What are the weirdest complaints you have heard in WDW?

Not weird, more like rude. We were at Cirque de Soleil last November and we (me, DH, DS12, DS10 and our 2 year old) were seated in front of a group of friends - about 6 girls and guys in their 20s. When we took our seats I heard "OH GOD!" from behind us but took no notice. Then the guy behind me said "we should move, can we move?" Another voice said "why? These seats are great" First voice said "you don't know why we need to move? You can't see why the show is ruined for us now???" I started to think he might be referring to us but at the same time thought no, I was maybe being paranoid. But just then I turned to look at the person behind the voice (sitting directly behind me) and as I looked at him just then he pointed his finger at DD2 and said to his friend "THAT's why". Obviously he felt that our toddler would ruin the show for him. But the best part of this was that 10 minutes into the show a group of 4 or 5 people came in and thought that the people next to us were in their seats. They stood there and made a big drama out of the fact that someone had taken their seats - all this while the show was going on! Very annoying! A member of staff came quickly to move them and they walked towards the next section where their seats actually were. I thought it was so funny that a group of adults interrupted their (people behind) night whilst my 2 year old did not make one single sound for the whole evening. When it was over I made a big deal of saying (loud enough for those behind me to hear) to her "you are the BEST girl", "you were SOOOOOOOOOOO good all evening, yes you were, yes you were, BEST BEST girl". :lmao:
Me, I would have said "Yeah, that's probably the least of your worries, I've been farting since you got on the bus..."

I swear to God we have a family member who can clear a train!!! The rest of us get laughing so hard when he gets a particular "smirk" on his face, because we just know there will be some comments. I think he only does it when there are people just complaining about "air". He looks at us, smirks, and we just wait for the reactions. This might seem way grosse, but I swear sometimes I think he is so talented!! "Silent, but deadly"
The weirdest I can recall was from a CM to my party. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon and we had been at Epcot since it opened at 9:00 am that morning. We had hit all the major attractions and had ADR's for the Liberty Tree in MK at 7:00 PM. So, we are coming off the boat ride in the Land pavillion and we see the Dream Team. They are handing out passes for everyone on the ride to stay an hour after Epcot closes for rides, etc. Normally this would be pretty cool but we have reservations at the MK and are planning to stay for evening EMH. So, I politely tell the CM that while we appreciate being selected we have other plans and we really wish she would give the passes to people that would use them. She begins to rip into me about how Epcot is a better park, this is a really great opportunity, and on and on. We begin walking away and she actually follows us, carrying enough wrist bands for our entire party. :scared: Finally, when we reach Spaceship Earth and she is still following us, singing praises for Epcot, I tell everyone in our party to stop and get a band, otherwise she may ride the monorail to the MK with us trying to give the bands away.:scared: So, she fits us with the bands, tells us to have a great time and heads back to the land pavilion.
A few good ones:

Last July 4th: "The crowds are just insane! We'll come back at Christmas when there won't be anyone here!"

Then there was the guest who demanded to know where the MK exit was. After giving the guest directions, he said, "No, I know the entire park is on a giant turntable. I want to know where the exit is right now." No matter what we told him, he insisted he knew the "truth" and couldn't understand why we were "lying" to him. A manager was called, who also tried (unsuccessfully) to convince the guest that the park was not on a turntable. Finally, the manager threw up his hands and said "You know what, sir? You caught us. You're right, the park really *is* on a giant turntable. Right now, the exit is at the end of Main Street, USA. If you hurry you can make it before it moves."

My all-time favorite story involved a female guest who stormed into the Grand Floridian one night and, pointing at Seven Seas lagoon, demanded to know why Disney had chosen to flood the parking lot (!), and how would they be reimbursing her for her car?

Oh these are great!:lmao: :rotfl:
My single favorite is still when people who are SWIMMING in the POOL, filled with WATER "rush out" when it starts raining.:lmao: :rotfl2: :happytv: I could understand if it were thundering, or the sky turned all stormy, but just a simple quick shower in the clear sky??? Hurry away!!! You might get WET!!!:rotfl:

I never cease to be amazed how some people react about a little water. Your at Disney. You're *probably* going to ride WET RIDES, your going to sit on wet seats, your going to walk through misters, walk by fountains, and heat is unbearable. Your going to SWEAT, and sweat is MOISTURE!!! Whats the big deal? I'd rather have the overspray from a child's spraymister or splash from a pool or drizzle than sweat.

