Weird and Ninja’s Pre-Disneymoon [Completed!]

That is one store I haven't noticed the theming in yet. Can't wait to look next time I'm there! :thumbsup2
Love the update! The train is so great. It's neat to get different perspectives in WDW and really notice all the little things/touches. Those crowds look crazy! :scared1:

I love the Briar Patch store. It's always the place I would want to live if I lived inside WDW, along with about 1,000 other places :laughing:.

I really need to get into Kingdom Keepers!
Isn't it funny how KK just makes you look at everything differently now? I love that you got a good pic of the teepee area. I still haven't read the 4th KK, but I can't wait!

Aw, love that you mentioned my munchkin with the Jessie pic. I still have quite a few more days to make it through before I get there. Seriously though, she loves Jessie!
I'm so glad you posted your pictures from the train tour. That is something we don't do very much, but I really enjoy because there are so many things to see; and some things you can see from a different the Big Thunder or Splash Mountain scenes. It's just so neat how Disney puts so much into everything!
That is one store I haven't noticed the theming in yet. Can't wait to look next time I'm there! :thumbsup2

Always something new to see! I haven't really explored Main Street. I keep saying I will, but we never do!

Love the update! The train is so great. It's neat to get different perspectives in WDW and really notice all the little things/touches. Those crowds look crazy! :scared1:

I love the Briar Patch store. It's always the place I would want to live if I lived inside WDW, along with about 1,000 other places :laughing:.

I really need to get into Kingdom Keepers!

Howard and I are talking about our Disneymoon, and I said, "If we're doing EMH stuff [we're not used to that since we've never stayed on Disney property], we're going to have to take naps ... you know, Carousel of Progress, the train, Universe of Energy ..." Haha, so great views, but also a great place to close your eyes!

YES YES YES! KK is great! Even though it's not fantastic literature (I'd never be able to use it in school unfortunately, haha), the plot is so cool and fun!

Isn't it funny how KK just makes you look at everything differently now? I love that you got a good pic of the teepee area. I still haven't read the 4th KK, but I can't wait!

Aw, love that you mentioned my munchkin with the Jessie pic. I still have quite a few more days to make it through before I get there. Seriously though, she loves Jessie!

KK1 was the only one that Howard read, so he actually understood the teepee part!

Your munchkin makes a cute lil' Jessie herself!

I'm so glad you posted your pictures from the train tour. That is something we don't do very much, but I really enjoy because there are so many things to see; and some things you can see from a different the Big Thunder or Splash Mountain scenes. It's just so neat how Disney puts so much into everything!

I think the Thunder Mountain "scenes" are the absolute best part of the train ride! In the video that I posted a few updates earlier, you can see that I tried to get it on camera, but it was too fast! I know there have to be tons of details there that we're missing!
Wednesday, April 7: Bird Bottoms and Singing Walls

What type of picture do you like more? Do you like it when you see people on the ride enjoying it and having a ball like this one?


Or do you like it when the picture doesn't have any people in it at all like this one? Haha, I know that's a random question, but I just thought of that as I was going through Weird's pics and figuring out which one to post!


As you can see, we bypassed Splash Mountain, but we promised to return when our FP were available!


Instead, we headed to Adventureland! I don't know if it's just me, but Adventureland is really difficult to navigate. Haha, I don't really know why. I think it's because I feel that it's odd that you go under the roof thingie to get from Frontierland to Adventureland, and it's like you're being thrown right in the middle of it. We always transition this way, so I'm always confused!


We passed by Pirates of the Caribbean for the time being due to a long line. It's strange how POTC either has a long line or a very short line. It's like people arrive there in sporadic crowds!


I did explain to Weird that these decoration thingies could be seen from both Adventureland and Frontierland, so that's why they made them look like this. They fit into both lands because they could either be ... um, one sort of animal or another ... haha. I'd look it up, but it's late!


Our destination was actually the Enchanted Tiki Room. Haha. We didn't actually plan to go see this, but we were exhausted and wanted a break from the crowds! AGH! I can't wait to be a resort guest and have EMH! That's why Sarah and her dad who were there at the same time as us didn't have to deal with crowds.


