Week of Oct 9 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

WHen I get all of my ducks in a row, I will post on this thread in bold and post on the Shirt thread at the very least. If you posted on either of the previous shirt polls, I will pm you if I do not hear from you. After today, things should get a little lighter for me and I will crunch numbers, get final costs and give final time lines.
Mel, thanks for the name of the book,I believe I saw it yesterday at B&N.It will make good reading material while I'm still nursing this muscle strain(very frustrating,I injured it 2 weeks ago doing some speed work :guilty: ) Not gonna let it stop me though,once I get this frustrated it lights a fire under my butt! Although I am running the full,my 18 yo daughter is running the 1/2,will I be able to meet her at the finish and anywhere along the route to cheer her on?(Im not sure if the finish is in the park or the parking lot)I will have a car,is there anywhere I can meet up with her along the route? :sunny: One more question.Do we use the restrooms in the park should the need arise? :blush: Thanks for all your help everyone,happy training :sunny:
Well I survived my first weekday 5AM run. It was not very much fun. Pitch black, rainy, wet leaves and pine needles everywhere, ankle deep puddles I couldn't see to avoid in the dark. So I'm thinking I need to get me one of those "head lights" like Mel had for her Adventure race. But returning home before 6AM and being wide awake and already exercised was great! I'll probably fall asleep at my desk, though :faint:

As far as screen names on the shirts-- I believe everyone would be responsible for their own shirts on that, it costs $70 per screen set up and I doubt anyone wants to pay that for one shirt!!!!!! I am pretty sure you can have an iron transfer made and iron on your own (but I don't know how well that would work and if the shirts can handle iron heat, etc.). I might try researching it a bit.

eeyoresmom said:
Mel, thanks for the name of the book,I believe I saw it yesterday at B&N.It will make good reading material while I'm still nursing this muscle strain(very frustrating,I injured it 2 weeks ago doing some speed work :guilty: ) Not gonna let it stop me though,once I get this frustrated it lights a fire under my butt! Although I am running the full,my 18 yo daughter is running the 1/2,will I be able to meet her at the finish and anywhere along the route to cheer her on?(Im not sure if the finish is in the park or the parking lot)I will have a car,is there anywhere I can meet up with her along the route? :sunny: One more question.Do we use the restrooms in the park should the need arise? :blush: Thanks for all your help everyone,happy training :sunny:

The finish line for both the 1/2 and the full marathon is in the EPCOT parking lot. There are port-a-potties located along the race route. In addition, the rest rooms are open inside the parks and at the Transportation and Ticket Center near the Magic Kingdom.
Minnie said:
I was in MAJOR PAIN this evening during my run. My sciatic starting acting up with a piercing pain in the section below my hip and at the panty line in the front. The pain continued down into the right side of my knee. My upper thigh area was also throbbing but it didn't have the piercing pain as with the others.

I was able to finish my wog at an okay pace but had to drop back to a walk because any running at all brought the pain back severely.

I've been to the chiropractor with little success. Any suggestions?????????

Minnie, sometimes after I have pulled all my tricks out my bag to help an injury, I go see a massage therapist. They are so good to just loosen everything up and sometimes diagnose the problem. It works for me because my muscles get so tight even though I stretch and stretch and stretch some more. I usually have to go twice in 3 or 4 days and it really seems to help. He/she should be able to give you exercises or stretches to help the problem.

Yes, too bad about the weather at WDW last weekend. It's almost worse to hear that it's usually much nicer and less humid. Last night I was able to do something I could not do on Sunday; run a relaxed, strong, and even 10K. It was cold and raining, so I was on the College's indoor track. My plan was somewhere between 4 and 5, but I felt strong, so did 10,000 meters. Needless to say I felt redemption after Sunday's flop.

Regarding those powder blue San Diego Chargers' home uniforms, easily the best looking uniform in North American professional sports. They are the classics from the original AFL, matched with the stark white helmets with the lightning bolt and number on the sides. I don't understand why the team doesn't junk those horrible navy blue things from the 1980's. Retro is cool.

