When a 5 yo tells you you're fat, you are - christinadei's journal


<font color=red>Tagless for eternity (well, until
Mar 4, 2004
That commercial really hit home to me. My 5 year old tells me i'm fat all the time and you know, if a 5 year old says it, it's true. It may be mean, but it's true and I can't deny it anymore. I weighed 110 lbs 6 years ago when I got pregnant. I weighed myself this morning and I weigh 197.5. Wow, I was never about a size 5 in my life and I never thought I'd get fat. Allthough, I come from a big fat Italian family, so I don't know what I was thinking.

I have back problems which make it really hard to get motivated. When you are hurting, you don't want to exercise. Plus it's hard to sleep because that's when the pain is the worst, so on top of being in pain, I'm always tired. It's a vicious cycle, the more I gain, the worse I feel and less I want to exercise, then I gain more, and on and on.

Well, I'm ready for a new me. I got an elliptical for christmas, and after having to exchange it twice (second time I upgraded), it got set up Saturday night and last night I started my weight loss journey. My goal is to lose 5 lbs per month. If I do that, I'll be a few pounds shy of my goal of 145 in one year.

The funny thing is that I joined weight watchers about a year or so after having DS, weighing 152. I felt so fat. I'd be so, so happy to weigh that now, or to fit in the size 12's I was wearing!
I weighed myself this morning on my tanita and am at 197.5 lbs and 39% body fat :scared1:

I worked out twice yesterday. In the morning and after dinner. I used the elliptical for about 25 minutes each time and went over 4 miles each time! Yay me. For being my first time working out in a long time, it really wasn't bad. I've always loved the ellipticals at the gym though (however long ago it was that I used them ;) ) I read a book, so that made it easier. I think I'll make it my rule, to only read while on there (for pleasure anyway, school books are different). That will motivate me because when I'm reading a good book, I hate to put it down, so I'll probably keep exercising to get to the next chapter or the end of the book. I plan on putting a tv in there and only watchign CSI (my obsession) when I'm in there for sort of the same idea. We need to get a tv hooked up first though.

Oh and as far as dieting, I plan to start out with just watchign what I eat. Making smarter choices, etc. If it's not workign, I'll go to a more structured diet plan. I have a bad habit that when I make a mistake or go off plan, I feel like I failed and end up staying off. Or I'll say, okay, I messed up, so I'll just do bad this whole day and start over tomrrow, but tomorrow never comes. So hopefully I'll be able to stay inspired by making healthy choices and not monitoring my food and becoming a food nazi. My goal is to make food unimportant to me, something to nourish my body and to start looking at it as fuel, not reward or treats or anything like that.
Congratulations on taking the first step to the new you that you want to see! I love the ellipticals at the gym too and reading and watching tv really makes the time fly by!
Wow!! 25 minutes on the eliptical is AWESOME! I haven't even made it to 10 minutes yet!!

Welcome to WISH journaling. It's really a great motivator! Check in whenever you feel the need, and write whatever is going on.

We're all here to help each other!! Good luck! :wave:
Thanks guys!

The first 5 or 10 minutes seem to be the hardest. I feel like I can't go anymore, but I keep going and it gets easier. Plus, taking my mind off it by reading helps and makes the time fly!
Good luck on your journey. It is nice to have a good piece of equipment to work on. That is so important.
calena said:
Good luck on your journey. It is nice to have a good piece of equipment to work on. That is so important.

And a DH who won't let me forget what we paid for it, so I have no choice but to use it :rotfl2:
Welcome to WISH! And congrats on taking that first step to the new, healthy you! I got myself a subscription to People Magazine and I have a rule that I can ONLY read it while on the elliptical or treadmill at the gym. One mag usually lasts for 3 workouts, so I am usually on track to start the new mag everytime it comes in the mail on the weekend! I love the mindless reading, plus it doesn't have a binding so it lays flat on the equipment. Do whatever works for you and whatever motivates you! Make 1 change at a time until it becomes a habit and you will succeed! :cool1:
lovinaz said:
Welcome to WISH! And congrats on taking that first step to the new, healthy you! I got myself a subscription to People Magazine and I have a rule that I can ONLY read it while on the elliptical or treadmill at the gym. One mag usually lasts for 3 workouts, so I am usually on track to start the new mag everytime it comes in the mail on the weekend! I love the mindless reading, plus it doesn't have a binding so it lays flat on the equipment. Do whatever works for you and whatever motivates you! Make 1 change at a time until it becomes a habit and you will succeed! :cool1:

Great minds think alike :rotfl2: really, it's good to know that it works for you and I'm not the only one making up silly rules for myself :teeth:
Just wanted to check in and say that I'm on track. I got a heck of a workout yesterday. I started classes, so I walked all aroudn campus and didn't take the elevator once, so that's lots and lots of stairs and walking. Then I got on the elliptical for just under 20 minutes. I was wore out and couldn't do much more. DH has been awesome and has done the dishes the last two nights so I could work out :cool1:
Just posting an update. It's been a hectic week. I didn't get to work out the rest of the week. Tuesday I went out for dinner with some friends from out of town. WE didn't get home until 10. Wednesday was school and I was wore out plus got home late. I did get exercise though, class is pretty far from the parking garage and I used the stairs all the time. 3 flights for the parking garage, 1 for class and lots of walking and small sets of stairs. Thursday I had a terrible headache, so I went to bed early. Last night we got take out and rented a movie, but it was late by the time I got home after running errands.

I made up for it today, I did 3 sets on the elliptical. It helped that I was at the end of a really good book. Letting myself only read on the treadmill really makes me want to exercise more. I went over 7 miles!

I was going to wait until Monday to weigh, but couldn't help it and I'm down 3.5 lbs since monday! Not bad for my first week. I was worried that I wasn't paying enough attention to what I was eating, but was pleasantly surprised!
WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Way to go on the excercise and the loss!!!!!!! 7 miles is great on the elliptical!

I weighed my official weigh in today and I'm up 1 lb from the other day, so officially 2.5 lbs this week. Maybe I gained from all the exercise, but hey, I'll take a 2.5 lb loss!!!!

I did 2 runs on the elliptical (44 min. total) last night. I downloaded last weeks Desperate Housewives on itunes since my DVR didn't record it. So it worked out perfect for me to do two runs. Yay.
well, I've had an okay week. A really bad one for my back. It's really been killing me. I havent' exercised much all week because of it and it's showing. It looks like I may be up since last week. Monday morning I"ll officially weigh in. I'm hoping to get lots of excercise in this weekend to make up for it. I splurged on hotwings Thursday and that's probably a lot of why I gained. I thought it would be okay to get them. I got 10 wings and carrots instead of the all you can eat, like I usually get. But next time, I'll have to stay away from them alltogether. wings are my weakness. But they aren't worth it!


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