What I STILL love about DVC...

Lisa F

is a very wise woman
Feb 22, 2000
It seems as though a few (maybe more who are not posting) people are getting nervous about an impending purchase into DVC or are even becoming disenchanted with the idea before they get a chance to try it. I figured I'd start a thread (there hasn't been one in a while) about why we all love DVC. I still love it every bit as much as before the new DC point charts came out and I still love it even though we're not offered florida resident discounts (though I would love it even more if we were offered those discounts).

I could go on and on but I am just going to list a few reasons and hope others will jump in. They can either be big major reasons or small things.

The first reason for me is that it allows me to afford accomodations I couldn't otherwise afford. Last January we spent 2 weeks in a BWV 2 bedroom, sharing it with first family then friends. I think I figured out that the total cost for those rooms would've been in the $8000 range. There is no way that we could afford that if it wasn't for DVC. Another example is from when we were on our honeymoon. We spent $500+/night for a single room in the GF main building concierge. It was what we thought to be one of the biggest splurges of our life. During that trip, we managed to peek in on one of the GF suites. The room looked so huge to me at the time and so completely unattainable. I remember daydreaming that someday we'd be able to stay in one of those suites with our kids, and then realizing that more than likely we would just all be in a single hotel room because of the cost. Then we bought into DVC and I have to say that a 1br and 2br at the BWV is every bit as beautiful as I remember the suite at the GF to be. Someday I'd like to stay in a Grand Villa with the whole family for thanksgiving. Those go for $1800/night! Before DVC, the thought of being able to stay in such accomodations was a dream and now it's reality.

One of the smaller things I love about DVC is that feeling of really "coming home." Even when I stay in other resorts at WDW, I am always a little on edge and anxious to "get home" where things are familiar and I have the conveniences that I am used to (even in a studio).

What else?

Lisa you are right. There are so many things to love about the DVC, I would not have an annual vacation to Disney with out it. I certainly would not be able to stay in a room like the one or two bedroom if it wasn't for DVC. I definitely wouldn't be able to afford the Boardwalk in a one or two bedroom if it wasn't for DVC. We should all concentrate about the things that we can do instead of the things that we can't.
Well said, Lisa. I some times wonder if if people are posting about a different DVC than the one I'm a member of (maybe the mythical DVC II?). The anger and outrage that's so common here really doesn't square with what we're feeling. We've taken about 9 trips over 5 years, and every one has been great in almost every way. We haven't seen any dimunition in service whatsoever.

Of course, it's possible that we didn't purchase for the same reason as some. When we investigated, we took a look at the DC point values and said "wow, that's a bad deal." DCL didn't even exist. We were given passes with the understanding that this program ended on 12/31/99. The reson that we bought was so that we could lock in the cost of first class, roomy, on-site accomodations. That's exactly what we got, and continue to get.

Everybody's got their right to an opinion, of course, but I can't help feeling that some of these opinions have gone way, way overboard. Like I said, they certainly don't accurately depict MY DVC.
hi: i love POSITIVE threads! this is great. when i think back to all the money we'd spent on deluxe accommodations (with ap rates of course!) before we'd bought into dvc, i could cry. it would have all been paid for-even our add-on. our twice a year breaks at wdw have kept me sane. co workers would beg to differ on that last remark. i think the people who are saying they would be better off without dvc must be comparing it to the moderate or deluxe rooms at the resorts. there's absolutely no way that it is a realistic comparison with something like a 1 or 2 br unit at okw, bwv or vwl.
Well, I've got a luxurious Florida vacation home waiting for me whenever I want (with a little planning) and I don't have to worry about who's taking care of it while I'm gone! And, I was able to get one on the Florida ocean as well, so I've actually got two. ;)

Belonging to DVC and having to plan a bit also forces those of us who procrastinate to make those plans we always talk about. I have incredibly wonderful memories of time spent with my father in his beloved Florida and WDW. If I never went to WDW again, those memories would be worth everything I've already paid to belong to DVC. We also had two wonderful trips that included my brother's family as well, one being a Christmas to remember.

DVC, or maybe just an individual member's perception, can go up and down over time. I remember about 4 years ago I felt DVC was starting to cut too many corners and things seemed a little "off" on one trip (nothing bad, just not as super as in the past). The next trip and every one after that, things were back to as wonderful as my first trip.