For Everyone Who Is Concerned That The Sweeper Will Get You, I have thought of some hints to give you a few more minutes and increase your change of getting to the finish successfully.

1. Hydrate the night before, lots of water and non-caffinated drinks, maybe one beer or glass of wine, but no more. When you wake up don't drink much, little sips, but little coffee and don't drink lots of juice. You should already be hydrated, so shouldn't need to fill up in the early morning.

2. Do not start at the very end (as previously posted). Do not start at the front or in the middle either, remember the serious runners will blow out at the start and they aren't very forgiving to walkers or slow movers. Seriously, you could get pushed, knocked over, etc. It happens. Fine, avoid that bunch, but get into the starting corrals in an area that you feel comfortable in, that is in the back half, but not at the back. You'll save a few minutes vs. the sweeper here.

3. Start at your target pace. You've trained and know what, say 15 minute miles, feel like. You cannot start slowly, warm up, and hit that stride. You need to be there right away. Of course, you need to hold this pace for the entire distance, so you must concentrate every minute. If you let your mind wander into the ethernet you may slow down and not be aware of it.

4. Start your watch when you go under the starting banner, and carefully monitor each mile. Some watches will show you each mile split, others don't so you need to calculate it in your head. If you hit mile 2 in 30:20, then be looking for mile 3 in about 45:30. Sooner and you've picked up pace, later and you've slipped. A slower mile can be corrected right away if you are tracking each mile's pace. The mile markers are big, tall, and whimsical. You'll have no trouble seeing them. Use them to make sure each and every mile is what you need.

5. Keep moving. Moving along with others doing the same pace is great, it makes the distance go faster and you pull each other along. Having said that, if your "group" begins to slow down, you must say goodbye and keep your pace. You cannot afford to slow down with them. You've worked too hard to get to the finish to put yourself in danger of getting swept. Helping others is great, but don't let others slow your pace. In this case it is all about me.

6. Don't stop EVER. And I mean EVER. At the water stops, slide over to the tables, get your drink, and drink while walking. You don't need to drink huge volumes at the stops anyway. Drink down your little cup while walking, and then get back to your target pace right away.

7. Bathroom breaks are to be avoided at all costs. Yes, when you gotta go you gotta go. Thus avoid coffee in the morning. A sure way to get swept is to spend time standing in line during the race, and then emptying the tanks. If you've been prudent with fluids in the early morning you'll be fine. The danger of this year's half course is the first real bathrooms you'll see are probably at mile 5.5, inside the Magic Kingdom, in tomorrow land. Guaranteed there will be a line there. If you have to go, wait until you are in Frontierland. There are bathrooms on the left between the Diamond Horseshoe Review and the Shooting Gallery. These will hopefully be non-line facilities, as all will stop at the first bathroom. If you come across a port-a-potty with no line, fine. Unfortunately, the probability of that is close to zero.

8. Be efficient in your course. This means do not take wide corners. At first in the crowds you will be forced to stay wide on some, tight on others, but after the crowd thins out, save valuable steps. You need to take the shortest possible route whenever possible. If you're on a sweeping curve, you want to act just like a race car. Start high, follow a straight line to the bottow of the curve, then follow a straight line to the top. Effectively you are running tangents instead of arcs. The distance saved over 13.1 or 26.2 miles on a turning and twisty course like WDW is huge.

I suppose this sounds like the rantings of a compulsive-obsessive personality (guilty :rotfl2: ), but if you can save yourself an average of just 6.5 minutes over the half then you've bought yourself 30 seconds per mile of cushion.

My last bit of advice paraphrases the pre-show to Soarin' (the gentleman who is the voice of Kronk in Emporer's New Groove), have fun. The training is the work. The race is the fun.

