We can do it! -Disney bride weight loss group

Hello :) I have been an avid disneyphile from birth and what better way to celebrate my upcoming marriage to the man who finally understood my erm...appreciation (ie obsession lol) than with a Disney themed wedding at home and a WDW honeymoon?! :thumbsup2

My fiance and i haven't actually set a date yet, it will be within the next year or two depending on how school goes for me (i am in the first of three semesters before my student teaching begins). now i know you guys are probably wondering what the heck i am doing on here if my wedding is possibly not for another two years right? ;) my best friend is getting married in march (not a Disney wedding, she lacks creativity lol) and i am her maid of honor, so if its alright with you guys i would like to join in on this thread so i can be ready for her wedding and hopefully keep going until my own!
prncesaurora21 said:
Hello :) I have been an avid disneyphile from birth and what better way to celebrate my upcoming marriage to the man who finally understood my erm...appreciation (ie obsession lol) than with a Disney themed wedding at home and a WDW honeymoon?! :thumbsup2

My fiance and i haven't actually set a date yet, it will be within the next year or two depending on how school goes for me (i am in the first of three semesters before my student teaching begins). now i know you guys are probably wondering what the heck i am doing on here if my wedding is possibly not for another two years right? ;) my best friend is getting married in march (not a Disney wedding, she lacks creativity lol) and i am her maid of honor, so if its alright with you guys i would like to join in on this thread so i can be ready for her wedding and hopefully keep going until my own!

WELCOME! The more the merrier. :goodvibes
Owwwwweee feel the PAIN!!!
I just got out of my gym. I did a Core Strengthening class and it kicked my butt!!!
It hurts but it feels good!!
Okay, it's time to kick my own butt! I've put on a few pounds :sad2: To be honest I haven't really been trying this week at all, I decided to try and make my own Tonga Toast and I've fallen for it :guilty: I will no longer make it, it's far too high in calories!!!

So from now on I am on a diet, I am, I am, I am. I keep saying to myself I have plenty of time to lose the weight, so I think, I can have that little bit of chocolate, which turns into that big bit of chocolate, when will it ever end?

I'm not happy being this size at all, but I love to cook so it's hard going. All the bad food is gone now, so I'm going shopping for healthy food and that is all I will eat. I need to lose the weight so I can buy the dress of my dreams :blush:

I'm thinking of buying an elliptical trainer as I keep saying I'll go to the gym, but since I've moved it takes over an hour to get there. This way I can watch a movie or maybe have the Disney DVD on repeat :banana: That way I can see what I'm working towards.

AHHH, I'm so annoyed with myself!!!!!
Did you try making a motivation book? You just take a regular notebook, and put a picture that motivates you on the cover. This could be a pic of you now or even a pic of the wedding dress you want. Then, you fill the book with your thoughts and other motivational things such as poems, pictures, or inspirational articles. If you hear some phrase that really motivates you, you can write it in there. Also use it as a journal. Try to find some people do do it with you. Make a circle of friends. They will help keep you motivated. I think weight loss is about attitude. You can't be sad, down, or unhappy. Those things make you eat to feel better. You have to be upbeat and positive. Fake it if you have to when you aren't feeling it.
Set small goals. DOn't set a goal like, "I want to lose 60 pounds by August." Set a goal like, "This week I am going to do cardio for 15 minutes every day." It's so easy to fit in 15 minutes, and you'll feel good accomplishing a goal. Next week add another goal like, "I will eat 3 servings of fruits and veggies every day this week."
Just thought I would drop some tips that have worked great for me!

In order to get all your water for the day:

Evian makes a bottle that is 1.5 liters (6 - 8 oz. servings) so I drink a glass of water with breakfast, then when I get to work i fill up my evian bottle and drink it throughout the day, then i drink a glass at dinner and a glass before bed, so I get 9 - 8 oz. servings a day. Not only have I lost because of it, but my skin is looking wonderful too!

Motivation: (this has worked for me and whipped my a** into shape!!!!!)

My DF (with my permission) bought some lingerie for me from Fredericks of Hollywood.....in my goal size......

So, at the end of each month I am going to try it on (as best i can :rotfl2: ) to see my progress. Then that is the piece of lingerie I am going to wear on our wedding night. Not only has this motivated me to lose, it has also motivated me to work out and strength train religiously! Plus, it is super cute and I can't wait to wear in comfortably and confidently and see that big smile on his face!

Brave I know, but boy has it worked! :thumbsup2
Well last night my fiance and I set up our new elliptical trainer and boy is it big! My goal is to work out at least 40 min every day, I'm sure I could squeeze that in.

I am drinking my water, I have a sports bottle that I can easily take to Uni and I only have to drink 3 of them to make up my required water allowance, anything over and above is great!

I've got to stop weighing myself every day, because if I don't see the scale shift at all, I'm a bit disappointed.

I've set up a weight chart, and started keeping tabs of my measurements also, I am going to update it every week to see my progress.

Also I bought a body fat and BMI hand held machine, I intend to do this every week also.

This all sounds great in theory, so I am pushing myself to do it, mainly cause I want to be healthier but also I'm in love with the Wedding Dress I saw online and I no longer just want it, I NEED it :lovestruc

Hope everyone else is doing well with their targets.
OK - so I did some research on Isagenix and decided I'd give the 9-day program a try. Besides wanting to jump start my weight loss (I only have 68 more days before the wedding), I have begun to notice that my stomach/intestines have become irritated by lots of different foods lately. I have been lactose intolerant now for over 12 years, but in the past year, I have been bothered by many more foods, most of which do NOT have dairy in them. So, I figured, what better way to fix myself than a good cleansing of my insides. I've been eating healthier and have lost a few pounds, but I'd like to feel better and not worry too much about what's bothering me when I eat.

