Week of Oct 23 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread


It's not only okay, I would strongly recommend it. You're training your body to do more than usual, so the process is work hard, work easy, and rest. Go ahead and walk the 5 on Saturday in your usual hard charging manner, I suppose about 15 minutes per mile. This is a great pace for Disney, keeping you well ahead of the sweeps, and you need to know the effort necessary to sustain this pace for a long distance.

Then on Sunday come out and do it again, trying to maintain the same pace. You'll be fighting tired legs, but that's no different than those last 3 miles of the half. This will give you a bit of practice with carrying your strong pace when you are a bit fatigued physically and mentally, which you'll need on January 7.

And . . . my 2nd nightmare about the WDW half and full last night. This time I missed several turns and had to go back about 2 miles to pick up the correct course and run over the sensor mats. I suspect I'll be having some type of weird dream regularly between now and then. Wonderful.

Good luck all

Thanks, Craig! I was looking for the official blessing on something that isn't covered in the MfM plan, so I really appreciate knowing it is not a big no-no.

Funny dream! I actually kind of lived something like that. On 9/18 I was doing a 5K and missed a turn. Another walker behind me yelled for me and caught me before I got too far off track. My vision is so bad that I couldn't see the markings on the ground without paying a lot of attention -- and I wasn't. And -- I was wearing my earphones so I was completely zoning, in my own world! :confused2: It's just ironic to me that accomplished athletes have these fears too! :hug:
The chiro worked on me once again last night and you guessed it, it still hasn't made a difference. I could just :sad1: at this point! He recommended taking Capatlex E (vitamin E) 3xs a day. Has anyone heard of this?

I don't know if I should try to get in with my regular DR and see if she can do anything or wait to see the PT this weekend?

I am panicking at this point as I could not do my LR last week nor have I run at all this week due to the pain :earseek:
I did interval training on the TM today. 6.6 miles total. 2 sets of 3 repeats of (.5 miles @ 7.5 mph with 90 sec recovery at 6.0 mph).
:confused3 CAn I whine/beg ofr advice?

My hip stil hurts. It got better afew mile into the run on Saturday, but I hobbled quite a bit Monday for 60 minutes. Better for the last half, but hurt like the dickens later. Nototo bad yesterday. Cross-trained last night and was careful not to hurt it. OK until lunch today and now it hurts to walk enough that I cannot hide my hobble.

I am torm btwn resting it while I have an "easy" 6 this week and being ready for next week or seeing what I can do. I was thinking of 10 minte rule tonight and not continuingif I hobble (that can't be good for the rest of me). If it hurts now, though, I can't see that it won't hurt then.

The pain is muscular (not joint) it seems to go from the side (back part of side) of my lower hip to the front. Any ideas? Am I just being a whimp? I'm afraid that I'll take time off and not be better next week. It's been on and off for a couple weeks now. Let me know if you have any thoughts. I know I'm lazy at heart, but I've also come so far that I do not want to lose steam. DOn't want to make anything worse either.
Lisa - many :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to you!

Minnie - :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to you too! You may want to see a doctor about this. It couldn't hurt! :confused3

Melissa - Striped gloves would excite me too! :rotfl:

Now my on going drama! Yesterday after my 4 mile run I looked @ my big toe and saw puss (Yuck) coming out of it. I have ingrown toenail problems. Anyway...called my Podiatric Doctor and he cut it out today. No running until at least Monday! :scared1: :faint: And no swimming until I go back on Nov 9th! :scared: :eek: :faint: However, Bree was a dear and ran a short LR with me this morning b/4 I went. Our pace was pretty good. Between 9:30 and 9:45. Would love to be able to do this 26.2 miles.

Christa - I have also had the toe nail drama!! I had one that came off by itself and then one that Phil (my husband) pulled off for me after giving me the big needle in the toe!!!! You know I must trust him to allow that! I went biking the next day, but I didn't really have any area of infection and the other toe nail was growing in already anyway! Dh has his ingrown ones "fixed" a couple of times per year so they won't hurt in his rock climbing shoes! He doesn't let me do it though???? That just doesn't seem fair. I'm not medical so maybe that is why!!!!! Did you Dr. put the acid on the nail bed so it doesn't grow back in? They did that to phil's, but they grew back in!!! I think next time, he may have them remove the bed in that small area so that part won't get ingrown again. What are you doing with yourself?????? You could as the MD if you can ride!!! They even make clipless pedal sandals (not that they would protect your feet if you crashed, but you would never crash! I wish I could find a throbbing toe gif to insert here for you! I'm going to look for one
Carrie - Seems like u and I have a similar problem. By any chance does it radiate on down your leg towards your knee? Mine comes and goes and today boy it has come! Just sitting here at my desk hurts like heck.

