We're home and planning the next one!!

BE OUR GUEST: Just like every other person on earth, I had tried for ages to get an ADR for this place. It was actually DH who got this reservation for us, he was tired of watching me try and fail, so he checked one night and up it came!! Dinner at 4.40pm....a bit earlier than usual - but it was ours - thanks hubs!!

We had been up early for our Lilo and Stitch breakfast, then gone mad in the Magic Kingdom until rain sent us back to POR at about 1.00pm. We headed back in sprinkly rain and took the railroad to the new Fantasyland Station - we then walked very quickly through the now heavier rain to the Beast's Castle. We checked in and were sent over the bridge - wow - we got the evil eye from lots of people as we headed towards the castle - they wanted our reservation!!

You arrive and are greeted and then given a quick run down of where you are and how this is the ballroom that the Beast and Belle had their first dance. I think the first thing that struck me was that it was PACKED - at 4.40pm!!! It's beautiful and there are floor to ceiling windows with dark and scary mountains outside and snow falling - so pretty. Then off to the side is the creepy room where the rose is in the corner with it's petals falling. All of these details were kind of lost on DH and DS, but DD and I loved them. Having said that, it truly still has a 'Coles Cafeteria' feel to it - soooooo many people and it's LOUD!! We were seated amongst the throng and DH and I even had a grown up drink - very un-Magic Kingdom-ish!!

The food - great in parts and so-so in parts - the potato and leek soup was yum (I could have a bath in that stuff!!), DH was not so impressed with the French Onion. Pork chop - blah, steak - blah, chicken - blah AND expensive - none of us finished our main courses. BUT - the cupcakes were really yummy, the strawberry one was gorgeous, and not as big as a softball like some of those other Disney cupcakes - it was perfect in every way!!

You are encouraged to wander around the place during your dinner, so there are kids running around, lots of screaming and parents chasing them - it's kind of a zoo!! The Beast makes an appearance every 1/2 hour, he walks through the rooms and everybody cheers - it's really funny.

Once dinner is over, you are invited to the study to meet the Beast!! Before we met him, DD and I went to the ladies - when we got back we jumped into the line but the Beast was out in the dining room. DH was laughing about how the Beast had left the room, the poor guy owns the place, yet he has to walk sideways through the doorway!! It's hilarious, he's all scary - then he gets to the door, stops, turns, and does the sideways shuffle into the room - I'm still laughing about it!!

He did a fist bump with DS (who was nearly as tall as him) and cuddled DD who was impressed by how soft he was. It was a lovely end to an 'interesting' dinner. It's really hit and miss in my opinion, although I'm glad that we did it - next time it would only be for lunch.....$32 for a steak when you have kids - that aren't yours - running around and screaming right next to you - I felt more like a referee than a guest!!
Thanks for the interesting and honest review of BOG. I have days where I really wish I'd tried to get an ADR there and other days where I'm quite content that I don't have one. I think paying around $30 for a main meal while kids were screaming around me would irritate me too.

I have one day where I have an 8:40 (prepark opening) Crystal Palace reservation and I keep wondering if I should cancel it and have an early lunch at BOG instead. Did you eat at CP during your stay? If so, I'd be really interested in how you compare it to BOG.
We ate at Crystal Palace for breakfast this time and back in 2011 - and we loved it both times. In fact, we ate there on our last park day this time - which was also DH's birthday - and it was his one request for his big day!!

The place is gorgeous, the characters are so lovely and the food is great too - we really enjoy it there and would go back next time too (also - getting into the MK early is amazing).

Be Our Guest is also gorgeous and I have read much better reviews of lunch than dinner - one thing I know - you definitely have to choose just one, even if you planned a really late lunch after breakfast at Crystal Palace - you'll never be hungry enough to enjoy it!!

Good luck deciding - the great thing is that you still have a bit of time to think about it. :goodvibes
Oooh I do love me some CP Wanderlust - you could easily come in at 8am with that reservation and spend a lovely 40 minutes soaking up a quiet main street, getting photos, watching the lady drive past singing Zippidee doo dah... (such great memories! ;) ), then the food and atmosphere is lovely. That is one of my fave memories of the last trip, and a definite repeat for this time (we also have an 8.40, I will try for an 8.30 as time goes by just to get us in a bit earlier, but 8.40 is not bad).

Hee hee, I was chasing Busy Busy that day, we came into the restaurant for a sitting 5 minutes later than hers! And then shortly after we bumped into each other on the Pirates ride ;)
Be Our Guest is also gorgeous and I have read much better reviews of lunch than dinner - one thing I know - you definitely have to choose just one, even if you planned a really late lunch after breakfast at Crystal Palace - you'll never be hungry enough to enjoy it!!