My stress level is pretty high because we are struggling to find a way to pay for the wedding... but it'll all work out I"m sure. Keep up the good work girls!!! :goodvibes
I'm so frustrated about the budget for the wedding right now that I can't even beginto think about losing weight. I do good for a few days, and then I slack off. I have no motivation. I'm exhausted all the time from work ( I teach preschool) and from my 3 year old son. HELP!!!!

- Two former Castmembers getting "hitched" - June 14, 2007 princess:
Hey there dznystar. I feel your pain. We too are paying for this ourselves. Our deadline is a bit closer than yours though. I was working 3 jobs up until last week... my DF finally told me to drop one because I was exhausted when I got home and was just taking a shower and going right to bed. I wasn't able to spend time with him or our daughter... So, I left one... but I still work 2 others and we have a 10 year old daughter who just started middle school. Lots of changes.

My motivation is having the energy to keep going until the wedding. The payoff is that I"ll look and feel better. You can do it. Don't give up. Even if you only work out 3 times each week, it will help. You'll see. Keep us updated and feel free to vent if you need. That's what this thread is for... support. :thumbsup2
Hi! I am new to this thread...just lost 10 #s and going to join Weight Watchers today...I will be checking back soon!


PS: I would like to lose another 15 - 20 before my big day... :)
Also joining WW tonight too will report back in a wk's time when hopefully I will be slightly lighter in weight.

Would love to lose about 4 stone (miracles do happen honest :)) before my big day arrives, but I will be setting myself more realistic goals and tackle a stone at a time.

Keep up the good work girls!

happylalagirl said:
Hey there dznystar. I feel your pain. We too are paying for this ourselves. Our deadline is a bit closer than yours though. I was working 3 jobs up until last week... my DF finally told me to drop one because I was exhausted when I got home and was just taking a shower and going right to bed. I wasn't able to spend time with him or our daughter... So, I left one... but I still work 2 others and we have a 10 year old daughter who just started middle school. Lots of changes.

My motivation is having the energy to keep going until the wedding. The payoff is that I"ll look and feel better. You can do it. Don't give up. Even if you only work out 3 times each week, it will help. You'll see. Keep us updated and feel free to vent if you need. That's what this thread is for... support. :thumbsup2

Thanks for your support. I have a 3 year old son, so I completely understand what its like to be exhausted at the end of the day. I drive an hour to and from work also. My goal is to work out tonight! We'll see.
Hey Happylalagirl-
I tried Isagenix and I completely wasted $120!!! Under pressure I MAY have been able to do it but I only lasted 4 days (and i was invited to lunch for some good southern comfort food). The shakes were ok, and I really didn't get too hungrey, but the drinks were HORRIBLE!!!! I wish you luck though!!
I just had to share something that made me smile today. It doesn't usually show when I lose weight until it's been a LOT because I'm tall. I've only lost about 5-6 pounds so far, and today one of my students told me I looked small. (they're only 6, it's how they label things ;) ) I asked him what he meant and he said, ' You're body looks smaller.' :love: :love: I could have done a cartwheel!!!!! How sad am I? hahaha

I am starting to lose my pounds and inches like a good girl, but i am losing them in all the wrong places, and my body is starting to look odd shaped. Has this happened to anyone else and what did you do?

fyi.....I am trying to lose about 70 pounds, so the weight and inches coming off are very noticeable and hard to hide.....

Forgot to add that i threw away the scale because i wasn't losing pounds and i was getting discouraged......until i measured and had lost about 8 inches. so ladies dont go by the number.......go by your clothes and the way you feel, cause the number doesn't always mean gain or lose. you can still be losing even if the number on the scale doesnt change much! :thumbsup2
ARGH!!!! :furious: I just had my first dress fitting and the dress is tight!! I mean, suck in and pray the zipper doesn't bust right open tight!!! ARGH!!! OK, I'm over it. I've been working out every day for the past week now... before that it was sporadic... but NOW!!! Now I have no choice!!! :sad2: I can do it... I think all I need to lose is between 5-8 lbs... isn't that always the way... and they're the hardest to lose too... why does it have to be that way? :confused3 Especially when I know after the wedding, I'll be back to where I am now... ugh... ok... I only have 53 days and a few hours left. My eating habits are really going to be monitored. I just bought a bunch of low fat/low sugar yogurts and am going to do that eat 2 bowls of cereal every day. I actually lost about 5 lbs the last time I did that. And since I LOVE cereal, that shouldnt' be too hard...

OK - I'm really done now. Hope the rest of you are doing better than I am. :goodvibes
Hi ladies, I am new to this group and am getting married in a month and a week and need help!!! How are you gals doing it? You all seem to be doing so great! I have lost about 20 pounds (a lot put on by medication) and have about 40 more to get to my healthy BMI....but seem to be at a stand still. I work pretty busy hours and so I have to find a way to be better about exercise. I know I won't be at my ideal weight for a bit...but would like to lose another 15 if possible before the wedding. For me I just don't want to look back at my wedding pictures and think "that was when I was on tons of meds". Any suggestions on ways to continue slimming down? Thanks ladies! This is a wonderful thread!!! :cheer2:
I can honestly say I'm not giving the effort that I should be. You would think that your wedding is the ultimate encouragement, but apparently not for me. Its sad. I will say, that I've been trying to eat better, and I have been getting up a little earlier to do some crunches in the mornings.

The cereal thing would definitely work for me, but then I'd get tempted cooking dinner for DF and my son. Plus, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner (I love my mom's cooking!). Focus! I can do it. WE can do it!


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