VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Sounds like a great itinerary. Neuschwantstein will be a whole day excursion. I have to admit that I find the castle far more impressive from the outside than from the inside where it is not finished, not really old and it is quite a mass event (guided tours of 50 people, one followed by another every 5 minutes or so). But the setting is beautiful and if you have time to also visit the Hohenschwangau Castle that is close to the ticket office, I can recommend that. This used to be the summer castle of the Bavarian kings and feels much more lived in than Neuschwanstein.

As to Munich, since you don't have a lot of time, I would just recommend a walking tour through the city center: Marienplatz, Viktualienmarkt, have a look at the Hofbräuhaus. One store that is great fun is Manufactum: https://www.manufactum.de/manufactum-muenchen-c-43/ Also fun to walk through is the shopping arcade Fünf Höfe https://www.fuenfhoefe.de/?L=1

As for restaurants, I like the Schneider Bräuhaus https://www.schneider-brauhaus.de/ and the Augustiner http://www.augustiner-restaurant.com/html/english.html Both are in the city center and are very typical Munich guest houses. While they do cater to tourists, they also are very authentic and locals would go there, too.

A little less in the immediate city center is the Wirtshaus in der Au https://wirtshausinderau.de/en/ which friends of mine love and I have sent quite a few people there who all loved it. Haven't made it there myself though. But so far everyone really liked it.

If the weather is nice and you want a beer garden, there are numerous ones, but the two that are really popular with locals are the one at the Chinesischer Turm (Chinese Tower) in the Englischer Garten (English Garden, the big park in Munich): https://chinaturm.de/biergarten/index.html and the Hirschgarten (deer garden, this is where the king had deer held for hunting, now it is a park): https://www.hirschgarten.com/beer-g...bavaria-koeniglicher-hirschgarten-munich.html

A Munich beer garden is special as it is not just any outdoor seating area, but it was started by the breweries. They planted chestnut trees above there beer cellars where they stored the beer, because the chestnut trees grow very large and give lots of shade and that kept the cellars cooler during the summer. People liked sitting under those chestnut trees and therefore the breweries thought that this was a great idea to make additional money and they started to sell the beer directly to the customers. This upset the local pub and guest house owners as it created new competitors and therefore they lobbied that the breweries should not be allowed to do that. The compromise that was drawn up was that the breweries were only allowed to sell beer, but no food. So people started to bring picnics with them while drinking the beer. Now beer gardens are allowed to sell food, but a true beer garden will still allow guests to bring in their own food and you will see whole families bringing table clothes, dishes and their own food while purchasing the beer. Classical beer garden dishes are giant pretzels, Obazda (a mixiture of camembert, butter and paprika with onions) and garden radish (not the small red one, but rather large and all white, but same taste).

Have a great trip!

@Flossbolna I'm quoting this again to get your opinion. The Munich tour is the last piece of my puzzle & I need to get it booked this weekend. I've got it narrowed down to 2 tours. Both include Neuschwanstein inside & out. Here's where they differ. One tour includes Hohenschwangau Castle & the other includes Linderhof Palace. If you had to choose which would you say is the better one to see?

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Sleepy, Congrats on the new job! That will certainly be a little more time consuming for you. I signed my contract for year #12 at my school the other day. We have been "blessed" with completely new administration this next year. My principal whom I loved and was the best ever is leaving. He's headed to public school back in his home state of Arkansas to gain some more retirement income. I'm so sad. Not really sure what the new admin will be like. There is talk of a modified block schedule and other big changes. We shall see...

We got DD graduated last week.

Been hard and heavy planning this Aulani trip for December. After I booked Aulani, I went ahead and booked WL for the Princess Half Marathon in February. Hoping I'll be able to get registered when they finally open it sometime this month. Now to actually train for the 1/2 marathon. Exhausting my points for a couple of years, but want to use them up while have these annual passes.

Congrats to your DD!

And, of course, my DD graduates a week from tomorrow. For me, it's not so much that I'm proud of her as a HS diploma was a given years ago, but more that this particular bit of the journey in her life--and mine--is closing as she moves to a new adventure. . .a 16-hour drive away. Loved that picture you showed us--your daughter actually looks a lot like my daughter's best friend!

Have a great weekend, Groupies!

It is a bittersweet but great moment. Best wishes to your DD on her graduation.

