Velkommen! Touring Disney with my Norwegian friend! Dec. 2013 TR update 6/18/14

Fun times and nice pics around Epcot.
OH MY! The cucumber margarita looks so good.
Okay all 3 looked good.
Not sure how I would feel about grapefruit beer.
All those drink pics I need one now.
Nice pic with Aurora.
All caught up again.
Fun times and nice pics around Epcot.
OH MY! The cucumber margarita looks so good.
Okay all 3 looked good.
Not sure how I would feel about grapefruit beer.
All those drink pics I need one now.
Nice pic with Aurora.
All caught up again.

They have so many great margarita flavors I wanted to try them all ;) I love how many unique drinks there are in Epcot!
Drinking around the World, Part 2

Okay, so picking up where we left off! We had just finished dinner at Akershus. We went through some of the shops at this time but decided to come back later to ride Maelstrom since the line was still rather long. We did get to glimpse Anna and Elsa from the shop though! That's about as close as I'll be getting as long as the wait is over 3 hours!!

And the next up on our drinking around the world journey was Italy, since we had left off in Germany. I knew exactly what I was getting - some Rosa Regale! I love it, so good. PP and DH decided to go with a shot of Sambuca. PP really pressured DH into doing the shot with him, which I was not 100% thrilled about - only because I knew DH wouldn't like it! He does not care for black licorice, and that's basically what sambuca tastes like. However, they did it. From this picture it looks like PP is also having some sort of beer? So he may have been double fisting in this country as well, haha.

The Rosa Regale was $7.50 and the Sambuca was $8.45. That brings the total price for me up to $42.50, and for us as a couple up to $89.20.

For the American Adventure we stopped at the little holiday booth they had set up. DH and I both had a glass of sparkling white wine - Once upon a Vine Enchanted Woods (I think PP might have had the same thing but I don't remember for certain):

It was nice, but nothing too special. I guess that's what you expect from America - it's just the stuff we have on a regular basis! I lost my receipt from here but I believe this was on the cheaper end (for Disney) and about $5.00 per glass. So that's $47.50 for me and $99.20 for both of us.

While we enjoyed our drinks here we were able to watch part of the Candlelight Processional from afar. We caught maybe the last 10 minutes of the show. I'm pretty sure the narrator was the All State guy. They did a great job and I'd love to actually see the show for real sometime!

For Japan we knew we had to try sake! I'd never had it before, so we went into the store area where the sake bar is. This was nice because they had a bunch of different kinds there, and the cast members at the bar were able to help us figure out what we might like by recommending something sweet, dry, etc.

According to my receipt one of us (I believe it was me) got the Himezen for $9.38, and the other had the Yuzu Omoi for $6.57. At this point I don't remember too much about it other than the fact that they were both sweet sakes. I thought it was pleasant, and a nice drink, but not something I would find myself drinking often. It was fun to try it though! My total was now up to $56.88, and the couple total was up to $115.15.

There was definitely not much in Morocco that struck our fancy. This was one of the few places were DH and I decided to share a drink, and we went with a sangria. It was fine, though nothing special. As DH took my picture with my drink, I was photo bombed!

It was one of my good friends who lives down in the area! She was there with another one of our friends and her husband who were also visiting that weekend. It was great to see them!

The sangria was $6.99, so my personal total was up to $63.87. and as a couple we had spent $122.14.

France was next, and I was excited because I knew exactly what I was going to get! A grand marnier slushie. These are so delicious, especially if you like orange:

It was even better than the last trip I had gotten it on, because that had been when it was about 50 degrees in February - it was at least 10 degrees warmer this time! ;)

DH, however, decided to go and have some ice cream with his alcohol! He got the ice cream martini at the new ice cream shop in France. I believe he just did vanilla ice cream with a shot of grand marnier:

He definitely liked this, because how could you go wrong with ice cream and grand marnier! I helped him out with it too, though it tasted more strongly of alcohol than my drink, since mine was all mixed together. It was definitely interesting!

I love France.

My slushie was $9.95. And the ice cream martini was $11.50. I was up to $73.82, and the couple total was $143.59.

Next up was the UK, and we popped into the bar at Rose and Crown for drinks here! It was crowded. I got a pint of cider n black, which is hard cider mixed with a blackcurrant juice. I've loved cider since I studied abroad in England, and this combo is sooo good! My friend's husband told DH to order a Leaping Leprechaun, and he did. I don't know what was in it but it was green so I'm guessing there was probably midori? Whatever it was, it was good.

