Where are we, Jersey? Bye, Phoenicians! An August 2017 TR * NEW DINING/TR LINKS*

Behold the Strawberry Grey Goose Slush from a stand in FW :love:

But I could be wrong lol. Renee @ArielSRL may remember.......Wherever it was these bushes were close to it:
I got mine from Test Track Cool Wash (or something similar) so obviously right by Test Track. However, there certainly could be more stands in FW.

Back to the slush, it was gooooood. Nice and breakfast-y as any vodka slush should be.
Love it!

Now it was time for our first FP so we returned to TT, but not before hitting up another strawberry GG slush because #priorities.
You go, girl!

And it's a good thing we had a FP because.....

Oh my!

LMAO! I love it! I don't know why he looks this way but his face is almost as good as his RnRc picture!
I am laughing out loud!

While we were riding this, I was relaxing and enjoying and thinking how we were half way through our trip. When we got to the "Thank the Phoenicians" line I turned to Chris and said "Thanks, Phoenicians!" because I'm a dork like that. He said "OMG Mom" which prompted me to say "Bye, Felicia!" I'm sure most of you remember that? Which then led to me saying, "Bye, Phoenicians!"

Stay tuned, the answer might just

Whomp whomp! ;)

Aaaaaaaalllllll those peeps that are small in the pic as well as those in the front were in the SB line. The wait was around 40 minutes which is far too long to wait for SE, as good a ride as it is.
That's how you know it's to dang hot

I'd like to thank Chris for his amazing ride photos :rotfl:
Where in DS were we going? Stay tuned, the answer might just

Ha I see what you did there!
I thought the two new movies at Pixar were cute

Jealous about Spring Break trip. I went last year in March and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Early is key though and low expectations for getting everything you want done.

And I followed on instagram.

Behold the Strawberry Grey Goose Slush from a stand in FW :love: I want to say it was near Figment? But I could be wrong lol. Renee @ArielSRL may remember.......Wherever it was these bushes were close to it:
Bushes? Vodka? What more does a girl really need to know :-) Only you and I would never judge a little vodka before noon. May I be right there with ya in t-minus 19 days cause Epcot is our first park!


See how those bushes are squared off? When Steve and I did the UnDiscovered Futureworld tour last year, we learned that all the bushes in FW are square because......of the future :scratchin and over in WS they're rounded; the curbs are the same. Um, that isn't the best explanation and it was much better on the tour lol, I probably should have just left this part out. But I like the picture and wanted to try giving you all a little trivia. My bad!
I can totally imagine you now wearing a plaid vest giving the tour and trying to explain the difference between square and round curbs :-)

What did the square curbs of FW say to the rounded curbs in WS? Haven't I seen you around? :P

Now it was time for our first FP so we returned to TT, but not before hitting up another strawberry GG slush because #priorities.
Priorities indeed. Getting so excited for our time together :drinking1


LMAO! I love it! I don't know why he looks this way but his face is almost as good as his RnRc picture!
It really isn't that far off. Maybe he was afraid there was a loop in SE too? :-)

While we were riding this, I was relaxing and enjoying and thinking how we were half way through our trip. When we got to the "Thank the Phoenicians" line I turned to Chris and said "Thanks, Phoenicians!" because I'm a dork like that. He said "OMG Mom" which prompted me to say "Bye, Felicia!" I'm sure most of you remember that? Which then led to me saying, "Bye, Phoenicians!"
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Can't wait to find out how the Phoenicians got go Jersey!

Stay tuned, the answer might just

Hmm, wonder what this may be :P
Aaaah I'm playing catch up before it's radio silence from me next week as we're on the cruise!
Text me when you get to WDW in two weeks and we will meet up for sure!
Times Square Disney Store! It's multiple levels and there was lots of cute stuff, but I didn't want to be carrying big bags into the theater. I did buy a neat NY Disney shirt which I forgot to take a picture of. It's in the laundry now but I'll add a picture later :) Some other cute NY-themed merchandise

The stuff there is sooooo cute! I was there with @KathyM2 a few weeks ago and we were fawning over all the NY Disney stuff.

The following day after school we went to see another surgeon for Ricky's ACL. We liked him and he'll be doing Ricky's surgery on 11/10, 2 days after Steve and I return from our Food & Wine trip. Until then Ricky has p/t 3x a week; it's extremely important that both his legs are as strong as possible prior to the surgery, this will help him with his rehab and hopefully make it a little less long. His coach is still completely awesome and didn't flinch last night at Parent's Night when I again thanked him and cried like a baby lol. Instead he hugged me and went on and on about Ricky and how he'll do whatever it takes to keep him in the program, and even though he has to sit this year out he feels Ricky will learn a lot following the Varsity team this year and be stronger when he returns to the Varsity team next year. It truly made my heart happy and hearing it all in person has taken a bit of a load off my mind.

