Viva Italia - May 29 - June 6 - Trip Reflections


<font color=blue>Disney Fan Since Birth, DVC Membe
Sep 29, 2006
I'm going to start this, I know several of my fellow travelers will probably have much to add, but some were also extending their trips and aren't home yet!

I won't do an actual trip report, just want to share reflections, comments, tips.

First, make sure you can handle your own luggage. While ABD does take care of it throughout the trip, you will be schlepping it around the airports. Luggage with wheels is really required.

Also, if you have time before the guides get a chance to talk with you much, understand that tipping isn't expected, that you need to make sure you know what you will be charged before you pay for something, and that most things in Italy are going to cost 1 1/2 to 2 times as much as they do at home...even the McDonalds! Our initiation? The hotel had trouble with our rooms when we arrived. We were waiting in the lobby "for just ten minutes" for over an hour. DH bought two coffees and three cokes...and it cost 40 Euros!:faint:

Get ready for the traffic and have a game plan for crossing the street. It gets easier after you get used to it!:)


Our local guide (Stephan) was great. We spent two days walking around with him and I never felt like he went on too long or got tedious. It is truly AMAZING the amounts of stuff we saw in those two days. (Really 1 1/2.) I felt we hit the highlights of Rome. The Vatican tour was incredible, and thank goodness for our "fastpass."


We had mixed feelings about the location chosen as well. While it was rustic, unique, and had a beautiful hilltop view, people had trouble with things like hot water. It wasn't close to the activities, so we spent more time driving the hillside roads in the bus than we might have preferred getting to Florence and to the location of the Pasta Making. For those who are prone to motion sickness, come prepared! ::yes::

We enjoyed the friendliness and personal atmosphere of the place, the local shops outside our door, and the break from the cities.

I would have liked a bit more time in Orvieto, the town we visit on the way to Artimino, and our family had fun with the Pasta making. We chose this tour because of the diversity. While a big reason for visiting Europe is to see amazing historic buildings, we didn't want that to be our entire vacation. Our sons really can only handle so much of "staring at beautiful churches" and enjoyed the opportunity to mix it up.

Our time in Florence was very enjoyable. My oldest son and I had the same reaction to seeing the David...nothing prepares you for the majesty of that sculpture. You turn a corner and see it down a long hallway under a domed roof with really IS a sight. In the piazza where the copy stands there are many other notable much elegant art it is truly overwhelming.


The skies cleared for our Gondola ride when we got there and that was really fun. The local guide was really interesting, and while she told us about the beautiful buildings, she shared a lot about Venetian life. (I had never wondered how they paddled the Gondolas with only one paddle on one side, but I get it! :) The hotel was nice, although we weren't thrilled with our room. (More about that later.) Everyone in our family enjoyed the mask making (some more than expected) and as others have said, we were shocked at how well everyone's turned out.

The farewell evening dinner was very fitting and enjoyable.
I'm breaking up my post...being a DIS veteran I have lost too many long posts to the "whiteout" screen!;)

As I said earlier, our favorite thing about the trip was the diversity. The three locales were uniquely different, and everyone in our family liked something different.

I don't think I would miss one minute of what Disney had scheduled for us. They were really the "must see" events. The ones that the grumbly teenagers thought might be "lame" were even fun for them.

Here were some of our favorite "unplanned" activities.

Our kids had seen a travel channel special on notable McDonalds around the world. One was between the hotel and the Spanish steps. Of course we went there! They had gelato/coffee right as you went in, then if you continued and went upstairs you reached the main restaurant. There were arches, statues, marble floors, etc. There was plenty of time for authentic cuisine, the kids really enjoyed this!

We enjoyed walking along the Via Venuto at night, and spent some time at the Wine Bar across the plaza from the hotel, sitting outside and watching the city come to life after most travelers went to bed. Italians were just getting going and pouring out of the train station at about 11 p.m!