DS18's graduation is Sunday. He did receive his two awards on Wed night. He received the highest academic award for having earned 13 or more consecutive terms on the honor roll. Lots of students received this award. He's graduating with a very smart & talented class. The other dept award as I suspected was for science. This one was presented to the top male & female student. Excellence in achievements for physics. :goodvibes Very proud of my smartie pants kid & even more importantly he's a good human. I see great things for him in his future.

Happy Anniversary to Bobbiwoz!

Horselover and Sleepy, Congratulations to both of you and your graduates. Sounds like some real smarty pants in the group. Sleepy, I completely understand how you feel about your daughter graduating and you starting that new phase in life. My youngest will be a sophomore, so in some ways I'll just be keeping up with her and still doing my job at school. However when she graduates in three years, I have no intention of keeping my position. Not sure what I will do at that point. I may teach closer to home, or I may just retire and live off DH some more! :rolleyes1 It all depends on what the youngest decides to do about college, and if I need to continue to teach to continue some of the perks I get for my college kids. I love my job, but I do not love the schedule it brings to my life. I'm just trying to cherish the next few years and not rush them though. DD15 has already had several "breakdowns" over being an only child next year. All she's ever known is her older sisters bossing her around! :chat: Life at our house will be different that is for sure!
@Flossbolna I'm quoting this again to get your opinion. The Munich tour is the last piece of my puzzle & I need to get it booked this weekend. I've got it narrowed down to 2 tours. Both include Neuschwanstein inside & out. Here's where they differ. One tour includes Hohenschwangau Castle & the other includes Linderhof Palace. If you had to choose which would you say is the better one to see?

Congrats to your DD!

It is a bittersweet but great moment. Best wishes to your DD on her graduation.

DS18's graduation is Sunday. He did receive his two awards on Wed night. He received the highest academic award for having earned 13 or more consecutive terms on the honor roll. Lots of students received this award. He's graduating with a very smart & talented class. The other dept award as I suspected was for science. This one was presented to the top male & female student. Excellence in achievements for physics. :goodvibes Very proud of my smartie pants kid & even more importantly he's a good human. I see great things for him in his future.


Linderhof. This is the one that I still haven’t seen, but everyone says it is really nice. Hohenschwangau is cute as an extra when there anyway. Linderhof us a destination in its own right.
Have any of you folks seen the latest announcement from Disney, a new partial DVC resort at the former River Country? I know rumors have circulated for years but it seems official now. With its close proximity to WL and FW for sure, wonder if the theming of WL will spill over? Or will it take on its own identity? My feeling is it will be new, different so to speak. What do you folks think?
Though my days of buying more points is behind me(I think:rolleyes1)the thought of staying here intrigues me. I like the campground, though I am not much on camping. The amenities it offers are a plus in my book. The stables, Trails End, the little store, just hanging out here and when the seasons roll around, seeing the mass of decorations around the campsites, the campfire sing along plus the trail to WL. All these things draw me that way. So the plus of being able to be on property here, amongst the pines, the waterway are all enticements. I never had the chance to go to River Country, but felt it would have been a cool place had the chance been there.
Have any of you folks seen the latest announcement from Disney, a new partial DVC resort at the former River Country? I know rumors have circulated for years but it seems official now. With its close proximity to WL and FW for sure, wonder if the theming of WL will spill over? Or will it take on its own identity? My feeling is it will be new, different so to speak. What do you folks think?
Though my days of buying more points is behind me(I think:rolleyes1)the thought of staying here intrigues me. I like the campground, though I am not much on camping. The amenities it offers are a plus in my book. The stables, Trails End, the little store, just hanging out here and when the seasons roll around, seeing the mass of decorations around the campsites, the campfire sing along plus the trail to WL. All these things draw me that way. So the plus of being able to be on property here, amongst the pines, the waterway are all enticements. I never had the chance to go to River Country, but felt it would have been a cool place had the chance been there.

I have heard the rumor but didn't know that Disney had announced anything. It will be interesting to see what they do with the theming, but my first reaction is that they will want to maintain the ties with Fort Wilderness...unlike Riviera Resort that is clearly trying to stand apart from Caribbean Beach. I guess it depends on whether Disney thinks Fort Wilderness is "deluxe" enough to warrant a DVC purchase there. We know that Disney will continue to raise prices per point, so then it comes down to the point schedule.

