What Disney song can move you to tears everytime?

He Lives In You from The Lion King is a big one for me.

Ever since seeing it in the Broadway Show it was so moving in a way I didn't expect. I cried like a blubbering baby during it. Now I hear it and it brings it all back 4 years later. We will be seeing it again in March. Can't wait!!!

I just watched it again on Youtube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KBV_Y16yC4

Oh, and I have to add Wishes, every darn time I lose all my eye makeup. And the song from UP, can't remember the name, but oh yeah. Oh geesh, there are so many!!!
When I was pregnant with our 5th child, we learned he would be born with a major birth defect. We researched and learned all we could. We arranged to deliver him in another state, to be near his doctors as he needed surgery within the first few days. After the surgery he would remain in traction for 4 weeks... we could not hold him.

Baby Mine, "played" in my head thousands of times, (as did the poem, Song for a Fifth Child.) DH, a singer, sang to him in the NICU but... he chose a song by YES. :rolleyes1

DS is 9 now and doing great, :yay: and we still hold him as often as he'll let us!
You'll be in my heart from Tarzan and Can you feel the love tonight from Lion King make me tear up every time!! :sad1:
"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" (Cinderella)
"When You Wish Upon a Star" (pinocchio)
"You'll Be in My Heart" (tarzan)
"Circle of Life" (Lion King)

I have to admit, I got teary eyed just reading this thread.
"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" and "Circle of Life" get the water works going for me. I often get teary eyed during Wishes when the children sing and the start of Spectromagic.
Definitely teary eyed from this thread!

The parents of all of the kids in my graduating class formed a big circle around us as part of the "after graduation celebration" and sang "You'll Be In My Heart". I can't listen to it without bawling!

My mother never let me watch Dumbo as a kid, and I probably never will watch it because it sounds like I would sob.

Wishes sometimes does it, depends what kind of mood I'm in...last time there was a teenage couple fighting behind me and it kind of killed the moment.
"Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas from the movie "Meet the Robinsons" always get's me a little choked up! :sad:
When you wish upon a star (most emotional when Jimminy Cricket sings it). ;)
Baby Mine! Oh wow it gets me every time.

Circle of Life (the movie version, esp at the end)
Golden Dream
Wishes, I can't watch those or heatr the music without getting choked up
This is kind of pathetic but when we went last Feb (2009) I got misty eyed when they played Celebrate You during the Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade. It was a one time thing...not to happen again :lmao:

However, I do get kinda misty listening to the Wishes soundtrack also

omg I did too! :lmao: I was trying to hide the fact i was from my husband!:rotfl:

But pretty much everything makes me cry at Disney! I'm such a sap. I get so emotional at Disney!:laughing:
"When She Loved Me" will often make me a complete mess. It didn't always do this, though...you see, I listened to it one night just a few days after my dog of 11+ years died, and all I could think about was how I had grown up (I was 5 when I got her, 16 when she died) and stopped paying so much attention to her...

I stayed the same--but she began to drift away, I was left alone
Still I waited for the day, when she'd say 'I will always love you'

...which is exactly what I said to her at the vet before we put her down. I felt like I was Emily, and she was Jessie. You can see where the waterworks come from. That was over two years ago, and that song still makes me extremely sad sometimes.

I sometimes cry during "Two Worlds" from Tarzan, when Kala's baby is eaten by the cheetah. I also cry during Wishes, but only when I see it at the parks.

Honestly, if I'm in the right mood, many Disney songs can make me cry! But that TS2 one is the worst.

Just reading your story and the seeing the lyrics made me sob!! Writing this now with tears streaming down my face...:sad:
Ditto to "Baby Mine" from Dumbo. That's exactly what I thought of as soon as I read the title of the thread!

Me too....and Bette Midler's version of it is goosebump worthy too.

And Out There from Hunchback puts a lump in my throat too. It's just so sad and longing.
I love music so some of it can really move me. In church I sometimes cry during songs because I can still here my dad singing. At my step daughter's wedding, my son was the ring bearer. At the reception we danced to "You'll be in my Heart" and it still makes me tear up.

Colors of the Wind gives me chills, if not necessarily tears. Beautiful!
Not every time but sometimes When You Wish Upon a Star, theme from Fantasmic...

Every time: the song from the trolley show. I don't even know it's name: I'm walking right down the middle of Main Street U.S.A....
Hands down..."When you wish upon a star." I get teary just thinking about it. What a magical song. It reminds me of Walt Disney, my childhood and everything in life that makes me happy.
Thanks alot guys....I'm over here in tears and can't get "Baby Mine" out of my head. It's been years since I've seen Dumbo. That song made me cry even as a little girl :(
Thanks alot guys....I'm over here in tears and can't get "Baby Mine" out of my head. It's been years since I've seen Dumbo. That song made me cry even as a little girl :(

Baby Mine always makes me tear up. My mother used to sing it to me when I was a little girl.

I also cry at When You Wish Upon A Star and Candle on the Water. The last one especially reminds me of my childhood.


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