What is your biggest regret from your school life?

I would say

Choosing to have fun rather than working hard at times.
Mine is the opposite.

Not enjoying myself more and working too hard.

I relaxed a good bit between high school and college but still could have eased off more and had more fun before real life took hold.
That I didn’t stick with it and get a degree in something. There’s too many factors now that would prevent me from going back to school.

My second regret is trying to always fit in the ‘cool kids’. I bullied a kid in grade 6 pretty bad. Plot Twist- we reconnected on fb 20 years later and ended up married. I learned what was going on in his life at the time and it made me feel super awful.
In high school I spent a good chunk of my freshman year cutting school. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is. In the middle of that year I got a wake up call and hunkered down to get my usual As and Bs, but that misstep kept me from the National Honor Society, which would have made my parents extremely proud. I regret that very much.
Not proud of it, but I was a mean girl once in 7th grade and unfriended a very sweet girl because of peer pressure to "ditch the nerd." I was too weak to stand up for her, or myself. I was so cowardly that I couldn't do it, so the tough girls happily ran and told her. Ugh, I am sure they did it the worst way possible. It was so wrong, SO WRONG . . . and I still regret it. :sad1:

Sadly, I never got the chance to apologize for my despicable action, she got cancer and passed away not long after high school.

I have kept that with me for years, not telling anyone. Now that my daughter has become a middle schooler, I recently shared it and how it has sat with me for all these years. One cruel action that I cannot change, nor ask forgiveness for. I hope my story will have an impact on her as she navigates the tumultuous middle school years.
I should have gotten my GED in Intermediate school (7th 8th) and gone to a community college instead of going to high school. I could have taken some remedial math classes to get up to college speed and in sum total, I would have been out with a degree three years earlier. Although on the other hand the sports and the girls were fun.
That I could have been nicer to certain kids and more respectful to certain teachers. Those are really my only regrets about my school days.
In high school a certain big news event concerning high schools and trenchcoats occurred and me and ALL the goth kids at my school were kicked out for what are BS reasons. I hadn't even had a detention in four years at that point, but I was actually arrested because one of my bullies thought it would be loads of fun to tell people I'd said I was going to shoot up the school. I hadn't, of course, but I went through arrests, juvie for four days, house arrest for a whole summer of my youth, a lawyer my parents could barely afford, and a court case that two of my own teachers took a sick day to attend and testify on my behalf.

I ended up with a bunch of dismissed charges and a 75$ court fine for 'inducing panic' for something I didn't do. It messed up my GPA to a state that I couldn't apply for colleges when before I was a A- student. And all this circus was pushed for by the vice principal who seemed to think that I was trouble because I was goth, and that I was missing 'good Christian values'.

Anyways, my big regret is that I sat through all that in terror and never flipped that man the bird.
I should have worked harder. Done more. Focused more on school. I was too busy socializing and I didn’t think grades mattered. I tried community college, but that didn’t work out. Now, I’m a 34 year old single mom who lives with her parents. I hate it to no end. Like, I can’t even begin to explain how much I hate it. I’m grateful to my parents for all the help they have given me, but I hate it. I have no one to blame but myself and it goes back all those years ago when I should have been focused on school. The only good thing is that my brothers saw how badly I was screwing up and they did the total opposite. They are now both extremely successful and I am beyond happy for them. I hope my son makes school a priority and looks at me for what NOT to do. I refuse to let him follow in my footsteps
Like most of us, I wish I would of tried hard, I was just concerned with passing, with me that met just listen in class and never do homework or study, I would pick up enough to do good on test despite not doing homework;

Also. I liked so many girls, they would even come up and tlak with me, but I was painfully shy, I could get 2 words out mf my mouth, all my buddys would tlak about how much fun i am, and the girls would think "what you mean he is a babbling idiot , lol
Tried to think hard & don’t have any real regrets. At the time my school was the number 1 party school so definitely had fun, met my DH, & got 2 decent degrees that allow me to continue to stay employed in a decent career. I used to regret not going to vet school b/c thst was my original plan. But now I only work 185 days a year & 35 hours a week which is great since DS is young. Would have made about the same $ but would have to work much longer & odder hours as vet so now I’m actually glad that didn’t work out. Would be nice to have a little less student loan debt, but we can afford it & it’s the price I pay for having to do it the way I did.
I regret not trying out for any sports teams. I knew I was better than some kids who made teams, since we played everything outside of school. I was too afraid of not making it I never tried.
I was offered solos in high school and college choirs and was too scared to sing publicly. I was 30 before I discovered I could sing alone and live through it. That's a lot of time to be so fearful about something i should have embraced as a gift.


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