Walking for my Dream (Comments welcomed)

Wow its cold out. My DH sent me an email and the weather there right now is not great. 60 degrees and kind of rainy. Feels like its cold everywhere right now

Had a good workout at the gym. Forty minutes on the TM. Plus the weights and abds. I am lucky to have my DD as my gym partner. We plan on going in the late afternoon tomorrow. First I am swimming with a friend at an aquatic centre and lunch with her. My friend is going through a nasty divorce. She has decided instead of overeating..her usual stress reliever to get fit. I'm very proud of her.

And I got my quilting allotment done. It was a good day. Hope your was just as good!

It is so funny to hear you say that your husband said it was cold in Florida....I would take 60 degrees over 15 any day!!!! If it was 60 in NJ right now people would be walking around in shorts and t-shirts!!! But I guess to those in Florida 60 is cold!

Glad to hear you had a nice workout with your DD at the gym and got your quilting done!

Have a great night!
I did not get everything done today that I wanted. Mainly I'm disappointed about not getting my TM workout. I went to the pool with my friend. Turned out its Aquafit not swimming. That was fine and it was a good class leader. Took her out to lunch, salads and fruit so no real guilt. Then went to pick up my DD and she...bless her heart...was sleeping. Guess she is not quite over being sick. And instead of heading to the gym by myself I decided a nap sounded good too. But you know...I am a little disappointed in myself.

It was my quilt group night so at least I got my quilting done.

Tomorrow I can't get to the gym as I promissed my neighbour I would help her. But she has a TM and said I could use it anytime. So I'm doing 30 minutes then shower before we get started on her quilting problem. Then its bridge night too.

I really admire all of you who have small children trying to still get your work outs in. Its got to be hard. I planned to be at the gym every day this week and finding things are getting in my way. And with my DH away in Florida its just me and my dog Maggie at home.
Good Morning Carol

Worked on the TM last night 52 minutes. 500 calories. If I don't lose a pound come weigh in on friday I'll be bummed.

Did a bit of quilting (machine) last night for about 20 min. Almost an hour of workout does put a crimp in my "fun" time. Only bright spot of the workout was watching The Goonies on TV while sweating.

Hope you day is a good one and that the hub has better weather than rain in Orlando.

Have a good day.

Great job Denise. I'm going to have to kick butt to catch up on you Feb challenge time.
Hope weigh in reflects your hard work.....and if it doesn't it has be heavy the heavy muscle weight. I know my jeans fit better but my scale hasn't budged for a month.
Hi, Carole! Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing! How wonderfully generous of your neighbor to offer the use of her TM. :goodvibes: I hope you are having a great day. Congrats on the better-fitting jeans! I think many of the very active WISHers are finding they have slower progress on the scale but much more significant results in how their clothes fit.
Keep up the great work! :hug:
Hi Carole-I hope you had a great day! Don't worry about missing a day here and there.....getting to the gym every day is a tall order....I wish I could get there every day. I try for 4 days of working out right now. And I find that difficult sometimes with my schedule. Keep up the good work!!!
Hi DIS wishers,
So nice getting all this support!
I did get me 30 minute TM done today...compliments of my neighbour.:cool1: It felt great!
Tomorrow is a busy day too. I have a work related workshop in the morning. But I am hoping to get in a 40 minute TM before going out with a friend. Then a retirement party in the evening.

I am feeling bad for my dog Maggie. She is missing my DH and its just too cold for walks. Even she doesn't like it outside when its this cold!
Morning Carole

Still cold here in NH. Worked on the TM last night doing a warm up, for about 8 min. Then doing a 90 second run, 2 min rest, 90 run, 2 rest. Worked out OK.

I did look at my quilting projects last night but didn't touch them, managed to work on a bit this morning while having coffee.

My son's girlfriend signed up for Donald like the rest of us so the whole family is dedicated to working out and reaching our goals! So important to set a goal to strive to achieve it. Baby steps at first.

Tomorrow I'm off to spend the day with my daughter checking out a local college - she'd like her degree in pastry arts. After that, a bit of shopping. Sounds a bit more interesting than your seminar but not much. I'd rather spend a vacation day doing some sewing so we may save our cash and stitch instead after the open house.

Have a geat day

Thank goodness I got my work related workshop done. The rest of the week is mine...no more studying. I did get 40 minutes on the treadmill in today.

Denise...My DH rented a Harley today in Florida. His midlife thing is motorcycles. I refused to allow it while I was an ER nurse but now I work in NICU and I guess somehow he slipped a motorcycle in when I was in a forgetful state...forgetting all the accidents I have seen. Anyway he was in Venice and the only shop he went into was a quilt shop. Awwwww. I'm sure he looked cute in his leathers. Hope he picked up something nice for me.
A Quilt shop!! How fab for you. What a guy. He's a keeper. Mine is busy being a cowboy. His love is toy guns from the 50's.

Off to the college today for open house with dd then maybe some stitching or I may take her to a BEAUTIFUL quilt shop that I'm dying to revisit. It's a good day.

OH and I did lose 1 pound this week!! Ya Hoo!

Not working out today but I'll be there on the TM tomorrow. Have a good one.

Hey Carole--What an awesome DH you have!! The only shop he goes into is a quilt shop....hope he picked out something great for you!! I know the feeling, my DBF is awesome, he always knows just what to get for me and always chooses the best things!!

Glad to hear you got your work stuff done!! Enjoy the rest of the week and have an AWESOME weekend!!
I did my best TM workout ever today! I did 50 minutes at 4.1 speed the entire time. I really got into a groove and it felt great. Tomorrow is just a 30 minute TM time. lol.....It wasn't too long ago that 15:00 minutes was way too long. I also did my weights, abds and the dreaded lunges.

