V's WISH'ing her way to a HOT BOD!! (Please help!!)

I managed to get some walking in but after I left Publix it rained!! and then John got home at almost 7~~ so we didn't get to go to the beach as a family - I went walking by myself instead.
I didn't eat any dinner...I wasn't hungry but I had two slices of bread and that was about it. Now this morning I am ravenous! I am scouring the area looking for food! That's what I get for not eating. I may go get a bagel here in a minute.

Today I will stay on plan - as tomorrow is weigh in day. I will try my best to eat only salad/soup for lunch and have a healthy dinner...would like to only have some soup....but I still have to cook something for DH and DD.....Will chicken weigh me down tomorrow? Gosh, I shouldn't even worry about that huh??
ok - it's almost time to go home...I got through lunch with a soup and salad combo...now to eat a good and healthy dinner. I am really in the mood for a bowl of green beans...sounds goofy I know, but I love sauteed green beans with onions...YUM!

Tonight DH has a ball game so unless I can get home and get in some exercise quick - I'll be out of luck...or have to take 2 kids with me! :)
Sounds like you are really doing well trying to stay on task with your eating. Good job!!! Keep up the good work.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
well I am shamefully checking in.
I went to WW last Friday and had a 2.2 GAIN! So, I spent the weekend having many conversations in my head...."I'm destined to be a pudge the rest of my life", "I already had a gain so why not eat", "I want to be my little self again"...etc, etc...I am so sick of being pudgey...

Tonight I told DH that when we got home there was no TV until all of us - ok well the ones who can participate - spend an hour cleaning something! Then after that we are all going to the beach to walk/run a 5k....DH can do the run and I will jog/walk it. Then we can cook dinner together.

I think part of my problem is my plate (life) is TOO FULL....I am trying to raise a husband and two girls, I am working two jobs and I am taking two classes. There is no time for anything it seems...especially nothing for myself. Our house is a disaster, we are putting in a pool - just had the septic redone - everything is everywhere - it's crazy!
I now have less than 90 days til we cruise and I DO NOT WANT TO BE PUDGY IN MY PICTURES!
Honestly I feel like sitting here and crying. Not that it will solve anything. Why isn't there any easy fix for this? Can't I just take a magic pill or something?

I also made the commitment tonight to NOT GET ON THE COMPUTER until the girls are BOTH IN BED.

I have lost all motivation. I give up.
Oh V,

Hon don't give up! You can do this. You are doing great even though you had a gain. Don't beat yourself up. You can do this! I know you can.

Keep your head up
:hug: V~

Please, please, please don't give up! You have done a great job with exercise and your food choices. I know the scale has been less than cooperative, but you are making positive changes for a healthier you. ::yes:

I think it's important for you to have some V time this week. I know that as moms and wives, we often get so busy taking care of others, that we often forget that we need time for ourselves too. Please do something just for you this week, okay? :hug:

We are here cheering you on, V! You CAN do this! :cheer2:
Don't give up! Take a deep breath, and decide to make even a little time for yourself. You deserve it! :grouphug:

I know life gets busycrazy, I have 4 kids and work full time. It can get nuts!

You've done a great job. Don't stop now. Scale back if you have to, but don't just quit!
Thank you all for the kind words....I truly appreciate the support!

Today is a new day and in lookingback at my journal I have decided that maybe I am not eating enough? I usually have a few glasses of water for breakfast...not good I know, but I try and save my points for later. And I did skip meals a few times last week...thinking it would help but maybe my body went in to starvation mode??

So today for breakfast I am having 1 cup fat free milk with a small serving size box of Special K for 4 points. Not the tastiest thing in the world, but it is something. I have been eating salads and soups for lunch everyday, I may try a baked potato or something different today. I have class tonight so I won't get home until 9pm...I have a break in between work and school so I will get something healthy then as well.
I did 50 squats before showering this morning and my plan was to do 10 on the hour all day at work...sounds silly I know, but since I really can't get any exercise in today I thought this would be something!

We are supposed to go to Gainesville Saturday - it's a big game against Tennessee....I am trying to convince DH to stay home. The game doesn't start til 8pm and I have to work the next morning early so I would be tired tired tired....we'll see what happens!