In Tuscany, get a bottle of wine (we bought a glass at the bar, but thought our fellow travelers sharing a bottle had a better plan!) then go sit by the pool. Several of the children were there swimming in the late afternoon, but even if you don't, just go enjoy the view, the lawn, the swallows, and the quiet majesty. (Our guys also enjoyed the tennis courts.)

Any gelato stop is an event, but we liked the little place right outside of the hotel along the little street. Their prices were reasonable, and it was a great finish to dinner. (Dessert came with dinner, but the children didn't consider berries their idea of dessert.);)

One of our fellow travelers brought glow sticks. After the barbeque, it was fun to see the kids out on the lawn chasing around and playing with them. Glow sticks were a great ice breaker! Polite conversation around the dinner table isn't their thing...but this was!

We loved all of the sidewalk cafes. Our last day in Venice we spent sipping Cappuchinos with fellow travelers along a busy street, then later in the afternoon, before the farewell dinner we had a glass of wine closer to the hotel. The site for the hotel is away from the hustle/bustle, but walking from the busy street to there or sitting at the cafe gave us chances to see shopkeepers closing stores at night, children playing soccer and riding bikes in the schoolyards or campos, or parents taking children home from school.

You MUST SEE the entire garden at the hotel in Venice. Don't stick your head out and say, yes, very nice. Walk it! Walk until you get to the pier on the lagoon side. Don't miss the caves, bridges, etc. It is really a nice surprise!
OK, one more post....

I want to discuss the good and bad aspects of traveling with a group! There were both, and those considering this type of trip, whether through Disney or another provider should really weigh the benefits and downsides. The benefits are obvious as you are on the trip. We could have never seen or done as many things as we did on this trip for the cost or in the same amount of time. The planning and attention to detail was fabulous, and much of the stress and culture shock that can come with foreign travel was eliminated. That said, although ABD does allow some time each day (some more than others) for "on your own" activity, you do lose some control. You do spend time waiting on others or for the group to catch up. Nocturnal teenagers have to get up early morning after morning. With some meals, you have a set menu. I know people that would go crazy with the limitations. They are better off grabbing their Rick Steve book and heading out alone! I personally liked having things taken care of, but did have a few disappointments. The biggest for me was that while many of our fellow travelers had canal view rooms in Venice, we did not. One of our views was of an alleyway, another of the garden. We're the type of people that pay extra for better views when we travel, and drawing the short straw was frustrating. Had we been traveling on our own we probably would have done something about it...even to the point of looking into other hotels. Our youngest son felt the same way about his seat on the train. Most seats were configured such that people were seated around a table either in twos or fours. We again drew the short straw and ended up with seats that were more like airline seats, except three of us were pretty much alone, and the other two seats were together. Our son had brought cards on the trip to play on the train....didn't happen for him.:( I'm not sure why we drew the short straw twice on that day, but it did put a damper on things for us. Was it enough to offset the benefits of the trip? Absolutely not! Did it dampen our enthusiasm....? Yes, a little.) For other travelers those two items may not have mattered at all. Had we been traveling on our own we would have made sure they were handled differently because they were important to us.

Finally, I can't say enough about how hard the Adventure Guides worked. Getting our group to places on time, making sure nobody got left behind in the crowded streets and buildings....even those like my DH who liked to stop and take pictures...arranging meals, roaming the bus aisles with water and snacks, etc. We had Marco and James. Marco was very attentive to the details, James was the one who seemed to engage our family more, even the snarly teens.;) I know he reads these boards, so Ciao James!:) It is the things that these guys do, and the experience Disney puts together that makes this trip fabulous! Disney did manage to get exceptional local people, down to the bus driver. (Never underestimate the importance of a good bus driver in the crazy Roman traffic or on the very windy harrow hilly roads going to the hotel in Tuscany.)
So now we're back and rather than beautiful churches it is sports practices and laundry on the agenda for today!:faint:
3pirates - this may seem like a silly question, but since you got the short straw more than once i have to wonder. where is your last name alphabetically? as someone with an end of the alphabet name, we've often felt short-strawed. especially for our kids in school where teachers can only do things A-Z. so just wondering if that might have had anything to do with it. perhaps best rooms, best seats, etc, are assigned from the top of the list to the bottom. thanks.
Hi...I was just editing and saw your question.