I no longer spend much time worrying about the discount we should/might get. I don't think it will happen. I would also like to see the DC Collection returned to it's previous levels or a realistic increase. But, none of these things have effected the basics of DVC.
Great thread! Esp. for one who has yet to experience the "home" feeling. We're headed to WDW in 35 days. And I am most anxious. Nothing I've experienced thus far has given me doubts about our decision to purchase. On our last trip (Nov 00) when we were leaving DXL, where we had stayed on several trips and what then felt like 'home', I felt a little sad. But now that I've had the opportunity to read all the wonderful things about VWL, where we'll be soon, I can hardly wait to move to a new "home". We also would have never been able to experience staying in a Deluxe resort without DVC. DH is already speaking about an add-on at Eagle Pines, he's a golfer and loves anything related to it (It's how I get him to WDW so often!!). The options afforded to us thru DVC are great. We're already planning to do the cruise next year! Thanks for starting a positive thread.

:smooth: :smooth:
I have always loved the idea of owning a part of WDW. Last summer we were at a friend's DVC unit at BWV and that convinced my DH....we bought the next day. Our first trip "home" was this July at OKW and VWL. They were amazing. MY DS starts college next week and my DD is a junior at a parochial high school. With tuition rates soaring we were afraid our yearly WDW trips were going to suffer. Then we bought DVC. It saves us money and we have rooms that we could never afford otherwise. We loved the moderates but they simply cannot compare to this. The best part is the feeling of being at a vacation "home". My DD turned 16 this trip and we had a party including 6 Floridian relatives at our "home"....how wonderful.
We love the DVC because it gives us first class accomidations at an affordable price. We have been members almost 10 years now, and have seen alot of changes! But the DVC is still a great deal for anyone who wants to vacation at WDW. We drive down and when we pull into the gate at OKW and the guard says "Welcome Home" you really feel at home!
The best thing we ever did was buy DVC..SO SORRY WE DIDN'T DO IT EARLIER..we have gone to DW more times that I can remember but since DVC we have gone at least 3x a year...getting cheap airfare and going ourselves we don't go crazy when we are by ourselves..now when we go with the kids which is usually around Dec money flies out the door!...we have so many memories since 97 like our little grandson at 7 months sleeping in the Luna Park pool with his hat on and in a tube , getting wings from ESPN and sitting on the balcony watching all the world around us,going to Vero Beach and swimming in that beautiful ocean and watching our grandson at 5 go on the slide for the first time and loving it! cause he was scared but tried it on his own...so many things I can't remember..eating in France food was great,Mexico great food, but the nicest thing was eating a snack at the America Pavallion and my daughter-in-law saying that we were the luckest people in the world to be able to spend our vacations together and not rush around just lazily walking not rushing having quiet time cause we have 40 more years to do this...all in all that was our best day yet just being together and enjoying each other..I can never understand why more people can not see the value in buying DVC they will never know what they are missing...Here's to many more memories for all of us...see you in Sept and Dec of this year and by the way I just booked a short Jan trip for my husbands birthday...SHH don't tell him its a surprise...Marianne :earsgirl: :wave:
We started many years ago a family vacation that included around 10 people. We realized that it was a great deal for us and our big group to buy into OKW. We have stayed in a GV and certainly could not have without DVC. We added up the cost of staying several places-Gulf Shores rental homes, Gatlinburg rental homes, and OKW. DVC was the best thing we ever did. It means many more years of family vacations-kids, grandkids, etc. The memories we have of Mom with her grandchildren having at great time will always be with us. I hope my children will one day have those memories to share, too. I have never had any problem with Disney that couldn't be resolved. Actually, never had many problems period. We have added on several times, so we can have many more trips in the future after we retire. Can't wait to visit VB next May for the first time. Just added on there. I hope DVC gives everyone else the joy it has given me and my family.z
The ROOM.!! Maybe that seems silly, but I've spent a lot of time in hotel rooms in the past for business and NEVER have been as happy and comfortable as in a 1 bdrm DVC. This is a great vacation even if Disney wasn't right outside the door.

We'd had some Florida vacations in the past and in most recent years usually had to pay $100-$150 (with tax) for offsite in order to get a bedroom door that shut - we have a teenager and we wanted a little privacy (so did he). Those rooms were nothing to write home about. In comparison, DVC is a great value.

We bought 2 years ago and now that DS is in college the budget is pretty tight. With the lodging prepaid and pre budgeted and the transportation free (thanks to frequent flyer miles) we can still have vacations. We keep ourselves to one or maybe 2 ressies for meals, cook the rest in the room (I'd be buying food at home anyway), and have a great vacation.
Mercy, what sweet assurance from all of y'all. While it's naive and dangerous to put too much faith in anything manufactured by the hand of man, Disney is, after all, still Disney. In spite of the missteps (memo to Michael -- "Bubble Boy": what the heck were y'all thinking??), I remain an unrepentant Disneyaholic. I'm looking forward to casting my lot with you great DVCers. I'm just naturally prudent, y'know?
We absolutely love our DVC!

Members since 95 and have over 7 add-ons! We vacation about 4-5 times a year. (Previous to DVC we vacationed once/twice a year). People can't understand how we do it.

