What will you be doing in 17 years?????

Well, that figures! That's about the time I'm going to retire!!! There goes my pension and social security!:rolleyes:

One of the very reasons I live for the here and now!

You just never know, one day your sitting in your LazyBoy recliner, minding your own business and WHAM!

Life as you know it is over.

If it does hit, I hope it lands right on my house because I don't want to be around for the 'dark ages!' No thanks!

I'm pretty sure that the gov't. spends good money for scientists to figure ways to get rid of bothersome life ending asteroids.

Ask me in another 10 years!
What will I be doing in 17 years? Well until 5 minutes ago, I figured I'd be enjoying my early retirement, but now, I've penciled in perishing in a catastrophic asteroid collision...thanks for the news...

C'mon, everyone, don't be shy, sing along:

"Is that all there is, is that all there is
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is"
I was reading that article thinking "Somebody needs a lesson in basic math if they think 2019 minus 2007 is 17 yrs". Then I saw the date of the OP. :rotfl:
wow.....lots of names that have dropped off the face of the DIS :sad:
Better go out and stock up on duct tape and canned goods. :rotfl: Remember Y2K? I'm not going to worry about this either...
What will I be doing in 17 years? Either I'll be at WDW enjoying Disney's newest fireworks display ala mega-asteroid or sitting here on the DIS.

Lets try to keep this thread going for the next 17 years.
I'm way more concerned about Apophis which, on Friday the 13th, 2029, will pass below the altitude of our own satellites (about 22,000 miles). It is suppose to miss us during that go round but there's a 1 in 45,000 chance it could nail us on April 13th (also a Friday) in 2036.

They really don't know what will happen because of the effects the earth, moon, etc may have on its trajectory. Certainly something to keep informed about though.
Yeah, 17 years from now isn't good for me, I have a meeting that day.
Um, isn't this why George Lucas wrote the Star Wars movies? Just send some pilots out there to blow the thing up and there won't be any problem. Ha ha.
17 years from now?
Hopefully retired, no mortgage and kids out of the house. :cool1:
Just when life will be good and relaxing the world will end.
I can't win. :rolleyes:
Their calculations show it could hit the earth on February 1, 2019.

Well apparently I'd better start planning for the biggest 16th birthday party ever! My youngest dd will turn 16 on 1/31/2019 so that party better be out of this world!!!::yes:: :thumbsup2

Seriously I'd like to think we would have created something to destroy it by then or reduce its impact. :confused3
I'll be going about my life. We could get hit by an asteroid. You could have a goose fly into your windshield and kill you this afternoon. You could plug in your toaster and have an electrical malfunction kill you while you're making breakfast. You could have an ingrown toenail become infected and kill you with a massive systemic drug-resistant staph infection. You could eat dinner and get e Coli and die. You could trip and fall while carrying a sharp object and impale your heart and die almost instantly. You could have an anuerysm while you drink your coffee.

I believe when it's your time, it's your time. I'm not standing in front of oncoming trains, but I'm also not spending my days fretting about what might happen.

And BTW--didn't Disney already make this movie? Something about a Rusian Space Station, an atomic bomb, and a really hot astronaut who gets the girl in the end? :confused3

I'll be going about my life. We could get hit by an asteroid. You could have a goose fly into your windshield and kill you this afternoon. You could plug in your toaster and have an electrical malfunction kill you while you're making breakfast. You could have an ingrown toenail become infected and kill you with a massive systemic drug-resistant staph infection. You could eat dinner and get e Coli and die. You could trip and fall while carrying a sharp object and impale your heart and die almost instantly. You could have an anuerysm while you drink your coffee.

I believe when it's your time, it's your time. I'm not standing in front of oncoming trains, but I'm also not spending my days fretting about what might happen.

And BTW--didn't Disney already make this movie? Something about a Rusian Space Station, an atomic bomb, and a really hot astronaut who gets the girl in the end? :confused3


Actually I know what you're talking about as far as the ingrown toenail. I was extremely sick for over six weeks with a staph infection which even got into the bone. It was horrible.:sick:


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