vent about WDW bus passengers

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Boy Hon are you JUJU and Kaytieolder sisters. You 3 just keep spinning the threads the way it makes you look right. You say i do nothing but mention the scooters then one of the other 2 say i dont its all about the large family boarding. Then it goes the other way. Spin spin spin. You 3 are so full of it you have to be seeing brown. You 3 should get your stries straight and spin it one way. And im sure it will be you ways. Start calling you 3 the 3 stooges . :dance3:

Oooh, I like to spin. Do it in my office chair all the time... :woohoo: Whatever happened to those merry go round things at the playground? I loved those!

It's a compliment to be called a stooge. I like slapstick comedy. Thank you. :thumbsup2
Maybe you lost your memory when the posts got deleted? hmmmm?

That's my cue..done with this thread. You are one VERY disturbed individual that needs some SERIOUS help.

Disturbed that the system gets abused by scooter riders lke you. Just wait in line or rent a handicap van JUJU
Oooh, I like to spin. Do it in my office chair all the time... :woohoo: Whatever happened to those merry go round things at the playground? I loved those!

Those thingies were you'd run around in a circle to get it spinning and then jump on?? Those were fun.

I just did a 720 in my chair, in honour of auger.
HaHaHa....That's funny:thumbsup2

Thx Big Daddy, I bet you dont abuse the bus system like these 3 stooges. We just wait our turn like honest people. Oh and by the way I bet Kaytieolder corrects the thx thing and clears up it means thanks. What would we do without her. Oh wait I know we would get on the bus faster. :banana:
Those thingies were you'd run around in a circle to get it spinning and then jump on?? Those were fun.

I just did a 720 in my chair, in honour of auger.

Yeah those things! Those were fun! I wish they still had them. I was really wanted to ride one the other day...


Ahhh, the good old days!

Now don't you done fallded over doing too may spins, K?
A DisDad doesn't do it for the recognition, he doesn't do it for the Thank You's, he does it because its right! And because Walt would have wanted it this way.

How true is that ?? And it feels GOOD to do something for someone else - even something as simple as giving up a seat to someone who looks like they need it more. I sat last year on the buses with my 5 year old on my lap - dh stood most of the time - but you can bet that this year, both my son and I will stand - because we can. As for ECV's - are they really as hard to park on the buses as they look ? I felt bad on several occasions for ECV users - not only did they have to park those darn things, they had the entire queue of people watching them do it - I wanted to break out on a round of applause a couple of times, but was worried they would take it wrong - when really, it would have been in admiration - I can't park to save my life ! :)

We have two small children and I agree! It is no one else's job to provide me a seat when I chose to enter a bus and hold my child rather than wait for the next bus. When it happens I am happy (and it does happen alot) but do we ever expect it, no way!

Oh and DH will always give up his seat to anyone, but that's just how he was raised. It doesn't make him better or worse than anyone else. It's just the way he is!
I feel for any parents at park closing who enters a crowded bus with kids but as af few posters said when you enter a crowded bus you almost for sure know you / & kids will be standing up have a choice of waiting for another bus we have adults grown up kids but we many times wait for next bus so why not do the same .
So if I'm or any adults seated I have a choice of staying seated or give up my seat but not by any means an obligation I ( or any other adult ) have also been walking all day ..
just came back from a wdw trip in feb and the strollers I saw in buses ( not that I mind don't flame me ) it seems they get bigger and bigger and ounce a man almost hit with very massive stroller an elderly women ...I mean ounce there where 2-3 of those extra big strollers on the same bus ...It seems when we use to go out wih our kids whene they where youngers we use to get umbrella strollers or at least medium size strollers but now a days it,s almost like they get bigger and biggerrrrr:confused3
How true is that ?? And it feels GOOD to do something for someone else - even something as simple as giving up a seat to someone who looks like they need it more. I sat last year on the buses with my 5 year old on my lap - dh stood most of the time - but you can bet that this year, both my son and I will stand - because we can. As for ECV's - are they really as hard to park on the buses as they look ? I felt bad on several occasions for ECV users - not only did they have to park those darn things, they had the entire queue of people watching them do it - I wanted to break out on a round of applause a couple of times, but was worried they would take it wrong - when really, it would have been in admiration - I can't park to save my life ! :)

Yes, they are as hard to park as they look! Applause probably wouldn't be good 'cause yes, it might get taken the wrong way, but a thumbs up is always good. This is why I'll wait an hour+ after park closing to get on a bus so I don't have to park in front of a whole queue of people.

