Akl s CS. (I always get lost..)

He chatted with us, gave us the spiel then asked if we'd gotten our anniversary call.

We hadn't, so he punched some buttons on the phone, and let us hear it.

Was adorable. Mickey and Minnie wished us a Happy Anniversary! Loved it.
The pizza where they separate the toppings on to each section is the Quattro Stagioni (Four Seasons). If that is still on the menu there, that is what you'd want to order. Hope that helps. :)
Briarmom said:
The pizza where they separate the toppings on to each section is the Quattro Stagioni (Four Seasons). If that is still on the menu there, that is what you'd want to order. Hope that helps. :)

Ohhh, no. We had got the normal build your own pizza, when they separated the toppings. So, they definitely changed something about it.:-)

I'll try that next time, though.:-)
I don't know how I didn't see that this was updating, but I'm caught up now! I can't wait to read the rest!
thetorit said:
I don't know how I didn't see that this was updating, but I'm caught up now! I can't wait to read the rest!

I'll try to hurry and finish.:-)
carrie6466 said:
Nope, I love Via Napoli, but have never tried the aqua fresca.

Hmm. Who was it!:/ Someone from the July 2011 dismeet........ hmmm. Ah well.
thetorit said:
Are we up to a 2016 return?!

Crap. I don't even want to talk about it. I'll be an old lady ...

More soon. Promise.

I typed this all up earlier, while Matt was playing video games.

Then, lo and behold, I was missing a picture!
Good grief...

But, I've got it now. :)


So, first things first - that king size bed? Terribly, horribly hard to peel yourself out of in the morning. Especially when sick! Sigh.
But, when my alarm went off around 6, I hopped up and started getting ready. Truth be told, I was entirely too excited to hear our wake up call. Last time, it had been Stitch, 'rudely' waking you up - then Mickey came on the phone, and apologized, then woke you up. Needless to say, I was happy.

This trip, not so much.

It was Mike Wazowski, from Monster's Inc. (Well, University, to be precise.) It was really hard to make out what he was saying - but you get the vibe that he's calling to yell at a classmate from MU, then realizes he has the wrong person, and then hangs up on you. It really sounded like it just cut off, and then a few days it DID cut off. Wasn't so much a wakeup call... if I hadn't already been awake, I'm not sure I would have been woken up - but ah well.

We stumbled around getting ready - Matt was NOT happy about having an 8 am ADR. Especially on a vacation - but you know, that's what happens when you let the Disney crazed wife make all the reservations! We made it to the bus to Magic Kingdom, but just barely.

We hadn't seen a MK bus in a while, but Epcot buses were abound. So I got the bright idea to hop on a Epcot bus, and then take the monorail back to the Polynesian. Which was great, but I'd forgotten the Epcot monorails start running a little later. Thank goodness the bus driver asked is where we were headed!

Thankfully, the MK bus showed up a few minutes later, and we hopped on the Resort Monorail. :) It was freezing. And Matt and the Boozle Bear were grumpy. Needed coffee.


Getting to Ohana was uneventful. We found it pretty easily. I was happy we remembered, especially after my ME blunder. The line was long, but it went pretty quickly. My only complaint here, is we didn't get any leis! I dont know if it's only for people celebrating (we were!) or if it's for first timers, but we got lei's last time - - it looked like EVERYONE did -- but not this time. We didn't see ANY lei's around, maybe they were out?

We got to our table, and got the breads - which as always, were great! We of course, ordered juice and coffee. That juice does me in. It's so good. My favorite!

We took a picture of our 'cousin' with the Boozle Bear. He didn't quite get it, and was a little awkward, so Matt hopped in, too. We didn't ask any of our severs to take a picture after that, it seemed too awkward.


I should note here, that they were doing the hand sign for 'shaka,' or 'hang loose.' Matt at first, was doing 'i love you' in sign language. Our cousin tried his best to correct him, and I tried showing him. He finally got it right. :)

We got our food, and it was amazing, as always. I completely forgot to take pictures, but since it was family style, I didn't panic too much. (Though, I did make sure I took more pictures at other meals!)

Family style- fruit and a dipping sauce, (which was new, we didn't get that last time!)

Then the eggs, potatoes, sausage, and Mickey Waffles. Last trip, I didn't care for them, but they were better this time around, I'll admit! Maybe we got cold ones last time? I dunno. Either way....

I mostly ate eggs and potatoes. I almost asked for more - my healthy eater husband hijacked most of the eggs but I wasn't hungry enough for an entire new portion, so we thought better of it.

The characters came around - and thankfully, it wasn't too hard to explain what we were doing with the bear. (I'll put those pictures over in Boozle's trip

Didn't have any extraordinary interactions. Most everyone asked about our anniversary buttons, and how many years, and took pictures. Mickey and Lilo didn't take a picture with Matt -- Lilo actually didn't even take a picture with me - I think she assumed we only wanted one with the bear -- but Stitch took a picture with Matt too. (Yet another reason Stitch is my absolute favorite.)

Stitch also gave me this huge, giant bear hug -- and held it while Matt took a picture. Sadly, this was the only time I saw Stitch the whole trip - we kept missing him in Magic Kingdom. :(

And Pluto I think, was running a bit behind -- so he didn't take a picture with the bear, or sign the book. Our server ran up with Pluto, and offered to take our picture together with him. I assumed they were running behind, so I didn't even bring the bear up. I can only imagine how stressful it is to time manage during a character breakfast. Especially when LOTS of kids are there. So, no complaints here. :)




When we left Ohana (after copious amounts of coffee and juice) we briefly checked out the sushi on Kona's menu. We almost went back for sushi and a lapu-lapu one night, but it didn't fit in the schedule. Sadly, but that just means it's on next times to-do, right?

We did, however, find an odd looking Tiki chair, and took a picture of the Boozle in it. (We took one of Matt too, but he didn't like how it came out!)

I wanted to take a picture by the Lilo and Stitch surfboard in the lobby, but there was a CM standing by it on the phone, so I thought better of it. Wasn't that important!:)

So then, we left the Poly, and headed for Magic Kingdom!


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