What Disney song can move you to tears everytime?

Pert-near every Disney song ever recorded has the potential to mess me up....such a big baby!

I've bought almost CD that they sell at The World, and have hundreds of them on my phone, IPods, IPads, ITunes...even the Sync USB thingie in my vehicle!..yup...I'm a self professed Disney Phreak.

From Mary Poppins..."Feed the Birds" ALWAYS chokes me up. :sad2:....touching story behind the song, and the fact that the "Bird Lady"-Oscar winning actress Jane Darwell-was Walt's pick for the part. It was the last movie she would ever do. Sadly, both her and Walt passed away not too long after Mary Poppins great success....
I'm not gonna cry.
there are some real disney song conniseurs here.
can you help me id this disney song?

dream on.... dream on... forever
be strong...be strong...
believe in your dreams ...
you got be a dreamer forever
never say never
you got to believe in your dreams

You'll Be In My Heart but the movie version...at the end when she sings the last past always gets to me!
"When you wish upon a Star" for me. It's just magic and it always starts the waterworks for me.
It's not so much a specific song (although I do have some of those too), but I ALWAYS cry while listening to the audio of the Hall of Presidents. The part where Morgan Freeman is talking about the times of tragedy and they're talking about the Challenger, the Oklahoma City bombings, and OH MAN the waterworks really get going during the clip of George W. Bush making a speech in NYC after 9/11 (the bit where he's telling them that we can hear them... ugh, I don't think I cried this much when it happened!). My only saving grace is that this part falls right in the middle of the show, so I have a few minutes to compose myself before going out into the sun where people can see that I've been crying! :sad1:

I'm crying now just listening to it at home! *shakes fist*
I don't really cry during a movie but there was a few close calls watching "Bolt"... I LOVE that movie!!
A few nights ago, out of the blue, I woke up with "When You're the Best of Friends" from "The Fox and the Hound" in my head.

That -uh- that was not a fun time trying to get back to sleep.
The Circle of Life makes me squawl :rotfl:

ALso, You'll Be in my Heart and A Whole New World....

When You Wish Upon a Star makes everyone cry.... right???!;)
Okay, I'm blinking back tears just reading this thread! I am a total emotional, sentimental SAP when it comes to Disney, so I have a pretty long list that I may edit onto this post later when I have more time. But I just wanted to say that probably my top two songs are the two that have made me cry since I was a child and still get to me: Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins and of course, Baby Mine from Dumbo.

Like several of you have mentioned, Baby Mine has become even more of a tear jerker for me now that I have little ones of my own, and I haven't watched the movie at all since having kids! What was REALLY lump-in-the-throat inducing for me was a couple of years ago at my daughter's dance recital, one of the other ballet classes did their dance to Baby Mine. It was a group of 3 year olds. In precious pink tutus. With adorable little sparkly buns in their hair. And for the last bit of the song, they brought out baby dolls and rocked them to the song lyrics. :sad1: It was physically painful for me to fight back the waterworks!
Baby Mine in Dumbo:(
And it's not a "true" song that has words, but when the dogs are "singing" in Lady and the Tramp in the pound - wow!:sad:
Every time I watch any of the fireworks shows or the parades, there are lots of happy tears. But 'Ma Belle Evangeline' from Princess and the Frog gets me every time :(
Baby Mine, Beauty and the Beast and American Dream are definitely some of mine. I am fine with American Dream and then the dialog from the moon landing, JFK and MLK speeches kick in and I am gone!

And God help the Outcasts from THBOND is also one of my triggers...

But the tears always ALWAYS come with Feed the Birds from MP.
Only one song of Disney is get tears in my eyes is Baby Mine this really very
sad song and remembered me about the Disney


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