Now that we had met up with friends and had a lot of drinks, we were definitely getting silly! Our friends got us to make all sorts of weird faces for our UK picture...

My drink was $8.50, and DH's was $9.75. Personal total = $82.32. Couple total =$161.84

It was here that we decided to stop to watch Illuminations. The park was open for EMH in the evening so we could stay for another 2 hours. I was getting pretty tired and didn't know how much longer I'd stay, but I definitely wanted to see Illuminations and go on Maelstrom before we left!

With my friends during Illuminations:

Illuminations had a special holiday finale that was seriously fantastic. DH and I agreed that we both liked the holiday ending to Illuminations better than Holiday Wishes overall.

We had one country left to do for our drinking around the World challenge, and that was Canada. However, in terms of drinks Canada really only had one stand that we could find, and since the park had technically closed it was closed up already! We did however stop at the refreshment port right next door which was selling holiday drinks and decided that could count as Canada. There was nothing I was super eager to try in Canada anyway, and this turned out to be much better!

Once again I'm missing the receipt here. DH was so done by this point so he didn't want anything. I however ordered a hot chocolate with a shot of a caramel liqueur. This was so amazingly good! I made DH take a sip so he could say he'd done all of the countries, but I ended up drinking most of it. I actually couldn't finish it because I was so full by this point, which was a shame because it tasted amazing. I would definitely get it again if I came back to Epcot during the holiday season. I want to guess it was around $8.00.

Which means... we did it!!

Grand total for anyone interested - for one person, me, drinking in all 11 countries, I spent $90.32. As a couple, sharing two drinks but getting individuals in the rest of the countries, we spent $169.84. If you're going to attempt to drink around the world and seriously want to do all 11 countries, I think it's a good bet to budget around $100 per person. In some places you can get drinks cheaper than the ones we got, but some places there are definitely more expensive ones too. It was a lot of money for a night of drinking but it was a blast!

At this point we all went to Norway so we could ride Maelstrom. After the ride everyone wanted to hang out and drink more. Especially my friends, since they had only arrived in the evening. PP, however, was still going and got some of my friends to do Aquavit shots with him. I, however, was exhausted, and my feet were absolutely killing me. When it became clear that they wanted to hang out til EMH were over (It was maybe 9:45 by this point and there was no way I was making it to 11:00) I begged DH to leave.

PP decided to stay and catch the bus back himself later, so I dragged my feet to the bus stop with DH and got back to the room, where I fell asleep pretty much instantly. DH fell asleep even quicker than I did though - he was asleep by the time I got out of the bathroom! He actually seemed to take the drinking worse than I did (which is a first, especially considering I drank more than him!), so I hoped he was okay in the morning. All in all it was a really fun experience, though not something I'd do very often!
Bravo! What an accomplishment. Sorry your feet hurt, I am sure at that point, Iwould not be able to feel my feet, or anything else!!!
Enjoy reading your TR :thumbsup2
Drinking around the World... impressive :cheer2:
I like the fact that you could check off each place on your t-shirt.
Oh yeah, no Anna Elsa line for me. Nope. So glad they had a spot where you can at least see them. And now with them heading to Fairytale Hall... FP+!

Ohh God Sambuca... BLECH!!! I'd get a beer to to get that rancid taste out of my mouth too.

HAHAHAHA, I'm glad you clarified that was someone you knew, because otherwise, Most ambitious photobomb ever. Even still, pretty darn good.

Hmmm, Is it wrong that I prefer the Grey Goose Slush?

CONGRATULATIONS on completing your mission!!! Now I'm interested in the how the next morning goes. :sick:
Enjoy reading your TR :thumbsup2
Drinking around the World... impressive :cheer2:
I like the fact that you could check off each place on your t-shirt.

Thank you! Having the t-shirts was a lot of fun!

Bravo! What an accomplishment. Sorry your feet hurt, I am sure at that point, Iwould not be able to feel my feet, or anything else!!!

lol! I know! Epcot always seems to be the worst for my feet though... more so than any other park!

Oh yeah, no Anna Elsa line for me. Nope. So glad they had a spot where you can at least see them. And now with them heading to Fairytale Hall... FP+!