OMG! Were you there last August with my family? :lmao:

We went to Disney for a week with my Mom and Dad and my niece who was 11 at the time. My parents have custody of her from my Brother for a long list of reasons that don't matter to the story.

ANYWAY, we go to Typhoon Lagoon and have a fun morning playing in the wave pool and riding the various water slides. Around lunch time we go to one of the little lunch places there and get food. While we were eating, it started to rain. Now, in fairness, it was a soaking type of rain, but there was no thunder, no lightening, nothing that really indicated that this was going to be anything but a little afternoon shower. Well, my parents and niece freak out and she gets all pre-teen drama about how she is going to get so wet (keep in mind that the kid is in a bathing suit still dripping wet from all the slides and stuff. She actually makes my Mom (who was NOT in a suit) give up her towel so that she could cover her head and they all made us leave the park. The sun was out by the time we got back to the hotel.

She also threw a fit about not knowing she would get wet on Kali River Rapids, even though she's been on rides like that other places and there are signs everywhere. Not to mention we watched people coming off the ride! And Splash Mountain surprised her too. *sigh* :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
My wife ran into a similar parent one time while using the restroom. She heard a mother YELL LOUDLY at her kid because she had to go poop. The mother said "Your father and I are spending thousand's of dollars on this trip and we have to take time to let you go poop. From now on you better make sure that you go at the hotel because we are not going to miss out on the rides so you can poop whenever you want!"

We felt so sorry for the little girl!

WOW! Another perfect example of why certain people should not breed. It reminds me of one of my favorite lines from a movie regarding parenting. "You need a license to get a dog, drive a car, catch a fish, but they'll let any idiot become a parent." - Of course the actual line is much harsher than this but I can't post it here..you get the idea.

You can't help but shake your head when you witness this type of display :sad2:
I was waiting for my friends outside Buzz Lightyear in Tomorrowland, and I overheard this woman complaining to the Buzz Lightyear fastpass CM about how it was unfair that she couldn't get more than 1 fast pass at a time. She started raising her voice and began screaming about how unfair Disney is and that her day has been ruined now that she has to wait in line. She reallly caused a big scene and people were starting to watch.

It ticked me off that this horrible woman was even let into the park. Don't ruin everyone else's time because you can't get everything you want ! I honestly hope she got kicked out.

And yelling at this poor CM who has no control over the FastPass rules, and has to stand in the florida sun in polyester pants, made me really feel bad for them. She just kept apologizing and trying to keep a smile. I hope she got a raise!
1. We were at Trails End and this one guy was reaming his kid because he was eating crispy bacon with his hands. I bet it was a loooooong day for hat poor kid. I can just see it now- Sto eating your ice cream cone with your tongue! Use a spoon dammit!"
So you're supposed to eat greasy bacon with your fingers?? That's a new one on me...
A lady seated next to us at Le Cellier (A few years ago) was complaining, very loudly, about, oh everything. The last straw was when she made the server cry by telling her she would have her fired because the chef refused to come out with a thermometer and read the temp of her creamed spinach...seriously!

That was it.

I looked her in the eye and told her life's too short to complain about cold spinach and to basically shut-it as she was ruining the meals of everyone within ear shot of her with her rude complaints and comments. Well, needless to say this banter went on for a bit until her poor soul of a husband (who looked mortified throughout the entire ordeal) had to literally drag her out of there. Once she was gone, a bunch of the servers came out singing "we are the champions" and presented Dh and I with a tray of complimentary desserts--for defending their fellow server and saying basically what they could not. I still have a chuckle whenever I think back on that day :rotfl:
Thanks! Bbgrizzle let me "borrow" it from her. Check out the "Muggle" thread on the CB for more HP related stuff. I'm a children's librarian which makes it easier for me to explain my HP obsession!

And to make this back on topic:

Last July, I heard a family complaining about the heat and why Disney didn't air-condition all over the parks, not just the rides and the stores but outside too! You can't turn the air on outside!
A lady seated next to us at Le Cellier (A few years ago) was complaining, very loudly, about, oh everything. The last straw was when she made the server cry by telling her she would have her fired because the chef refused to come out with a thermometer and read the temp of her creamed spinach...seriously!

That was it.

