What is YOUR definition of being a Christian?

I believe that what was asked was "what is a Christian?", not "who will go to heaven?".

Everyone believes that they are right in their beliefs or non beliefs. Every faith's scriptures state that they are doing the right thing to get eternal salvation. How can one faith say that their scriptures are right and others are wrong?

To me a Christian is a person who believes that Jesus is the son of God. That's it no, more or no less. Inside Christianity, there are many, many different levels of conviction, but they are all Christians.
Wow, great terms, everyone!

I agree with what's been said here, it's a simple definition but not a simple thing for a human to live. Confessing that Jesus is Lord is first and essential, then spending your life to be more like him is lifelong.

We all fall short because He was the last perfect person. We should all just crave to be more like Him.

Jennifer, there is no doubt in my mind why you have those initials!! :teeth:
Off topic.......Yes Glo, that is how I was raised as well, basicaly being told that it is our duty to teach others about Jesus so they to could get into Heaven, I guess that is why mission trips are so important to so many religions. I have always had a hard time with the fact that a terrible person can accept Christ on the death bed and go to heaven but yet a great person who lived a wonderful life and is christ like would not get into heaven if they had not accepted Christ. Do I wish it were different...yes but I have been taught that this way and sometimes question it myself, so I really understand when someone is not a christian would question this. I hope this made sence:confused:
"...whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Acts 2:21

It's really simple yet profound! When you call his name you get the person! When you get the person of Christ He begins to work in your heart replacing the poison with His own Life - the Life-giving Spirit. Then bit by bit as He touches each aspect of your life and living you become more and more "like Christ"- Christian - because He lives in you!

"Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me." Rev. 3:20
"That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith,..." Eph. 3:17
"My children, of whom I am again in travail until Christ is formed in you;..." Gal. 4:19
To me, its more than just believe.. in the Bible in the book of James, says faith without deeds is DEAD. I did live a non works based religous lifestyle for a LONG time, and I was aching feeling so dead inside...

I have to do something with IT... I study the Bible with people, go out and help the poor, all the time. I mentor people, and have a daily relationship with God with Bible studies every DAY

I also believe that the Bible is the standard in which I attempt to live my life.

Yes, we are all sinners (Romans 3:23). I know I sin, and I do my best to live as an ambassodor of God. Yes, we all fall short, and when I do, I repent. Do I still mess up? Yes! But I don't use my sin as an excuse to sin it up... (Romans 6: 1-to about verse 6).

I used to live that way.. I'll sin it up, and well God will forgive me. (I was a professing Christian at the time! ) Then I realized repentence, and true definition of grace.
To make a positive contribution to your corner of the earth:D
Cindy B,

That's what is so profound to me, the Life within us issues in fruit, deeds, works, an expression of that Life within - Christ Himself. "You will know them by their fruit." and "It is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me."

You're right, it is more than believing. It's a process - a life long process. Some of us are babes. Some are pillars in the Church. Because it is so simple and has so few requirements, being Christian has always led unbelievers to think we are the fools. But once you simply taste of the living Christ you'll never be the same. Some will stray at times, I have. But He keeps drawing me back!
I believe that a Christian is a person who believes that Jesus is the son of the one true God, who has chosen to walk with Jesus daily and strives to do His works and be more like Him.
Litteral definitions already made...I believe that truly
being Christian requires lots of tolerance, understanding,
flexibility and a quest for peace that surpasses normal
human reaction. Christ had all of this. I also believe that
God expects us to be smart; to know that we have to
make good choices and that the path to salvation is not
always the shortest, most obvious path or the one others
proclaim as "the path."
Thank you all so much for taking the time to answer this post, you all had some great things to say about what being a Christian means to you.

A Christian is someone who professes Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and who has accepted him as their personal savior. Christians beleive that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins in a gift of love to pay a dept we could never pay for ourselves.

Good works are not part of my definition because they are an effect, not a cause. Followers of Christ desire to perform good works becuase we desire to share the love that God has given us so freely. You can perform good works and not be a Christian (we Christians do not have a lock on compassion and generosity), but if you a true follower of Christ, the desire to spread his love comes naturally. Its the result of being a Christian, but not a requirement of being one.
A Christian is someone who believes that we all fall short of the Glory of God but who professes Jesus Christ to be the son of God who became the "passover lamb" for us. His sacrifice made atonement for us before God. All we must do is acknowledge that Christ is the son of God, the foretold Messiah who died for our sins and ascended on the third day. By simple professing this we are saved.