Big Daddy we know next we go to Disney lets watch for the 3 old blue haired ladies on scooters cutting in line and running over people and you and I will know who they are. Hon, JUJ, and Kaytieolder.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Actually I do have blue sections in my hair this week, and red, and whitish blonde in honor of the Olympics. :thumbsup2 But normally you can find me motoring along with just plain old brown hair. I look just like everyone else... sorry.

:scared1: Darn I didnt know these were even invented back in the 1800's when you were born Hon. :scared1:

Ha ha ha, you're so funny. And it was the 1700's when I was born. I sailed over here on the Mayflower.
Yes, they are as hard to park as they look! Applause probably wouldn't be good 'cause yes, it might get taken the wrong way, but a thumbs up is always good. This is why I'll wait an hour+ after park closing to get on a bus so I don't have to park in front of a whole queue of people.

Actually I do have blue sections in my hair this week, and red, and whitish blonde in honor of the Olympics. :thumbsup2 But normally you can find me motoring along with just plain old brown hair. I look just like everyone else... sorry.

Ha ha ha, you're so funny. And it was the 1700's when I was born. I sailed over here on the Mayflower.

Dont go getting a sense of humor on me now. It was so much more like you to insult me. :hug:
Nope, just the guy, his wife and 3 kids. It was his cause I had seen him a couple of times throughout the parks riding on it. I didn't offer to help because I felt that the 2 yr old sleeping in my arms was more important than helping a guy who was taking advantage of the disney transportation system.:woohoo:
Thank you VERY much for the added information!!! Your observation and opinion make perfect sense.
Dont go getting a sense of humor on me now. It was so much more like you to insult me. :hug:

Hmm, me thinks I better go watch the news to stop my funny bone from working... :lmao:
auger said:
They came up with any excuse or reason why they had the right over those of us holding that 2 year old sleeping baby of why they thought they had some privaledge to have a bunch of family hop on with them while we sit in 90 degree humid weather because they dont want to wait at the park while they rest of their party waits in line.
Please point out - a post number, a link, anything - where anybody supports having "a bunch of family" hop on a bus with them in 90º weather.

While we're at it, please point out the thread with the apology you promised after being shown by SEVERAL posters that I did, repeatedly, advise you how to handle large groups boarding a bus with a Guest in a wheelchair/ECV.
Please point out - a post number, a link, anything - where anybody supports having "a bunch of family" hop on a bus with them in 90º weather.

While we're at it, please point out the thread with the apology you promised after being shown by SEVERAL posters that I did, repeatedly, advise you how to handle large groups boarding a bus with a Guest in a wheelchair/ECV.

I never said anyone supported allowing large families on the bus. You all always turned it into me being againt scooter riders instead of my inital comment of hating large families get on with a scooter. You 3 turned it into an issue when there was never an issue with the handicap person. Ill tell you what. I have no problem waiting on a handicap person cutting in line and boarding 1st. I give my seat up to someone who needs it. If im pin trading and a little kid comes up I will move aside till they are done. If im not sure what I want to eat I will let people go past me till I decide. I dont get in the handicap monorail car if someone needs it I walk all the way to the last car so others dont have to walk so far. I help someone if needed to get strollers on or off the bus, tram or Monorail. I fought for your freedom as a US Marine for 4 years. Do I want a pat on the back for any of this. Never even entered my mind. But dont make me sound like some kind of uncaring person.
I never said anyone supported allowing large families on the bus. You all always turned it into me being againt scooter riders instead of my inital comment of hating large families get on with a scooter. You 3 turned it into an issue when there was never an issue with the handicap person. Ill tell you what. I have no problem waiting on a handicap person cutting in line and boarding 1st. I give my seat up to someone who needs it. If im pin trading and a little kid comes up I will move aside till they are done. If im not sure what I want to eat I will let people go past me till I decide. I dont get in the handicap monorail car if someone needs it I walk all the way to the last car so others dont have to walk so far. I help someone if needed to get strollers on or off the bus, tram or Monorail. I fought for your freedom as a US Marine for 4 years. Do I want a pat on the back for any of this. Never even entered my mind. But dont make me sound like some kind of uncaring person.