The show was about to start, so we actually missed the pre-show. Oh well!


We saw tons of birds.


We also saw bird bottoms.


We saw the tiki god. This is what I wanted Weird to see because I had described it to him ... or maybe I didn't describe it to him. I don't remember. But all I know is that that tiki god rising up from the center when you're unaware can be quite frightening!


I was afraid of the tiki god (I don't like sitting in the first row!).


All I know is that she just comes up and says, "Who dares ... something something ..." Haha. You can watch this video if you're curious to know.

We saw that the walls and columns had faces on them that sang along to the songs too! I was scared.


We saw more bottom.


We saw plants singing!


And we saw Iago and HEARD his annoying voice. Isn't it so grating?


Of course, those following Disney news know that they're reverting back to the old Tiki Room show. Did you know Walt Disney initially came up with this concept for a restaurant? But it would've been difficult trying to do all of the singing and whatnot for the birds to last the duration of a meal, so it was made into an attraction instead.

Okay, there might've been an actual reason as to why we wanted to go see this show. I read in the Hidden Magic book (or some other book; I've lost track!) that if you hang around in the room until everyone has exited, you can hear Iago say that he's going to go over to the Hall of Presidents to take a nap! Well, we hung around for a while (a CM was in there sweeping up; I didn't know if she'd tell us to leave, but I'm sure she had to have known what we were waiting for!), and WE HEARD IT! So that was a super exciting and fun thing that I could check off on my WDW "bucket list of hidden magic secrets"! Glad we got a chance to hear it before it was changed back!
haha, I kind of like the pictures where you can see people on the ride. :)

I remember reading that about the Tiki Room originally going to be a restaurant. It's so interesting reading all the Disney books and hearing about the early plans and things that changed along the way (like how POTC was supposed to be walkthrough museum type attraction!). I think the last time we did the Tiki Room was in May '08. We'll have to go back to see it restored to its original glory.

As a sort of random comment but not really because you are mentioning them, I am so glad you told me abou the KK books when we met. They're so much fun. I can't believe I never got them before you asked me if I had read them!
I am caught up on your other tr, so thought I would start on this one now!
I am only on your trip down, but looks like a fun ride!
Hopefully I will find some more time this week to finish reading!
I never knew that about hanging around after the Tiki Room show! We've been in there twice and always head straight out when it's over. Too bad we can't listen for it when we go back. :upsidedow
haha, I kind of like the pictures where you can see people on the ride. :)

I remember reading that about the Tiki Room originally going to be a restaurant. It's so interesting reading all the Disney books and hearing about the early plans and things that changed along the way (like how POTC was supposed to be walkthrough museum type attraction!). I think the last time we did the Tiki Room was in May '08. We'll have to go back to see it restored to its original glory.

As a sort of random comment but not really because you are mentioning them, I am so glad you told me abou the KK books when we met. They're so much fun. I can't believe I never got them before you asked me if I had read them!

I love both! I love ride pictures so much. They're harder to get than just scenery.

I don't think I would've heard about KK either until my student mentioned it to me and insisted I read it! It was only when I fell and injured my coccyx and was stuck at home for days that I had a chance to just lie there in bed unable to move much and read, haha.

I am caught up on your other tr, so thought I would start on this one now!
I am only on your trip down, but looks like a fun ride!
Hopefully I will find some more time this week to finish reading!

Yay, so glad to have you here! I have to get back to this one ... it was from such a long time ago!

I never knew that about hanging around after the Tiki Room show! We've been in there twice and always head straight out when it's over. Too bad we can't listen for it when we go back. :upsidedow

I was so happy that we had a chance to hear it especially since it's not going to be there any longer. I should've recorded it with my camera.
Wednesday, April 7: For the Love of Air Conditioned Shows!

Boy, it's been a while since I've been on this TR. I should get a move on it! The last thing I updated was about the Enchanted Tiki Room, which is entirely changed now that they restored it back to the original show. We wandered around Adventureland just for a bit and enjoyed the scenery.