Good luck figuring out what the cause is. So far several chiro apts later I'm still in a ton of pain :confused3
Minnie said:
Carrie - Seems like u and I have a similar problem. By any chance does it radiate on down your leg towards your knee? Mine comes and goes and today boy it has come! Just sitting here at my desk hurts like heck.

Good luck figuring out what the cause is. So far several chiro apts later I'm still in a ton of pain :confused3
Sounds liek yours is worse. At its worst it kind of does that, but usually not when I'm just stiing still. Tehre's a local chiropractor that is a runner and has had olympic potentials as patients. I've been tempted to go see him

The coach (dh), just told me I'm going to rest and ice unitl Monday. Is it because he's tired of me whining? ;) I think I may do that and see how it feels Monday. Then, I'll think abouyt calling someone.

I hope they can get yours fixed soon Minnie!
Carrie & Minnie - I'm sending good thoughts your way. :) Hope you both find out what the cause is. I'm somewhat in the same boat. I've got a muscle strain in the quad area. It bothers me from the groin down to mid inner thigh. Doesn't bother me when I ride the bike or the elliptical, but when I try to run, the pounding really bothers me. Been like this for 3 weeks. Dr. gave me 800 mg motrin to take every night and said to ice it after every workout.
I gave myself an ice massage last night and the leg felt good this morning. By lunch time it was starting to kick up.
Ugh! It doesn't seem to be anything major, but it is SO annoying. I'm planning on staying with the non-weight bearing workouts and ice for another week, then next weekend I'm going to give it a try with a good old-fashioned wog.

Hope you both are feeling better soon!

Melissa - Thanks so much! I have had this done b/4 and it always grew back until I found this doctor. He is WONDERFUL and a runner. :cheer2: He did the other big toe and it never grew back so I went back to him with this one. My feet look :scared1: :scared1: though. :earseek: He did not care...said they did not look that bad with all the running and stuff I did. :rotfl2: RIGHT! Riding is fine so I guess I will do that.

Everyone send :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to my sweet DD5 princess:. She is having surgery tomorrow 0845. Has her 2nd Hernia (sp?). Has to be put to sleep and stuff so will be with her recovering all weekend. I am glad we can take care of this, but hate it all the same. She is my baby!

Christa -- I hope everything goes well for DD. Sending :hug: and :wizard:

Terri and Carrie -- wishing you a speedy recovery!

Lisa -- Are you home yet? Any news? How did things go?

I hope everyone who is supposed to be resting today is resting!
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Did I get enough for everyone? It seems to be a bad week.
Lisa, I hope you're back on your feet quickly but be careful about pushing too hard(spoken as the veteran of 3 major knee surgeries).

Christa, take care of your little princess and I hope your toe feels better.

Carrie, sounds like your "coach" probably has the right idea. Rest, ice, stretching, and anti-inflammatories could all be helpful as this point.

Minnie- radiating pain isn't good. I think you need to move on to a different level health care provider from the chiro. The rule of thumb for primary care physicians and sports injuries is if you can't fix it in 3 visits, refer the person to a specialist. I think you're at that point.

MelR- Good luck finding a babysitter. If you get to do the trail run, don't forget to count it for extra miles/time since truly running trails is more challenging than running on roads.(That's how I always justify the slower times anyway) If I didn't live so far away(and am going to be in DC this weekend anyway), I'd watch him for you but... He's actually got more climbing experience than I do because I've never done it outside the rock gym.

Did tempo run B today which called for 2 10 min tempo runs separated by 2 minutes walking. With warm up and cool down, did 4.75 miles in about 45 minutes. Not quite Sunny's pace but still okay considering.