Ohh God Sambuca... BLECH!!! I'd get a beer to to get that rancid taste out of my mouth too.

HAHAHAHA, I'm glad you clarified that was someone you knew, because otherwise, Most ambitious photobomb ever. Even still, pretty darn good.

Hmmm, Is it wrong that I prefer the Grey Goose Slush?

CONGRATULATIONS on completing your mission!!! Now I'm interested in the how the next morning goes. :sick:

Yes, I can't wait to hopefully get a FP+ for Anna and Elsa!

You know, I haven't tried the Grey Goose slush yet since I like the orange one so much! But I bet that's really good too!

Hehe our next day was planned for Animal Kingdom, hopefully at park opening!
Animal Kingdom Morning

We woke up the next morning for our Animal Kingdom day! I was actually feeling fine. The boys were a little less so. DH was not bad, but PP did not seem like he wanted to get out of bed - he did stay out later than us. I told him if he really wanted to he could meet us at the park later on and sleep in a little, but he didn't want to miss anything, so off we went!

I knew AK wouldn't have my Christmas-y stuff, but I still liked the tree there:

I'm always torn about whether to go to the Safari first or Everest. The Safari is usually better in the morning with the animals about, but Everest can get longer lines later on. We had fast passes for both for later in the day. I decided that we'd head for Everest first since we might want to ride it a couple of times!

PP really enjoyed this ride. I'm glad, because it's one of my favorites! And we ended up being able to go right to the safari next with very little wait, so we got to do both of the these things. The animals were very active this morning, and we got to see a lot of them - including a number of giraffes, my favorite!

Since it's right there we decided to also the Pangani Forest trail.

We also decided to then go do the other trail, the Maharajah Jungle Trek. The tigers were actually doing something other than lying down! That's all I ever see them do, lol. They were pacing around a bit.

PP was very hungry so we decided to do an early lunch. We wanted to grab some quick service, and since DH and I had done Yak and Yeti CS before and liked it we decided to go there. Unfortunately, it just wasn't as good as before. In fact, my lunch was pretty horrible. I will write about it in my dining review, but it's probably the worst thing I've ever eaten at Disney world in my life. So disappointing! The seating area was also really bad with ducks and birds. I've seen them in Disney before but this was super obnoxious.

And then after lunch we had a fast pass + for Dinosaur. That ride is really growing on me every time I do it - I guess I like being scared a little bit! It still really scares me at the end though, as you can tell from the ride photo...

To be continued...
Hi Becky! Playing DIS catch-up now that we’re back from our Spring Break trip. :laughing:

Bummer about the passport! You have a drinking plan in place, and it gets foiled immediately. :furious: :laughing:

You had me :laughing: when you said you would go meet Anna and Elsa. That has been the craziest character wait!!! I can’t imagine - I have heard of people waiting five hours. :scared3 We actually ended up waiting to meet them at DL - my longest wait ever at a Disney park. :rolleyes:

I loved hearing about your drinking around the world adventures! So many of the drinks sound really different and tasty. :woohoo:

EE and the Safari first thing at AK? Can’t go wrong there!
Haha good choice!!! Always pick Everest!

Ah cool with all the giraffe's congregated together. Haha, but this is becoming a running theme lately for me seeing photos of the headless giraffes. :laughing:

Oh no, I'm sorry Yak and Yeti was so bad. I've always gotten such good food there.
Hi Becky! Playing DIS catch-up now that we’re back from our Spring Break trip. :laughing:

Bummer about the passport! You have a drinking plan in place, and it gets foiled immediately. :furious: :laughing:

You had me :laughing: when you said you would go meet Anna and Elsa. That has been the craziest character wait!!! I can’t imagine - I have heard of people waiting five hours. :scared3 We actually ended up waiting to meet them at DL - my longest wait ever at a Disney park. :rolleyes:

I loved hearing about your drinking around the world adventures! So many of the drinks sound really different and tasty. :woohoo:

EE and the Safari first thing at AK? Can’t go wrong there!

Oh my gosh, how long did you have to wait for Anna and Elsa?? I was thinking even if it was an hour or two I wouldn't mind since I figured it would take them at least that long to get back (and it ended up taking about an hour and a half), but I never imagined anyone would be waiting for 5 hours!

I love the drinks around the World, and there are still so many more I want to try! ;)

Haha good choice!!! Always pick Everest!