I will try and get to journals later in the week....thanks again for all the support!
V, I'm so glad that you're feeling better. Speaking of eating breakfast - Yesterday, I heard about a food study that had been done. The results were that women who ate breakfast were actually thinner than women who didn't eat breakfast. Of course, the study was commissioned by Kelloggs, so the results could be skewed. However, I think its encouraging. I have to make myself eat breakfast, especially if we're going out to eat - I find myself wanting to save my calories for dinner.

Be sure to find some time for yourself. Its not easy when you're working, in school & raising children! When my children were babies I felt so overwhelmed - that I didn't have anytime for myself. Now with one teen and one married son my time belongs to me again! They do grow up quickly.

I am glad that you are feeling better. Coming here does that to a person doesn't it!

I am glad that you had time to take a look back and make some changes.

You are doing a great job.
I am proud of myself...I finished off yesterday within my points but still "ate"!

Today I started off with the Special K and ff milk again...and plan on having a nice healthy lunch!
Well I had a good eating day yesterday...
Special K and ff milk
soup and salad with low fat HM dressing
half a bowl of mac and cheese with 1/2 the milk and butter
slice of swiss cheese

I managed to stay in my point range...I also started my TOM yesterday so maybe that was why I was down last week...since going on the patch I've had some issues...I may switch back to the pill.

We are choosing to skip going to Gainesville this weekend!! I can't believe DH agreed to it...it is a HUGE game...but that should help my eating out...:) and beer drinking!
lillygator said:
We are choosing to skip going to Gainesville this weekend!! I can't believe DH agreed to it...it is a HUGE game...but that should help my eating out...:) and beer drinking!

HAHA, tough decision, it IS a big game, Tennessee! Go Gators! Looks like they're doing well so far this year, but this will be a good test. My Utes have a big game tonight, against TCU who knocked off Oklahoma. It would be bigger, but TCU turned around and lost to SMU last week, oh well. Hey, you should come to our DTD WISH meet in december, at Earl of Sandwich. Then I would have someone to talk football with!! :teeth:
Hi, V! Sorry I have been MIA (life is beyond insane right now), but wanted to drop in and see how you are doing. I am so glad you have started eating breakfast. I think you will find that it makes a huge difference in your efforts. I noticed that when I added a few strawberries to my healthy cereal, it held me over longer. :confused3

Also, there are studies that suggest you should eat something as early as possible upon waking, so that your metabolism gets going. A lot of people swear by protein first thing in the morning, and I have found that protein tends to sustain me longer. Believe it or not, if you have leftovers from the night before's dinner, you might want to eat part of a burger or chicken or something like that. Even more interesting, though, is that you may find that carbs hold you over better through the night, so an evening snack of fat free mini pretzels or fat free pringles is more satisfying for some reason.

You are definitely on the right track and you should be proud about what a fabulous job you are doing of just being cognizant of what you are eating! That is such a great accomplishment!

Keep up the great work and have an awesome day! :hug:
Hi, V!
You are doing great...good job at sticking to your points! TOM sucks!! I hate weighing in during that time!
Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing! :goodvibes
Hi V!

Stopping by to WISH you a wonderful weekend! :goodvibes I hope you get a chance to relax. :cloud9: Take care and keep up the good work! :cheer2:
well as excited as I am to post I need to write what happened to me yesterday,
my friend and I went to lunch and I saw a friend of mine and he said wow you look great! and then the people I gave the Gator tickets to came by my office to get them and she said Vanessa you look so thin, you really look good....I was floating on air all day!! I know I don't look what I weigh at all...I carry my weight very well...but it made me feel great!

Now - today - weigh in day...I was felling like I would have a gain as last week I was up 2.2 - in one whole week! But i got on the scale and had a 4.8 loss!! I can hardly believe it! I think the scale was wacko last week...it is my TOM so I thought I would be heavy but maybe that is the week before??!! Who knows and I don't care right now!! so I am at 154.2...still need to 19.2 to get back to that 135 lifetime and back to paying $0 - I can do this!!

AND thank you all for your KIND words and SUPPORT....it always makes me smile on my lowest days! I hope to get to journals this weekend and return the favor!
That is AWESOME, V!

You are doing so incredibly well and to have people notice must be a real boost!

Have a great weekend!
Awesome job, V!!! Keep up the great work. Let those compliments sustain you through and past any temptation this weekend! Don't work too hard. :hug:


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