Valet tipping tid-bit of info.

As of Jan 7,, ALL VALET PARKING WILL HEREBY CEASE TO EXIST as we know it at Walt Disney world,,, Seems the Company is OUTSOURCING That service and it will now be handled by outside Personal,, all current Valets will be moved to some position within bell service and a location yet to be determined. After Jan 7, the outside company Valets WILL, I REPEAT WILL POOL thier tips. But they will not be Disney Cast member,, good or bad. you be the judge.
This is already being discussed in several other threads.

My conclusion about the changes, on the surface: Good.
CharlesTD said:
We park our own car never use valet as I am quite capable of finding a spot and 9 times out of 10 will get front row spots no matter where I am. Why pay somone to park my car when I am fully capable of doing it never could figure out why people do this.

Ditto... We always park our own car and carry our own luggage. This reminds me of our one time stay at BCV when I pulled my car up to the entrance, unloaded luggage and proceeded to retrive a cart when a CM told me that I could not use the cart, that they were only for Bell services... :furious: I didn't, but I should have told him to go fly a kite.
We valet free w/ handicapped. So far, I've only had a few "kid" valets, most of them have been middle-aged at least and the way I look at it, my couple of bucks there and back helps feed their families and put shoes on their kids. Same with bell services. I was at WDW right after a hurricane and at WL a family was checking out with all their junk (stuff shoved in black garbage bags). The man was just obnoxious, yelling at the bell man which bag was supposed to go in which vehicle (there were 2 vans). When it was done, he politely asked if they needed directions or any other assistance and the man literally waved him off with a sneer. The look on that bell man's face made me sick. I called him over and gave him my last cash (I was heading home) which was $10. I told him I wish I'd had more and that I appreciated all the work he did for those people. The look on his face was priceless and I will never forget it. BTW, this last trip, we valet parked at AKL our last night b/c it was supposed to rain overnight and I didn't want to deal with it, but I didn't have any cash. I took the valet's name, went to the ATM, and left his tip in an envelope at the desk. They looked at me like I had 2 heads and were very grateful. To me, it's simply a matter of honoring the service they are providing you whether it is parking or retrieving.
DisDaydreamer said:
Ditto... We always park our own car and carry our own luggage. This reminds me of our one time stay at BCV when I pulled my car up to the entrance, unloaded luggage and proceeded to retrive a cart when a CM told me that I could not use the cart, that they were only for Bell services... :furious: I didn't, but I should have told him to go fly a kite.

At deluxe hotels, if you take the bell cart, what are the bellmen supposed to use? It is the tool of their livelihood. Too often, guests "borrow" a cart then don't bother to return it so the bell staff has to go hunting it while unable to provide service to the guests who do choose to have them handle/store their bags. I was recently at a Sheraton where they were actually making announcements for people to please return the bell carts b/c they couldn't be found and the bell staff couldn't do their jobs. I was also recently at a Holiday Inn Express, needing a cart, but none to be found. On my way to the room, lo and behold, carts parked outside guest rooms. :sad2:
graygables said:
At deluxe hotels, if you take the bell cart, what are the bellmen supposed to use? It is the tool of their livelihood. Too often, guests "borrow" a cart then don't bother to return it so the bell staff has to go hunting it while unable to provide service to the guests who do choose to have them handle/store their bags. I was recently at a Sheraton where they were actually making announcements for people to please return the bell carts b/c they couldn't be found and the bell staff couldn't do their jobs. I was also recently at a Holiday Inn Express, needing a cart, but none to be found. On my way to the room, lo and behold, carts parked outside guest rooms. :sad2:

I understand the issue, but in this case they had six carts, 2 bellmen, and no customers, AND NO CARTS FOR GUESTS TO USE!. Basically, it is "either you use our service or you carry it". Extortion. Frankly, it was more the tone and bluntness of the way he informed me that made me angry. I was much more polite to him than he was to me. But then I guess this is to be expected when you outsource services... it's isn't very Disney.
I'm another that hates to pay someone to do something for me that I can do for myself. I guess that I'm just too much of a cheapskate.
I think "extortion" is an outrageous accusation. People conveniently define what is or is not "very Disney" based on what they want, not based on the mission of the Disney Company, which is really what rightfully should be used to determine what is and is not "very Disney".

