Week of Oct 16 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread


Don't let it get to you. A person who is athletic, always in motion so pretty fit, and young can always make a lot of us look bad.

The Boston Marathon course goes by about 1 mile from campus, and every year a few undergrads train just a little and run it for fun. A few years ago one of our soccer players, a midfielder who could go up and down the sideline all game, but never trained as a runner, ran Boston. The killer is he finished in about 2:55. All I could say was WOW!

I'm still beat to bits from the double last weekend. Calfs, hamstrings, ankles, butt, hips sore. On January 9 I'm really going to be entertaining to watch. I'm sure my wife and daughter will alternate between sympathy and hilarity.

I had my first nightmare about the races last night. I dreamed I was at the start and noticed in had no shoe laces. Bad enough, but with no laces I obviously did not have my chip laced into the shoe. Wails of horror and thankfully I woke up. I hope that's the only one of those.

Cam - do what your body tells you it can do during recovery. Don't push it unnecessarily. You're still 81 days away.

Happy Training.

I am not giving up. I am just sore and frustrated. I'd be worse if I had issues with the LRs. For some reason, the body likes those better than the short ones. I'm soo confused.

Funny story mostly unrelated to running - I ask dh last night if he wants a shirt. I debate as to weather to take him to the shirt site and show him teh logos separately or just to let him read my thread. Mind you, He's never said a word to me about my obsession with the boards, but I feel kind of funny about it and usually only tell him about the marathon talk and such. Well, I let him see my thread. In my mind, it was like letting him look at my diary.

He looks and decides and then looks at my screen name area. "Is that you?" He was told my screen name once, so he kind of recognizes it. "Yes, that's me" (Please don't see my post count, please don't see my post count....) The next thing he says is, "Did I at least make love number 4?" :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: (See my tags)

I had to explain to him the context of the post and such. I still feel like a heel, but it's so funny. Poor guy. I hope he knows he really does rank above Pooh, Mickey and the Wings. :rotfl:

FYI - We should all feel pretty special that he wants to be identified with us! He would never post in a million years, but I know he appreciates al lof the info that has come from here. (Almost as much as me!)
Carrie -- That is SOOOOO cute and sweet and funny! Give him a huge hug!

Craig -- Your dream had me LOL! I can't believe you have any subconscious anxiety about any of this. :hug: Of course, after last weekend, when DS12 blew his significant powerful start at a cross country meet because he had to stop to tie his shoe, I have all sorts of new fears!

I still wish there were some way to tie our shoes and have them stay perfectly tied for every walk/run/wog without the variation every time. I swear there are times my feet are perfectly positioned with no tension across the top and perfectly "seated" at the heel of the shoe and other times my foot is sliding around or they are tied too tight or too loose. Fortunately, on 1/7, we'll be up and about for quite a while before we have to start, so plenty of time to tie and re-tie until it is comfortable.

It is so incredibly gorgeous out today that I am actually craving the opportunity to go out for a wog. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen. :sad: I hope a lot of you have similarly gorgeous weather and can get out to enjoy it. :goodvibes:
keenercam said:
I still wish there were some way to tie our shoes and have them stay perfectly tied for every walk/run/wog without the variation every time. I swear there are times my feet are perfectly positioned with no tension across the top and perfectly "seated" at the heel of the shoe and other times my foot is sliding around or they are tied too tight or too loose. Fortunately, on 1/7, we'll be up and about for quite a while before we have to start, so plenty of time to tie and re-tie until it is comfortable.
I hear you Cam! I've had such issues since I switched shoes. My old ones wer not long nough for the long runs, but tyoiung was never an issue. Now that I've gone bigger I've had sooo many issues. Poor dh. I tak an extra 10 minutes postponing our starts these days to tie and re-tie my shoes.
wtpclc said:
I hear you Cam! I've had such issues since I switched shoes. My old ones wer not long nough for the long runs, but tyoiung was never an issue. Now that I've gone bigger I've had sooo many issues. Poor dh. I tak an extra 10 minutes postponing our starts these days to tie and re-tie my shoes.

SOOO glad to hear I am not alone in this respect. :teeth: I knew my WISH buddies would understand the frustration! The funny thing is that most mornings I roll out of bed, dress in the dark, stop in the front hall where I turn on the light to make sure I'm fully clothed by looking at my reflection in the door, and then head out front to stretch and leave. I am barely conscious enough to realize if my shoes are comfy until I am out there trucking along. Then I am reluctant to break pace, pause the Garmin, etc. to get it right. Pathetic! :rotfl:
keenercam said:
I still wish there were some way to tie our shoes and have them stay perfectly tied for every walk/run/wog without the variation every time. I swear there are times my feet are perfectly positioned with no tension across the top and perfectly "seated" at the heel of the shoe and other times my foot is sliding around or they are tied too tight or too loose. Fortunately, on 1/7, we'll be up and about for quite a while before we have to start, so plenty of time to tie and re-tie until it is comfortable.