I would definitely stay there at least once to "sample" the resort. It sounds like it will be fairly large (300 DVC villas, 400 hotel rooms?) which puts in in the BLT/CR category size-wise. That also sounds like quite a lot of pressure on the transportation system especially the boats.

And yes Jimmy...I'm sure you would have enjoyed River Country. It was quite a throwback to the old "swimming hole" type of feel.
Linderhof. This is the one that I still haven’t seen, but everyone says it is really nice. Hohenschwangau is cute as an extra when there anyway. Linderhof us a destination in its own right.

Thank you. I think we've decided we're going to rent a car & drive from Munich vs doing a small group tour. It will give us much more flexibility to see & do what we want. I'm just waiting to hear back from my hotel's concierge on which rental car companies have office close to the hotel.

Have any of you folks seen the latest announcement from Disney, a new partial DVC resort at the former River Country? I know rumors have circulated for years but it seems official now. With its close proximity to WL and FW for sure, wonder if the theming of WL will spill over? Or will it take on its own identity? My feeling is it will be new, different so to speak. What do you folks think?
Though my days of buying more points is behind me(I think:rolleyes1)the thought of staying here intrigues me. I like the campground, though I am not much on camping. The amenities it offers are a plus in my book. The stables, Trails End, the little store, just hanging out here and when the seasons roll around, seeing the mass of decorations around the campsites, the campfire sing along plus the trail to WL. All these things draw me that way. So the plus of being able to be on property here, amongst the pines, the waterway are all enticements. I never had the chance to go to River Country, but felt it would have been a cool place had the chance been there.

I hadn't heard that rumor start up again, but then again I haven't been paying much attention to the rumor mills these days. Like you my point buying days are over, but I'd definitely be interested in staying there. I have no interest in staying at the new DVC going in at CBR.
Congratulations Bobbi and Tom, well done!

And a question for the group, probably answered back on Page 306 or something :D. Anyway, we have the privilege of a Christmastime stay coming up at BRV in a 1BR. In looking at the Touring Plans room finder I did notice the odd “W” shaped 1/2 bedroom units above the lobby area (xx19/xx28) and wondered if those are generally considered more or less desirable than other more conventional layouts?
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Have any of you folks seen the latest announcement from Disney, a new partial DVC resort at the former River Country? I know rumors have circulated for years but it seems official now. With its close proximity to WL and FW for sure, wonder if the theming of WL will spill over? Or will it take on its own identity? My feeling is it will be new, different so to speak. What do you folks think?
Though my days of buying more points is behind me(I think:rolleyes1)the thought of staying here intrigues me. I like the campground, though I am not much on camping. The amenities it offers are a plus in my book. The stables, Trails End, the little store, just hanging out here and when the seasons roll around, seeing the mass of decorations around the campsites, the campfire sing along plus the trail to WL. All these things draw me that way. So the plus of being able to be on property here, amongst the pines, the waterway are all enticements. I never had the chance to go to River Country, but felt it would have been a cool place had the chance been there.

I saw the rumor popping up again Jimmy. Nothing official from Disney yet though as far as I could tell so we'll see what happens. I too love FW and that's why I actually don't want to see this as I think it will bring even more of a sweeping change to the area than we've seen at VWL. I'm sure it would be nice but it really can do nothing but change the character to add a 1300+ unit location. We'll likely never get to FW with a camper but the cabins have long been on my list as a way to stay there without camping. Guess I have to move that front and center on the plans if this resort really does get the green light.
Have any of you folks seen the latest announcement from Disney, a new partial DVC resort at the former River Country? I know rumors have circulated for years but it seems official now. With its close proximity to WL and FW for sure, wonder if the theming of WL will spill over? Or will it take on its own identity? My feeling is it will be new, different so to speak. What do you folks think?
Though my days of buying more points is behind me(I think:rolleyes1)the thought of staying here intrigues me. I like the campground, though I am not much on camping. The amenities it offers are a plus in my book. The stables, Trails End, the little store, just hanging out here and when the seasons roll around, seeing the mass of decorations around the campsites, the campfire sing along plus the trail to WL. All these things draw me that way. So the plus of being able to be on property here, amongst the pines, the waterway are all enticements. I never had the chance to go to River Country, but felt it would have been a cool place had the chance been there.

