Whats up with all the Farting ?

I'm mortified to say, my father is a Proud Public Farter :crazy2: He'll let 'em rip anywhere and everywhere, and they are LOUD!! I don't think he even notices anymore, they just erupt as he walks. If a graying Italian man who looks like he stepped straight out of The Godfather wearing a Pirates t-shirt farts at you at Disney, it's probably my Dad. We're going on a family vacation this summer to a luxury resort, (like, the kind that celebs frequent) and we've implored him repeatedly he can't fart in public there. But we all know it will happen, and definitely within earshot of either the hotel manager, somebody famous, or both. :worried:
If you have not seen this weeks Universal show, Craig and Ryno covered this. @Ryno made it clear that farting will happen in lines.
While this thread is really very funny, I am going to get serious. I have read that the normal, HEALTHY body farts exactly 14 times per day. Not so for me. Mine must have been in the HUNDREDS. I am a woman in my 60's.
I wish so much that I had a warning, so that I could delay it until I got to a bathroom, but no such luck there. My warning is less than one second, and as much as I try, it just cannot be held back. So I am truly sorry if it may offend anyone. I started taking an enzyme just before every meal, and that does help a lot. BUT .... it doesn't take it away completely. I started taking this enzyme when I started a new job. My supervisor needed to sit with me in my tiny office cubicle, to train me on the computer with my new job. So you can imagine my embarrassment. It may have something to do with my love of sweets ?? Maybe I should wear a sign on my back saying "Sorry to Offend anyone".

<<Another serious comment from someone formerly prone to gas, here>>

If you are looking for a solution to the putt-putt problem, try cutting out sweets, and curb overeating. Also, increase the amount of alkaline foods in your diet (vegetables & herbs), lower the acidic foods (meat, coffee, etc), and add natural probiotic foods like real brined sauerkraut (as opposed to the vinegar type, which is not fermented), kimchi, or kombucha. I've noticed from my own experience and experimentation that these things are related to bloating and gas: too much sugar, a digestive tract that is too slow moving (too much animal protein and processed carbs, not enough vegetables and fiber), and a diet that is overly acid. All together are particularly volatile. I can almost guarantee if you try these things, your problem will (ahem) dissipate. Unless it's a medical problem.

It's hard to control these things while on vacation in a place that is geared toward excess and treats, so I'm trying to have as many vegetables as I can while at WDW, not to overeat too badly, and keeping the sweets and alcohol to a minimum. Also, last time I was there I took an Uber to Publix in the beginning of our trip and picked up some Kombucha to keep in our resort room fridge, especially the flavor with Chia seeds in it to help keep things moving (I'm taking some dry Chia with me next time in case I can't find this flavor, again). Another trick I discovered is to take a lot of capsules of Ceylon Cinnamon and ground Fennel Seed whenever I find I have eaten too much or after eating something that is gas-causing.

<<end of public service message, resume the hilarity!>>
Peoples' mindsets are that A) They're outside, B) They're inside in a crowded area, C) It's Disney. I'll never see these people again so I can let loose. D) Different cultures sometimes don't frown upon producing flatus.

It's very rude, but some people are very rude at Disney. They think that since they're spending thousands of dollars that they are above everyone else to ensure they have a good time. Regarding flatus, they feel that they don't need to be uncomfortable and hold it in so they release it - regardless of who is around.

While it's probably true that some people are just rude, I think some people actually can't control it. You've never had one escape by accident?
scientists, have found, that if they give seaweed to cows, they fart much less, than other cows who does not it seaweed .... crustaceans do not fart.....so let´s eat sushi......
birds don´t fart,

The cows are fed all kinds of stuff that is not natural to their digestive system, which is probably the cause of their gas. The meat industry relies pretty heavily on corn feed, for instance. Also, they overstuff them.
I wish, that Disney is taking notes for a restaurant with probiotic food , less carb and alkaline foods ...thanks Punkrockbebop for the input....
I was just thinking "wow, I need to spend less time on these forums." After spontaneously reading every post of this thread, never mind. HERE. TO. STAY.

Thank you @saradela for the gift of this thread, and your first post especially. I want to get "Do I have to behave like nothing is happening? like god is talking to me?" cross-stitched and hung on my wall. :rotfl2:

Long live this thread!
I forgot to mention one more tip. If you are gluten intolerant you may be familiar with those yummy OMG it's GF brownies that Disney serves at many locations. Well, they are also sugar-free, and the sugar alcohols from the sugar substitutes they use in them cause major gas. Beware anything with sugar alcohols!
I was just thinking "wow, I need to spend less time on these forums." After spontaneously reading every post of this thread, never mind. HERE. TO. STAY.

Thank you @saradela for the gift of this thread, and your first post especially. I want to get "Do I have to behave like nothing is happening? like god is talking to me?" cross-stitched and hung on my wall. :rotfl2:

Long live this thread!

Thanks to you, and to all the DIS fans that have made their contribution to this thread......
I don't think it's just WDW. I'm in NYC and take the subway every day. I've noticed lately (it's impossible not to) that people are letting 'em (the SBD variety) go much more frequently on the subway. In an outdoor queue at WDW is bad, but on a crowded NYC subway...is absolutely diabolical.
For sure. I think this is a worldwide phenomenon ;)

But I feel for you on the subway. Outdoors and big, open, airy rooms with windows are understandable, but enclosed metal tubes underground... :scared:
I'm pretty sure this is either Monty Python or inspired by them. With the kiddo laying on the couch, I got an "I fart in your general direction" from over there. That reminded me that that is a "classic," um, retort, when one is let loose in our family.
Yes! Monty Python! Your kid has good taste in movies :)

I remember a friend in high school wearing a shirt with that saying. He got sent home for a dress code violation!
The name " Poop", comes from the Middle English word "popen" or "poupen," which originally meant "fart." The name "poop" was based upon the sound of the fart.
Some people can not Fart or poop, and that becomes a serius problem (Pramod Kerkar, MD) ......They removed this from a man in China a few days back a Megacolon problem, I just can t imagine the pain he was into, he coudn t pass gas or poop...

OH MY, THAT PICTURE. WOW. That looks awful and so terribly painful. Good for him to have had the surgery!


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