These look like cool, personalized souvenirs.


Have you ever tried playing this? I'd probably be horrible at it.


Have you ever tried taking a nap here? Haha, I think I'd be good at it. Or maybe not. Maybe I'd be too worried that someone would take a picture of me!




We passed by the Diamond Horseshoe on the way to our next destination.


It was the Hall of Presidents! My mom wanted to see the show, and we were getting really tired of the crowds and the sun, so it was the perfect time for an AC-ed break.


Looks like a lot of people had the same idea.


We were able to find seats, so I took one of those one-handed shots.


When I looked at it, I was like, "It doesn't look like we're at the Hall of Presidents" so we tried taking it again.


Haha, Howard was being silly, so we did it one more time.


Once we had cooled off for a bit, we took out Matt's Hidden Mickey book and tried looking for those in the waiting area. There was one that was at the tip of George Washington's sword.


We kept looking in that previous picture before we realized we had the wrong one! Haha, we kept trying to justify what we saw. Then it was clear that it was this one!


Can you see the 3 circles at the tip of the sword?


I don't remember much from the show. I know I did try looking at the other presidents when they were doing the role call because I had heard that some of them move around and fidget. It's interesting to know that the clothes that the audio animatronics are wearing are period correct. I like that they went through all that trouble to achieve these details and such when the audience can't even tell the difference. Oh, and Obama did kind of look scary, but that could just be me.

We left and passed by the tree with the 13 lanterns on it.


As you can see, they were getting ready for a parade so the CMs were directing traffic. We knew we wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, but we were still in need of a rest, so we headed to another show!


On the way back to Fantasyland, we passed by Columbia Harbour House and those lovely flower thingies outside the windows.


(continued in next post)
(continued from previous post)

PhilharMagic was our next stop!


I love this sign so much!


It's so cute how they put this on the back too!


I wanted Howard to take a picture of one of the signs in the queue because of a Kingdom Keepers reference but he only took two. I learned to take pics too during our next trip! I'll say that and nothing more. Haha, I can't spoil it. If you haven't read it at this point, what are you waiting for?!?



We were excited to have found a Hidden Mickey!


We waited right outside the doors for the next show. We stayed a bit farther back because people always forget that if you're right by the doors, you have to move all the way down to the end of the row! You really shouldn't want to be by the door! I'd rather have seats in the middle.


Look at our big heads! We saw something interesting in this line though. There was a family waiting near us, and the kids and the mom were all READING! I mean, I get that it's a great thing to do anywhere and everywhere. I am an ELA teacher and all. But I just thought it was crazy that they were all reading then. I get waiting for like, Fantasmic or something. But I just wanted to be like, "Why don't you guys talk?" I guess to each family their own!


This show was FANTASTIC as always. I remembered it a lot better than the last time, and I was so excited for Howard to experience it especially since he loves Disney movies. I had my camera ready for the end of the show.


I also had Howard take a picture of the right side of the stage. Do you see the Hidden Mickey there?


Of course, we have all seen a variation of this photo many times!


It might just be me, but most of the time, I don't actually like the Mickey bride and groom stuff. They're not alwayst he cutest. These weren't that bad.


I didn't like these. Haha, I don't like that drunk look that Mickey has.


But I did love how they decorated this store!


The details are just fantastic!


Haha, looking at these old pictures are kind of crazy because Weird's hair was just so crazy long at this point.


Let's cover it up with a sorcerer Mickey hat! I loved this because his HowWeird avatar on Virtual Magic Kingdom usually wore this.


Both of our pin pictures didn't come out that clear, so I'll spare you those pics. This was the one that came out.


Baby Dumbo was adorable though!


More decor.


Okay, if this werent a white shirt, I definitely would have bought it! I'm always looking for a Grumpy shirt where the image isn't so huge and it isn't a guy's shirt. Donald could work too!




Haha, this would be a funny backpack to have.


The backpack wasn't a souvenir for me, but I did want this cute necklace.


The only problem is ... I don't wear necklaces! I ended up not getting it because it just wouldn't be worth it.


