What are your 2008 creative goals?

Some of the goals I have for the year are:
*be current with portrait albums (DS4, DS10 and Family)
*be current with each sons school book
*be current with niece/nephew album (almost there on this one)
*start and complete sons cub scout book

*finish honeymoon book from 1990
*high school marching bacnd photos - scrap or put in album?

the biggest one:

*** use what I have instead of buying something new
Just bumping this up to see how everyone is doing.. I ran across my list of what I wanted to do the month of Jan... boy did I blow it!!!! MY gosh.. it's a disgrace....

Off to find my list and see what if anything I have accomplished so far...
Love this..

My goals:
Scrap 6-8 pages a week.. (I can do this while the kids are in school) Started that this week.. and it's MARCH!
Finish a calendar and grandchild album for FIL.. He asked today for a calendar that listed all the special events for the family.. He had me just fill out a regular ol' calendar this weekend..
Finish the 2007 family album
Keep current the 2008 family album by scrapping in it every 2 weeks (designated every other weekend to this)Yeah, starting that this weekend..but should catch up quickly since it's only been basketball since January!!!
Finish DD's baby scrapbook
Finish both DSs' baby books
Complete 3 Valentine's Envelope books for the kids to keep their childhood school valentines in.. have everything ready for 1 and just need to cut and finish the last 2. Done, add the final photos on today and found photos from each grade level!!!!
Start and bring current all 5 kids' sports albums Starting on DS7's photos today... he started playing soccer when he was 4...so I should have this caught up in no time... than I'll start working backwards on kids from here..

It sounds like a lot..but it really is manageable... Maybe I can finish these and update to a new list!!! :)

Ugh! I really need to get working on this...
I don't know how I missed this thread. Anyway, my goals for 2008 are as follows:

finish our 2003 DL album (I'm almost done)
start and perhaps finish our 2 2003 October WDW trips

If I can get through that I'll keep going to our other Disney trips.
OK I am sooo behind the mark with this! I have big plans for this year. Let's have a think.

Finish WDW 06 album
Finish nephew's 1st year album - DONE!
Keep upto date with nephew's current album (he's only 15 months old so not far behind)
Start USA 07 album
Finish USA 07 album!
Start album for neice who is almost 6
Start family heritage album
Start my school years album
Start my teen years album

Scan all family heritage photos going back to early 1900's
Organise family heritage pics on the computer
Back up all photos and distribute copies for safety
Finish USA 07 home movie dvd
Pass my university course (April exam)

All this on top of selling and buying a house and getting married! i think this proves I am officially crazy!
This is great! Here are my goals:

1. Finish 2006 and 2007 family albums. 2006 is done!!
*My plan for the 2007 album is to scrap 2 months of 2007 in each month of 2008 (so the 2007 album would be done by June of 2008). JAN/FEB 07 DONE!
2. Order pics every month and keep 2008 family album current.
3. Do WDW book from October 2005.
4. Finish the other 5 or 6 album projects I have in the works.
5. Maybe try to complete an album of my dad's Army photos for his Christmas '08 present.

I separated all of my high school and growing up pics into photo boxes several years ago, and there they sit. I'd like to be able to do something with them.

Now, my "almost definitely not gonna happen this year, but I can try" list:
1. Do an album or albums for my brother of his years playing high school and college baseball--I think that when they have a child, his child would like to see that!
2. Do an album for my Mom with family photos.

Thanks, NEE for starting this! I feel inspired!!

I've gotten the 2007 album done through November 2007, so just the 18 pages for the month of December are left. I also have ordered the pics from Jan/Feb/and the first part of March. As soon as they're here, they should be easy to get done. I got about 10 pages done in our March 2005 album, but I haven't really gotten anywhere (and we're about to go again, with a ton more pics this time!!). I'm excited about the progress I've made, though! :cool1:
- Album for DsD's graduation in June Waiting to get the Tag swap returned but I have done some sketching and notes
- My parents' wedding album Totally sketched out, about halfway complete
- Finish chronological albums for 2006 and 2007 2007 is DONE! 2006 just needs a few layouts to finish
- Work on travel albums for 2005-2007 1 Disney trip almost completely done, lots of sketching and journalling planned out for most other trips
- ABC album of my cat (his baby album, so to speak)I actually plan to start sketching that out tomorrow
- Start non-trip specific Disney park albums (one per park, using swap stash)No, that'll be when I finish all the above
- Decide what I want to do with my childhood photos - scrap or put in photo albums - and work on scanning them in to the computer Not yet

