What is your top reason for going solo?

No social anxiety here. I have always enjoyed traveling solo. I knew several people who like to go but for several years schedules just didn't work out.

So finally I just decided to go solo.

And I loved it. Two more solo trips and then one with a friend. I gotta admit I found myself wishing I was solo.
I am told because I am male and don't feel the threat that a woman might rightfully fear, but I can think of no safer location for a female then WDW. I've heard so many times about people, mostly women say they are uncomfortable eating alone in a restaurant. I'm sorry but I will never understand that as long as I live. Every human being on earth eats. If not they'd be dead. All males eat to live, all women eat to live, all children eat to live, all animals eat to live. What or how could it be a problem to eat food like everyone else. I do wish someone could tell me a realistic reason why that would be a social problem and if it was why should they have the power to starve someone.
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I love WDW and have been going for over 25 years. With every trip, I grew to love it more and more. My hubby and I started going when we got married and had a few trips in before we had kids. Then we started going with the kids and it was totally different. I ended up like WDW much more then my hubby and so one year I decided to go solo for the F&WF and I just kept going back every year. I would go with my kids also but my hubby had not been in almost a decade because of work. My kids are now both adults and I plan on going more often. I just love going by myself. I can do whatever I want, when I want. Eat when and where I want to, etc. I recently went with my 20yo daughter and it was a great trip, but I felt like we did more that she wanted and it just was not the same. Maybe I am Disney selfish. LOL
I am told because I am male and don't feel the threat that a woman might rightfully fear, but I can think of no safer location for a female then WDW. I've heard so many times about people, mostly women say they are uncomfortable eating lone in a restaurant. I'm sorry but I will never understand that as long as I live. Every human being on earth eats. If not they'd be dead. All males eat to live, all women eat to live, all children eat to live, all animals eat to live. What or how could it be a problem to eat food like everyone else. I do wish someone could tell me a realistic reason why that would be a social problem and if it was why should they have the power to starve someone.

It’s all about social status. We’ve taught female for years that there is something wrong with you if you do things alone. I find it liberating!!
I am told because I am male and don't feel the threat that a woman might rightfully fear, but I can think of no safer location for a female then WDW. I've heard so many times about people, mostly women say they are uncomfortable eating lone in a restaurant. I'm sorry but I will never understand that as long as I live. Every human being on earth eats. If not they'd be dead. All males eat to live, all women eat to live, all children eat to live, all animals eat to live. What or how could it be a problem to eat food like everyone else. I do wish someone could tell me a realistic reason why that would be a social problem and if it was why should they have the power to starve someone.

I am a woman and I agree that WDW is probably the safest place a solo traveler can go. I also don't get why anyone, woman or man, would feel uncomfortable eating alone. I think it is an insecurity thing. Some are too concerned what they perceive others think about them. I realized a looong time ago that nobody cares. LOL It reminds me of the people who are upset that someone speaks another language because they think that they are talking about them. I have had people come up to us, when I was speaking to my grandma in Polish, that they want us to speak English so they know if we are talking about them. Of course I laughed and told them that they are not important enough for me to bother with. It is all insecurity.
I can do what I want to do. I am also a perennial childless single. And nobody else I know to travel with is as into Disney as me. There are some things that are not as fun by myself, so it is nice to balance solo trips with family trips.
It sounds like there are a lot of lame husbands out there.
Hardly. My DH is a scuba diver. I am not. I tag along on a trip every other year or so when it is at a nice all-inclusive resort, but most of his trips are liveaboards. Nothing for me to do. He goes diving, I go to Orlando! Works great for us. Does that make me a lame wife? (Rhetorical, I don't give a rat's rear what anyone else thinks!)
I can snack and eat whenever I want, and I can ride a ride as many times in a row I like. Imagine riding RSR 5x times in a row via single rider without any kids in meltdown mode. Imagine a Mickey Ice Cream for breakfast. This is what my significant other did. She decided she wanted to go to DL/DCA on her own, and she had a great time.
The main reason that I want to go solo (and have gone solo to DLP and other city trips) is that I love doing things at my own pace. Other people usually are too fast paced for me and want to go go go, whereas I love to just sit down somewhere for an hour and peoplewatch.

My first trip to WDW was with an American friend and yeah I had a lot of fun and I loved that she dragged me around to places, knew the way, pointed out certain things I would've missed otherwise and for a first trip I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. But for my next trip I want to go by myself, go by my own pace, only spend the time I believe is necessary in gift shops and not feel like I am hurrying along someone if I go outside after a few min.
This will be my 1st Solo trip at 62 years young. For 5 days I will be on my own and then there will be a group of 7 family members arriving.
I normally would be with my older sister, but she passed away in November from Covid19, hence a reason I am on my own the first few days I am there. We had planned on arriving a few days earlier before she passed away so I'm sticking with the plan as I know she was busy planning what to do before she got so sick.
I am looking forward to it, as I've never done it before and have always secretly wanted to give it a try. She was the one who did most of the planning so it is definitely a new experience for me.
This will be my 1st Solo trip at 62 years young. For 5 days I will be on my own and then there will be a group of 7 family members arriving.
I normally would be with my older sister, but she passed away in November from Covid19, hence a reason I am on my own the first few days I am there. We had planned on arriving a few days earlier before she passed away so I'm sticking with the plan as I know she was busy planning what to do before she got so sick.
I am looking forward to it, as I've never done it before and have always secretly wanted to give it a try. She was the one who did most of the planning so it is definitely a new experience for me.