:rotfl2: At my half I decided along with nervous bladder there is a condition known as "nervous shoes". I usually don't pay any attention to how I tie my shoes, I "just do it", but on race day first I worried they were too loose, then I thought, "oh no, wait, their too tight!". Finally I decided they were just about what they always are-- alright!
Thanks for the encouragment guys! I'm glad to know ya'll will jump on a bandwagon with me when I need it :teeth: I think I'll just remain cool about the subject if he brings it up. He might just be trying to yank my chain, and if that's the case I don't want to give in. ;)

Carrie - That is so cute about your husband. Mine reads too but would never post. He's a closet disney lover, although I aim to bring him out! My first attempt will be in 12 days on our anniversary/vacation. :cool1:

Carrie,thanks so much for the offer to run with you and your husband,that is so sweet :sunny: I 'm thinking I may sign on to run with the Cliff bar pacing group,but I'll be looking for the green shirts! Don't feel bad about your lousy run.Somehow I'm always able to motivate myself for the LRs,but those "nothing special "SRs sometimes do me in too.
Well---it all comes down to the stinkin' MRI.

A moment of silence please

Okay--that's enough.

Here lies Lisa's knee
It tried to go on a running spree
'Twas not to be since her early teens
To be the superstar she wanted to be

The good news is--though she has a boo boo
If she can run without whimpering a boo hoo
She can do as much as she wants to
Though when she's done, she may throw a shoe or two

The poor little knee--must have a surgery
Whenever for it she becomes ready

Yes--ladies (and gentleman or two)---I have a freakin' complex miniscus tear!

And do you know what's fun--I've had this like forever...so the good news is--running didn't do me in! Surgery is the only way to fix it (walking the next day or so) and I get PT to get me back in running order....but this explains a WHOLE lot of what my knee has been feeling like for years and years and years.

Half is doable--full is my option...I risk my knee locking up if cartilege falls off (gotta love that--NOT).

For now--no PT in the plan and I will deep water train combined with some walking. I posted on the injury forum over at runners world and will see what comes of that.

Oh LIsa. I am so sorry. I'm glad you know what is wrong, but, wow, that's a bummer!
Ah yes, shoelaces . . .

At this year's start I'm in the corrals for the first time ever with my lovely wife. We step in about 5:40 and begin the wait. I'm always a bit nervous, so I re-tie both my shoes. We chat a bit, I jump around some, and re-tie both my shoes. We talk about pace, how soon to start, and I re-tie both my shoes. We listen to the DJ, see the Duck, and I re-tie both my shoes. This goes on until about 5:55 when I again reach down to re-tie my shoes. I don't get there, however, as Martha yells, at me, "would you stop that!"

I look at her and say, "after 25 years of marriage you're surprised by this?" Thankfully she said no.


I had the same surgery in November of 1999. A feathered and torn meniscus, from years of soccer and wear and tear. It was pretty tender almost all the time, and I did have the knee lock on me, but only twice, and only for a very brief period. No fun, but I was able to run on it with no difficulty up to the day of the surgery. Most people are able to walk on the leg almost immediately after the 'scope (sadly I was not most people), and recover quickly after, so the odds are in your favor both before and after. Just get to January and then you can have it taken care of.

I need help with shirt graphics!
Can anyone take a Photo Shop Pro file (*.psp) and turn it into something that Corel 12 or Adobe Illustrator 10.0.3 can read??

This is the last thing I need to get everything square with the printer. Please pm me or e-mail me with your e-mail if you can help. TIA!

Lisa - So sorry about your knee. You can boo hoo all you want!!!!!

Carrie - love your story about your main man!

Cam - Great words of encouragement about being proud of what we set out to achieve.

Sunny - I do the race day shoelace thing too. I have actually bruised the tops of my feet from getting them too tight!

I think I am almost back on schedule. I am going to get all of my runs in for the next two weeks. Since I started training, I've had 2 adventure races and a century ride. I only have one more adv race coming up. I have been counting those as my long runs (not the century ride week, I ran 13 miles on thurs before the ride on sat!) The next adv race is a few weeks away, and it falls on a week when my lr is shorter so it shouldn't be a huge deal to skip. Anyway, it is nice to be sortof back on schedule.
Calcio said:

I had the same surgery in November of 1999. A feathered and torn meniscus, from years of soccer and wear and tear. It was pretty tender almost all the time, and I did have the knee lock on me, but only twice, and only for a very brief period. No fun, but I was able to run on it with no difficulty up to the day of the surgery. Most people are able to walk on the leg almost immediately after the 'scope (sadly I was not most people), and recover quickly after, so the odds are in your favor both before and after. Just get to January and then you can have it taken care of.


You have no idea how good this makes me feel to hear you say that!!!!

Now a question--in your shoes....which would you do, the full or the half?

Go with easy enjoyment or stick with original plan?