We've referred over 20 families and 14 joined off of us!

Going to DIS in 3 weeks and I still get goosebumps as if I was 6 or 7 and going for the first time! Our son thinks it's the best thing in the world. And he is right!!!! :D
I love the feeling I get when I walk into our OKW "home" . I love the whole atmosphere. I love the location of BW and how much fun it is to walk over that beautiful bridge. I love Vero and how relaxing and peaceful it is there. I love listening to my sister's children tell everyone how much they love OKW and the slide at BW and how their aunt and uncle take them there. I love hearing my soon- to -be -sophomore ask me if she can use our points to take some friends to WDW after her graduation instead of heading for the shore and a night of partying. I love knowing that no matter what, I am guaranteed to meet our friends who moved to CO at our OKW home. Most of all, I love knowing that this is ours thanks to our brilliant decision to buy our DVC points and two addons. The feeling I get from the DVC experience was magical in 1993 and continues to be so.
I have always loved Disney. There are lots of things I love about DVC, but probably the best is have a great room right on Disney property. You can park your car and never need to think about it again until you check out. I love having Disney to the driving. I love having the ability to take a really nice vacation once a year. Without DVC we would never be able to afford that. GOTTA LOVE DVC!!
Most of my reasons have been beautifully posted in the above responses, but I did want to echo the sentiments of many.

There's nothing wrong with "complaining" about various aspects or changes in DVC that someone doesn't like. Just like families that argue or cause disappointment to other members, communication is always important. But it's equally important to remember that underneath it all is an underlying bond that takes us through the rough times.

As long as my "home" is kept up and the dues don't become outrageous, I will always be happy at heart with the DVC choice. To me, it's better accommodations than I ever thought I could afford and it's on-site, which is critical to my family. Also, there are no surprises as I would otherwise have had to constantly look for a great hotel deal and risk poor rooms, service or amenities. I'm not happy when a perk is removed but my reason for joining was, at its core, a desire to go to Orlando every year and experience the magic.

Great post, Lisa F. I hope it keeps getting bumped so that it stays near the top for a long time.:cool:
We love DVC as much today as we did 7 yrs ago when we bought it and have addd on three times. I love having a wonderful home-away-from home at WDW, a place that has held many happy memories for my family for 30 years. I love the choices in accomodations and length of stay, the parking outside your door at OKW, the ability to relax in a quiet setting while being a bus ride away from all the magic. In all the years we have been members, I can truly say we have never had a bad experience with DVC. We have truly become spoiled by it's niceness. DVC is GREAAAAAAT!

From the moment we signed in 1997, and our two add's on last year, we've never had one moment of regret. Only miles of smiles, great memories and the joy of knowing we have 40 more years of magic ahead of us.

There is nothing like the thrill of openning up the door of our DVC villa and seeing all that space and comfortable surroundings. It just feels like home. We're not juggling suit cases and trying to keep a single bed room (moderate) picked up enough to remain comfortable for a week. If it's raining, we love sitting on the deck watching the rain, or reading a book in our living room...not feeling closed in like we did in our moderate hotel room..... And, we love the knowledge that we are doing this multiple times a year for less than we did when we paid for that moderate resort.

We also love the flexibility of DVC. We really enjoyed Hilton Head last year, and the resort continues to tug at our heart strings....maybe hard enough for another add on??

Every resort has it's own unique charm and gives us all a little variety to enjoy.

We have taken friends and family on vacations they never would have taken if they had to spring for the lodging too..and it was such a joy to see the surprised looks on their faces when they entered that OKW 2 bedroom. Can't wait to see how they will react to a grand villa some day!

The appeal of DVC to us has always been the rooms, and the flexibility to go when we choose..and to use our points how ever we wish.

Nice thread!
Hi All!
Thanks for this great thread about DVC! I am considering purchasing points at Wilderness Lodge. I have been going to Disney for the past 30 years and loving it! I am single and usually stay in a value or moderate resort with family or friends. I try to go about twice a year and last year I stayed at Wilderness Lodge and loved it.

I have some questions about DVC and hope you all can help!

1. Should I buy 150 or 200 points?

2. If I finance the purchase what is the minimun I should have to put down?

3. Are the Villas at Wilderness Lodge wheelchair friendly or would you recommend a different property?

I am waiting for the info packet from my guide to come in the mail but I wanted to get the member perspective!

In addition to all the reasons listed above by fellow DVC'rs, I love the part where I just make the reservation without worrying if I got a good deal. Of course, I got a good deal. It's DVC!

I used to just hate worrying about the availability of on site room discounts. I do NOT miss the frequent calls to CRO to see if I could get a better deal. For me, DVC eliminated a whole lot of the "bad" stress of planning WDW vacations.


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