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's passing. I hope you are doing okay? I think it's great that you are going ahead with your trip, solo, to honor your sister. I bet she would be glad you are going too.
I have never been brave enough to go solo, but it always sounds like a fun time to me. My husband loves disney too, so I would never go without him. He would be too hurt by that. However, we stayed for a few days after a big family trip, just the 2 of us, and we Loved It. Since then, we have gone on trips without the family and love being "alone". We like to do the same things too. Let us know how your trip went if you can, and have a great time:)
This will be my 1st Solo trip at 62 years young. For 5 days I will be on my own and then there will be a group of 7 family members arriving.
I normally would be with my older sister, but she passed away in November from Covid19, hence a reason I am on my own the first few days I am there. We had planned on arriving a few days earlier before she passed away so I'm sticking with the plan as I know she was busy planning what to do before she got so sick.
I am looking forward to it, as I've never done it before and have always secretly wanted to give it a try. She was the one who did most of the planning so it is definitely a new experience for me.
Sorry to hear of your sister's passing. This will be a different trip because of that, probably difficult at times. :hug:
My first solo trip to Orlando was for work. I was there for a project with a team, and during our down days, they just wanted to hang out at the hotel pool bar all day. One of them, a mom, had just ”endured“ going during the summer with her overheated, cranky, exhausting family and vowed never to visit WDW again. The others were just more into cocktails and downtime.

So I hung out with them for a bit but then decided I wasn’t going all the way to Orlando and not stepping foot into WDW, especially as a former DL CM and Parks fan. So I went by myself, enjoyed it so much, I converted my ticket to an AP and the rest was history.

Now I do like traveling with friends. But my friends are married, or are teachers on limited salaries, or have any number of reasons why our travel styles aren’t compatible. My best friend who is a Disney fan likes to skimp. He’ll pick an Airbnb 20 miles away, pack a bowling-ball heavy bag with sandwiches, snacks, water, etc. that I will end up lugging half of, and tends to skip eating otherwise (with maybe one QS or sit down meal on occasion). It’s perfectly fine, we have fun, we both like the parks, it works for his budget. He tours slowly and does a lot of social media which slows down the trip.

It’s the cheapest way to do Disney and I don’t entirely mind it. We’re going to only get to do half the things I want, but I learn to slow down and focus on the little aesthetic things and being more creative. And appreciate quality time with my friend. Oh and he wakes up late so we will never arrive until it’s really crowded each day.

But it’s not my natural style, which is to stay at a moderate hotel on property or at least nearby, to have a a good restaurant meal every day or two, and plentiful snacks in between, and get on my favorite rides. And spend money without feeling guilty about it (he would consider souvenirs to be rip offs, I disagree). So I will go with him, but solo also works well for me, for now!
I probably should be honest about my solo trips. I have made dozens of them. Back when Disney sold non-expiring 10 day tickets, it was common for me to decide on a Sunday night that I was going to go (this was after my retirement of course) pack my stuff, call ahead at to one of the many offsite hotels that I liked, make reservation for four or five days. Get up the next morning at 6am throw the suitcase and a cooler of iced tea and snacks and point my car south on I-95 and be there by 4pm. Spend 4 days in WDW or some other place and on a Saturday morning head home. I did that many times.

Can't do that anymore, because of having to decide ahead of time which park I want to be in on Tuesday or Wednesday, etc. try and set up FP's for my favorites. No more last minute decisions could be made to visit the place that I enjoyed since 1983. I couldn't get any discount in tickets because I had to stay the length of time or lose out. That took massive amounts of fun out of the trip.

However, that question is why do I like traveling solo. Because it is fun. I don't have to worry about any one else getting tired or not wanting to go Italian for dinner. If I wanted to ride SSE 6 times in a row (evenings) I could. If I wanted to skip the parade, I could just run over to 7 dwarfs mine train and practically walk on. They were always asking for people to fill one seat and one would get on right away. When I got tired, I left, if I wanted to skip rope drop, I did. If I just wanted to round trip the monorail from MK to Epcot I did that. Can't wait until all this Covid stuff makes it's exit because I desperately want to ride the length of the gondolas. From the very first time I drove under the "Welcome to Walt Disney World sign on World Drive in 1983 until this very moment the same feeling of freedom of responsibilities and other life's burdens lifting off my shoulder has happened. I still occasionally go with family or friends but that is not often. I enjoy that very much, but I also have a great time exploring by myself.

Disney in its growth and sometimes bad judgment has made the process slightly more stressful and confusing for me but from what I can tell massively so for those that are onsite guests. I'm getting very long in the tooth but others that are younger will never know the feeling of fun and unburdened pleasure of a visit to WDW.
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Can't do that anymore, because of having to decide ahead of time which park I want to be in on Tuesday or Wednesday, etc. try and set up FP's for my favorites. No more last minute decisions could be made to visit the place that I enjoyed since 1983. I couldn't get any discount in tickets because I had to stay the length of time or lose out. That took massive amounts of fun out of the trip.

This is why I switched from WDW to DL. The reservation system really turned me off of WDW.
This is why I switched from WDW to DL. The reservation system really turned me off of WDW.
Not really an option for me. Last minute trips from the east coast to the west is a little bit of a stretch and a tad on the expensive side.
This will be my 1st Solo trip at 62 years young. For 5 days I will be on my own and then there will be a group of 7 family members arriving.
I normally would be with my older sister, but she passed away in November from Covid19, hence a reason I am on my own the first few days I am there. We had planned on arriving a few days earlier before she passed away so I'm sticking with the plan as I know she was busy planning what to do before she got so sick.
I am looking forward to it, as I've never done it before and have always secretly wanted to give it a try. She was the one who did most of the planning so it is definitely a new experience for me.
I am sorry for your loss. I think that is wonderful that you are sticking with the plan. Best wishes!


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