Our last name starts with an L, so it wasn't an alphabetical thing. If there was any reason for it, other than unlucky coincidence, I would guess that it had to do with there being five people in our travel party. Putting a third person in a hotel room may have required some adjustments, and for a train with tables grouped in twos or fours it may have figured in.
Thank you for the informative post - I like these types of 'trip reports' the highlights cover what most of us want to know

The one thing I would ask if you could share the names of the hotels with us. I think the hotel they used this year in the Florence area is different from last years?

Thank you
thanks 3pirates. we're not going on the same trip that you just returned from, but i've enjoyed reading your reflections. and happy to hear that you are an "L". very informative for any future ABD traveler.

We stayed at the Bernini Bristol in Rome. It is a different one than used in prior years. It was very nice, elegant, had the best breakfast buffet, and take your spa slippers, they will come in handy in Tuscany!;) It is near many of the nice attractions and right off of the Via Venuto which is an upscale shopping/dining area. We were fine with the choice!

The place we stayed in Tuscany was outside of Florence, about an hour, and was at the top of a hill in a town called Artimino. There is a main hotel there, and then a separate facility with apartments, Borgos, that is about ten minutes away walking. We stayed in the apartments. I saw another post that said they were a converted carriage house....that could very well be true. Our breakfasts were there and the little Gelato place was right next to it. After looking at a trip report from last year, this is also a new location.

In Venice, it was the Hotel Dei Dogi. Like I said, a little off of the beaten path. At first I wondered about that, but once I figured out I could get to the beaten path in less than ten minutes, that the walk was safe and charming, I didn't mind a a bit.
For those who are prone to motion sickeness, come prepared! ::yes::

DH is dreading this :worried: I guess we should look into packing a ginger supplement or something. Thanks for the verification.

I enjoyed your notes...thanks for taking the time to help us fellow ABDers.
Welcome back! While there were a few "quirks" in your trip overall it sounds like you and your Pirates had a memorable time.

If you could pick one place that you visited as being the "one that I'll never forget", which would you pick?

And I'm assuming that you had that glass of Pinot for me??
Hi 3Pirates,

Thanks for a very informative, well-written report. I'm glad to hear that you guys had a great time. I must agree with you that the ABD guides work really hard to make the tour enjoyable for everyone.
3P Welcome back:) :thumbsup2 Very good observations ! My room in Venice
was huge but not facing the canal. The garden is nice:) I wonder why you go short straw on the trainpopcorn:: In Tuscany, you were at a different villa
than i was to ,and the Rome Hotel was different. My room in Rome was small.

Dont you just love those streets in Rome:rotfl2: There are some nice places to eat by yourself and roam in Rome. I am glad you were able to relax there.
Disney picked the Tuscany place to give us a feel what staying at a villa is like. It was dreamy and peaceful. And you right-out of the way. I really loved Venice and Tuscany! Oriveto was nice . I agree some more time could have been done there. The guides gave us 4 hours to explore Florence. There were alot of shoppers.

Glad you enjoyed the trip:thumbsup2
DH is dreading this :worried: I guess we should look into packing a ginger supplement or something. Thanks for the verification.

I enjoyed your notes...thanks for taking the time to help us fellow ABDers.

I'm prone to motion sickness, but the buses didn't bother me as much as the boat ride back to the airport in Venice. That one really got to me! Now I tell all my clients to pack anti-nausea meds along with washcloths.

Why washcloths? In Europe, at least in our Viva Italia hotels, these don't exist. The smallest was a hand towel about the size of a bath towel for a small child - try taking that in the shower - LOL!

3pirates, thanks so much for the report!