I told my DD about wanting to do a Disney 1/2 or full marathon. She wants to do it too now. She wants to join me on my long walks once we can walk outside. I'm so glad. Its going to really help having her train with me. Meanwhile we will train indoors on the TM at the gym.

Denise...how did your day go with your DD? Also I think toy guns is a nice safe thing for your DH. Soooooo much better then this motorcycle thing of my DH. Plus he is planning a trip to NY State for the two of us on the darn thing. My bottom is never going to feel the same after! Imagine. A week or more on the back of a bike in the mountains. Usually when we go on a long trip I bring applique to do in the car. This time I'll be hanging on for dear life.
Yesterday I had the greatest day! I finally visited my local Running/Walking Room store. Purchased better running shoes, Asics and at Daves advise got them a half size bigger than my regular size. They are so comfortableand my great toe doesn't hurt anymore.:lovestruc
And I signed up for Run for Retina (a walker friendly race) in the 5 K race. This comes up in April and I signed up for a 10K walking clinic that goes 10 weeks. I'm so excited about this.:yay:
And I bought a Garmin 201! Now if only the ice and snow would go away I could get out there and try it! Soon though.

I tried out my new shoes yesterday at the gym with a 30 minute TM workout. But have declared today a rest day. My IT band is giving me a little pain. New shoe adjustment? Anyway rest and stretching today.
good morning Carole!

I haven’t posted for a couple of days. It’s been busy here so I have to catch up. After Miranda and I went to the college on Friday we bought new sneakers and I tried out an elliptical and loved it. So on Saturday Mark and I went to Sears and purchased one. Picked it up yesterday and they (Mark and Nick) put it together.

Nick also set up my Pilate’s machine. Se we have a regular gym at home between the treadmill and all the other stuff.

Mark and I worked ½ an hour on the treadmill and ½ on the elliptical and then swapped so we each had an hour workout without having to wait for machines. We were very surprised that we weren’t sore today. Of course I didn’t push it on either machine cause my left leg is still giving me trouble.

Well back to work for me. Have a good time with your new “toy” and did your hub come back yet? If so what presents did he bring from the quilt shop?

Carole-That is great that your DD wants to do the half or full next year. It will be great for you to have a training partner! I wish I had someone to train with, I am still working on that!!

That's great that you got some new running shoes! Your IT band hurting could be from the new shoes, but please keep an eye on that just in case it isn't....take care of yourself.

Keep up the good work!
My day at the gym today was somehow uninspired...for the first time really. Not sure why but my 40 minutes on the treadmill was HARD. I wasn't hurting and I should have been rested as I took yesterday off. I had eaten my usual snack and veggy drink before. It was a mystery. I never did get past 4.0 for speed. And I had been cruising comfortably at 4.1 before. Basically I felt lazy.
Anyway I'm back tomorrow to do my 50 minute TM and am hoping I will feel more energetic. Now there was a touch of spring outside (faint but it was there) so maybe I'm just getting cabin fever and looking forward to walking outside.

Laurie...my pain in my IT Band was gone after a rest. I really stretched alot yesterday. Actually I'm assumning thats what it was. It also felt a little like siatica except it started in my hip and went down instead of my buttuck. If in fact its sciatica I could guess why I'm getting it. I started an abd exercise that has crunches about 2 weeks ago. Come to think of it thats about how long I've gotten this pain off and on. I'll stop doing that and see if it might be the culprit. I had back surgery in 2005 so am pretty careful of my back. But felt I was ready for these. Maybe not.
I'm thrilled my daughter is going to train with me. We are pretty good for each other. I hate lunges but she makes me do those. She hates abd work which I love and make her do those. lol.

Denise...My DH is still in Florida till next Monday. Shame because we are supposed to get a snowstorm tonight (so much for my touch of spring staying around) and we forgot to get in a snowblower demo before he left.:sad2: I might be getting some crosstraining tomorrow at the end of a shovel!
Congrats on the elleptical purchase. Personally I'de love a treadmill but would have to give up my sewing room and thats NOT happening. I also have a quilting machine which occupies another room. If I tried to bring in a treadmill my DH would revolt.
Carole-Hang in there! Some days are going to be harder than others, and we can't let those tough workouts get us down. I felt really sluggish today also, maybe it is this impending storm that is getting us down.

You will definetely get some XTing in tomorrow when shoveling!! That is my plan here, since I may not be able to get to the gym, and the conditions probably won't be safe to run outdoors. So, shoveling it will be!

Stay Warm!!
I actually did have a better day at the gym today. Did 50 minutes on the TM and felt like I could have done more. So that was good.
I decided I have mild sciatica. I thought my IT band was the problem but put a heating pad on my back as a test and the leg pain went away. I'm going to have to go back to my safe abd workouts and stay away from the oblique abd muscle workouts that were new for me. Though I am glad its not the walking thats causing the problem. I'de be pretty upset if I had to curtail that for awhile.
Shovelling will be out. Guess I'de better figure out the snowblower. So far we've only had a couple of inches. I'm hoping it will skip us. We had a huge snowstorm in December that had the cars buried. I figure we've had our allotment for the year!
Good Morning Carole!

Well did my ½ hour on the mill ½ hour on the ellip last night. Taking today off for Valentines day will get my “other” workout …………

Planning on a romantic dinner for 2, Rack of Lamb, Corn on the Cobb, Heart Shaped brownies with chocolate mousse and chocolate ganache on top. Bottle of wine.

Due to the storm today, I’ll be out at noon so I may sneak in a workout this afternoon on the machines – we’ll see how my brownies come out.

Of course there is always quality quilting time too….. So many choices.

Take care



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