When will Disneyland reopen?

When will Disneyland reopen?

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I picked September. Most schools will be in session, can control a little more the crowds. No major Holiday that month from what I can remember. Test the waters for their busier holiday season. I feel like Summer they might want to wait and see how things flow around.
November is my guess. Before a lot of areas get around to the reopening phase of these kinds of places ie: mass gathering even if it is limited amounts of people I really think there will be a 2nd wave of Covid-19 that will cause a delay. REALLY REALLY hope I am wrong though.
I voted 2021. Based on statements from Newsom regarding the need to get schools open and the state's generally cautious phasing program, I think the state will work to get schools open in August before theme parks even hit the discussion board. Schools are in Phase 2; theme parks are presumed to be in Phase 4. Once schools are open, I think "they" (the powers that be) will give it at least two months to see how things are going with infections, hospitalizations, etc., before the state moves to Phase 3, and at least another two months after that before going to Phase 4. And that's if everything goes well, which it is not currently in LA County. Even though DL is not in LA County, most adjacent counties work very closely together to develop similar response plans, especially in highly populated areas where residents are likely to travel back and forth. So, my crystal ball says no Phase 4--and no theme parks--before January at the earliest.
I optimistically guessed September.

We haven't opened DTD yet. I think DL doesn't open until at least two months after DTD opens, and I think DTD opens in July.

Chapek didn’t seem confident about a July opening, and things always seem to happen later than expected.

My 3 year old son said yesterday that Disneyland will open when the virus is gone. I asked him when that’d be. He said Tuesday. I jokingly asked for a specific date. He said 11 24. I looked at the calendar, and sure enough, Nov 24 is a Tuesday.
I optimistically guessed September.

We haven't opened DTD yet. I think DL doesn't open until at least two months after DTD opens, and I think DTD opens in July.

Chapek didn’t seem confident about a July opening, and things always seem to happen later than expected.

My 3 year old son said yesterday that Disneyland will open when the virus is gone. I asked him when that’d be. He said Tuesday. I jokingly asked for a specific date. He said 11 24. I looked at the calendar, and sure enough, Nov 24 is a Tuesday.

That is hilarious. Kids are so fun!
August which is based upon the Dapper Day email I received. I figure they know more than me (at least I hope they do!) However, I have been overly optimistic in the past and I have been repeatedly incorrect in my forecast!!
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Now back to the OP's question: When will Disneyland reopen?
I guessed September only because I figured with kids back in school (or online school), less people would be traveling and it may be a tad bit easier to deal with reopening. I certainly hope it opens before then, yet, not before it is safe for the workers.
I originally voted July for optimism purposes, but I'm beginning to coalesce around September. Here is my reasoning:

1) Enhanced UI (that +$600 from the federal government for unemployment) expires ~July 25. For a lot of CMs the park, the combination of this + standard unemployment from California makes it more lucrative to stay at home for many (the equivalent of $26/hr give or take, i'm estimating). It would actually be a disservice for TWDC to recall employees to make less (and is a topic many businesses are struggling with).

2) As that period ends, you can recall your employees in August to make preparations for reopening the park -- they would spend all of August applying signs/stickers/paint, augment rides and shopping, and most importantly.... training.

3) Schools would be back in session at that point, another sticking point for bringing back CMs who have children/childcare issues.

4) Demand would be lower as kids are back in school (as stated above by @cruisehopeful )
So I guess that's that.... I'd say July for non-Disney vendors at DtD, August for DtD businesses o/o by TWDC, and September for parks.

Not 2021 because I want that dang UBS analyst that everyone and their mama quotes to be wrong :jester:
I originally voted July for optimism purposes, but I'm beginning to coalesce around September. Here is my reasoning:

1) Enhanced UI (that +$600 from the federal government for unemployment) expires ~July 25. For a lot of CMs the park, the combination of this + standard unemployment from California makes it more lucrative to stay at home for many (the equivalent of $26/hr give or take, i'm estimating). It would actually be a disservice for TWDC to recall employees to make less (and is a topic many businesses are struggling with).​
2) As that period ends, you can recall your employees in August to make preparations for reopening the park -- they would spend all of August applying signs/stickers/paint, augment rides and shopping, and most importantly.... training.​
3) Schools would be back in session at that point, another sticking point for bringing back CMs who have children/childcare issues.​
4) Demand would be lower as kids are back in school (as stated above by @cruisehopeful )​
So I guess that's that.... I'd say July for non-Disney vendors at DtD, August for DtD businesses o/o by TWDC, and September for parks.

Not 2021 because I want that dang UBS analyst that everyone and their mama quotes to be wrong :jester:

Excellent line of reasoning here. I agree.

There's an interesting trend in the poll responses. We're thinking it'll happen sometime in the Summer (July, August, Sept) or not until 2021.

It's almost as if we're thinking that if it doesn't happen by the start of Fall, then it won't open for a long time.
I'm going to be REALLY optimistic here and say September. Reasoning; I think WDW will open in July, Schools will open in some form in August. When it becomes obvious that opening things like beaches, schools, and yes, amusement parks ISN'T what is spreading this, CA will allow DL to open too. other parts of the country may see a resurgence when the weather gets colder and everyone heads back inside. That is not So Cal where we frequently see record heat in October.

If any of this doesn't hold true - then I agree with AlienBrain above. LA in particular has been falling right in line with guidelines following the most dire prediction. Yes, OC is not LA and DL is in OC, but the influence is there.


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