In the villa in Tuscany, was there any type of wine tasting or winery touring? Or do you know if there would have been the opportunity to arrange that? I emailed the hotel directly and was told that they actually sit on a vineyard and that they were within minutes of others, but they didn't really tell me how to set it up. I have a wine-loving anniversary couple on that trip in the fall and I'd love to have it already arranged as a surprise. (Let's hope they don't read these boards!)

DH is dreading this :worried: I guess we should look into packing a ginger supplement or something. Thanks for the verification.

I enjoyed your notes...thanks for taking the time to help us fellow ABDers.

I can't read in the car because of motion sickness, but didn't have too much trouble....just a bit. The guides did mention the possibility, though, and we did have one casualty on our trip to the site for Pasta making....a younger child that felt just fine after it was all over!

I was thinking that it might have been nice to have something along just in case.
Welcome back! While there were a few "quirks" in your trip overall it sounds like you and your Pirates had a memorable time.

If you could pick one place that you visited as being the "one that I'll never forget", which would you pick?

And I'm assuming that you had that glass of Pinot for me??

I might have had even MORE than the one glass!;)

I guess if I HAD to pick a site it would be Venice, just because I loved the pace of a city where nobody can drive. But as soon as I say that I think about the beautiful hills of Tuscany or the David or driving around in a city with the Vatican, the Colisseum, and other amazing landmarks and get confused again. :goodvibes
I'm prone to motion sickness, but the buses didn't bother me as much as the boat ride back to the airport in Venice. That one really got to me! Now I tell all my clients to pack anti-nausea meds along with washcloths.

Why washcloths? In Europe, at least in our Viva Italia hotels, these don't exist. The smallest was a hand towel about the size of a bath towel for a small child - try taking that in the shower - LOL!

3pirates, thanks so much for the report!

In the villa in Tuscany, was there any type of wine tasting or winery touring? Or do you know if there would have been the opportunity to arrange that? I emailed the hotel directly and was told that they actually sit on a vineyard and that they were within minutes of others, but they didn't really tell me how to set it up. I have a wine-loving anniversary couple on that trip in the fall and I'd love to have it already arranged as a surprise. (Let's hope they don't read these boards!)


You're right about the washclothes!:rotfl: I guess I followed that advice ahead of time because I am in the habit of bringing disposable face cleaning cloths and such on many vacations...we tend to stay in condos and I don't WANT to wash the towels too often on vacation!

At the villa in Tuscany you are in a winery. We had a wine tasting, but it was a pretty minor event. They had two different wines and let us sample each and told us a little about it. Probably more interesting to me is the place where we went for Pasta making. It was also a winery and while there they took us into their cellar and talked about the making of the wine, the barrels, the exchange between the barrels and the fruit, aging, etc.

The way the tour is arranged there is not much time to do anything else. There is part of an afternoon at Artimino, but I don't know what type of arrangements are available. James, if you read this, any insight? (James was one of our guides who has admitted to reading these boards. He may be a lurker, though.);) Or as the other DISBoards reading travelers return maybe they will have some thoughts as they read this. (I know of two who will be home late tomorrow, hopefully they will check in early next week.)

DisneyTraveler, Dingoballs, thanks for the nice comments....:goodvibes
3 pirates,
Thanks for all the info. Was there any bicycle rental available from the Tuscany hotel? Or could the guides arrange for something like that?

We did take advantage of the fact that the Tuscan Villa loaned tennis racquets and allowed guests to play on the courts. We're pretty sure we remember them saying that you could also borrow bicycles, and even that they had maps for you showing suggested routes. All of this was no charge.:thumbsup2
Thats good to know. With my villa, i cant remember if there was bikes but there plenty of hiking/walking trails in the vineyard. :thumbsup2
DH is dreading this :worried: I guess we should look into packing a ginger supplement or something. Thanks for the verification.

I enjoyed your notes...thanks for taking the time to help us fellow ABDers.

Also try those "sea bands", the wrist bands people use on cruises. We bought our daughter a set of them at the drugstore. She uses them on all of our car trips. They really seem to work. She always gets a little nauseated in the car :sick: , but now traveling is much better with them. :)


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