The only issue I had with you was you treating people like jerks, and it started with you saying that you have no problem with handicap people in scooters, but it was the "overweight ones" that bothered you. I don't ride a scooter, don't need one..have never touched one. I just thought that was really unjust and initially, YOUR post didn't make much sense. The only one who should be dizzy from "spinning" Mr. Auger, is yourself.

Nobody has to make you sound like an uncaring person. Your repetitive cruelty, ridiculing, and mocking of others speaks extremely clearly for itself.
Didn't say you had to...there are no rules here, just a group of us who agree on how things ought to be done.

This is our stand, yours is different....I'm OK with that....

Good for you

I'm still trying to understand. If I understand you correctly, you think people should give up their seats. Yes? Do you think it's rude for someone to get on a full bus and expect someone to give up their seat?
I looked at this thread when it first started but purposely left it because I knew where it was going to go. After reading on the Dis Dad board what was going on here, I had to reread and now have to comment.

I do offer my seat to women. That was the way I was raised and I was born a Yankee so it is not just a Southern thing. It is not a sexist attitude as I am very pro women’s rights. I also hold doors open. If I am the first to the door, I hold it until everyone, man or woman enters.

Someone less able needs a seat, I give them mine. If the line is crowded and I am at the front, I move to the back and stand. DD will also give up her seat and stand next to me. Common courtesy.

What really hacks me is the perpetuation of this myth that a lot of people in wheelchairs or ECV’s are in them just to scam the system. Not true. For the last few trips when DD’s mom joined us she needed a wheelchair. I have seen the looks and heard the mumbling under the breath when people get in line for the bus and see us waiting there. “Oh great, we are going to have to wait until they load that wheelchair.” I have also endured the glares and comments when some idiot who is not looking, suddenly veers in front of us and runs into the chair. You want an eye opening experience try pushing a chair in the parks.

I would have given anything for her to be able to stand in line and wait patiently for our turn. Dare anyone near me to say something while I am in line as a wheelchair is loaded.
If you can go back to any post and show me the suggestion as far as letting Disney know a driver a large amount was let on the bus then I will apologize. But you say you keep saying things but this is the 1st time you have suggested that. It is a good idea. I had no idea that Disney had a limit on how many could board with a scooter. If thats their rule then thats the rule. But show me where you suggested the reporting an abuse of the number of family members allowed on with someone then I will apologize but I dont think you will. It makes total sense and is a good idea. I will be waiting ti see that suggestion.
Still waiting...

To refresh your memory - posts 410, 415, 456, 459... all BEFORE the request (dare?) to prove that the statement had been made numerous times already.
Renting an ECV is very expensive. I highly doubt most families are going to spend hundreds of dollars renting an ECV just so they and their family can get on the bus first.
We are going Friday with my mom who is renting an ECV. I know she would much rather spend the $200 on something other than an ECV. That's quite an expense just to "jump in line" like you say.

But I never said once that I thought anyone was renting a scooter just to get in the front of the bus line. Not once.
I'm still trying to understand. If I understand you correctly, you think people should give up their seats. Yes? Do you think it's rude for someone to get on a full bus and expect someone to give up their seat?

Nope. Not saying that...go back and read my posts.....

Readers Digest: Able bodied males should give up their seats if someone who really needs one gets on board----please, read my earlier post for a full description of the stance...

I never used the word Rude......not at all...
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