What's your favourite type of food?

Seafood is probably my top fave - salmon, shrimp, lobster, etc.

For ethnic categories, I like Italian, Thai, Mexican, and Chinese.
It's so weird...I used to be the spice fiend of the family, favoring Cajun/Creole, Szechuan-style, spicy Mexican dishes. But no more. Now I just want a plain roasted chicken, a pot roast, a steak with salt and pepper.
I'd always heard that taste buds dull as you age, but not finding that to be the case.
Italian food is my favorite, especially after visiting Rome a few years ago. The authentic pasta, fresh pizzas, and delicious gelato were unforgettable and left me craving more ever since. After reading this thread, I decided to order something tasty for dinner tonight to satisfy my Italian food cravings. Any reviews of jollibee canada? A good carbonara would be perfect.
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That's a tough one, choosing a favorite food! I can definitely relate to the love for Chinese and Italian - they're both classics for a reason. Chinese food is amazing for the variety, you can go from light and veggie-focused to super flavorful and rich. I especially love getting a big group of friends together and ordering a whole bunch of dishes to share - family-style!

Italian food is just pure comfort food for me. A good plate of pasta with a simple tomato sauce and some crusty bread? Perfection. I also gotta admit, I can't resist a cheesy pizza - the more toppings, the better, in my opinion!

Indian food is fantastic too, with all the complex spices and flavors. I totally get you on it feeling a bit heavy though. I find it's best to balance it out with some cooling elements like raita (yogurt sauce) or cucumber slices. Maybe next time you have Indian food, try a lighter dish like a lentil soup (dal) or a veggie curry to see if it feels less heavy?
Korean and Italian I guess. Korean and Italian, I guess. I love the bold flavors and variety of Korean dishes, and the comfort of Italian pasta and pizzas is unbeatable. For a balanced approach to eating, I've been trying carb cycling. It's worth checking out an article about that.
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