I just cannot imagine them not keeping with the theme of the lodge/campground in some way. If they don't it's really going to take away from the area there JMHO. Loved river country as a kid. We use to camp at FW in our little pop up camper. Back in the day there was no pool at FW, so they would bus you to the Poly to use that pool. That was a long time ago obviously!
In keeping with the Groupie family tradition of sharing news, my announcement is that I'm changing occupations. As you may recall, I've been a middle school secretary for three years following four years as a substitute teacher. I love my job. It's a low stress, largely fulfilling position that allows me the freedom to impact students, support teachers, and aid administrators all at the same time. I'm also semi-autonomous as I'm the only secretary in the office, as well as the bookkeeper. Best of all, it has allowed me to spend time with my daughter nearly each day since the high school is co-located with the middle school. Well, daughter is graduating, and apparently, so am I. Starting in August, I will become an instructor at the high school where I will teach classes in military science (think JROTC), English, and theater. I'm going from a relatively low key position to one that will tax me daily dealing with high schoolers. Why would I do this? Money, pure and simple. Teaching pays way better than secretarying. So, I will be embarking on quite a different summer full of lesson planning and organizing and wondering just what the hell I was thinking. :rotfl:

I know I am late, but congratulations Sleepy! How exciting!
@DVC Jen congrats on your waitlist coming through, and on your third trip! I love when we can squeeze in a third trip! I had to chuckle when you said you didn’t know what came over you! Uhm, I do, we’re all crazy Disney loving people!!!:cloud9::yay:
Hi Groupies! I am finally catching up, hope you’re all well!

My sister and I are headed to her place in Sarasota for a long weekend in July....and I am hoping it won’t be the only summer weather I’ll experience on a weekend this summer. The weather here in MA has been off on the weekends to say the least!

Our son and his GF are supposed to join us for our September trip, but it looks like he may not be able to get away due to work obligations. I booked BCV @ 7 months out, and he really wants to stay there. Of course there is no availability on the week following or preceding. May have to plan a trip in December but I’m not sure I will be able to get away, let alone secure a reservation.
Have any of you folks seen the latest announcement from Disney, a new partial DVC resort at the former River Country? I know rumors have circulated for years but it seems official now. With its close proximity to WL and FW for sure, wonder if the theming of WL will spill over? Or will it take on its own identity? My feeling is it will be new, different so to speak. What do you folks think?
Though my days of buying more points is behind me(I think:rolleyes1)the thought of staying here intrigues me. I like the campground, though I am not much on camping. The amenities it offers are a plus in my book. The stables, Trails End, the little store, just hanging out here and when the seasons roll around, seeing the mass of decorations around the campsites, the campfire sing along plus the trail to WL. All these things draw me that way. So the plus of being able to be on property here, amongst the pines, the waterway are all enticements. I never had the chance to go to River Country, but felt it would have been a cool place had the chance been there.

I have heard the rumor but didn't know that Disney had announced anything. It will be interesting to see what they do with the theming, but my first reaction is that they will want to maintain the ties with Fort Wilderness...unlike Riviera Resort that is clearly trying to stand apart from Caribbean Beach. I guess it depends on whether Disney thinks Fort Wilderness is "deluxe" enough to warrant a DVC purchase there. We know that Disney will continue to raise prices per point, so then it comes down to the point schedule.

I would definitely stay there at least once to "sample" the resort. It sounds like it will be fairly large (300 DVC villas, 400 hotel rooms?) which puts in in the BLT/CR category size-wise. That also sounds like quite a lot of pressure on the transportation system especially the boats.

And yes Jimmy...I'm sure you would have enjoyed River Country. It was quite a throwback to the old "swimming hole" type of feel.

I saw the rumor popping up again Jimmy. Nothing official from Disney yet though as far as I could tell so we'll see what happens. I too love FW and that's why I actually don't want to see this as I think it will bring even more of a sweeping change to the area than we've seen at VWL. I'm sure it would be nice but it really can do nothing but change the character to add a 1300+ unit location. We'll likely never get to FW with a camper but the cabins have long been on my list as a way to stay there without camping. Guess I have to move that front and center on the plans if this resort really does get the green light.

It is still a rumor mostly based on a filing for a Staging area. The DVC News also had an interesting article from a different source. https://dvcnews.com/index.php/resor...or-contractors-in-place-for-river-country-dvc

I am hoping it retains the name of River Country and gives a nod to the old water park. I would think it would still be in a country theme as part of River Country backs up to Mickey's Backyard BBQ.


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