weight gain?


Earning My Ears
Feb 28, 2006
So after being on the dining plan? Did you gain any weight? Or had your fitness level increased because of all the walking?

Let me hear from those who already work out regularly and did not do any cardio other than walking and swimming at WDW during your trip
Yup, gained two pounds. I was a little disappointed because I had just lost 7. But I definitely wasn't eating as many salads as I do regularly. But it all tasted good!
We were there last week w/the DDP and I actually lost a lb. I did not eat the full CS meals (for example, if I ate a hamburger - I would eat 1/2 or without the bun) and we tried to find sandwiches when possible. Also, we shared several TS meals and skipped some snacks/desserts. I still ate some snacks/desserts - but I think we walked so much that I was able to eat more than usual and not gain weight. It's since we're home that I really need to watch...have not been walking as much. I really need to start working out on a regular basis. Both DH and I were talking about how great we felt at Disney - between eating well and walking miles each day!!

Last year I started walking 2+ miles 3 or 4 times a week in preparation for our walking at WDW. At WDW we were on the dining plan and stayed for a week. I gained 2 lbs but I wasn't upset. I totally indulged and tried a lot of appetizers and desserts that I wouldn't have normally tried.

We went in 2000 and I gained close to 10 lbs on that trip and we weren't on any dining plan. I think the difference was that on that trip I ate a lot more junk food (cheaper and sit down restaurants w/ healthier offerings). With the dining plan I had more salads and overall made better dining choices.
I havent been on the dining plan but I fit your description of working out regularly (daily) at home, and not on vacation. I always gain about 1 lb per day of my trips. I will be on the dining plan for our next trip and I anticipate about the same.
I haven't done the Dining Plan yet, but when I went to Lousiana for just a long weekend (4 days) I put on 10 lbs. This was because the food was so different than what I normally ate (Cajun/Creole vs American haha). I think that you can put on weight on the Dining plan. But you don't have to eat all the food you get. I know that's hard to not do. But you don't have to eat your entire app or entree. But regardless, you're on vacation and your worries shouldn't be on putting on weight.

Edit: I'm not sure when you are going. But my exercise routine will be a 2 mile walk, 20 min pilates, and a lil bit of weight lifting (just my arms). I will be doing the dining plan. So if you are going after I am, I will be more than happy to let you know how it went.
Gained 4 lbs over 10 days. I work out a lot, so walking around the parks with no extra workouts (fitness center in resort?? who uses those?????) is probably a decrease in my activity level.
My wife and I still can't agree upon whether to add the dining plan to our upcoming trip - and it is totally about weight issues.

She says that it is too much food - she's right, especially since we both love to eat and have will-power problems when food is right in front of us.

I like too much food, and I like a good deal. Plus, if we're on the dining plan we'll try some new restaurants that we normally wouldn't splurge on.

My wife is a teacher and wakes up every morning to work out from 5 - 6:15 AM. I typically work out 3-4 times a week plus play basketball or tennis 2-3 times a week, though I've been slowed by recent hand surgery (basketball injury). WDW trips definitely represent a drop in activity level for us.

If I'm successful in convincing DW we should do the dining plan I'll let you know how much weight we gain. I predict 5-7 lbs. each.
We just got back and I gained 10 lbs, and my wife gained 8. Man it was worth it though. :goodvibes
We spent 10 days there over Spring Break. We were not on the dining plan because it looked like we would spend more money on it than just dining where we wanted to. Also, we thought it would be too much food -- too much of a temptation for those of us who like to eat.

My husband and I both lost 5 pounds!

Glad we didn't over-eat on the plan. We always eat TS, but never order an App, Entree, and Dessert. I think it is too much food (and this from people who eat alot).

Just my opinion, but we definitely wont be doing the DDP when we go back next year.
Not sure what's in sweat, but I know it doesn't weigh anything...

My Dh and I are both walkers at WDW. We run in real life so all the walking we do there is "cake" -- as my 10yo would say.

Speaking of cake -- I ate a lot of it. So did DH. We both gained 3 lbs on the DDP.

But we're doing it again in January! :thumbsup2
It IS a ton of food. I haven't done the DDP but did gain 2 lbs last year on our trip. I was watching what I ate and expected to gain more.

After I got home, I wished I had tried more stuff 'cause I had gained only 2 lbs... ah...
Thanks for everyone's responses! For those of you yet to go on your trip keep me posted on how it goes. I understand it is a vacation but I do not want to become a slave to the food.
Dh and I gained about 2 pounds each last year, but quickly lost it once we came home and resumed regular eating patterns. We both work out regularly at home, 5 days a week. When we go to Disney, we really like to pack in as much as possible. We walk and walk and walk. So, although we were eating more than we do at home, we were also walking far more than we do at home. We work out an hour a day here, but we walked hours and hours a day in Disney. So, we practically broke even.

Go and enjoy. Don't stuff yourself. For example, when we ate at some table service restaurants, I didn't even order dessert because I was so full. I just didn't worry about the fact that it was "paid for" already. I'd rather feel good, than stuff something down my throat just because it's already paid for!!!

Have fun!
I will add that currently I just walk about a mile a day (I'm trying to increase it to 2 miles, we'll see how long that lasts), so no matter what I do in WDW I will be walking more than I ever do. I also set my target weight loss to 120 so that way if I put on 10 lbs while I'm there is ok! HAHA. No matter what I do, even if we didn't get the dining plan I would be eating more calories than I eat now. The dining plan is my reward to myself for a diet well done. HAHA
Just got back from 9 days and I didn't gain a pound :banana: I usually walk/workout 3 days a week at home. We had the DDP, but I didn't eat all of the food that was placed in front of me. There were four of us (2 kids, 2 adults). We usually all split appetizers (or the girls would get there own if they had kid ones) and desserts. We each had our own main meals to eat.

I will say this, we walked a lot while at Disney - much more than I do at home. Plus, it was around 95 each day (much hotter than I thought) and we barely had any drinks besides water or diet coke.

For me, I thought the DDP was a great way to go - we saved a lot of money and ate at places we would usually not go to, like Le Cellier. That meal alone was around $155, plus we had CS that day for about $43. Well worth it for us.

We've done the DDP twice now and surprisingly (at least to use) we did not gain weight. :thumbsup2 But then with all the walking and swimming we did I guess it wasn't that surprising. Also we frequently shared meals so we didn't overstuff ourselves.


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