The reality is that if you want a cart to move your luggage yourself, then bring it with you. The hotel's amenities doesn't include carts for guests to use. No hotel with bell services intends to provide carts for guests to use -- no self-respecting bell staff would put up with that, nor should they. That's the nature of full-service hotels.
I generally am a good tipper for certain jobs, but in general I'm starting to get tired of how many people are starting to expect or ask for tips. Seems like there are tip jars just about everywhere these days. Even fast food restaurants are putting the tip line on their credit card receipts.

Are valets paid a wage for their job or do they work for tips? Sure they are providing a service but isn't it their job really? Isn't everyone with a job providing a service? What's the difference really in tipping the valet or bellman and tipping the checkout person at the grocery store???When you think about it, it's a little funny that you are expected to tip the valet, or your waitress or whatever in order to expect reasonable service.

Blah, Blah. I'm rambling. I guess I just think it's getting out of hand and I see less and less benefit to giving tips anymore. It's not a special reward anymore, nor does it seem to insure good service. It's really just an automatic cost now, such as with eating out. They ought to just raise prices and pay the waitstaff a higher wage and be done with it.
bicker said:
I think "extortion" is an outrageous accusation. People conveniently define what is or is not "very Disney" based on what they want, not based on the mission of the Disney Company, which is really what rightfully should be used to determine what is and is not "very Disney".

The reality is that if you want a cart to move your luggage yourself, then bring it with you. The hotel's amenities doesn't include carts for guests to use. No hotel with bell services intends to provide carts for guests to use -- no self-respecting bell staff would put up with that, nor should they. That's the nature of full-service hotels.

This isn't a hotel... it's DVC and I am an owner... As owners, through our MFs we have paid for those carts and we have the right to use them. Now a subcontractor is providing the services so let them buy their own carts.
DisDaydreamer said:
This isn't a hotel... it's DVC and I am an owner... As owners, through our MFs we have paid for those carts and we have the right to use them. Now a subcontractor is providing the services so let them buy their own carts.

We members paid for the resort computers so the front desk personnel can do THEIR job, just like DVC members pay for the cart to enable the bellmen to do their job. I don't see the front desk letting members coming behind the counter to access the internet, or check themselves in. Just as "check-in" isn't self serve, neither is bell services.
DisDaydreamer said:
This isn't a hotel... it's DVC and I am an owner... As owners, through our MFs we have paid for those carts and we have the right to use them. Now a subcontractor is providing the services so let them buy their own carts.
If you're referring to your BCV experience, there certainly is a hotel - you're pulling up to the entrance of it and using the bell services equipment designated for the hotel. I've never heard of our membership fees providing us with luggage carts, and I'd never expect to be able to use one if there were bell staff at the front entrance.
Mtnman44 said:
I generally am a good tipper for certain jobs, but in general I'm starting to get tired of how many people are starting to expect or ask for tips. Seems like there are tip jars just about everywhere these days. Even fast food restaurants are putting the tip line on their credit card receipts.

Are valets paid a wage for their job or do they work for tips? Sure they are providing a service but isn't it their job really? Isn't everyone with a job providing a service? What's the difference really in tipping the valet or bellman and tipping the checkout person at the grocery store???When you think about it, it's a little funny that you are expected to tip the valet, or your waitress or whatever in order to expect reasonable service.

Blah, Blah. I'm rambling. I guess I just think it's getting out of hand and I see less and less benefit to giving tips anymore. It's not a special reward anymore, nor does it seem to insure good service. It's really just an automatic cost now, such as with eating out. They ought to just raise prices and pay the waitstaff a higher wage and be done with it.

I agree about the fast food/counter service tipping. But they should be making at least minimum wage (not that that is a lot, by any means). Positions considered "tipped" positions, like bell services, food servers, etc make a far lower minimum wage. Expected tips are legally considered to be a part of their income under most states minimum wage laws.
Chuck S said:
We members paid for the resort computers so the front desk personnel can do THEIR job, just like DVC members pay for the cart to enable the bellmen to do their job. I don't see the front desk letting members coming behind the counter to access the internet, or check themselves in. Just as "check-in" isn't self serve, neither is bell services.

