What do you remember about your first day in your current home?

Using a metal file to remove the one way screws holding the wrought iron bars on the windows while the guy from the Alarm company put in our alarm system.
Having to do reading fair projects for 2 elementary school kids-a 3rd grader and kindergartener- due the Monday after we moved in Saturday. Still mad.
My husband had already bought an early 1800’s fixer upper before I met him. We didn’t live together before we got married so after our honeymoon we moved into a gutted house. The plumbing and electrical were done but the floors were still just plywood and there was no drywall up yet. Just plastic covered insulation everywhere. No kitchen sink, cabinets, or counter top. I washed the dishes in the bathroom sink and stored everything in a cardboard box. 42 years later and it’s still not completely finished.
my son taking a toy car and running it across a window sill (the scratch on the paint still remains to this day-almost 17 years later-thanks to the sofa blocking it's view :rotfl: )
It was the day I knew the property management company was going to be hard to deal with. The house was basically an abandoned squat when the owner bought it, and he had it taken down to the studs and completely redone. We're the first occupants. All that is great. But they scheduled the insurance inspector to come out exactly the same day and time as our movers were scheduled (just a short cross-town move). And they tried to demand that we stay at the house and show the inspector around rather than going to our old house to direct our movers. We refused, they pushed...it definitely set the stage for how things would be.
Our dog seeing squirrels for the first time. We had come from a very new neighborhood where trees hadn't matured enough to attract much in the way of woodland creatures to an older, heavily wooded area with all kinds of wildlife. She stood fixated on the window like this for some time before realizing that she could ask to go out and chase them to her heart's content.

I moved in to my apartment building the day before the Covid shutdown. I hardly saw anyone again for nearly two years, but on the plus side I had plenty of time to unpack and hang pictures. :thumbsup2
VERY excited and scared silly as we were 21 & 22. Used wedding money plus piddly savings to put down $10,000 on new construction and paid the rest off to each set of parents over 9 years. The house was $24,000, all brick basic little suburban ranch. The ridiculous part? We are in THAT same home 58 years later. Remodeled, added on a family room, neighborhood still very nice. Great neighbors. (Paid $500 for the culdesac lot....huge decision for us as scared to add another $500)

Not a smart financial move at all as they say you need to sell and buy every 7 or 10 years. There was always a good reason why we couldn't move plus DH is a very stable person and wanted to sleep at night sooner without a mortgage.
Still not a good financial decision tho, compared to all our friends who bought & sold and are much better off.

I do have a sinking feeling we will be buried under the deck in the backyard. :oops: Though lately, I've been telling the girls to make sure I'm cremated and ashes sprinkled near Disney World (younger daughter assigned) & Hawaii (older daughter assigned).
It was cold, I just had gotten to the new place after a sudden death in the family and I learned how to use a wood stove. Hard to believe it's been nearly 6 years.
It was my son’s 8th birthday. We didn’t move in that first weekend and instead spent it painting. Two days later was our one year wedding anniversary. I remember sitting in an empty house, covered in paint and eating our one year old wedding cake.
It’s was a couple day after our other apartment building caught fire. And we were able to get this apartment we are in now, same apartment complex just different section.
My granddaughter other grandmother had brought her over( she has taken her for a few days after the fire) .
The apartment has the same layout so no different.
The other grandmother comes back with a “big girl” bed and after that it was her daughter and husband who brought stuff including some furniture they had put on storage that was older and they were having a house built so didn’t need.
We had literally moved in with nothing and by end of day had some furniture to get us through until insurance kicked in.
It was a very humbling and gracious day.
Spring 2020. I was very greatful to finish my multistate drive and stop spending so much time out in public. Remember this was before vaccines and before the average person could get their hands on real masks. We were all wearing the fabric ones. Toilet paper and lysol wipes were still being hoarded. The house was completely empty, I had one chair to sit on until the movers arrived a few days later. Even after I had very little actual furniture for months. Oh, I also got pulled over by a state trooper a few hours away from my new home. Out of state plates and he thought I was following too closely for the road conditions. I was let go with a warning.
We'd driven a rental truck 800 miles and parked it in a rec center parking lot (with the center's permission) the night before. We closed at 9 and then had to get the rental truck and unload our stuff. We had neighbors offer to help us with the boxes but I was too proud to accept. Big mistake! :D
The day after the movers moved us in we got a call from our social worker, we were Forster parents. Asked if we were interested in taking a 9 day old baby boy. We said yes even though we had nothing set up in the house but our bedroom. That was a little over 20 years ago. He’s my oldest and living on his own in an apartment not to far from our house. it made getting the house unpacked an interesting challenge.


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