Great to hear the news that he's well taken care of!

While we were on TOT Steve took Chris to the 6:30 Pixar Live show. I'd read reviews; I didn't tell Steve I though Chris would hate it and I'm glad I didn't because they both loved it! Chris kept saying he wanted Ricky and I to see it but unfortunately we weren't able to fit it in at all during the trip.

Ooh I wanted to see this but we missed it. I hope they have it again! We have seen Pixar in concert when it was playing at Lincoln Center and we loved it!

After that we met up I wanted to search for my GMR AP limited edition shirt that so far had eluded me. We walked in every shop down Sunset Blvd. to no avail. We then went in every store up and down Hollywood Blvd and in the big one whose name I can't remember and am too lazy to look up, I found the non-AP one. I would have gotten it except they only had one size left and it was far from my size, UGH! I had decided I REALLY wanted this. The CM there said that on Thurs., which was two days away, there would be lots of inventory available on the Shop Parks app.

I really hope you eventually got your shirt!

So here I start telling her how I fell in love with the park and the Old Hollywood theme of MGM, which I won't recount for you since I've done that here before. She started telling me about her first visit years ago when it was MGM and also loving that vibe (although she's about 20 or so years younger than me). I tell her there are MANY, MANY people who are angry and saddened that GMR is going away, that many have great nostalgia for the ride and are mourning the loss of the overall theme of the park even though we know things have to change and they'll be great blah, blah, blah. My kids are rolling their eyes at me and poor Courtney starts crying, I felt horrible! She's saying how happy she is to hear guests have so much love for GMR but I start apologizing for making her cry. Then she hugs me :goodvibes and since I can't leave well enough alone I then ask her how they all found out about the closing.
HER: Everyone working the day of D23 was watching the convention on screens in the break room. Shortly before the announcement we were called to another room where they broke the news to us; so we pretty much found out in real time. It was horrible, most of us were bawling and then had to go right back to work. Even management was crying as they found out about 20 minutes before us.

You are welcome for that behind the scenes info. on how Disney makes their employees sad. And me sad. Happy to have had that conversation with Courtney but once again, sad about the change that was a-comin'.

Aww the CMs were so sad about it ending as well...:(
Can't believe the announcement was so quick and all of a sudden it was closed!

Soon Disney Movie Magic started and I have to say, while not big on projection shows I think this is my favorite because - say it with me - it has that "Old Hollywood" feel:

I really enjoyed this too!!

None of us really liked it. I want fireworks and there are hardly any, making me miss the first SW show they did a year or so ago more. Now that was great! Even Ricky didn't like it. With a couple minutes left we turned and walked away with the intent of getting to the bus stop before the crowd, but as soon as we hit the corner of Hollywood Blvd. some fireworks started so we turned to watch. They were decent, there just weren't enough. Sorry friends! But now I can say I've seen it.

I much preferred the old fireworks they had too. But I will take anything Star Wars!!


YAY Awesome!!


Behold the Strawberry Grey Goose Slush from a stand in FW :love: I want to say it was near Figment? But I could be wrong lol.

Oooh looks so good! I'm gonna hunt this down!!!


See how those bushes are squared off? When Steve and I did the UnDiscovered Futureworld tour last year, we learned that all the bushes in FW are square because......of the future :scratchin and over in WS they're rounded; the curbs are the same.

Haha I noticed that on our last trip!!


LMAO! I love it! I don't know why he looks this way but his face is almost as good as his RnRc picture!

Hilarious picture! Looks like a face my Steve would make riding SE.

While we were riding this, I was relaxing and enjoying and thinking how we were half way through our trip. When we got to the "Thank the Phoenicians" line I turned to Chris and said "Thanks, Phoenicians!" because I'm a dork like that. He said "OMG Mom" which prompted me to say "Bye, Felicia!" I'm sure most of you remember that? Which then led to me saying, "Bye, Phoenicians!"