If anyone has other hints and tricks, please post them.

plutosmyfav said:
As far as screen names on the shirts-- I believe everyone would be responsible for their own shirts on that, it costs $70 per screen set up and I doubt anyone wants to pay that for one shirt!!!!!! I am pretty sure you can have an iron transfer made and iron on your own (but I don't know how well that would work and if the shirts can handle iron heat, etc.). I might try researching it a bit.


Team in Training does washable puffy paint--this works very well!
Calcio said:

For Everyone Who Is Concerned That The Sweeper Will Get You, I have thought of some hints to give you a few more minutes and increase your change of getting to the finish successfully.

If anyone has other hints and tricks, please post them.


An add on to the start at your race pace...

Use the waiting time as your warm--up--walk around the parking lot (you'll walk from the busses)...walk around while listening to the band)...you'll be walking to the corral...perhaps use this as a very light time to wog a little just for warming up...do some jumping jacks or marching in place in the corral...and then once everyone starts moving...do your best to hit the ground running or walking at your pace. :flower:

Coach recommended, tested tried and true...do the potty line exercise: Stand in line, pee, repeat....do this 3-4 times....visit again on the walk to the corral. Do this even if you do not have to go. Sit and you will find that you do have to go. This helps to prevents sudden--gotta pee now problems while in the corral and in the first few miles.

If you gotta go--you gotta go, but whatever you do do NOT do NOT do NOT DO NOT stop at the first potties at the first water stop....precious minutes will be lost and this are the only ones with a line!
(well--a big long line anyway).
Visited the chiropractor today for the knees and while I was there got a tune up on the spine for which it was truly grateful :).

The knees---the GOOD news..he had me try somethings...and since I could do them, the chances of a serious knee problem are slim to none. YEAH! He adjusted the knees. Has no clue what the puffiness is...it could be as simple as I'm just getting fat knees. Oh joy! NOT!

Went to sports authority to donate more money to this industry! Hah!

Bought a life preserver as I had read that will help keep me upright completely for deep water running. since my one size fits all jogging belt does not fit (grrrr!)...when i saw this suggestion I jumped on it. Unfortunately I had to pay $40 b/c it was the only small size (everything else was XXL or oversized). The good news is, I didn't have to by the $100 vests. Not like I'm taking up water skiing as a sport!

I have 2 weeks to make a decision for the full or the half...so hopefully I will get in some good medical advice to make the proper decision.

Toodles--time to play in the pool!
HEY calcio--it might be just that time to start a race day tips thread....that way all the tips will be in one place, and everyone can do their best to start practicing them.

Sunny - wearing a headlamp will only make you cooler than you already are!!!! They have pretty inexpensive ones at Wal-Mart in the sporting goods section. It is nice to move and have light hands-free. The problem is that you will find new needs for it and you will be caught working out in your yard in the evening with a flashlight on your head! :rotfl2: I'm sure the IC would love to have you running in the early morning darkness with a light on your head

I did a 3 mile run on monday and am resting for the remainder of the week as we have an adventure race saturday (it starts somewhere bet. 3 and 5 am!) I have not been on my mountain bike since the last adventure race but I think it should be fine. I can't imagine them having more than 6 miles of single track. I don't think it is going to hurt me too badly anyway because I think my rear is still numb from the 100 miles on my skinny road bike seat this past weekend!!!!!
MelRhoads said:
Sunny - wearing a headlamp will only make you cooler than you already are!!!! They have pretty inexpensive ones at Wal-Mart in the sporting goods section. It is nice to move and have light hands-free. The problem is that you will find new needs for it and you will be caught working out in your yard in the evening with a flashlight on your head! :rotfl2: I'm sure the IC would love to have you running in the early morning darkness with a light on your head

Yes, I already thought about it. If the family caught me running with a light fixed to my head they'd have me committed for sure :rotfl: Luckily there aren't too many people out gawking at 5AM!!!! But the yard workouts could be tempting...

Good luck on your next adventure :wizard:
wtpclc said:
regarding shirts - There is some question as to how to handle 2006 WDW Marathon/Half Marathon.