John 14:8
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

That is simply stated for those of us who believe in the New Testament. There is no middle ground. Although Christians are called upon to serve and do good works this makes for a Christian ideal not a Christian. Granted, this seems rigid but the Bible makes it very clear.

John 10
9 I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
11 I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
Originally posted by WDWHound

Good works are not part of my definition because they are an effect, not a cause. Followers of Christ desire to perform good works becuase we desire to share the love that God has given us so freely. You can perform good works and not be a Christian (we Christians do not have a lock on compassion and generosity), but you can't be a true follower of Christ and not have the desire to spread his love. This is what the Bible tell us when it says "by their fruits you shall know them".

That is true, there are many people that perform good works and aren't Christian. I've seen many passionate and generous Hindis... they serve and serve and give continually.

It is all about spreading the love to others. Matthew 28"18-20 talks about that.. .Jesus final words before he went up to heaven.. were instructions on ... that they (the disciples) should go and make disciples of every nation... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.. and the promise was that Jesus would be with them to the very end of the age.
Originally posted by Lanshark
John 14:8
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

That is simply stated for those of us who believe in the New Testament. There is no middle ground. Although Christians are called upon to serve and do good works this makes for a Christian ideal not a Christian. Granted, this seems rigid but the Bible makes it very clear.
Well said.
I agree with much of what has been said allready but I would add that there has to be sincerity involved. You have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

I profess to be a Christian, make every effort to live a life that is Christ-Like but I know I fall WAY short of that goal. I am in NO WAY perfect but I sincerely with all my heart make the effort to try to live in a way befitting my claims.

Glo, I have often questioned the same things you have... the struggle of " what if one has never been exposed to Jesus Christ but has served ( insert Budha, Hindu. etc... here) faithfully.

Have you read the Chronicles of Narnia? In " The last Battle" CS Lewis talks about the ones who were allowed into the great beyond ( sorry I dont remember what they called it) and one of the "enemies" was accepted in because he served his " god" faithfully with no knowledge of Aslan.

I read that when I was about 8 and have questioned it ever since. The simple fact is I dont think anyone will know until we get to Heaven. I know we have a merciful God and yet I also know what the Bible says.

I guess this is where it comes down to Faith.
We have to believe that God has the Grand Plan and that only HE knows what it is. :)
Originally posted by binny

Glo, I have often questioned the same things you have... the struggle of " what if one has never been exposed to Jesus Christ but has served ( insert Budha, Hindu. etc... here) faithfully.

Grand Plan and that only HE knows what it is. :)

Read John 12:47-48.. .that helped me a ton with that same struggle... for a context read the few verses before it and after it.

Remember also that Jesus is speaking those verses, if it helps put thing in perspective.
JC2 and Buckalew said it perfectly. I truly believe in a Risen Savior who paid a debt for my sin that I could not pay. I could not earn my way to heaven through good works; my salvation is a free gift from God, and all I had to do to receive it was believe that Jesus is the sinless Lamb of God who came to bear the burden of my sins and offer me eternal salvation. I believe in my heart that Jesus is my Savior and confess with my mouth that He is my Lord. I try each day to be more like him.

Originally posted by JC2
A Christian is one who confesses that s/he is a sinner and in need of God's forgiveness. The Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So without Him, we are lost in our sin. But if we confess our sins, the Bible says that He will not only forgive us, but He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And then that person accepts that Jesus died for him/her and rose from the dead. And s/he asks Jesus to take over his/her life.
A Christian is not a perfect person, but one who is always pressing toward the mark of being more Christ-like. We cannot do that on our own, but only by the power that God gives us.

I agree with this definition. I also believe that if you are a Christian you will try to be good to others but that being good doesn't make you a Christian. I do not think one can be "good enough" to earn their way into Heaven. I think that Jesus Christ was sent for a purpose.
And I am grateful for salvation, a free gift from God.


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