Thank the Phoenicians that Ariane is a dork which make for some funny TRs!!! :)

By now the slush's, club food and cookie were wearing off so after a stop in Mouse Gears to search again for my Farewell GMR AP shirt we went over to WS in search of some lunch. It was about 12:30ish and my plan was to leave Epcot by 2 for our next destination which was something we'd been wanting to try for a couple years but kept cutting out of our plans. First stop was La Cantina de San Angel followed by Les Halles because one QS stop wasn't enough. France put us in the perfect spot to begin the trek to Disney Springs; we took a boat to the BW (too hot to walk anymore!) and caught the bus. Where in DS were we going? Stay tuned, the answer might just

I know. I'm sorry. It's late.

LOL I guess you didn't get your shirt yet?
Can't wait to see what's next...hmmm, BOWLing? LOL! :rotfl:

Anyways, if I dont' get a chance to stop by again, before I leave this Saturday, I will SEE YOU REAL SOON in WDW!!! :hug:
We sat there and ate, and watched another CL guest inquire about using the CL phone to call her relatives back in Europe. They let her do it no problem :) She told the CM that her phone wasn't working, or wouldn't let her through, or something like that. The CM was super nice about letting her make the call.
Wow that is really nice of them. I guess they don't really care though, they don't have to pay the bill :rotfl2:

Behold the Strawberry Grey Goose Slush from a stand in FW :love: I want to say it was near Figment? But I could be wrong lol. Renee @ArielSRL may remember.......Wherever it was these bushes were close to it:
Um what?! I need this in my life, added to my list.

See how those bushes are squared off? When Steve and I did the UnDiscovered Futureworld tour last year, we learned that all the bushes in FW are square because......of the future :scratchin and over in WS they're rounded; the curbs are the same. Um, that isn't the best explanation and it was much better on the tour lol, I probably should have just left this part out. But I like the picture and wanted to try giving you all a little trivia. My bad!
I for one enjoyed your trivia

"Get a Horse" is the one that's been there since the beginning. I didn't realize but I'd seen "Piper" before too. The boys enjoyed the films and they're all cute.
I didn't realize they had changed them, Feast is one of my favorites though.

LMAO! I love it! I don't know why he looks this way but his face is almost as good as his RnRc picture!
:rotfl:Great picture

It was about 12:30ish and my plan was to leave Epcot by 2 for our next destination which was something we'd been wanting to try for a couple years but kept cutting out of our plans.
Oh I am intrigued

Okay now I got it
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:

and also a nice break/stress reliever for all of us.
Yes, I agree. ::yes::

The old SW show had all that, I wish HS would just leave s@*t alone lol!
Seriously!? Just leave well enough alone, Disney. And bring back Old Hollywood while you're at it :sad2:

The contest ends 11/1, there are lots of us participating but I'll let you know how I do
I'm rooting for you! And already follow you on IG :thumbsup2

We were down to the bus stop at 8:35, bus came 8:37 and we were in front of Test Track at 9:04.

but not before hitting up another strawberry GG slush because #priorities.
Ooooh, breakfast of champions. :drinking1

I know, weird and not too exciting but I never said I was a car girl.

I don't know why he looks this way but his face is almost as good as his RnRc picture!

Which then led to me saying, "Bye, Phoenicians!"
This is the greatest story - you had me cracking up!!!

Stay tuned, the answer might just

I know. I'm sorry. It's late.
Oooh, I can't imagine what you're doing next :rotfl:
How fun! Love those Spaceship Earth photos!

I also love the information about the bushes...so many interesting tidbits many people don't know about. We did the Segway tour at EPCOT several years ago, and it was one of my favorites not only because it was cool to try the Segway but also because you learned so much interesting stuff about EPCOT, most of which I've forgotten of course!

I'm going to have to add the Pixar Short Film Festival to my list as it's something we haven't done, PLUS I know there is also the Chase Visa character photo op over there as well and we have yet to visit. That might be on my list for this week.
I’m going to hunt down the strawberry vodka slush. It looks great. And you can throw out all the tidbits that you learn from the Disney tours that you want. I love hearing that stuff. Now I’ll be looking for rectangular bushes and curbs next time we are in Epcot. :)
I haven't said hi before now (HI!!!), but I've been reading along. Your parting line actually made me laugh out loud. Ha! I guess I'm corny like that :yay:
Just followed you on Insta. But you don't need to worry about following me back! All I have are photos from the Woman's March and a dollhouse I made!

Change of pace, Chris actually decided to make a car with ME:

That is one rockin' car!