- Create a stash of homemade cards to have on hand so I am not always making (or buying) one at the last minute Not yet, I have to do this soon!
- Start making Christmas cards in October! (I say this every year, let's see how I do) Still have plenty of time for this one
- Finish the decor projects I want for my scrap room walls (I have a box full of half-finished projects) Nothing
- Get (and STAY!) organized! (This is probably the most unrealistic goal) Doing decent, could be better
- Deal with box of unfinished CKC projects before this year's CKC in May Nothing, and time is running out!

I'm content with my progress so far. While nothing is completely done, I have a lot of work done on quite a few items.
Ok, here goes. Last year I set little goals for myself as I went and it worked pretty well.

This year I would like to:
-finish Christmas 2006
-start the family 2007 book
-finish WDW book from 2006 (I got completely burned out on it)
-maybe start DS's baby book (hey, he'll be 3 in April...oops)
-start DH's law school book

I am adding to my list: start DD's Brownie album. Totally forgot about that one.

haven't finished Christmas 2006
I was going to try to do Jan and Feb of 2007 in Jan of this year, March and April in February, April and May in March.... I am still in Jan of 2007. But, I am plugging away at it, so hopefully before too long I can get it done.
And I have done nothing else on the list. :scared:
I finished our 2007 album today!! Now, onto finishing swaps and then hitting the first 2 months of 2008! :thumbsup2
1. Finish 2006 Family Album
2. Do 2007 Family Album
3. Finish 9/06 Disney Trip Done!
4. Do 6/07 Disney Trip Done!
5. Do DD and Ds's autograph books from 6/07 trip
6. Do DS's ABC album Done!
7. Do Mother's Day album for my DM
8. Do 12/06 San Francisco Trip
9. and then after all of that...start 2008 album and try not to get too far behind again!

I finished another goal today! :cool1: I finally finished my 2007 Disney trip. I think I am going to do my San Francisco trip next. Maybe I should finish up 2006 first though! :goodvibes
I hadn't posted my goals for the year, but here they are...better late than never, right?

1. Finish the baby's 2007 album
2. Finish 2005 albums (3)
3. Print photos for, start and finish 2006 albums (2)
4. Work on 2006 Disney Album
5. Create autograph books for both girls for Oct 2008
6. Start and stay up to date on 208 books for both girls

So far I have accomplished number 1...and am working on #2 and #5. Man, the year is going by too fast...I better get off the computer and start scrapping.
Don't know why I never noticed this thread before...great idea!

I'm in!:thumbsup2

First my Scrapbooking Goals for 2008:

My goal on the Official Scrapbook Totals Thread is to be a Memories Maven with 250 pages. With the super shooting toward 500 pgs in the Master Scrapper catagory.

My album goals:

Finish youngest DD's baby book DONE!
Atlanta/PCB FL family vacation from 07 Started 4/08update DH and mine Anniversary album (need to do 10th 06, 11th 07 and upcoming 12th 08) Done thru 11th
a mimi pre-Disney trip book (to add pic's right away upon arriving at home to use with my TR on the boards and for fun!
a mini Disney schedule book for DS who has special needs (idea off disABILITIES thread) started 4/08 binder basically complete
Disney 08 trip
DS and DD's (going on 9) Age 6-7 That's 2 seperate albums
DD (turning 6 11-08) her Age 3-4

:scared: that's really bad how far behind I am with the kids...

My other creative Goals:

Create special framable layouts to put on the walls in my scrapbook room (1 for each of my children and 1 for me and DH)
Get to some card glasses and stock up on my cards
Create special sleeve for my Christmas Family Newsletter this year to mail in addition to envelope.
Help my children with their own special scrapbooking and maybe start their school albums!!!