I looked her in the eye and told her life's too short to complain about cold spinach and to basically shut-it as she was ruining the meals of everyone within ear shot of her with her rude complaints and comments. Well, needless to say this banter went on for a bit until her poor soul of a husband (who looked mortified throughout the entire ordeal) had to literally drag her out of there. Once she was gone, a bunch of the servers came out singing "we are the champions" and presented Dh and I with a tray of complimentary desserts--for defending their fellow server and saying basically what they could not. I still have a chuckle whenever I think back on that day :rotfl:

Way to go !!!:thumbsup2
A lady seated next to us at Le Cellier (A few years ago) was complaining, very loudly, about, oh everything. The last straw was when she made the server cry by telling her she would have her fired because the chef refused to come out with a thermometer and read the temp of her creamed spinach...seriously!

That was it.

I looked her in the eye and told her life's too short to complain about cold spinach and to basically shut-it as she was ruining the meals of everyone within ear shot of her with her rude complaints and comments. Well, needless to say this banter went on for a bit until her poor soul of a husband (who looked mortified throughout the entire ordeal) had to literally drag her out of there. Once she was gone, a bunch of the servers came out singing "we are the champions" and presented Dh and I with a tray of complimentary desserts--for defending their fellow server and saying basically what they could not. I still have a chuckle whenever I think back on that day :rotfl:

Hey great job sticking up for the poor CM. I hate people who act like this.
A lady seated next to us at Le Cellier (A few years ago) was complaining, very loudly, about, oh everything. The last straw was when she made the server cry by telling her she would have her fired because the chef refused to come out with a thermometer and read the temp of her creamed spinach...seriously!

That was it.

I looked her in the eye and told her life's too short to complain about cold spinach and to basically shut-it as she was ruining the meals of everyone within ear shot of her with her rude complaints and comments. Well, needless to say this banter went on for a bit until her poor soul of a husband (who looked mortified throughout the entire ordeal) had to literally drag her out of there. Once she was gone, a bunch of the servers came out singing "we are the champions" and presented Dh and I with a tray of complimentary desserts--for defending their fellow server and saying basically what they could not. I still have a chuckle whenever I think back on that day :rotfl:

Good for you.:thumbsup2 I can't believe that she made the CM cry- all over spinach.:sad2:
A lady seated next to us at Le Cellier (A few years ago) was complaining, very loudly, about, oh everything. The last straw was when she made the server cry by telling her she would have her fired because the chef refused to come out with a thermometer and read the temp of her creamed spinach...seriously!

That was it.

I looked her in the eye and told her life's too short to complain about cold spinach and to basically shut-it as she was ruining the meals of everyone within ear shot of her with her rude complaints and comments. Well, needless to say this banter went on for a bit until her poor soul of a husband (who looked mortified throughout the entire ordeal) had to literally drag her out of there. Once she was gone, a bunch of the servers came out singing "we are the champions" and presented Dh and I with a tray of complimentary desserts--for defending their fellow server and saying basically what they could not. I still have a chuckle whenever I think back on that day :rotfl:

:lmao: Great Job!:thumbsup2
So you're supposed to eat greasy bacon with your fingers?? That's a new one on me...

It's not that you're supposed to, it just tends to be easier to eat crispy (not soggy) bacon with your hands (tends to crumble when you cut it and all)and , after all, that's why they invented napkins.
That wasn't my point, though. My point was that there this family is, on vacation, and dad is yelling (you could hear him a few tables down) and cursing his kid out just because his kid was eating his bacon with his fingers.
As most of you know, the Garden Grill in Epcot rotates VERY VERY slowly. We actually heard a lady complaining to the CM that she was suffering from motion sickness after spinning while eating her lunch. I was laughing so hard that I had tears rolling down my face. You can't even tell that you are rotating. Some people cannot survive without complaining.
another strange comment was one I heard from a CM at Whispering Canyon.
He asked how many days we had left on our stay. My wife said. "We're leaving tomorrow morning unfortunately. We'll be home by tomorrow night." He then served her her food which included a big bowl of corn. He said "You'll think of Whispering Canyon tomorrow night when you see that again (pointing to her corn)":eek: :scared: :scared: :lmao: :rotfl2: I nearly sprayed my drink laughing. I'm sure that would have offended some people, but you're at Whispering Canyon... its about FUN. Some people just dont get fun. I thought it was hilarious.
Anyone out there WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR who has NOT done Whispering Canyon yet should definately do it! Just remember, some servers are better than others. You might get a stump of a waiter, then again you might get a really good one who will keep you laughing the whole time. Never judge a restaurant by just one visit.


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