I don't remember if it was raining, and we were killing time in the shop or if we were just waiting around because we didn't know what to do. Haha, way too long ago for me to remember. Either way, when we were finally done with the shop, we had to decide where to go next. I can't even hint at what it is since the pictures are mixed up. Haha, but we still had plenty of rides to go on!
Catching up on your TRs really makes me want to go back right now. Good thing we have our Disneymoon to look forward to!

I think I took the picture of the football Mickey because I have that shirt with him on it. My love of sports is just all over the place, I know. Our future apartment will be cluttered with random sports memorabilia and Chef Irvine will have to come in a tear it all up. Then we'll do a taste test of tea and have semi-upholstered couches. Wait, this is starting to sound like a TV show ...

I really wonder how many pictures we'll take on our Disneymoon, especially with parkhoppers. Just gotta make sure that the time on the camera is correct!
Catching up on your TRs really makes me want to go back right now. Good thing we have our Disneymoon to look forward to!

I think I took the picture of the football Mickey because I have that shirt with him on it. My love of sports is just all over the place, I know. Our future apartment will be cluttered with random sports memorabilia and Chef Irvine will have to come in a tear it all up. Then we'll do a taste test of tea and have semi-upholstered couches. Wait, this is starting to sound like a TV show ...

I really wonder how many pictures we'll take on our Disneymoon, especially with parkhoppers. Just gotta make sure that the time on the camera is correct!

I love when you comment! I've been excited all along, but before when I turned on my Disney music as I was stamping, I got even more excited!

Let's watch more Restaurant Impossible!

Yeah, if we can upload it all in one shot, it'll be so much easier!
Wednesday, April 7: Cheese Sauce Love

I don't quite remember what we did next. Howard's pictures don't have the correct time on them, so I can't figure out where they fit in terms of my pictures. I'm going to say that we decided to go eat an early dinner before the crowds especially since we ate a VERY early lunch (to refresh your or MY memory, haha, we had a coupon if we ate earlier in the day). We headed to Cosmic Ray's for dinner. I'm not quite sure why, but all I knew was that they had cheese sauce so I would be a happy camper!

It is kind of annoying that they have the different Bays for food because if you have to get food for your whole family, you'd have to wait on each line.




There was a CM there that gave us menus to look at because it was hard to see the ones that were mounted. That made it a lot easier to order. It was also interesting because we got a time card thing here too. This was definitely the trip for them!


It's interesting how the kitchens can be seen through this small "window." I wonder what the people working behind it think since they don't really see the people waiting in line. Is it so that they can't see us or so that we can't see them? Haha.


Howard and I both had pulled pork sandwiches with fries, and we also shared a soda. It wasn't a fantastic pulled pork sandwich, but it did the job of filling us. I'm more of a beef brisket kinda girl anyway, but I liked having the variety and not having to only choose from chicken strips/nuggets or a burger.


I, of course, was absolutely fine with whatever the rest of the meal was because there was cheese sauce for my fries! YUM! I remember when my dad would get it when we were kids. We'd have only a few of them to share. I don't know why we never got more or got a ton. I mean, it was there to consume!


We were enjoying our food and location (we were in a corner where there weren't as many people) when we saw some of the magic ruined. There was a guy walking around on the castle, which messed with the forced perspective stuff. Haha, look at this! (And it seems that the lady in the picture is very upest with the messed up forced perspective as well!)


Haha, but of course, that cheese sauce saved everything! We discussed what we were going to do for the rest of the day too. It was really such a treat to eat earlier before the dinner rush and still know we had so much time ahead of us. Fun!
I don't post very much, but just wanted to say that I enjoy your trip reports. I actually read the first KK book because you recommended it. It was pretty good too!
I don't post very much, but just wanted to say that I enjoy your trip reports. I actually read the first KK book because you recommended it. It was pretty good too!

THANK YOU! How sweet of you to comment and let me know. I'm glad that you enjoy my trip reports. I know I don't write as well as others when it comes to these TRs because I just do them as a way to preserve the memories and I don't add humor and all that. I'm glad that I have readers!