1. We cannot have "Disney" on there. Not sure about WDW. Any thoughts?
2. The set-up fees are ~$70 per screen. Having 2 different screens (one for half, one for full) per back may be alittle more pricey. I'll try to run numbers based on teh responses so far and let you know this week. However, if you have a great idea on how to handle that, I'd appreciate it!
I have a quick question about the shirts. Will there be a Goofy too? I am only getting 1 shirt. Others may not want a goofy b/c of $$, but it would be nice to have that option. Maybe do a poll or something.

Melissa & Sunny - Bree and I sometimes start our runs around 0300 or 0400 so the head lamp really seems like a cool idea. Every Evil Queen needs one.

Melissa - :wizard: sent to you on your bike race!

Advice on potty breaks and stopping - For the Marathon last year and the year b/4 there were plenty of them b/4 and during the race. I used the potty many time and never had to wait in line. Always go to the last port-a-jon, they are the least crowded. Don't go in the parks. they are very crowded...I know this from using them in 2004. As you will see, the woods are always an option too. :rolleyes: Bree and I also stopped to take lots of pictures too. We were way ahead of the sweepers. So I guess if you are near the sweeping time, don't stop to do this.
WARNING: Stupid story time - I did a 1/2 November 2004 (to get in a higher corral @ WDW2005). It was @ one of the YMCAs down town and there were not port-a-jons. I had to pee VERY BAD! I never got to. I started running and by the time I found a jon, I was ahead of schedule and did not want to stop. I did PR that day and got into a higher corral. I think @ the end, I was running to the potty and not to the finish line. That may have made me go faster. :rotfl:

Sunny - You signed up fo a 1/2 on march 11? Cool! I am trying my 1st Tri that day. Cannot sign up until Jan 1st though. Send me :wizard: :wizard: to get in. My sis may do it with me.

We are getting so close! :hourglass
gatorphipps said:
I have a quick question about the shirts. Will there be a Goofy too? I am only getting 1 shirt. Others may not want a goofy b/c of $$, but it would be nice to have that option. Maybe do a poll or something.
Right now Sunny's design just says WDW MArathon Weekend Jan 7 and 8, not exact, but you get the drift. I'll add that to my number crunching and let you know. My world should be right-side up tomorrow. (I hope.) :confused3
If anyone is still interested in joining us and didn't get a chance to vote in the original poll, please post to the Marathon Dinner thread. We may have some extra seats available!
Did my first tempo run on the MFM plan tonight and discovered when I got back and looked at the pace chart I was cruising over 1 minute/mile faster than I should have been. Ooops. I knew it felt kind of hard but I attributed that to the weekend at the World, exams yesterday and today, not running since the half oct 2, and oh yeah 20+ mph winds.

Someone from the Coastal Carolinas posted what they wouldn't give for a nice cool clear New England day. We've had exactly one so far this year in coastal Maine and that was the day a group of us rode 50 miles so we actually started out in either arm warmers or long sleeve jerseys. The weather is especially hard to take after spending the weekend in Orlando.

Mom and I walked the Race for the Cure. We didn't see crzy4pooh but as she posted there were over 5000 people there. They delayed the start of the race 10 minutes because of late arrivals just like Craig/calcio said they did the next morning for Race for the Taste. We had to get there early to do packet pickup as United had tried stranding us at Washington Dulles so we got in later Friday than we had expected. We got up at 0430 Friday morning because we were told to give at least and hour for security and the flight was scheduled to leave at 0605. They boarded the plane, started taxiing and then the pilot announced we were no. 2 for departure to IAD but there were some delays due to weather there. It then became a ground stop in washington so we parked and sat at the end of the taxiway for an hour. Okay, ground stop, everything should be delayed and that was the assurance being given as we headed into DC. We hit the ground at 0818 and our connected left ON TIME at 0825. Customer service for United at the airport then put us( and over 30 others that we knew about) on standby for a full 1220 flight. The first seats they could guarantee us were on Sat. I was not a happy camper as we had tickets for MNSSHP for that evening. So I called United customer service and that person got us confirmed seats on a US Air flight leaving at 1:10 going to Charlotte and we would hit Orlando at about 5:30. We would have missed our ADR for LTT but still made most of that party so I said we would take it. We thought we had plenty of time to kill so we went over to the terminal(Z) for the Charlotte flight to get our boarding passes printed. The only US Air staff there were working on boarding a flight to Pittsburgh. I explained what I needed and why and this is where it got surreal.