My personal/Home Goals:

Read my Women's Devotional and Bible every day (4/08 about 14 days behind)
Watch less tv
Spend more quality time with my children and make individual "dates" with my 3 older ones
Try and have a date-night with DH once a month
Get home files organized
Organize storage room
Excerise more for me and fun! Stay Healthy: Austim Walk 5/08 Midnight Chicago Bike Run 7/08 walks with the family
Make Green choices....
I just found this thread also so I am adding my goals for the year!

1. Finish oldest DDs baby album
2. Start & finish other 2 DDs baby albums
3. Catch up on all scrapbooks through 2007 (way behind, like 8 yrs)
4. Make 4 autograph books for Sept 2008 trip
5. Finish scrap decor for my scraproom
6. Start on 2008 albums
7. and then will be time to start 2008 disney trip album!
I just found this thread also so I am adding my goals for the year!

1. Finish oldest DDs baby album
2. Start & finish other 2 DDs baby albums
3. Catch up on all scrapbooks through 2007 (way behind, like 8 yrs)
4. Make 4 autograph books for Sept 2008 trip
5. Finish scrap decor for my scraproom
6. Start on 2008 albums
7. and then will be time to start 2008 disney trip album!

I just found this thread also so I am adding my goals for the year!

1. Finish oldest DDs baby album
2. Start & finish other 2 DDs baby albums
3. Catch up on all scrapbooks through 2007 (way behind, like 8 yrs)
4. Make 4 autograph books for Sept 2008 trip
5. Finish scrap decor for my scraproom
6. Start on 2008 albums
7. and then will be time to start 2008 disney trip album!

welcome! glad to have you here with us!!
Hmmm, creative goals. Where to start? There are so many!

Scrapbooking Goals
Finish 2006 Life album - 1/31/08
Finish 2006 DL trip
Finish 2005 WDW trip
Finish (and start) 2007 Life album
Get Junior Girl Scout album up to date
Start 2008 Life album
Purchase negative scanner and scan in all wedding and engagement photos
Finish developing all rolls of film (don't ask :rolleyes: )

General Crafty Goals
Create labels for my homemade foods line
Perfect Wine Jelly recipe
Perfect Salsa recipe
Perfect BBQ Sauce recipe
Can 8 dozen jars of Wine Jelly, Salsa and BBQ Sauce to sell at craft booth and give as X-mas gifts.
Can a year's supply of tomatoes (about 3 dozen jars)
Make new curtains for the house (DR, LR, both bedrooms)
Finish dolphin cross-stitch for bathroom.
Make a new autumn wreath for the front door (my old one finally fell apart after 7 years).

I have ONE PAGE left to complete my 2007 album. I can't wait to post that it is done.

I scanned in all of my engagement photos and am now working on the wedding photos.

It's nice to have progress. :woohoo:
My goals for 2008:

General Scrapbooking:
500 pages (monthly goal 75)397 done- doing good on this one
Use of swap items: 200 pieces used 60
Gift Layouts: 100- 98- doing great on this one
Use layouts and books from CKC 2007 before CKC 2008- 1 usedstill only have used one- hopefully now that I have so many things to do I will get this year and last years projects done- once I move
Go to 1 monthly crop at Michaels (I can generally get about 30-40 pages done so it is worth the $10)haven't done this and now I am moving- I will have to see about getting together with others when I move though
Create 12 new wishblade files (not just words)6- doing well on this one
Learn 8 new techniques for embellishing (maybe try paint cans)I learned 2 cool ribbon techniques at CKC- I also learned a neat sticker technique there, I learned 2 really cool techniques for velum attchment, and 2 cool techniques I will use again in paper in motion- that is 7 new techniques and we are just through half a year.
Find a better way to organize my things-started by organizing paper- this will have to wait until moving is over

Scrapbooks for others:
Joseph's Birthday PP album - 2/1/08 -finished 1/1/08
Darlene's Baby Album 3/1/08completed
Lisa's Baby Album 4/30/08completed along with another 1

