What to pack when 40% showers called for but also 75 degrees


Nov 14, 2005
I am having a problem packing for my two year old and 13 month old for this trip. The day we arrive they are calling for 75 degree weather but the following three days are 40% chance of showers. Then sunny on the rest of our trip that is in San Diego. Do you think I need to pack raincoats for the kids? What about rainboots? Also what do I do about the stroller getting wet while we are walking around? I have never been to disneyland with kids before when it was raining. Right now it is in the mid 60s and we are wearing short sleeve shirts with sweatshirts on top. I am just not sure if that will be sufficient but also don't want to melt the kids if it doesn't end up raining.

Any advice on this would be appreciated. I have packed both cold and warmer stuff in the suitcases right now but am worried I might have to much warm stuff and not enough of the colder stuff. :scratchin
About the stroller: I bought a stroller raincover last fall, and it works really well to cover the entire stroller. I ordered mine online, but I've seen similar items at BabiesRUs (if there's one near you.) DUH...just occurred to me that you might live in a dry location that doesn't need this sort of thing... Anyway, if you can get one, they work great for keeping stroller and kid(s) in the stroller dry.

We aren't planning to bring our raincoats; after all the rain we've had in Seattle, the last thing I want to bring on vacation is a raincoat!!! I figure if we encounter rain, we'll pick up the Disney rain ponchos at the park. If they aren't in an obvious location in the shop you're in, ask: Sometimes they keep them behind the counter.

One question I had about the ponchos, though: What's the smallest sized poncho? Will it fit a 1 - 2yo? If not, you may want to bring a raincoat for the little ones.

Rain or not, I know you'll have a great time! I can't wait for our trip in April!
Thanks so much for the reply. You are right in that I live in an area where those type of covers aren't really needed. I will have to see if I can find one somewhere before we leave on Saturday.

Thanks for the advice on the ponchos. I think that is what we will do also.
So if you live in a dry climate, the local baby store may not sell stroller raincovers, but it's worth a look. One more thing to note: Apparently when it starts to rain, everyone runs to the shops to buy the ponchos. So if the morning of that day looks likely to rain, I'll plan to pick up the ponchos before it starts... Worst case, you have one more souvenir to bring home. ;)
Plan on dressing in layers. I would bring light weight clothes and jackets that can be worn together. Bring rain coats for the kids if you have them.

More then likely a store like Target or Walmart would carry them. They typically carry the same things regardless of location.
When we were there in Nov. I packed ponchos because of showers predictions. We hauled them around for a while, then left them in the hotel room. The few times it rained, it was just short periods of sprinkles. We ducked into a building to wait it out which didn't take long, or we just got a little wet and the weather would warm up soon and we'd dry quickly. Granted, my kids are much older than yours and we were usually already wet from Splash Mountain or Grizzly River Run. For you, I might recommend having light jackets, but unless they're predicting really heavy rains, I wouldn't recommend hauling a bunch of raingear around!
OK, just read in one of my guidebooks that an adult poncho will easily cover a stroller, so don't worry about the stroller raincover! :sunny:
Alex2kMommy said:
OK, just read in one of my guidebooks that an adult poncho will easily cover a stroller, so don't worry about the stroller raincover! :sunny:

:banana: Great news!!! Thanks for that tip. It will save me a ton of headache trying to find one before we leave.
Alex2kMommy said:
One more thing to note: Apparently when it starts to rain, everyone runs to the shops to buy the ponchos. So if the morning of that day looks likely to rain, I'll plan to pick up the ponchos before it starts... Worst case, you have one more souvenir to bring home. ;)
These are also great for covering up before water rides on cooler days... :thumbsup2
Another thought...the first time we went to WDW with kids, the Unofficial suggested different ponchos for the kids, because when it rains everyone does buy them up and pretty soon you are walking around in a sea of identical poncho covered people...can be dangerous. We buy them for the kids ahead of time and get adult ones at the park if we need them. I found really great ones at the Disney Store in Red, Black and Pink with Mickey and/or Minnie on them. Our kids stand out. :sunny:
I buy the cheap $1 ponchos, I found some for kids in the camping section of Walmart, and I got some adults ones at Dollar tree that way we can throw them away if we use them before we pack to come back home. Our last trip to WDW with a 9m old it was cold and rained most of the trip and we covered his stroller with a clear cheap dollar store poncho and it worked great, we just had to make sure he didn't grab it and get it in his mouth.

When you're packing clothes, I would think that if you pack for layering they could probably wear their sweatshirts more than once if they don't spill anything on it since they probably won't have it on all day (I have 5 kids, I know that's a pretty big if, lol). I would pack one for every 2 to 3 days of your trip per child. I don't know if you have boys or girls, but for my dd and I I'm packing capris and for my ds's I'm packing alot of those running pants that you can zip the legs off of to make shorts, I know they sell some at Old Navy if that helps.


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