Friday morning have a 6 am flight from Manchester NH to Dulles. The "Medical Management of Endurance Events" symposium sponsored by the American Medical Athletic Association runs Friday afternoon and then Saturday morning. Plan on getting my 6 mile Sat run in somewhere in northern VA by my classmate's uncle's house as he's hosting the poor medical students this weekend. We are then volunteering as medical providers at the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday. What a hardship :rolleyes: This is what interests me and why I put up with some of the stuff that sucks about medical school. These types of experiences provide the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tiff- That try a tri sounds good if you can't justify another Disney trip. Danskin events really are pretty special though so if you can do it...

Mom(NYcpa) did a try a tri in Ottawa a few years ago. You should ask her what she thought. I jumped right into doing sprint distances but the undergrad institution I attended right out of high school for 2 years had a swimming requirement so that had forced me to become reasonably competent at distance free. I had ran all 4 years of high school and raced bikes for that un-named institution in MD on the Chesapeake Bay. I wasn't great at any of the events but I could do all three and therefore became a triathlete.

Good luck training everyone and here's an extra dose of PD for anyone I missed.
Ackkk! I just spent $117 for our not so free sport. I ordered a jacket, wind pants, tights, and a pair of gloves from Sierra Trading Post and they are all Illuminite so I really didn't do too bad. After the time change this weekend, I will almost certainly be running after dark a couple days a week so it was kind of a necessary purchase. I have a reflective vest but now the pants, etc will be reflective too in big huge areas rather than just little bitty logos. So the new stuff kills 2 birds, warm stuff for cold weather and reflective for safety. A guy in the neighborhood at home would run pre-dawn and if you were lucky you might see the reflective patches on his shoes. Not safe, I don't want to be him as car-person doesn't tend to end well for the person. Mom and I always looked for him prior to backing out of the drive to go to work in the morning.

Cam- Have you talked to the admissions office where she wants to go to school? Maybe some of her other qualities such as grades and activities offset a SAT score that she isn't happy with. PD for the best possible outcome.
I posted this on Jan 11, 2005 in an innocent little thread called "Anyone ready to start training for next year's marathon? "

chimera said:
So it is possible to walk it?? I walk 3mph now...having a hard time imagining that I'll be able to walk faster that far. I guess that's what training's for!

I walk 2 miles every other day now. If I can increase that by 1 mile each month, I should be fairly well on track by Nov, then can work on increasing speed. Does that sound reasonable to those of you that have done this before? Or should I work on increasing speed, then distance??

Tonight was 3.88 miles at avg pace of 14:34 (and much better consistency). Kinda fun to look back and see where I was when it all began :blush:

As for the free-ness of this sport, I'm asking Santa for gift certificates from roadrunnersports.com and Target for running stuff, other clothing stores since I'm outgrowing my old stuff ;)
Lynn - I FOUND A BABYSITTER!!!!! I am not really worried about my pace this weekend. I have only done 2 previous trail runs. They were a 25k and a 21 miler. The 21 miler took about 4:38 but it had some big hills and some single track. I also had big fallen trees across the trail. This one has a post that it is not for trail newbies (which of course is me) but I'm going anyway bc I'm doing it with my friends and it is free!!!!! It is 15 miles, which is my LR distance this week. I think the trail has a ton of ups and downs and at one point we actually run through a waterfall. It is an old stagecoach trail. I am thinking about taking my camera just to get pics of the leaves and the views!!! I have the Illuminite tights and I decided that they were mostly a dud!! They didn't ever really look that reflective to me. I sometimes put a blinking bike light on my back. I think they even make small ones for runners. You could always go for the ultra cool look and wear a headlamp. I think they have them a Wal-mart for 10bucks!

Lisa - Hope to hear an update soon!!
Lisa-good luck with your surgery. I hope you have a quick recovery. As good a shape as you are in I'm sure it will be.

Minnie-I agree with other on switching Dr's. Since you havent seen any improvement at all. I am so sorry you are going thru this. :grouphug:

Mel-It is cool to see how far we've come. Yesterday for my SR I had to cut it short to go get DS but I did 2 miles 14:06 pace. I couldn't have done that even a month ago! Imagine where we'll be in January. I just want to be comfortable enough with the pace so I can have fun, enjoy my surroundings & take a few character pics (who ever thought I would actually look forward to taking pics while I'm all sweaty)

MelR- I'm glad you found a babysitter. You are my hero with all these adventure races & stuff you do!

Christa- :wizard: for your DD. I know what its like having your kid go into surgery. It is definately nerveracking.

Carrie & Terri- you guys get better soon too!


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