My Scrapbooking:
Finish Epcot Book: 3/31/08finished the pages but i still need to put it together
Finish Pirate & Princess layouts 3/31/08finished 1/4/08
Get Picture's for Elizabeths first year album printed and in 4/30/08 (I have to obtain the pictures from someone else for the most part)
Flower & Garden Festival Book 5/31/08
Christmas Layout 2007 1/31/08
Make 2007 book 6/30/08
Make 2008 Calendar 1/31/07
Together album for DH & I 1/31/07 (almost have all pages decorated need to choose and print pictures)done
Keep Current with 2008 mini calendar/book at schoolchanged it over to my dog and I have kept current with information but not putting pictures in
Work on: MK album, MGM album, AK album, resort album, dinning album, character album, food & wine album, school album, and Christmas at Disney ( as I finish other books I will move these up the priority list)

Christmas Gifts (will be added to throughout year)
Calendar for Grandmom & Sister
Number albums for nieces and newphews

Since we are at the halfway point of the year I thought I would look at my goals and see how I am doing- how are the rest of you doing?

Great minds think alike, Rebecca! I was going to bump this thread up tomorrow for the halfway point of the year!

My goals:

- Album for DsD's graduation in June DONE
- My parents' wedding album DONE
- Finish chronological albums for 2006 and 2007 DONE
- Work on travel albums for 2005-2007 NH 05 and 06 done, Disney 12/06 done, Disney 1/05 just a few layouts away from being done. Left to do: Disney 10/05, 10/06, and 10/07, DC 05 and 06
- ABC album of my cat (his baby album, so to speak) Decided it's not going to be an ABC album anymore and it is started. Maybe 1/4 or a 1/3 done.
- Start non-trip specific Disney park albums (one per park, using swap stash)Nothing yet.
- Decide what I want to do with my childhood photos - scrap or put in photo albums - and work on scanning them in to the computer I think I want a better scanner for this task, and I just haven't wanted to spend the money yet.

- Create a stash of homemade cards to have on hand so I am not always making (or buying) one at the last minute Not yet, but I have not given Hallmark any of my money this year! All cards so far have been handmade.
- Start making Christmas cards in October! (I say this every year, let's see how I do) Still time.
- Finish the decor projects I want for my scrap room walls (I have a box full of half-finished projects)Nothing yet. Got to get to this one soon.
- Get (and STAY!) organized! (This is probably the most unrealistic goal) Doing pretty good. Could be better.
- Deal with box of unfinished CKC projects before this year's CKC in May Didn't do it by the May deadline, but I have removed everything from the box, and I have a pile of a few projects that just need pictures or a little finishing up. I'm working on that slowly.

I think I set my goal for layouts done for the year at 500 and I'm at 323, so I shouldn't have trouble meeting that. I have also kept pretty current on my 2008 album. I think I probably have about 6 or 8 layouts to do to make that up-to-date. I'm trying to think this morning if there are any different goals I want to add at this midpoint. I think I'm good with what I have. I think I have a good shot at meeting most of them, and then I will feel good about the year.
Currently, the portrait album is caught up, till DD's bday
pictures are organized
working on yearly book, hope to have it done by DD's bday, I've got till May
Scrapping WDW oct 06

I have an all day crop coming up on Saturday and I hope to get that WDW trip done or at least very close to it.

DD's yearly album isn't caught up yet but I am currently out of pics for it. Have to sit down and order some.

WDW Oct 06 is complete

Next up...

WDW Dec 06. Pics are printed and organized. Now I just need to start scrapping it!
Ok, here goes. Last year I set little goals for myself as I went and it worked pretty well.

This year I would like to:
-finish Christmas 2006 half is done
-start the family 2007 book this is the only goal that I feel good about!
-finish WDW book from 2006 (I got completely burned out on it) still burned out
-maybe start DS's baby book (hey, he'll be 3 in April...oops) nope
-start DH's law school book haven't started, but found a few things that are important- acceptance letters, etc.

I am adding to my list: start DD's Brownie album. Totally forgot about that one. haven't started, but I am gathering!

haven't finished Christmas 2006
I was going to try to do Jan and Feb of 2007 in Jan of this year, March and April in February, April and May in March.... I am still in Jan of 2007. But, I am plugging away at it, so hopefully before too long I can get it done.
And I have done nothing else on the list. :scared: well this worked as motivational for awhile and then life got in the way!

I forgot to add in there to scrap DD's 2nd grade year this summer. I started organized the last few days. That's always my big goal in the summer to plug away at that. And along the way I have found other projects that I would like to get done. I want to finish BIL and SIL's wedding shower book.


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