Ah cool with all the giraffe's congregated together. Haha, but this is becoming a running theme lately for me seeing photos of the headless giraffes. :laughing:

Oh no, I'm sorry Yak and Yeti was so bad. I've always gotten such good food there.

Yeah, maybe it was just that one sandwich, but ick. It's on my dining review, but it was basically a prepackaged sandwich of cold deli meat chicken on some sort of wheat bread (not ciabatta as in the description) and the bread was really soggy and just gross.
I was trying so hard to remember your Dis name and then I saw you had posted in a trip report and I'm so glad I "found" you! I knew I had discovered your blog through the board, but couldn't for the life of me remember your screen name. So I was really happy to "see" you in a picture you posted on Rob's report.

I won the Jedi logo transfer from your blog contest a few months back! I just wrapped up my second day on my trip report and guess where I'm headed next? Hollywood Studios!!

I was going to let you know I'd be posting about it on your blog, but since I found you again here now I get to read your report AND let you know that I'm gonna be plugging your awesome blog!!!!

Can't wait to read through your report :goodvibes
I was trying so hard to remember your Dis name and then I saw you had posted in a trip report and I'm so glad I "found" you! I knew I had discovered your blog through the board, but couldn't for the life of me remember your screen name. So I was really happy to "see" you in a picture you posted on Rob's report.

I won the Jedi logo transfer from your blog contest a few months back! I just wrapped up my second day on my trip report and guess where I'm headed next? Hollywood Studios!!

I was going to let you know I'd be posting about it on your blog, but since I found you again here now I get to read your report AND let you know that I'm gonna be plugging your awesome blog!!!!

Can't wait to read through your report :goodvibes

Oh yay, I'm so glad you found me! Now I'll be able to follow along with your TR as well :) I can't wait to read about it!
Great trip report! My friend and I are planning a girls weekend soon and drinking around the world is on our agenda. Can't wait!

I'm going to have to start flying out of Philly if it means earl of sandwich! Did not know they had one. I'm between BWI and Philly but so far have only gone out of Baltimore. Now I have a reason to switch airports!

Looking forward to reading more !
The ice cream martini looked good.
Good for you doing that. I would be trashed. LOL.
Oh headless giraffes. I have a pic of that too. LOl.
Caught up..
Great trip report! My friend and I are planning a girls weekend soon and drinking around the world is on our agenda. Can't wait!

I'm going to have to start flying out of Philly if it means earl of sandwich! Did not know they had one. I'm between BWI and Philly but so far have only gone out of Baltimore. Now I have a reason to switch airports!

Looking forward to reading more !

Ooh, a girls weekend including drinking around the world sounds like a blast! And that is one of the perks of Philly haha. Can't pass up the chance to go to Earl!

The ice cream martini looked good.
Good for you doing that. I would be trashed. LOL.
Oh headless giraffes. I have a pic of that too. LOl.
Caught up..

Mmm yes, the ice cream martini was indeed good! And haha those silly giraffes! I got some better pics on my February trip when we stopped at Animal Kingdom Lodge!
Animal Kingdom Afternoon

After riding dinosaur we were in the area anyway, so we decided to try Primeval Whirl. I don't think I'd been on it in a really long time - maybe when I had visited in high school. DH hadn't done it, but he is definitely not impressed with Wild Mouse coasters. I think they're fun if there's not much of a wait, but he always rolls his eyes at them, haha.

We walked around and passed the character spot for Tigger and Pooh and saw there was no wait, so we decided to stop and say hi! I was hopeful that they would be in some sort of Christmas outfits, and they were! They were a lot of fun, especially Tigger - he insisted on dancing with me!

After riding Everest one more time, we were getting a little closer to our FP+ time for Festival of the Lion King. We headed that way but were still pretty early, so we decided to visit some more characters in the area! I'd met Baloo but not King Louie before, so we hit them up first.

We still had time, so we saw Chip and Dale next! They were fun, and cute in their Christmas scarves, and for some reason Dale really took a liking to my husband!

Then it was finally time to get in line for our FP+, which is basically pointless, by the way. I mean, maybe it might be useful when the crowds are like a 10 out of 10, but for this it just felt silly. We got let in basically the same time as everyone else, and there are so many seats that it didn't really matter if you can in with a FP+ or not.

Anyway, I really love Festival of the Lion King. I think it's neat how you get almost a mini cirque type show for your theme park admission. They are all very talented!

