What's Your Least Favorite....part 2

don't have one....at least not that I know the name of

WYLF chair restaurant (not fast food)?
Denny's. I worked as a waitress there in high school and haven't been able to eat there since!

WYLF part of your back yard?
ducks!! The pond across the street attracts them and then they are in my yard

WYLF thing about the town you live in?
Broccoli Cheddar

WYLF kind of donut?

Josh is for sure my least fav on BB right now too. (potential spoiler removed) We'll wait and see what happens tonight...
plain glazed

WYLF typical burger condiment?

I heard who is probably going home......I really don't like many of the people this year.

WYLF part of the Big Brother show?

IMO, most of the people are kinda bland. Just along for the ride.


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