Seeking an opinion only--won't hold it against you whatever it is :teeth: .

Just did 40 minutes in the water. Brrrrrrr! I'm going to need that wet suit sooner than I thought!!!
Hi - Carrie, dont sweat the turning round thing, the run after it usually feels great and so it won't become a habit. In fact, running a miserable run can be more demoralising than skipping one, the most important thing was that you started it rather than just thinking 'I don't want to go' and lying on the sofa.

Lisa: Am v sorry for the loss of your knee, let us know what the scary folks at RW say!!!

Who had the dodgy knee and chiro - perhaps go see a sports physio. Without dissing an entire medical discipline (apologies in advance to any chiro fans here), the whole ethos of chiropractice is to treat the body as a whole entity and therefore their way of treating a problem is going to be very different from a sports physio who will look at the knee as a specific problem, and treat it so you can still achieve your aim. Now sometimes this isn't the best approach, but if you want to run a half marathon in 82 days, sometimes you just want them to fix the knee and sort the rest out in 83 days!!!!

90 minute run for me tonight (7 miles). Can't wait for this weekend, get to drop right back as I'm tapering for a half the weekend after, only going to do 6 miles (shh, don't tell Hal Higdon). Helen
Whew, what a week! I have been walking 30 mins. to an hour all week and on Sunday I walked 8 miles! Monday was a day of rest and today I participated in a hour muscle madness class, which works your entire body. Boy am I sore, but feeling great! Iam sooooooooooo excited about the marathon and meeting everyone. :cool1:

That's a tough question. The fact that you haven't had a knee lock perhaps indicates the loose tissue isn't in an area which would cause it to lock at all. As I said, I had it happen twice, and in each case I was literally just walking and the knee bounced back when it tried to bend. So maybe you'll not face that at all.

Choosing a distance? I think that depends a lot on how much the medal means to you. I'd assume the probability of it locking on any mile is the same, so the chance of a lock during 26 miles is double it would be in 13. If you enter the half and make it, you'll likely wish you'd tried the full. If you enter the full and don't get to 13, then no loss. But it you enter the full and get to 13 okay, then have trouble at say 17, you'll wish you'd done the half.

If the medal matters, I'd go for the half. If knowing you did a half is sufficient, I'd go for the full.

Good luck with your decision. And the best of luck. After the surgery I had discomfort running for a good 6 months, but it completely went away with work and rehab.

Thank you all for the pep talk :grouphug:

I still don't know if I'll see the finish let alone the start line of the marathon this year but I'm not giving up quite yet.

Tonight I managed 3 miles in 36 minutes and managed to slowly jog most of it which is much better than before. Unfortunatley the pain in my right leg has not gone away and seemed just as bad this time out. I'm not quite sure if the pain is from a leg problem or the sciatica problem.

I am going to see a sports physical therapist at the end of this month (1st time available) so we'll see what she has to say. Thankfully she is a triathalete so she understands the punishment that running takes on a body. Until then I am "putting in the steps!" I don't know who coined that phrase but thank to who ever did as it got me through tonight!

Lisa - My fiancee has a similar tear in his knee right now. He was having alot of pain but it has since disappeared. The knee specialist said that as long as the pain has gone away knee surgery is not necessary. Good luck to you Lisa!!!!!!

Happy traning everyone!
xterratri said:
The aliens are kidnapping us WISHers....
and replacing us with runners!!!!

Amen, sister!! I don't know what's been going on with me for the past week, but I'm not going to question it. Today I did 35 minutes (r3/w2), I ran 3.29 miles with a mile pace of 10:39. I was very excited!! :banana: So we're leaving for Walt Disney World on Saturday morning, right and Hurricane Wilma is supposed to hit sometime on Sunday. Great. We were booked at the Pop Century Saturday night, but Stephen booked us at the Dolphin so we'll have interior hallways, a lobby, and a little bit more room. We're supposed to check into the Beach Club Villas Sunday morning, I hope we can! :)

Lisa, Minnie, Terri, and everyone else nursing injuries--here's some pixie dust for you :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:. I hope you all can back in the game quickly. Lisa--Stephen swears by pool running, when he couldn't run for 6 weeks because of a knee injury, he did pool running every other day for 45 minutes. He is actually a much stronger runner and is fully convinced the pool running played a big part in that.

Bree--I know exactly what you mean about people like that guy and it annoys me to no end. It drives me nuts that I'm out there 4 times a week running and my PR for a 5K is around 35 minutes, yet there are people who get there with little to no training and finish much faster than me. I always say I wish I were just a few inches taller (I'm 5'1") so my stride would be longer and I could run faster! :teeth:

Carrie--That's a cute story about your husband. My tag says that I love Hines Ward, but Stephen knows that I love him more. :lovestruc

Cam--Good luck with your surgery. I hope the doctor's get everything and that it's not too serious.

I'd love to stay and chat longer, but my pillow is calling my name. Happy training everyone!!

Krista princess:


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