They figured the person count for the puddle jumper at 28 out of 32 seats and were going to close the doors. Apparently while this was being done the rep was doing some magic finger thing because we're suddenly being told to that since we have our luggage(carry ons for short trips) to go get on the plane. No boarding passes, unsure of the flight number we were switching to in Pitt or when it left. We landed in Pitt at 1103, rapidly discovered that the flight number was 459(not the 439 I thought she had told us as we were being pushed out the door to the plane)
and that it was scheduled to depart at 1120 from the other end of a different terminal. Airport sprint number 2 of the day(we had tried catching the earlier United flight). We walk(okay ran) up to gate with me arriving first, I hand over my driver's license and sure enough we're listed on the manifest and she had the boarding passes printed by the time mom and erin arrive. It was 1108. We even had exit row seating with leg room and were in Orlando before 2, checked in at OKW, and headed to the parks shortly after 3. This is the second time in 2 trips to Disney that US Air has saved the day for us because they had our tickets flagged for the july trip due to the flight being delayed and we would have missed our connector. They put erin and I on an earlier flight that we had to sweet talk TSA to make but actually got us home over an hour earlier. We were already ticketed to fly back to Hartford on US Air and I think that in the future I may make a point of booking on them(we're already booked on Air Tran for X-mas and Delta-uhoh for the marathon). US Air really saved the day on Friday as we made both the MNSSHP and our LTT ADR. Enough of my transportation rant.

Sunny- I love the shirt design. I like that we'll be in a more unique color as we couldn't find crzy4pooh in 5000 so we talked about how much worse it will be with 14000-15000 people.

Question time: how do the corrals work? I forget what race and time I used for a seed time so I'm wondering if I should send the time from the half Oct 2. I know I'm not going to run a Boston time but I still want to finish in the 4-4:30 range so I want to make sure I don't end up in the last corral. Also what about if you want to run with a pace group(the Clif people) that is faster than the corral you get put into? Are the corrals just suggestion or are they enforced?
Sounds like everyone is chugging right along. I've been derailed by an unexpected root canal, but expect to be contributing shortly.

Anyone seen the info on the inaugural Minnie Marathon Weekend. Looks like my daughter (11) and I will be spending some Mommy and me time together doing a 15K in WDW come May.
xterratri said:
Question time: how do the corrals work? I forget what race and time I used for a seed time so I'm wondering if I should send the time from the half Oct 2. I know I'm not going to run a Boston time but I still want to finish in the 4-4:30 range so I want to make sure I don't end up in the last corral. Also what about if you want to run with a pace group(the Clif people) that is faster than the corral you get put into? Are the corrals just suggestion or are they enforced?

You can call to see if you can resubmit--my understanding is the time you submit is the one you get...and you have to provide proof. Sub 5:30 requires proof. I would call immediately and find out what you need to do. Submitting a proof-required time without the proof places you in the last corral :(.

self-destructed message..but it's quoted below...so that messed up my point of posting that it would self destruct.
disneybelle said:
Sounds like everyone is chugging right along. I've been derailed by an unexpected root canal, but expect to be contributing shortly.

Anyone seen the info on the inaugural Minnie Marathon Weekend. Looks like my daughter (11) and I will be spending some Mommy and me time together doing a 15K in WDW come May.

Yes--I would LOVE to do this! (The minnie..not the root canal. ;))


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