What do you think of when you hear "Oakland California"?


Chris Isaak fan
Jul 13, 2000
The Oakland Raiders are in the SuperBowl & the Oakland A's won the AL West -but other than sports, what comes to mind when you hear "Oakland"? I grew up there & I wonder what people think of Oakland. "The City" was always referring to San Francisco when I was a kid. We always felt like we were in SF's shadow, but I'd like to hear others opinions.
Honestly? The Hells Angels, the Black Panthers. . and Gertrude Stien's quote; "There's no there, there. . " :o

But I've been to Oakland several times and I know that isn't fair; like any big city it has it's blight, but it also some very nice parts too. . :) :)
My first boyfriend! We had a summer romance that started the summer of ''82 and then we were together in summer camp again in '83 and started right back were we left off! He lived in a suburb of Oakland.
Usually when I think of Oakland, CA (or more commonly known as OakTown), I think of crime, murder seems to be the big one this year. Some residents "celebrated" the Raiders win by starting a small riot and a few fires. I totally don't understand the logistics of that. I really hate to see what it is going to be like next week if they when. (and praying my husband doesn't get called out to control a riot, he's a deputy in that county)
Honestly, the first thing that came to my mind was that really old Full House episode where Stephanie and Michelle got on a plane in San Fransisco that was headed to Oakland and they thought that it was therefore really close by so that they could just get a ride home and it turned out to be Oakland, New Zealand or something like that. :p
Well, since DH is a die-hard Raiders fan, that's the first thing I think of. Followed closely by the fact that DH and I started one of our best vacations ever, BK(before kids), in Oakland. We picked up a rental Winnebago there. So I like to think of Oakland!!
I grew up in Marin County, CA, so Oakland wasn't too far from me. What I remember most about it exactally what Willy said - it's like any other city, with its nice areas and it's not-so-nice areas.
Jerry Rice, of course!!! I just love him!! I can't wait to see him on Sunday!!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
my home town! :teeth:

and also fenton's, but they haven't rebuilt it yet. :(
Nothing. I didn't even think of sports. I just don't know anything about that city.
Hate to say this as well... I worked in Los Gatos for a while, and it was told to me, "Oakland is where the gangs are"

This was back in 1993 though.
I think Oakland will always be San Francisco's ugly sister. There are a lot of wonderful areas of Oakland, and it was a great place to grow up in the 60's.
Thanks for the responses (you've satisfied my curiosity!)

(Caity - Fenton's is still located on Piedmont ave - don't know what, if anything, they'll do about the one that was on Grand Ave)
I just asked this of my DH. Since I read alot of the post but he has not and he did say some of the very same things especially the Raiders and Black Panthers. I have never been to Oakland but I am sure it is the same as most places I have been. Good & Bad.
Oakland A's....the earthquake during the playoffs...the bridge, that's about it, I really don't know much about Oakland.
minnie -- the one on piedmont burned down in 2001. they've been trying to rebuild but it is slow going... there's one on grand ave too? the piedmont one is the only one i know about. :confused:



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