Late lunch is a brilliant idea, perhaps it might be a bit quieter?? (Cogs ticking in FranRose's mind ;) )
Thanks Franrose and Busy Busy. I think I'll stick with the CP reservation. I didn't realise that I could go in as early as 8am.

Edited to say: I just went onto the WDW website and found an earlier (8:15) ADR had become available. I grabbed it even though it only came up when I selected 4 guests and we're a party of 3. Hopefully I can adjust it to 3 people without changing the time.
AKERSHUS: We were out the door early again and joined the throng at the bus stop to head to Epcot. The buses were always quick and we never really had to wait more than 5 minutes - hooray!!

We arrived at Epcot and sent DS off to get Soarin' fast passes while we headed down to Test Track - by the time DS got back we realised that we weren't going to have time to ride TT and still make it to Akershus, so we left TT to later and headed into the World Showcase.

Back in 2011, we had breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table and Akershus, but deciding which one to do this time was very easy, we had LOVED Akershus!!

We checked in and were called within a couple of minutes to line up for our meeting and photo with Belle (included in the price). DD had a lovely chat with Belle and mentioned that we had seen the Beast at BOG the night before, Belle talked about how handsome he looked all dressed up for dinner - DD's face was priceless (OK….if you like the 7 foot tall hairy type!!).

After the picture, you are taken inside and seated. They explain the cold buffet (bagels, pastries, cheese, yoghurt, smoked fish, cream cheese, amazing fruit like blackberries and strawberries), and off you go to check it out. They also bring you a giant platter of scrambled eggs, cheesy potato casserole, sausages and bacon - the food is really yummy here!

Our princesses were lovely, Cinderella was beyond sweet and BEAUTIFUL, Aurora was a bit flirty with DS - "goodbye royal prince", Jasmine was stunning and said "oooh, Australia, Genie goes there on his vacations", she was so warm and wonderful and it was great because just before her we had met Snow White, and she was probably the worst princess that we have met. I don't know if the dwarves had left the house a mess or what - but she was a bit snippy and VERY rehearsed, (I had seen her having words with one of the staff members - not sure what the matter was, but it was good to say goodbye to her)!!

So, apart from Snow's attitude, it was a perfect morning - every 1/2 hour or so, the princesses lead a "royal procession" around the room with all of the kids following them. DD loved it and was even asked to hold Aurora's flowers - she walked on air for the rest of the day!!

So, the Vikings know how to do a great breakfast - a definite favourite of ours and we weren't hungry until dinner that night!! If you have a princess of your own, it's a must-do!!
We did some resort hopping when we were there (a page on that is coming later), and even though I would LOVE to stay at the Yacht or Beach Club, it's so hard to justify the extra money when POR was so gorgeous. :flower3:

Maybe if we could score free dining it would be OK - but then I think of the Orlando Premium Outlets and how I would love to go back there and spend the difference between a Yacht Club stay and a POR stay!!! :worship:
We did some resort hopping when we were there (a page on that is coming later), and even though I would LOVE to stay at the Yacht or Beach Club, it's so hard to justify the extra money when POR was so gorgeous. :flower3:

Maybe if we could score free dining it would be OK - but then I think of the Orlando Premium Outlets and how I would love to go back there and spend the difference between a Yacht Club stay and a POR stay!!! :worship:

I'm looking forward to your resort hopping post. You are doing such a great job of describing each of your experiences that it's helping build the excitement for my upcoming trip.

Sorry to make your TR about me, but I just wanted to thank you and Franrose again for the CP advice. Comments made by the two of you made me decide to stick with the booking but take another look for an earlier time. I'd been looking for months but had given up. Low and behold an 8:15 had opened up yesterday. It was for 4 people, but was very easy to change over the phone to 3. Now that I know we'll be finished eating not long after rope drop, I'm feeling even happier about the booking.
Hope you also have an amazing experience Wanderlust! I have just made two bookings there lol, both breakfasts at 8.20am and 8.35am respectively (different days). Will only actually go once but just not 100% sure which one I'll keep yet (a couple more days and I think my plans will be that little bit closer to concrete)! My kids remember and are excited to go there again, and DH remembers it as one he enjoyed too :)
And based on your last update busybusy, I've booked Akershus for breakfast too, lol! (Could not get BOG for love nor money, despite being online as soon as the date I wanted went live, lol!)
Back in 2008 CP was our favourite character meal and great breaky-even DH enjoyed so second your wise choice! and we did an early-forget the time but the experience of walking down a deserted Main Street was amazing while regular early arrivals were held back by the rope. We felt like royalty!
Hahahaha, it's a great feeling to be special enough to be on Main Street without the other pesky tourists!! Definitely worth getting up early for!! :goodvibes
EPCOT: We spent 2 days at Epcot, one mostly in Future World and the other one mainly in the World Showcase. Of course we ate at Akershus on our first Epcot day, but then we headed back to the Land pavillion to use our fast passes at Soarin'. Having a 15 year old who can run ahead and grab them for you is fabulous!!