I love the KK series! I know the beginning is difficult to get through because I actually had to read it twice to understand the whole hologram stuff. After I got it though, I got hooked! I live and breathe the KK stuff when I'm at the park because I act as if those things really happened!
Wednesday, April 7: Digesting in Tomorrowland

We were taking it easy after Cosmic Ray's since we ate, so we went to Merchant of Venus. I was admiring the cutie pins!


Such adorable pins!


What isn't adorable is the fact that the guy in the back looks like he's approaching me. Haha, it looks a little creepy.


I love all pins that have Disney characters on rides or part of rides.


I was like, "This is definitely a teacher bag!" Haha, I don't want to have a teacher-looking tote. The bag I use for work is an open tote that looks kinda like a retro bowling bag but more open. I love being a teacher, but I don't think that we have to look like the typical teachers from the past! My mom would so use this bag as would my aunt and grandaunt!


I liked this one because of how each letter was representative of something else.


We finally decided to leave the store and get back to attractions! Just not this one!


I think Weird just took a picture of this. I don't think we actually watched this until later at night.


We did take a trip around TTA though to ease our way into the riding. But it was so crowded that there was a line. A LINE!


It just weaved back and forth, but of course, it's a very fast loading ride, so it didn't take long.


Because of the line, we walked right by the robot newboys, so I pointed out the headline.


On our ride, we saw that they were having trouble with one of the cars or something. Howard took a picture of it.


This was a sight to see! Traffic jam! One car stalled or something, and so it was building up behind them.


I like this other picture as well because the girl in the car driving by is staring. Haha, watch the road little girl! You're not supposed to look at people having car trouble!


After our brief rest in Tomorrowland, it was time to get back on BIGGER rides ... let's tackle those mountains!
Yay lots of updates! :goodvibes

So, first of all, you would think that the castle would've built walkways lower than where they could be seen from the ground (if that makes any sense). Like, where the guy is walking should've been built a couple of feet lower so you couldn't see him or you'd just see the top of his head.

We're going to Cosmic Rays for the first time this December. It'll be me, my bf (hopefully fiance by then ;) ), brother, and my parents. I know we'll all want different things so hopefully the lines will all be about the same at each "bay". Otherwise, that could be annoying!

I actually had to scroll back up and check out the picture you took at Philharmagic 'cause the guy behind you (in the picture with you and Howard) looked like the same guy faux-attacking you in the store! :scared1: Haha! Stalker Alert! Haha! Wasn't him, though (at least I don't think...).

Can you purchase those Galaxy Gazette papers? I don't even know why I would want one, but for some reason I'd love to buy one!

And your TR's ARE funny! :thumbsup2
Yay lots of updates! :goodvibes

So, first of all, you would think that the castle would've built walkways lower than where they could be seen from the ground (if that makes any sense). Like, where the guy is walking should've been built a couple of feet lower so you couldn't see him or you'd just see the top of his head.

We're going to Cosmic Rays for the first time this December. It'll be me, my bf (hopefully fiance by then ;) ), brother, and my parents. I know we'll all want different things so hopefully the lines will all be about the same at each "bay". Otherwise, that could be annoying!

I actually had to scroll back up and check out the picture you took at Philharmagic 'cause the guy behind you (in the picture with you and Howard) looked like the same guy faux-attacking you in the store! :scared1: Haha! Stalker Alert! Haha! Wasn't him, though (at least I don't think...).

Can you purchase those Galaxy Gazette papers? I don't even know why I would want one, but for some reason I'd love to buy one!

And your TR's ARE funny! :thumbsup2

I'm itching to start my Disneymoon PTR, but I said that I have to finish one of these before I do!

I'm sure Cosmic Ray's has reasoning behind doing it that way, like it's easier to get the food out faster (it really didn't take that long), but I can't imagine what it'd be like for big families filled with kids who can't get the food themselves.

HAHA, can you imagine if it was the same guy? Creepy!

Unfortunately, those Galaxy Gazette papers are inside that display. Only pictures!



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