DH and PP then decided that they wanted to ride Kali River Rapids, but it was not nearly warm enough for me to want to get soaked! So we decided to split up for a little bit. They got on line for the ride, and I went for a walk by myself to take some pictures.

I got a bit thirsty, so I decided to stop for a drink. I thought about trying the Yak Attack, but I wasn't really in the mood for a Frozen drink so I went to Restaurantosaurus and got some sort of rum punch. It was okay but barely tasted alcoholic at all! Not that I was looking to get buzzed or anything, mind you, but I feel like if I'm paying for the price of alcohol I should at least be able to tell that it's there.

I made my way back to Kali River Rapids, only to find that it was shut down. I asked the CM there what had happened and he said they stopped running it, and everyone was told to get off the line. Hmm, then where were my DH and PP? I asked him if there were people actually stuck on the ride but he said no, that they had all gotten off before they closed it. He suggested I try by the exit and sure enough, sitting on a bench I found them. They never actually got on the ride and were pretty bummed about it. I felt bad they didn't get to do it! DH joked that this is why he always lets me make all the plans - whenever there's something he wants to do, it ends up a disaster.

We decided to go see the Nemo musical instead. I had seen it once on my solo trip, but DH hadn't yet. We sat up much closer than I had been last time, and this time around I was fascinated by the puppets. I feel like it must be hard to be a performer - not only are they singing and moving around, they are controlling the blinking of the eyes and the mouths on their puppets as well! Maybe it's because I've always had a hard time getting my left hand and right hand to do different things, but that seems really challenging to me! DH thought it was pretty good but a bit too long, and some of the music wasn't the best. I agree with him but I still enjoy it. I just wish it was a little shorter!

When we came out we decided to find a spot for the Jingle Jungle parade, since that's the only really Christmas-y offering that AK has. It was cute, but I wasn't overwhelmed by it or anything. I'm not a huge fan of the parade in general (so I'm not exactly bummed that they're getting rid of it now), but I like that AK does at least get some Christmas touches!

I liked the naughty and nice lists:

We stopped for one classic photopass picture:

And then headed toward the park exit to find the Rainforest Cafe for our early dinner reservation.

We were seated by the fish tank. This was good, but overall I think it's overpriced and nothing special. I prefer T-REX. Though it's also overpriced, I think the atmosphere with the dinosaurs is more fun, and we like some of the food options there better. Plus, there are Rainforest Cafes in other locations (we've been to the one in Atlantic City), so it doesn't feel exclusively Disney to me. I don't really plan on ever eating here again while in Disney, though the food was good enough. There are just other places I'd like to eat more!

At this point PP decided to take a taxi to the outlet mall, because he wanted to visit some of the stores there and do some shopping. DH and I headed back to Caribbean Beach resort. We took a short nap and then decided to go to the main building to explore a little bit. They had a cute caribbean themed Christmas tree up with some fun ornaments:

We browsed the gift shop and then marveled at the pool - it was a shame we wouldn't have the time this trip to try it out, because it looked like a really fun pool!

We decided to grab and snack and then head back to the room. I found a chocolate banana peanut butter cupcake that sounded really good. Unfortunately, the woman on line in front of us ended up taking forever. She was having heck of a time trying to figure out her dining plan/snack credits, ugh. I guess she had all these snack credits left at the end of her trip, but she didn't really want snack type food, she seemed to want breakfast food and kept trying to get things that she couldn't use a snack credit for. I don't really know what was going on, but I do know it took us almost 15 minutes to check out! At least my cupcake was yummy:

Once we got back to the room PP had already returned, and we spent the rest of the night just chilling. It was really nice to relax in Disney for a little bit. I ate my delicious cupcake, and we found The Little Mermaid playing on ABC Family so we watched that before going to bed. It was a good end to the day!
Hi Becky. I just poked my head into your thread, got hooked and read all of it (ok, kinda skimmed some). Very cool that you got to meet up and tour DisneyWorld with your old penpal. :thumbsup2 I found it interesting that he didn't like to wait in lines -- my family hosted an exchange student from Belgium when I was a kid and a few years ago when my wife and I visited him there he took us to a restaurant...but because we'd have to wait 5 minutes, he changed his mind and took us to a different place across the street. He said that he would never wait to be seated at a restaurant!


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