Your point is well taken. I just think there should be carts for people who don't want to pay someone else to wheel their luggage down the hall. Maybe I go to VB too much where they do have carts at every bldg for the guests to use in addition to bell services.

As far as comparing check-in and bell services... check-in is a necessary part of the process and I have never gotten the feeling the CM was expecting a tip. On the other hand, bell services is an optional service. And when it really gets down to it, it is the cart that makes the job so much easier, not the person pushing it. I can push my own cart. I would prefer to pay to use a cart than pay someone to push it. Maybe that's the answer... maybe Disney should just do away with luggage services and go to cart rentals, then they wouldn't have to outsource anything. :thumbsup2
DisDaydreamer said:
Your point is well taken. I just think there should be carts for people who don't want to pay someone else to wheel their luggage down the hall. Maybe I go to VB too much where they do have carts at every bldg for the guests to use in addition to bell services.

As far as comparing check-in and bell services... check-in is a necessary part of the process and I have never gotten the feeling the CM was expecting a tip. On the other hand, bell services is an optional service. And when it really gets down to it, it is the cart that makes the job so much easier, not the person pushing it. I can push my own cart. I would prefer to pay to use a cart than pay someone to push it. Maybe that's the answer... maybe Disney should just do away with luggage services and go to cart rentals, then they wouldn't have to outsource anything. :thumbsup2

They still need luggage services for people that want/need that service, and carts need to be dedicated to that. And some people, especialy those in wheelchairs, would need that service.

I would not want to see an airport style cart dispenser for "self-serve" in a DVC resort lobby.
CharlesTD said:
Why pay somone to park my car when I am fully capable of doing it never could figure out why people do this.

Why??? Because you are on vacation. Let other do for you once in a while, it feels good. Also, with out people using this service those valets are out of a job.

I always tip both ways to ensure the people providing the service get paid. It also helps everyone in the long run. If everyone tipped like this the valets would be much more aggresive in greeting guests and parking cars not just retrieval.
JimC said:
Pooled tips or not the standard practice is to tip when the car is returned. Those who tip twice are being twice as nice. Those who tip only upon return are just following standard practice.

Standard practice according to who? You.

Sorry, just because many do this does NOT make it right or the correct way to tip valets. :rolleyes:

Service workers rely on tips.
Johnnie Fedora said:
Together with their wages, they probably make $20+/hour easy.

And that is good money?????? Assuming a 40 hour work week that is $800 a week before taxes. Roughly $41,600 per year before taxes. Sorry but this hardly qualifies as good money.

Maybe you should try to support your family in todays world at that wage. Most are part timers so Disney doesn't have to give them health insurance.

When in doubt tip, it will make you feel godd and them feel good. Worth the couple of bucks x 2.
dumbo71 said:
Standard practice according to who? You.

Sorry, just because many do this does NOT make it right or the correct way to tip valets. :rolleyes:

Service workers rely on tips.

right according to who? you??

just because YOU do it a certain way does NOT make it right, either....i believe that there is a standard practice for everything. if you wish to tip beyond the standard, more power to you - and i'm sure the valets and bellhops will be appreciative. however, that doesn't change the fact that there is, indeed, a generally accepted standard.....
DisDaydreamer said:
I understand the issue, but in this case they had six carts, 2 bellmen, and no customers, AND NO CARTS FOR GUESTS TO USE!. Basically, it is "either you use our service or you carry it". Extortion. Frankly, it was more the tone and bluntness of the way he informed me that made me angry. I was much more polite to him than he was to me. But then I guess this is to be expected when you outsource services... it's isn't very Disney.


Wouldn't it be easier to tip the 5 bucks and let the bellmen get your luggage?

1) You wouldn't make DVC'ers look like buffoons.

2) You wouldn't look like some moron you had never traveled before.

3) You would help keep the bellman in a job.

4) Your wife could finally stop telling all of her friends how cheap you are. :teeth:

All of you non tippers: I'd hate to be on your Christmas list. :rolleyes:

What goes around comes around. Those bellman and valets radio the front desk CM after you don't tip them or the valet and let them know to hold your room.

You see, I always tip and low and behold my room is always ready early.


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