Soarin' is DH's favourite ride in all of WDW, we all love it, but he LOVES it!! The line up was up to 120 minutes in the 2 times that we were there - no way I would stand in that line - a fast pass is the ONLY way to go when it comes to Soarin'!!

There are a lot of other things to do in that side of Epcot, we went on Living with the Land (DD loves this, and it's a very calm boat ride with lots of info and looking at plants and fish, so if you're in the mood for a quick nap - it's great)!!

On our second day in Epcot, we ate breakfast at Sunshine Seasons in the Land Pavillion, it was EMH and we had done Soarin' and Test Track and were waiting for our next Soarin' fast passes to kick in. The food here is pretty consistent with a QS breakfast anywhere else, and it's funny to watch the people pouring in and bolting towards Soarin', all shapes and sizes were on the run!!!

We also dared to try the Nemo ride in the Seas Pavillion again - we had been trapped for 20 minutes on this ride in 2011 and it was a nightmare!! The room going crazy and zillions of fish screaming Nemo, Nemo, where are you?? I'm amazed that we weren't permanently traumatised!! The rest of the Seas Pavillion is lovely and cool and pretty peaceful and you can chill out for a while before braving the heat outside.

That's one thing about Epcot, it's really big and open and has lots of areas where there is no shade - Future World is a morning place in my opinion, it's pretty killer in the afternoon!!

We rode the new Test Track on our second day (it had been down for about 10 hours on our first day) and it was OK....they have added a new section at the start where you design your own car and then your car is compared to the car that you eventually ride in - OK, but it just seemed to add another 15 minutes onto an already long wait. I liked the original Test Track better - once this time was enough for me!!

The World Showcase was gorgeous again, and it is definitely my favourite part of Epcot. We rode the boat in Mexico - a pretty daggy ride with no wait at all - but it's fun and I remember being on it with my grandparents in the 90's - so it's essential just for the sentimentality of it.

We stopped for a drink and a snack in Norway, I had the School Bread, I can't believe how much people rave about that stuff - it was yummy and I'm glad I had it, but I wouldn't climb over my granny to get some - more like an "if you want to" than a must do!!

I wanted to take DD to Pick a Pearl in the Japan Pavillion, we had been stuck in Germany during a bit of a downpour and had spent a lot of time looking at soccer stuff - so it was time for something girly!! What a scream - the Japanese girls that run this counter are so full of personality, you smile the entire time. We paid our $17 and were given a number, we waited while 2 other people picked their pearls and then it was DD's turn. There is a whole fan fare that goes on, picking the oyster, counting 3-2-1 in Japanese, the opening, cleaning and then measuring of the pearl, and then the crazy drumming and bowing at the end. The ladies made it SOOOO fabulous and DD was very happy with her 7 3/4 cm pearl.....I think that it's a MUST-DO!!

Why would you go to the World Showcase and not get a Grey Goose slushie in France?? It was perfect on a hot afternoon and I could have had at least 2 more - completely delicious!! We hung around in the UK section for a while and DH showed us all of the lollies and biscuits that he used to eat back in South London (I buy them for him in a shop at Westfield Miranda on special occasions - so it wasn't THAT unique)!!!

Every country there has it's own gorgeous things to see, and I really think that if I went there with no kids I would get to see more, but considering that we had a downpour and scorching heat all in the space of about 4 hours while we were there - the kids were amazing. I love the place and it is really a beautiful place to be. Obviously a MUST-DO!!

Oh, and my family love Club Cool where they have lots of kinds of Coke products from all over the world - it's got air-con - yay, free drinks - yay, sugared up people - yay, and the stickiest floor ever - ewww!!!

I tried a couple and the family all tried Beverly - DS had gulped a whole cup of it down back in 2011 - he didn't do that this time!! We sipped it and then chucked it! That's one thing about this place, if you hate waste - do not enter!! Kids and pour your own drink machines are just a recipe for mess and spillage!! It's fun though!!

So, Epcot is HOT, go early and get those fast passes, then head back to the resort in the afternoons to swim - as we were leaving I saw a couple with 2 kids under 3 in a pram and a baby strapped to mum - it was about 1.30pm and sizzling. I still wonder what they were going to do except hang out in the Seas Pavillion and ride Nemo all afternoon - not a lot for the really little ones to do there. :)


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