Where to find Mardi Gras beads?


Jan 9, 2001
My sister and I went to Disneyland last year and while in New Orleans Sq. we were given some mardi gras beads. My sister gave me hers, because she knew that I loved them (My favorite colors have been green and purple since I was a kid!). I would love to find some really great beads to give her when I return from my trip to WDW in August. Is there anywhere in WDW that sells these? Maybe at Port Orleans? I would really like to repay her kindness to me.

Thanks for any help you can give.
I'll be at Port Orleans this weekend, I will be glad to look for you!


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Thanks! I would appreciate that!

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I'm from New Orleans. I have all the beads you could want. If you would like me to send you some, email me. Lele271@aol.com
lele... I'm from your neck of the woods also. I live in the St. Mark Church area. "It is a small world after all"... I'm happy to find someone from the "Parish" on the boards :D

<img width="150"SRC="http://www.weddingcove.com/images/bwv_logo_trans.gif">

We were at PO this past October. We found beads and other necklaces for free at the checkouts of the food court. Good luck


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