See how those bushes are squared off? When Steve and I did the UnDiscovered Futureworld tour last year, we learned that all the bushes in FW are square because......of the future :scratchin and over in WS they're rounded; the curbs are the same. Um, that isn't the best explanation and it was much better on the tour lol, I probably should have just left this part out. But I like the picture and wanted to try giving you all a little trivia. My bad!

That is pretty cool! I would love to take one of those backstage/extra info tours. I offered it to my dad for his birthday (at Disneyland), but he hasn't taken me up on it yet!

"Get a Horse" is the one that's been there since the beginning. I didn't realize but I'd seen "Piper" before too. The boys enjoyed the films and they're all cute.

I loved Piper, I think it was in front of Finding Dory. So cute!

The FP line still took a good 15 minutes but it was worth it to get these pictures of Chris, who sat with me but for some reason my face didn't show up

He looks in pain! Is it bad I'm laughing...
I'm generally a lurker and don't comment much on TR's, but I want to say I've been enjoying yours!
Thank you and :welcome: I'm glad you finally came out of hiding!

I tore my ACL in March this year and had surgery in April. I can't imagine how it would have affected me going through it in high school when sports were such a big part of what I did. I wish him a smooth recovery!! It's a long process since certain things can't be rushed, but I'm sure he'll bounce back at a record pace being so young and athletic.
Yes, I'm sure it's better)?) to tear it when you're not in the middle of your high school sports career, and even better if you're old like me and it doesn't matter if you never do anything more strenuous than walk :( I think he has a pretty good grip on the fact that it's a long recovery but you're right, since he's young and athletic and in really good shape I'm convinced he'll kick butt during the recovery process.
How're you feeling?
zzrelly, post: 58331781, member: 101072"]I like the trivia! Kept it coming! Maybe this will be my next tour :cool1:[/QUOTE]
You guys should definitely do the UnDiscovered tour, I feel weird saying this but I THINK I liked it even more than KTTK :tongue: However I do wonder how the tour will change with the.....changes coming to FW-Ellen's turning to Guardians, even fewer attractions in Innoventions than ever, etc. It's based largely on each pavilion and the history of them so I guess as long as they're still there they can do it but I still wonder if it'll be as awesome.

Of course! And it has fruit which is always part of a balanced breakfast!
:thumbsup2 Pretty sure that's why they sell it in the morning lol!

I think we should ALL thank the Grey-Goose Slushies, for the title of this trip report! :rotfl2:
LMAO, I think they definitely had something to do with the TR title!

Square bushes...because...future? Okay, sure.
:rolleyes1 I know, I totally dropped the ball here but there IS a connection. Somehow a connection....you guys will have to take the tour to find out ;)

I was so curious about this! You're such a cool mom, obviously. :cool2:
I AM cool. It's only my kids who don't know this yet.

Ariane. Oh my gawd. :sad2:

Haha kidding. I actually laughed.
Again, I KNOW. Cut me some slack, girlie! I never make stupid silly obvious jokes but this just SCREAMED for one :P

Awesome! How about a monorail resort cocktail crawl?????

You had me at slushy :love: that looks so good can’t wait to try one or two next month :drinking1
I'm looking forward to the GG slush and possibly another strawberry one in FW, but there are so many drinks at the F&W booths I want to try I just don't know HOW I'll fit them all in lol
I got mine from Test Track Cool Wash (or something similar) so obviously right by Test Track. However, there certainly could be more stands in FW.
I was pretty positive that's where you got it and I was surprised when I saw it-wherever it was that I saw it lol. Must have it in two places!

I'd like to thank Chris for his amazing ride photos :rotfl:
If he knew I was sharing all these he'd run away!
Maybe I'll tell him :scratchin

Jealous about Spring Break trip. I went last year in March and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Early is key though and low expectations for getting everything you want done.
I've heard it's not really that bad and that the week AFTER Easter is worse than the week before; we're going the week before. It'll be interesting to compare it to Thanksgiving week since that's the only other real holiday time we've been other than Mother's Day.

And I followed on instagram.
:thanks: and I believe I followed you back!

Bushes? Vodka? What more does a girl really need to know :-)
Not much, as long as you use both appropriately and responsibly :rolleyes1

May I be right there with ya in t-minus 19 days cause Epcot is our first park!
Make a beeline to the slush!

I can totally imagine you now wearing a plaid vest giving the tour and trying to explain the difference between square and round curbs :-)
Now I want to be a plaid next time we go to MNSSHP and if that happens I'm totally writing a speech about the bushes and curbs.

What did the square curbs of FW say to the rounded curbs in WS? Haven't I seen you around? :P
OMG, I don't know if this is better or worse than my "It'll bowl you over" line

Priorities indeed. Getting so excited for our time together :drinking1
So am I, it's going to be awesome :goodvibes

Text me when you get to WDW in two weeks and we will meet up for sure!
Definitely will do!

Ooh I wanted to see this but we missed it. I hope they have it again!
So do I!

I really hope you eventually got your shirt!
Well I know this will totally spoil the rest of my TR giving you this it of info, but yes I did finally get it :D

I much preferred the old fireworks they had too. But I will take anything Star Wars!!
I understand why SW lovers would still enjoy the current show. With the original show that was mainly fireworks you didn't necessarily have to be a fan of the movies or have seen any of them; with the new one you get a little lost with the projections if you aren't familiar with the storyline.

Thank the Phoenicians that Ariane is a dork which make for some funny TRs!!! :)
lol, I'm a COOL dork :cool1: Coming up with TR and dining report titles is serious business!

Anyways, if I dont' get a chance to stop by again, before I leave this Saturday, I will SEE YOU REAL SOON in WDW!!! :hug:
I cannot wait!!
I for one enjoyed your trivia
Well thank you, I'm glad the tiny scattered details I remember are still interesting to someone!
I didn't realize they had changed them, Feast is one of my favorites though.

I'm rooting for you! And already follow you on IG :thumbsup2
:thanks: We have two contests going on now, the other one will be a bit easier to win but I like the "prize" for the IG one better :goodvibes

This is the greatest story - you had me cracking up!!!
I commented to someone above (I think Su-Lynn), coming up with TR and dining report names is serious business! The first few reports I did, I almost lost sleep trying to come up with a title people wouldn't just skip over. Lucky for me an entertaining CM pretty much gave me the first part of this title :laughing: But we'll get to that!

Oooh, I can't imagine what you're doing next :rotfl:
I'm so good with the cliffhangers :rotfl2:

What is on top of that car? :rotfl:
IDK, I panicked lol!!

also love the information about the bushes...so many interesting tidbits many people don't know about. We did the Segway tour at EPCOT several years ago, and it was one of my favorites not only because it was cool to try the Segway but also because you learned so much interesting stuff about EPCOT, most of which I've forgotten of course!
I thought the Segway tour looked awesome, but by the time Steve and I started doing adults only trips and taking tours, they stopped it :( I also wish we were doing another tour next month but the trip is so short and we have lots of F&W stuff to get in!

I'm going to have to add the Pixar Short Film Festival to my list as it's something we haven't done, PLUS I know there is also the Chase Visa character photo op over there as well and we have yet to visit. That might be on my list for this week.
Yes definitely do the Pixar films, it's a nice relaxing attraction and all three current films are good :)
And you can throw out all the tidbits that you learn from the Disney tours that you want. I love hearing that stuff. Now I’ll be looking for rectangular bushes and curbs next time we are in Epcot. :)
I've forgotten so many of the little details we've learned on the tours, but then when we're in the parks and walk by certain things they come back to me. I can't wait to take our next tour!

I haven't said hi before now (HI!!!), but I've been reading along. Your parting line actually made me laugh out loud. Ha! I guess I'm corny like that :yay:
Hi there, glad to have you along again! I hope everyone is well, I'd love to see a picture of baby Miles :goodvibes

Just followed you on Insta. But you don't need to worry about following me back! All I have are photos from the Woman's March and a dollhouse I made!
Thank you!! I'm going to follow you back anyway if I haven't already, your pictures sound more interesting than mine lol.

That is one rockin' car!
The kids make some good ones! I think I get too nervous trying to make mine look good and then they look weird.

That is pretty cool! I would love to take one of those backstage/extra info tours. I offered it to my dad for his birthday (at Disneyland), but he hasn't taken me up on it yet!
We've done 3: two in Mk and the one in Epcot. We've enjoyed them all and while Keys to the Kingdom in MK often gets the most praise here, I have to say I think I actually enjoyed UnDiscovered FutureWorld in Epcot more! Most likely because I knew more MK trivia than Epcot trivia. There's another Epcot tour we want to do in WS and someday I want to do an AK tour, but Steve isn't a big animal fan.

I loved Piper, I think it was in front of Finding Dory. So cute!
That's where I saw it! I knew it was familiar but couldn't place where I'd watched it before :)

He looks in pain! Is it bad I'm laughing...
lol not at all, I bring Chris here for everyone's entertainment :laughing:


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